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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Pachus

From Wikisource

PACHUS. During the entire continuance of the Nephite Commonwealth there appear to have been very many of the Nephites to whom the pomp and glamour of royalty had uncontrollable fascinations. Such we find ever ready to support Amlici, Pachus, Jacob or any other man who put forth claims to the kingly authority. This feeling, probably, with some, had its origin in the pleasant remembrances of the happy days of the good kings Benjamin and Mosiah, but we fear it was too often attributable to a selfish ambition which saw personal agrandizement or exalted position in the restoration of the monarchy. None of these outbreaks appear to have gained greater temporary success than that which was led by Pachus (B. C. 62).

The time chosen for this rebellion was one admirably suited for its unholy purposes. The Nephites were weakened by the long continuance of one of their most bloody wars with the Lamanites, in which the audacity of the enemy had resulted in the loss of many cities. This state of affairs naturally caused discontent, which was increased by the subtlety of the traitors, who used all their influence to weaken the hands of the government, at the same time, doubtless, contrasting the glories of the monarchy with the misfortunes of the republic. These wiles had their effect, the king-men rose in power, took possession of the city of Zarahemla, withheld reinforcements and provisions from the national troops on the battlefield, and drove the Chief Judge, Pahoran, out of the capital. The latter retired across the Sidon to the city of Gideon.

Pachus was then recognized as king of the Nephites. Thereupon he opened communications with the Lamanites, by which he agreed to hold Zarahemla against the forces of the republic, while the Lamanites continued the warfare on the Atlantic coast and in the southwest. In this way, the contracting parties expected to conquer the patriot forces.

When Pahoran reached Gideon, he issued a proclamation to the people in the regions around about to gather to the defense of their common liberties. This appeal was so heartily responded to, that the king-men were afraid to risk the issues of battle outside of Zarahemla. Such was the situation when Pahoran wrote to Moroni, the commander-in-chief of the armies of the Commonwealth, to come to his rescue. Moroni, who was fighting on the Atlantic seaboard , promptly obeyed. Gathering up volunteers as he marched, he quickly arrived at Gideon, where he joined his forces to those of Pahoran, and unitedly they marched into the land of Zarahemla. A battle ensued in which the royalists were defeated and king Pachus was slain. As a natural consequence, Pahoran was reinstated in the judgment seat, and for a short time the Nephite Commonwealth was free from internal dissension. The trials of the captured king-men then commenced. Those found guilty of treason were executed, or were allowed the privilege of joining the armies in the field and fighting for the liberties of the people. Many embraced this offer, while others preferred to die with the lost cause, rather than take up arms in defense of the government they hated.