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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Lib (II)

From Wikisource

LIB. A commander opposed to Coriantumr, in the great series of wars that ended in the destruction of the Jaredite race. In size he was a giant, being the largest man in the nation. He was also high in authority among the members of the secret associations that at that time held almost unbounded power among that people. He came to the throne through the murder of his predecessor, having himself committed the vile deed. In the first year of his reign, Coriantumr came tip against him, and drove his forces to the borders of the sea. In this battle, however, Lib and Coriantumr met in single combat, and the latter was severely wounded by his adversary. A second battle took place on the sea shore, in which Lib was victorious, and the enemy retreated to the wilderness of Akish. and thence to the plains of Agosh. Here Coriantumr made another stand, and in the battle that ensued Lib was killed. His brother, named Shiz, took command, continued the fight, and obtained a decisive victory.