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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Himni

From Wikisource

HIMNI. One of the four sons of king Mosiah, and apparently the youngest, who went up to the land of Lehi-Nephi to minister among the Lamanites, (B. C. 91). With the rest of his brothers, he was faithful in the performance of the labors of this great mission, and with them he returned at its close to his home in Zarahemla. Of his individual labors, or in what particular lands he ministered, we have no account. After his return he still continued a zealous and devoted servant of the Lord; and in B. C. 75, when Alma, the high priest, took his brothers to the land of Antionum to preach to the Zoramites, we are told he left Himni with the church in Zarahemla. This is the last notice we have in the Book of Mormon of this God-fearing and virtuous prince.