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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Tubaloth

From Wikisource

TUBALOTH. A king of the Lamanites who waged war against the Nephites in the days of the Judges. He was of Nephite extraction being the son of Ammoron, the brother of Amalickiah, and a descendant of Zoram the servant of Laban. His father was killed by the Nephite general Teancum (B. C. 61), and it is probable that he succeeded his father on the throne, though he is not mentioned by name until ten years afterwards (B. C. 51). The death of Ammoron ended one of the most disastrous and long-continued wars that had ever devastated the lands of the Nephites, and appears to have been terminated by the Lamanites from sheer exhaustion. It was not until eight years afterwards that they again invaded the territory of their traditional enemies, when they were driven back to their own lands with great loss. Two years later, Tubaloth gathered and equipped an immense army, which he placed under a general named Coriantumr, who, disregarding the old tactics, marched directly to the city of Zarahemla, which he surprised and captured, and then continued his march northward towards the land Bountiful. But he was out-generaled and utterly defeated by the Nephites, he himself being slain; the remnants of his army were allowed by Moronihah to return to their own land. So disastrous was this campaign, that for sixteen years Nephite soil was free from the tread of the invader. We have no means of telling if Tubaloth was still king when the Lamanites recommenced hostilities in B. C. 35.