A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Ammaron
AMMARON, was the son of Amos the elder, a descendant of Alma and Nephi, He received the sacred records from his brother Amos, the younger (A. C. 306). Owing to the increasing depravity and vileness of the Nephites, he was constrained by the Holy Ghost to hide up all the sacred things which had been handed down from generation to generation (A. C. 321). The place where he hid them is said to have been in the land Antum, in a hill “which shall be called Shim.” After he had hidden them up, he informed Mormon, then a child ten years old, of what he had done, and placed the buried treasures in his charge. He instructed Mormon to go when he was about twenty-four years old, to the hill where they were hidden, and take the plates of Nephi and record thereon what he had observed “concerning the people.” The remainder of the records, etc., he was to leave where they were. After this we have no information of Ammaron's life. He must have been a very old man, as his father Amos died 126 years before the time that he buried the sacred engravings.