A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Turner, Austin
TURNER, Austin T., born at Bristol, 1823, was a chorister at the Cathedral there, and at the age of 20 was appointed vicar choral at Lincoln. He went to Australia in 1854, and was selected as singing master to the Government School at Ballarat, where he now resides. He was the pioneer of music in that place, being the first conductor of the Philharmonic Society, which among other oratorios has performed Mendelssohn's 'St. Paul' and Spohr's 'Last Judgment,' and, for the first time in Australia, Sullivan's 'Prodigal Son.' His sacred cantata 'Adoration,' for solos, chorus, and full orchestra, was produced by the Melbourne Philharmonic Society on Nov. 24, 1874. He is also the author of a choral song; two masses, sung with full orchestral accompaniments at St. Francis' Church, Melbourne; several glees, madrigals, and minor works. He has been organist of Christ Church, Ballarat, for many years.
[ G. ]