A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Waldmädchen, Das
WALDMÄDCHEN, DAS (das Stumme W. or das Mädchen im Spessartswalde). An opera in 2 acts; words by Ritter von Steinsburg, music by Weber. His second dramatic work; composed in 1800; produced at Freiberg, Nov. 24, 1800—not at Chemnitz in October [App. p.814 "for in October read until December"]. It was used up in Silvana das Waldmädchen, his sixth opera, 1810, and only three fragments are known. [App. p.814 "Concerning its being used up in 'Silvana,' see vol. iv. p. 412b."] Silvana was produced in English (as 'Sylvana') at the Surrey Theatre, under Elliston's management, Sept. a, 1828. It has been again revived, with a revised libretto by Herr Pasqué, and with 'musical amplifications,' at Hamburg and Lübeck in the spring of 1885.
[ G. ]