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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Sidon, River

From Wikisource

SIDON, RIVER. The most important river in Nephite history; known to-day as the Magdalena. It runs northward through the United States of Colombia and empties into the Caribbean Sea. In the days of the Nephites it formed an important factor in their civilization, as many of their largest cities were built on its banks, and its valleys were the most densely populated of any part of the country. Near its head waters was Manti, the chief city of the south, and further north were Gideon and Zarahemla. It was also the grand trunk road to the land of Nephi, and along its banks poured the hosts of the dark-skinned Lamanites when they forced their way into the land of Zarahemla. Among the most important events that occurred in its immediate neighborhood were:

The Amlicites defeated at the hill Amnihu, B.C. 87.

Two invading armies of the Lamanites defeated, one on its west bank, the other on the east, B. C. 87.

The Lamanites defeated at the hill Riplah, B. C. 74.

Manti captured by the Lamanites, (about) B. C. 68.

Manti reoccupied by the Nephites, B. C. 63.

The Lamanites invade Zarahemla, capture the capital and advance northward, but are finally driven back, B, C. 51.

The Lamanites again invade Zarahemla, B. C. 35.

The Lamanites obtain possession of the whole of South America, B. C. 33.

The Lamanites, being converted, restore to the Nephites Zarahemla and the lands they had wrested from them, B. C. 30,

The Nephites, under Lachoneus, all gather to the lands of Zarahemla and Bountiful, A. C. 17.

The Nephites return to their homes on both continents, A. C. 26.

Zarahemla and other cities destroyed during the great storms and earthquakes that attended the crucifixion of the Redeemer, A. C. 34.