A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Saturday Concerts, Crystal Palace
SATURDAY CONCERTS, CRYSTAL PALACE. For these see vol. i. p. 422a. They continue on the same footing as there described; and since that date (Oct. 1878) Brahms's Second Symphony, Academic and Tragic Overtures, and Violin Concerto; Raff's 'Im Walde,' 'Frühlingsklänge,' and 'Im Sommer,' Symphonies; Liszt's 'Ideale'; Rubinstein's 'Tower of Babel,' 'Dramatic' Symphony, and PF. Concerto in G; Goetz's Symphony, PF. Concerto, Overtures; Bandini's 'Eleonore'; Smetana's 'Vltava'; Bizet's 'Roma'; Sullivan's 'Martyr of Antioch'; Cowen's Scandinavian Symphony; Schubert's 8 Symphonies in chronological order, and many other new works have been brought forward.
[ G. ]