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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Emer

From Wikisource

EMER. One of the early kings of the Jaredites. Two years before his death, Omer, his father, anointed him to reign in his stead. Emer was one of the best kings of his race, he executed judgment in righteousness all his days. In his reign the people greatly increased in numbers and in wealth, becoming the owners of large herds of useful animals, and rich in agricultural and mineral products, in gems and fine manufactured goods. The curse, also, which had come upon the land during the days of Akish because of the iniquity of the people, began to be removed, as they were now living more righteously. Emer's was a lengthy reign; sixty-two years are mentioned; but it is not evident whether this period covers the whole of his reign or not. When he died, full of years and honor, he was succeeded by one of his numerous sons, named Coriantum, whom he had anointed king four years before his death. It is recorded of Emer that he saw the Son of Righteousness, and did rejoice and glorify in his day.