A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Semler, Franz
SEMLER, Franz Xaver, a viola-player of some renown in Berlin, the last to use the viola as a solo instrument. He was born in 1772 and lasted down to Feb. 27, 1857. His sister Sophie (afterwards Frau Neilas) in 1784 made a great hit as Constanze in the 'Entfuhrung.' Mozart visited her in 1789 at Potsdam, and her brother tells a charming little story, for which his name is worth preserving. 'Mozart was asked to extemporise, and, as usual, was willing enough. He sat down to the piano, and asked the company for two themes. My sister stood close by to watch his playing. Mozart, always full of his fun, looked up at her and said, "Come, haven't you too got a bit of a subject for me?" (Habens auch a Themerl aufen Gewissen). She hummed one; on which he began in his own charming style, toying first with one and then with the others, and at last bringing in all three together to the delight of everybody.' (Otto Jahn, ii. 411, from Semler's own account.)
[ G. ]