A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Terce
TERCE (Lat. Officium (vel Oratio) ad horam tertiam. Ad tertiam). The second division of the Lesser Hours, in the Roman Breviary. The Office consists of the Versicle and Response, 'Deus in adjutorium'; the Hymn 'Nunc Sancte nobis Spiritus'; 48 Verses of the Psalm, 'Beati immaculati,' beginning at Verse 33, and sung in three divisions under a single Antiphon; the Capitulum and Responsorium for the Season; and the Prayer or Collect for the Day. The Plain Chaunt Music proper to the Office will be found in the 'Antiphonarium Romanum,' and the 'Directorium Chori.'
[ W. S. R. ]