A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Trillo del Diavolo, Il
TRILLO DEL DIAVOLO, IL. A famous sonata by Tartini, for violin solo with bass accompaniment, which is so called from its being an attempt to recollect the playing of the devil in a dream. [See Tartini; vol. iv. p. 62a.] The Sonata consists of Larghetto affettuoso, Allegro, and Finale—Andante and Allegro intermixed. All the movements are in G minor. It is in the Allegro of the Finale that the Trill occurs, a long shake with a second syncopated part going on at the same time.
![{ \new Staff \relative c' { \time 2/4 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \key g \minor
<< { cis16 b a4 e'8\trill | ees2\startTrillSpan | ees4. f8 |
f2 | f4. a8 | a2 | a4. bes8 | bes2 } \\
{ s4. a,8 _~ | a cis4 e8 _~ | e a,4 a8 _~ | a d4 f8 _~ |
f a,4 d8 _~ | d fis4 a8 _~ | a d,4 d8 _~ | d g4 bes8 } >>
\stopStaff s8^\markup \left-column { "and so on for" "11 bars" "more." } } }](http://upload.wikimedia.org/score/i/z/izah8foo1b282oznjstn2sdilvpsyp9/izah8foo.png)
[ G. ]