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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Jared

From Wikisource

JARED. The founder of the Jaredite race. He was apparently, one of those engaged in the building of the Tower of Babel. It is presumable that he was a descendant of Shem, as he, and most certainly his brother, held the holy priesthood. We are inclined to believe, from the brief narrative in the Book of Ether, that Jared's brother was the leading spirit of the colony that accompanied these brothers on their toilsome journey to this continent. Of Jared's private character we are told but little, but he appears to have been more conservative, more pliable and less energetic than his brother. The race was named after him, we presume, because one of his sons, Orihah, became its first king, and Jared's thus became the royal family. Jared had four sons and eight daughters: the names of his sons were Jacom, Gilgah, Mahah, and Orihah. Jared lived to a great age. He died and was buried in the land of Moron. (For particulars of the journey of Jared and his people see Jared, Brother of.)