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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Giddonah (II)

From Wikisource

GIDDONAH, The presiding High Priest of the Nephite Church in the Land of Gideon (B. C. 75), The only time that his name is mentioned is on the occasion when Korihor, the notorious anti-Christ, was brought before him and the Chief Judge in that land. On this occasion Giddonah appears to have acted with great wisdom and prudence. Finding that Korihor would revile against God, the atonement, the coming of Christ, the acts of the priesthood, etc., and in the hardness of his heart would lie, traduce, and blaspheme in a breath, Giddonah refused to be drawn into a controversy, and simply heard Korihor's outrageous plea in silence, as did also the Chief Justice. Then, considering the matter was one that should be submitted to the highest officers in the whole land, they delivered the impostor into the hands of the proper officers, with instructions to convey him to the city of Zarahemla, and bring him before the presiding civil and ecclesiastical authorities, which was done. It is not improbable that he was the father of the Prophet Amulek (Alma, 10:2).