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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Lemuel

From Wikisource

LEMUEL. The second son of Lehi and Sariah, born in Jerusalem, about B. C. 620 or 625. He appears in history as the shadow of his elder brother, Laman; where the latter led he followed, but lacked, to some extent, the active, aggressive malignity of Laman's turbulent and vindictive character. In all the rebellions in the Arabian wilderness, in all the murmurings against the providences of the Lord, in all the inhuman assaults upon Nephi, Lemuel sided with and sustained Laman, and when, after the death of Lehi, the colony divided, Lemuel and his family joined their fortunes to that of his elder brother. Of Lemuel's domestic life we only know that he married a daughter of Ishmael. Of the time and place of his death we are told nothing. The descendants of Lemuel appear to have inherited the characteristics of their progenitor — they took a secondary place in the Lamanite nation, and we do not read of one prominent charactler, either in Nephite or Lamanite history, who was descended from him.