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A Dictionary of the Sunda language/C

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Cha-ah, a flood, an inundation, a rise in the rivers after rain. Chai geus cha-ah, the river is swollen with a flood.

Cha-ah d£ngd£ng, a flood which comes down suddenly, some two to four feet or more high, which has great force , and sweeps dams and other impediments away before it. A Bore.

Cha-ang, clear, bright, brilliant; cleaned up, put in order; daylight. ClTh&or Ch'han, C. 201. pure, clean. Geus cha-ang, it is day light. Jalan gede cha-ang ayeuna, the great road is now cleaned up. (Skr. Ch'haya , is light ; lustre ; but I doubt if Cha-ang can be derived of it. Fr. See the article chahaya).

Chabak, to handle; to take work in hand; to lay hands on. Pagawean eta kudu di chabaky you must take that work in hand.

Chabar, careless, indifferent.

Chabe the capsicum or red pepper so universally used as a condiment by the natives. It is distinguished when necessary from Chabdrawit, by the name of Chabd gedd, the the big chabe. Variously called by Botanists Capsicum Frutescens , Capsicum annuum ; or Capsicum Incurvum.

Chabe areui, the same as Chabe Jawa- Piper longum.

Chabe Jawa, Long pepper. Piper longum; called in Malay lada panjang.

Chabe Rawit, a small variety of pepper, more pungent than the foregoing ones; Capsicum Fastigiatum. Raxoit is Javanese and not Sunda, and means either fine , handsome , or as is more likely to be here the case , a sort of small worm or maggot. The bird's eye pepper.

Chabol, dwarf, of diminutive size.

Chabuk, Persian, a whip. (Chumdk a stick with a knotty head. Vullers lex Persico-latinum. Chubuk a whip; virga. Meninski; who gives it as a turkish word).

Chabur, to splash in water in swimming; to move through water with force or impetuosity.

Chabut, to eradicate, to pull or pluck up or out; to extract, to select; to remove from a post or situation: to substract, to deduct.

Chacha, a common man; in contradistinction to a person of noble birth. A man turned out by the government to feudal service. A man subject to the orders of his superiors.

Chachab, preparations used to make the hair grow.

Chachabean, a plant growing wild in cool upland situations. Leonurus Javanicus.

Chachad, blemish, defect, accident, injury overtaking any one. Chachad tiwas, by ac- cident, overtaken by some accident.

Chachadan, the two main side flooring pieces of a cart; the beam of a plough.

Chachag, to chop, to cut in pieces, to hack; to cut at with a weapon.

Chachak, like, as.

Chachangkir, a cup, a teacup, any small earthenware vessel to drink out of.

Chachangkiran, name of a plant; Panax Cochleatum.

Chachangkiran, name of a small shell fish in sea: limpets; Patella.

C ha chap, well accoutered; being provided with what one wants; coming it strong, pre- suming on a man's position.

Chachar, to cut down jungle, bushes or long grass; to cut down the brush wood of a forest, previous to felling the great trees; the space so cleared. Chachar , though a Malay word in this sense is often also used by the Sundas for the small-pox. Tukang chachar a vaccinator. Chacharan, to vaccinate. See Kuris.

Chachariwan, the knee-pan.

Chaching, a worm. Chaching'an , having the worms , said of a child or of a young buff aloe.

Chadang'an, prepared for, made arrangements for any one. Anything set aside for ano- ther person's use.

Chadas, Tufaceous strata; any indurated matter that has set so as to become rock, es- pecially volcanic ashes which have set in the sea, and subsequently been upheaved in strata. It is sometimes almost confounded with rock. Chadas gantung hanging rocks; rocks standing boldly up and presenting an upright surface like a wall. Chadas ma- lela, a variety of coarse sedimentary rock, which it is difficult to break up even with crow bars.

Chadong, a game in which the object is to knock down some sticks that have been set up for the purpose.

Chaduk, excrement.

Chad, name of a tree with pennated leaves , produces siliquae which contain pretty red beans.

Chagak, a stick or bit of wood with a fork or division at one end. A forked stick; much used in fences and the construction of dams, in the mountain rivers.

Chageur, well, in good health; in a sound state of body.

Chah, a contemptuons expression of disapproval or disgust Chahl saha nu daik> who the deuce will be willing.

Chahaya, bright, brilliant; radiance, lustre. Clihaya. C. 203 of same import.

Chai, water; abbreviated into Chi, means a river, and as such is placed before the proper names of rivers as Chidurian, Chidani. Chai-iyan, to put water upon, to inundate.

Chakar, to scratch, as a fowl or any bird. The claw of a bird.

Chakarub, dipped in water , plunged into water.

Chakchak, a house-lizard, such as are seen so plentifully on the walls of all dwelling houses. (Chěchak at Batavia).

Chakĕup, sufficiently provided with, as with courage or will to set about anything, or with the means of accomplishing any object in view; Confident of success.

Chakung, a small frog which is sometimes found in houses; it has the faculty of sticking to a perpendicular wall, or to an upright plank.

Chakra, a word often occurring in the composition of proper names. C. 191 a wheel, a circle, a discus; a weapon in the form of a discus, having the outer edges exceedingly sharp, besides many other meanings. (The discus of Wishun).

Chalakutik, the short bits of stumpy hoof at the back of the foot of a buffaloe.

Chalang'ap, open- mouthed, gaping, ajar.

Chalik, to sit down; to take a seat. A refined expression used by an inferior to a superior.

Chalik-ang'in, the name of a tree, literally the „Seat of the wind", and from this circumstance, its bark is torn in shreds and hung up about the humahs, when the wind is very strong and is doing injury. Rottlera Paniculata.

Chaluk, a straight iron implement for cuttiug brush-wood: when crooked it is called an Arit.

Chalung, a rude musical instrument so called, being half a dozen slips of bambu fastened to a string , like the steps of a ladder, and when hung up, tapped with a bit of wood.

Cham, a Chinese wood; a tally, a bit of bambu or wood given to a man as proof of work done.

Chamara, a tree so called, Casuarina litorea, its leaves resemble those of the fir of Europe. False hair worn by women. A chowry, or whisk of hair to drive away flies. Chāmara, C. 196. a whisk. (The tree is certainly so called from the appearance of his leaves. Fr.)

Chamat, a petty title of distinction in some of the Sunda districts.

Chambal, said of Jampé which does not take effect; inefficaceous, when said of Jampé; only used in this sense.

Chambor, mixed, of different sorts.

Chambuk, a whip, to thrash with a whip. A modification of the Persian word Chabuk.

Champa, name of a Country on the East coast of the gulf of Siam, the site of a Malay Colony of long standing. Purti Champa, the Champa Princess. The queen of Angka Wijaya, the last sovereign of Majapahit. This Putri Champa may however, have been from the Champa on the Ganges, which will be more consonant with the Hindu religion which existed up to her time on Java. Champa C. 195 the capital of Carna, and the modern Bhaghalpore on the Ganges.

Champaka, the name of a tree which bears a smelling yellow or white flower. Michelia Champaca. Champaka, C. 195 a tree bearing a yellow fragrant flower, with which the altars in the temples of Buddha are covered every morning. (Used for the same purpose on Bali).

Champéa, name of a large private Estate near Buitenzorg, celebrated for its limestone hill, which abounds in caverns where the edible birds nests are found. Chāmpeyya, C. 197, the Champaka tree, another form of the word Champaka.

Champur, to mix, to mingle, to confound.

Champur-bawur, to intermingle, to jumble together, to mix indiscriminately.

Chanar, the name of a creeper in the jungle which has an edible root; Zanonia Indica. Chanar-babi, is another variety.

Chandak, to bespeak, to have made arrangements to appropriate. Geus di cliandak ku aing, I have bespoken it.

Chandi, a mausoleum, an old burying place; an old Hindu temple or relick of antiquity. — Durga the wife of Siwa was much worshipped in Java and had temples raised to her. In Clough's dictionary Chandi is given at page 193 as the name of the goddess Durga, alluding especially to her incarnation for the purpose of destroying Mahesasur, the demon of iniquity. Probably from Chandi being thus a popular goddess, and having many tempels, these tempels themselves, and all temples eventually came to be called Chandi. Chandi on Bali according to Mr. Friederich, Bat. Trans: Vol. 22 is a small pyramidical temple attached to the houses of the chiefs.

Chandi Séwu, the thousand temples, one of the principal groups of ruins at Prambanan.

Chandra, the moon; the more usual word is Bulan. Chandra C. 194 the moon. See Sangkala.

Chandra Kirana,a princess of Kědiri, the wife of the celebrated Panji of Javanese romance. Chandra, moon. Kirana C. 124 a ray, a sun beam, and thus Chandra-kirana, moon-beam. See Inakěrtapati.

Chandu, Opium prepared ready for smoking. In appearance it resembles treacle and is thus a black sluggish liquid.

Chandung, to marry a second wife, whilst a first one is still in existence, and thus to have two or more wives at once. The law of Mohammed allows its votaries to have four legal wives at the same time.

Changchang, to tie, to fasten with a rope or string, as a horse or a buffaloe put out to graze; to tie anything with a string. The shreds of bambu prepared as string to tie ataps on a roof.

Changchangan, anything that we have fast by a rope or string; figuratively anything that we have made arrangements to appropriate and which we hold, as it were, fast by a rope.

Changchangan, a part of the native weaving loom, viz. the stand which consists of two uprights each long 1½ to 2 feet, with a notch or mortice cut at the top, so as to admit the Totogan to lie horizontally upon it. Changchi, a buckle.

Changchi, an ear of paddy or of any grain.

Changchorang, the Mantis, or the praying insect. An Insect with long legs and wings, said to turn itself always to the rising sun. There are three kinds, green, white and black; said to permanently keep these coulours, of which green is the most common; called also Chénggéh.

Chang'ĕrĕd, a running noose or loop.

Chang'ĕrĕdkĕn, to tie with a running knot.

Changgah, a term of relationship, or descent. See the word Bauh.

Changgéhgar, a wild fowl, a jungle fowl. Spotted and speckled and larger than the Kasintu.

Changgĕum, as much as can be taken up at once in the hand; a handful.

Changgogo, squatting down or cowering down on one's hams, with both knees up to the chin.

Changkakak-Alcedo, a bird, the kingfisher, of which there is great variety in Java.

Changkal, a very scarce fish; it is flat and broad like the Raranchak.

Chankang, the husk or skin of fruit, Paddy or any grain.

Changkaruk, boiled rice which has been put out in the sun to dry and desiccate so as to be able to keep it. Those who go on the pilgrimage to Mecca, generally take with them Changkaruk of Ketan, which in bad weather being soaked in sea water, serves as food.

Changkĕd, a notch cut in a tree; a step cut on a steep bank; an indentation made either for climbing or affixing anything, as a rope to prevent its slipping. A nick, a notch.

Changkĕl, benumbed, cramped.

Changkéng, the waist of the body.

Changkéo, a shrub with a small, sweet, white flower, something like hawthorn in Europe. Nelitris Polygama.

Changkĕr, stiff-built, as a man; stout and strong.

Changkĕrĕma, feasting, eating and drinking; keeping up merriment.

Changkur awok, name of a bird, prettily coloured, fond of devouring soft fruits, as plantains &c.

Changkĕur ilung, name of a bird, dark coloured, with white under tail and wings.

Changkĕutĕuk, name of a variety of bambu, Bambusa. Makes neat bambu work, being thin in the wood. *Much used for fishing rods.

Changkok, a method of propagating fruit- and other trees by scarifying a branch, and tying it up with a little earth and leaves. The carified part then shoots rootlets, when the branch may be cut from its parent stem, and then planted out.

Changkolong, to cut off an account, to deduct, to receive something on acconnt, as Paddy or any other objects on account of monthly wages, to be settled for at the end of the month. To receive something in advance on account of wages which are being earned.

Changkoré, a small and crooked variety of bambu. Bambusa serpentina.

Changkudu, Morinda Citrifolia; the bark of the root of this plant gives the red dye every where used by the Sunda people for dying their cloths. They make plantations of the shrub for the purpose. Changkudu is reduced to a powder for use. It is called in Malay Cangkudu. Marsden Page 42. Ch'han, C. 201 pure, clean. Cang in Javanese is red. Kudu, C. 128. powder, dust. If this interpretation is correct, we must conclude that Chang-kudu was introduced to the Eastern Isles by the people of Continental India, who began by bring the dried pounded root-bark, in the shape of a powder. And when they introduced the tree, the islanders continued to call it „the pure powder tree", after the article which was already known to them. (At Batavia it is called Menkudu, so that it appears, that the first syllable is a preformative. Fr.)

Changkudu Badak, Fagrea morindifolia , name of a tree growing wild in the forests, and resembling the true Changkudu in leaf and stem, but it does not give the dye-stuff.

Changkwang, Pandanus horridus. A variety of Pandan with a long narrow leaf, sometimes made into a kind of rude matting called Salasar.

Chang'or, open and dry, not dhesive; the opposite of glutinous.

Chang'ri, a variety of Tĕpus or Geanthus, only with greener stem and leaves The fruit grows in the ground like the Tĕpus, but it is deeper in the ground and of a sweeter taste.

Chanir, the large projecting buttresses or roots of some trees, which act as props near the ground, and out of which solid wheels for Carts or table-pieces are cut. Called in Malay Banir. Marsden Page. 34.

Chantél, the crooked bit of iron fixed to the end of the pole of a Chinese plough, on which is hung the splinterbar by its Katimang.

Chantigi, a shrub in the jungle, or in open poor land , with leaf like that of the tea plant.

Chantilan, a small hut for occasional use.

Chanting, a small empty Cocoa nut made into a Gayung or dipper.

Chap, supposed to be a Chinese word. A seal, a signet; mark of a seal or stamp; any mark put upon anything to recognize it again; a brand or stamp. Surat chap, any paper with a stamp on it. Paper stamped by government, in order to raise a tax.

Chapang, said of Buffaloe horns which expand much; which are not curved quickly up.

Chapé, tired, wearied, fatigued.

Chapéo, Portuguese, a European's hat.

Chapĕuh, a wild herbaceous plant Conyza graveolens. The same plant is also called Sumbung.

Chaping, A silver plate worn by female children to conceal the nudities. It is sometimes but rarely in use among the Sunda people. See Ampok.

Chapit, jammed between, caught or hooked by. Chapit hurang the name of part of the apparatus by which Carts or Pedaties are fixed to the wheels which revolve with the axle.

Chaplak, a joining of wood, by cutting a little off the ends of two pieces, so as to be able to fit them together.

Chara, like as, resembling, similar to; method, fashion, mode. Chara batur, in the same way as the neighbours. Châra orang Bogor, after the fashion of the people of Buitenzorg. Chāra, C. 197, going, motion. Chara, C. 835 to go. Acharana C. 61 walking. (32).

Chara, a trap set to catch monkeys. Quere Chara, 196, a spy- a secret emissarry or agent (sent to catch the monkeys?). (Châra, a prison, a house of confinement. Wilson.)

Charak, a powder-flask.

Charallang, a kind of squirrel, found in forests, but not about homesteads.

Charaman, to forbid, to prohibit, to interdict.

Charana, a betel stand or dish; a salver; such as used by great men. Charana C. 195 a foot; the root of a tree; (probably from resembling a wooden platter, and compared to a tree stump, as being used by a great man).

Charang, scarce, not often met with; far apart, with intervals between. (Batavian and Malay járang.)

Charangka, a rudely made but rather large basket for holding anything bulky, as Pad- dy, Cotton &c. &c. (Seems to be Skr; Angka, gremium, pectus; cf. Bali-angka, the womb of heroes, or the womb of offerings. Fr.)

Charéchét or Chěréchét, a bit of cloth to wipe the face with, carried hung over the shoulder. See Chěréchét.

Charéham, the after teeth, the molars, the large flat teeth in the after part of the jaw.

Charék, saying, speaking. Charék na, and he said; what a man says.

Charékan, to grumble at, to scold, to be angry with.

Charĕuh, the Viverra Musanga of Horsfield. Called in Malay Luwak, a wild animal which is fond of stealing poultry like the fox in Europe. It also feeds upon ripe Coffee, the pulp of which alone is digested, and the beans are voided clean. These are collected in the gardens, as they are of the ripest and finest description, and are called Tai Luwak or Tai Chareuh, Charĕuh voidings.

Chariang, a plant with succulent cabbagelike stem growing in moist and soft ground. Aglaonema Simplex.

Chariang Beureum, a plant; Homalonema rubrum.

(32) It is rather âchâra, an established rule of conduct, an ordinance, an institute, a precept. Wil- son. This form occurs yet in Bali , but the shortened châra has also there become the common form. Châra Bali Bali, in the way of the Balinese, according to the instates of Bali. It is translated by good Mohammedans into the Arabic adat. Fr. Charieu, a liane in the jungle, producing a long big pod, set full of seeds of size of spanish dollars. The fruit resembles Peuteui only it is much larger. Entada monostachya.

Charirang, name of a large forest tree.

Charita, a relation, a tale, a story, ancient legend. Charita and Charitra, C. 195 a fixed institute, a proper or peculiar observance, an observance, a custom, a mode. (33).

Charitakĕn, to relate, to tell the story, to narrate.

Charulang, a gramineous plant with fine seeds upon it like pin's heads; it is sometimes eaten by man, but frequently given to cage birds. The head of the plant splits into 5 — 6 or 7 divisions, and each is covered with the seeds.

Chat, the idiomatic expression of climbing, or getting up anything as a tree, a hill, the top of a house &c. Up he went. Manuk chat ka luhur imah, the bird perched upon the top of the house.

Chat, Chinese, Paint.

Chatang, a log of wood; a tree which has been cut down, and had its branches lopped off.

Chatangan, said of running water. Chai chatangan, running water, river water, sweet water as distinguished from Sea water. Chatangan is properly like a Chatang or log.

Chato, a kind of bill-hook used by natives, a bedog with square, blunt end.

Chatok, to cut a piece of wood or other material so that there comes a step or hitch in it. To notch at the end.

Chatur, dry and clean. Said of land which after having been swampy or boggy in wet weather, has become dry and firm with the return of fine weather.

Chatur, Chess, the game of chess. Said to be Sanscrit. Chatu C. 196 cheating, deceiving, misleading. [Chatur is four; the name of the game of chess is in Skr. Chaturangga, the four parts (of an army), being elephants , war-charriots, horse and foot-soldiers. Fr.)

Chatut, Tweezers. The native has often tied to the corner of his handkerchief a variety of little conveniences called collectively Ambar-ambar, and the Chatut forms one of these, with which he pulls out any hairs which may be found growing on his face or chin.

Chaung, name of a fish in the rivers; he is a filthy greedy beast, and swallows all he finds floating , which in Indian rivers is often none of the nicest, as they serve the natives for Cloacae.

Chaur, that part of the weaving apparatus which fixes to the lower part of the back of the woman who weaves, so that when she sits back she streches the web into a proper position.

(33) Charita, as a participle means also what has happened, id quod actum est; so it could be taken in the meaning of history, tale. Fr. Chaw, a plantain, called in Malay Pisang, the Musa of Botany. The mountaineer distinguish the 43 following varieties, of Chaw.

  1. Ambon, stem tall and dark coloured, fruit large and green even when ripe. One of the most common varieties.
  2. Badak, thick short tree, name means the Rhinoceros.
  3. Banténg, or wild bull which is black. Fruit short and thick; has a darkish skin, and is good for Kuéh or cooking.
  4. Buhaya, or the Alligator, has very long Jantung, reaching almost to the ground, being ripe at top and unripe below.
  5. Běulěum, or the roasting plaintain, must be either toasted or else steamed, di seupan before it is fit for use.
  6. Běusi or Iron, tree short and thick, spotted dark; fruit large and green.
  7. Burut, the hydrocele Plantain.
  8. Churuk, the forefinger.
  9. Gading, the Ivory.
  10. Gěmbor, a common variety.
  11. Hanggasah, name of a Scitameneous plant.
  12. Hihid, name of a cooking fauner.
  13. Hoih, a Ratan.
  14. Honjé, name of a Scitameneous plant.
  15. Hurang, the shrimp.
  16. Karok, one of the most common wild sorts, stem reddish.
  17. Kapas, or cotton, common, must be steamed.
  18. Kollé, the most common of the wild sorts of plantain; stem slender, and leaves smaller than those of cultivated sorts. The leaves are often striped or blotched with brown or green which gives them a very distinguished and pretty appearance in the wilderness. Its fruit is called Keu-eus, and is full of seeds. It hardly has any pulp.
  19. Kollé monyét, the monkey kollé, is a variety of No.18.
  20. Kapokan, fruit small and short, must be steamed.
  21. Kosta, properly from the coast of Coromandel.
  22. Lémpénéng, of yellowish skin, long and thin.
  23. Lubang, the eel; a very rare variety; the fruit is said to ripen in the stem before it is protruded, hence called the eel- from being in a hole.
  24. Lumut, the pulpy.
  25. Lutung, the black monkey.
  26. Manggala, Batu, Siki, Raja Gěnděng, or Kulutuk five names for same sort; common but not eatable.
  27. Mas or Golden; this is the most common of all the plantains. The fruit is small and sweet.
  28. Palémbang, common.
  29. Pinang, the areca nut.
  30. Poké, wild and like kollé.
  31. Raja, or the King, has a ruddy skin and is rather large.
  32. Raja beusi.
  33. Raja-Pandan.
  34. Raja-Pakuan, small tree and fruit. It is acidulous.
  35. Rangrang.
  36. Ruju, tree low, fruit long and thick.
  37. Sambatu, hoyas, but the individual pulp-pods are grown together, as if the fingers were glued to one another.
  38. Sěpět, green stem, tree middling size; very common and acrid.
  39. Séwu, the thousand, very small and insipid.
  40. Sukun.
  41. Susu, or milk, one of the most delioate of Plantains.
  42. Tanduk or Galék, the Horn, long fruit curved like a horn. Very common but must be toasted or steamed.
  43. Warangan, or arsenick.

Chaw Asak, the ripe plantain, name of a river fish.

Chaw Kipas, the fan Plantain, called in Malay Pisang ayer, the water plantain. Introduced from Madagascar. Ravenala Madagascarencis , formerly called Urania Speciosa. It is known in English as the „ traveller's friend" — from the quantity of water which can always be got from it.

Chawat, any cloth twisted round the loins, of which a part or slip hanging down in front is taken up, and passing between the legs is tucked in fast behind. The Chawat was probably the oply dress of natives in days of old, before they learnt the use of cotton, and the art of spinning. Sunda chawats, in old times, were no doubt made of a bit of bark as, to this day, is the case with the natives of some parts of Celebes.

Chawél, to bite or snap at- as a tiger bites at its prey.

Chawis, ready, prepared. Ceunang nyawisan, made ready.

Chaya, also heard as Chahaya, bright, brilliant. Radiance, lustre. Ch'haya, C. 203. an image or picture. The wife of the sun. Radiance, beauty, splendour; lustre. (See Chahaya; which means also shade).

Chayur, a forest tree, Pterospermum Lanceofolium. Makes good planks.

Chayut, a temporary sort of basket made of the leaves of any palm tree platted together.

Chě, used only with na after it, and thus as Chena, he said, said he.

Chěb, the idiomatic expression of sticking in, as a stake in the ground, a needle in cloth or the like. Cheb bai di pager, he stuck a fence round it. Cheb bai di kaput, he sewed it up.

Chěblok, the idiomatic expression of slapping a post or large stake into a hole in the ground, in which it is to be set. Imah cheblok, a house made of posts stuck in the ground and made in a hurry, not set togeter carefully with joist work.

Chěbluk, to splash in water; to make a hollow sound by slapping water.

Chěcharékan, a vow; some obligation which a man has put himself under when in difficulty or in sickness, to make some offering or do some act, in case he gets well.

Chěchémpé, a small nyiru or flat rice basket. A small bambu tray to shake or clean rice or any other grain on.

Chěchéndét, a small skein of Haramai threads of the thickness of a man's thumb.

Chěchépéh, a small nyiru, or flat rice basket.

Chěchěrahkĕun, to cause to split or crack. See Chěrah.

Chěcho-élan, anything eaten as Cho-èl, which see. Greens eaten with Sambel.

Chěcho-oan, any living animal or even person whom we have in keeping, which we keep for work &c.

Chéda, a scar, the mark of a wound. (Skr. Ch'héda, cutting, dividing; ch'hidra, hole, perforation).

Chěgah, to warn against, to forbid, to give orders that some act shall not be done; to restrain, to hinder.

Chégér, a bit of young jungle cut down and planted with paddy; a small humah made in young forest. A small paddy plantation in addition to some greater piece of cultivation.

Chéhchéran, to drop out grain by grain, like rice out of a torn bag.

Chékchok, chattering, much petty talk; grumbling and snappish at each other in conversation

Chěkék, to throttle a man or animal; to size by the collar or neck; to kill by tightening anything about the neck. Figuratively to oppress, to deal hardly with.

Chěkě1, to hold, to lay hold of, to seize, to arrest; to hold in reserve; to have in hand, to manage, to administer.

Chěkělan, anything which we hold, or administer; administration.

Chékér, a sort of diminutive of Chokor which see. The foot of a small animal , a small paw.

Chěkong, said of wood which is not cut or planed even ; a post with unevenness in its surface.

Chĕl, the idiomatic expression of flower or grain coming out and expanding.

Chěladi, a woodpecker; the bird woodpecker; Picus in varieties, hasup ka liang cheladi , it went into the woodpecker's hole.

Chělaka, a calamity, ill- luck, misfortune, an affliction; disastrous; a wretch. Kahullaka, C. 157, low, vile, mean, wicked, malicious, abandoned. (34).

(34) Chala, trembling, tremulous, unfixed or unsteady; as substantive also trembling, shaking; fem. Chalâ the goddess of fortune. Here from is dirived Chalaka, which means with reference to things, a trembling, unfixed state, and referring to man, an unsteady person shaken by every accident. The ě in stead of a for reason of the accent, and also of the following l. Fr. Chělana, trousers, such as reach down to the ankles; pantaloons. Chulna, short knee trousers. Moorés Pantheon.

Chělécher, any mark or sign set up in the ground in marking out work. A bit of cut and stuck in the ground for the purpose of a mark.

Chělěguk — Chělěgok, said of fish which keep coming up to the surface of water to draw breath, and then go down again immediatly.

Chělék, the act of getting on, jumping upon, seated, perched. Chelék ka na kuda, he jumped on a horse.

Chéléng, a pig, swine; properly Javanese, but occasionally used along with so many other names by which the people designate the arch- enemy of their cultivation.

Chělochchor, to plant seeds, especially paddy, in drills or rows.

Chě1ong, not full, deficient in quantity; said of any measure or receptacle which has been partly emptied; gaping.

Chěluk, cry, call. Cheluk na harus, his call is loud.

Chělukan, to call, to send for.

Chěmbawul, a variety of Chokrom or Solanum Melongena, of which it has a similarly indented leaf. The fruit of the Chěmbawul is as big as a common apple or usual sized orange, being also round: it has an appley substance for fruit containing a few small seeds in the middle.

Chembul, showing grey; Chembul bai huwis, he shows quite grey in the head.

Chénang, a scab, over a wound or sore place.

Chěndana, Sandal wood; Santalum album. Chandana C. 194. Sandal. It implies either the tree, the wood or the unctuons preparations of the wood held in high esteem as perfumes.

Chěndil, a large wart or excrescence growing on the skin. A lump of skin and flesh growing out unnaturally on any part of the body.

Chěndukul, squatting in a heap, cowered down by oneself, from grief or trouble.

Chěng'al, a large forest tree which gives a gum. The bark of this tree is used for putting in the bambus which collect the toddy from Palm trees to make Sugar, as it prevents the juice from souring.

[wikt:chénggéh|Chénggéh]], a term of relationship, see the word Bauh. Also called Changgah.

Chénggéh, another name for Changchorang which see. A mantis.

Chĕngkal, to prop up, or prop open anything, as the lid of a box, a piece of atap in a roof to admit temporary light, or the like.

Chěngkar, dry upland soil, in contradistinction to swamp. Sawah chengkar, Sawahs made on upland soil which can be irrigated.

Chéngké, cloves- the spice cloves. Myrtus Caryophyllus, or Caryophyllus Aromatica, or Caryophyllum Aromaticum. Theng-hio, cloves in Chinese, literally odoriferous nails, supposed to be the original from which the natives have made Chéngké. The Chinese having of old traded for this spice. See Crawfurds Indian Archipelago Vol 1 Page 497. The clove in some dialects is known by the name of Bung'a lawang. Lawanga, C. 605, the clove tree. The English word Cloves is evidently a modification of the French Cloux, as heard in Cloux de girofle. The Dutch call this article Nagelen, nails, so that all nations appear to have agreed to call this fruit by the name of nails, from the resemblance which it bears to that small iron article.

Chéngkél, hair which has got interwoven and frizzled together so that you cannot comb it straight.

Chěngkir, a young Cocoa nut which has not yet got any pulp.

Chěngkir, a variety of Mangga so called.

Chénténg, a watchman, a guard; this word is probably of Chinese origin.

Chéntong, a large spoon, a ladle; a mason's trowel.

Chéntrang, clear, transparent, unclouded. Lang'it chéntrang an unclouded sky. Chéntrang ka barat, it is clear towards the west.

Chĕpak, level as land; a level place.

Chěpat, in a straight, unswerving direction. Seems to correspond with the Malay Tepat, a term annexed to the East and West points of the compas. Marsden P. 77. Chepat bai ka barat, straight towards the west. Chepat bai ka na tangkal kalapa, straight on towards the Cocoa nut tree.

Chépat, to cut off, to lop off small branches. To cut through or off at one stroke.

Chěpěl, adhesive, clammy.

Chépér, flat, not curved or very slightly so. Flat like a flat dish or waiter.

Chěpět. quick, active. Be quick! look sharp!

Chěpuk, a small brassbox; a cup with a cover, generally found on a betle stand and containing tobacco.

Chěrah, split, gaping a little; a crack.

Chěré, a variety of Paddy which grows with little water and will thrive in bad land or where better sorts fail, but the grain shakes easily from the straw.

Chěréchét, a handkerchief which is worn hung over the shoulder, often with Seureuh materials or the like tied up in one corner of it.

Chěrědik, wide awake; unfairly taking advantage of another's ignorance. Shrewd, acute.

Chěrělěng, squirting out, as a liquid tapped out of any vessel, or juice flowing naturally, from a tree or plant.

Chěrěmé, a tree and its fruit. Cicca nodiflora.

Chěrěmé, name of the great mountain of Cheribon, high 9731 Rhineland feet.

Chérét, the splash of water.

Chěrét, to scribble, to write; indicative of scratching marks or writing on anything, as paper, a bit of bambu &c. Cherét bai di tulisken, and scribbling he wrote it down.

Chěréwét, quarrelsome, finding fault about every little trifle; a matter of dispute. Chés, the idiomatic expression of cutting an animal's throat.

Chětik, millet, a kind of grain. Sorghum.

Chětok, a variety of Dudukui or native bambu hat, made somewhat like a haseupan or rice boiler; not very broad but deep, and much used for boiling water, being of a shape which makes it serviceable as a bucket.

Chěucěub, nettled, taking offence at; inwardly vexed with.

Chěuděm, cloudy, overcast, threatening to rain.

Chěuli, the ear. Chûlikâ, C. 200, the root of an Elephants ear.

Chěuli Badak, literally Rhinoceros ear Opuntia polyantha; the Cactus plant on which Cochineal are kept.

Chěuli Wangking, name for a Rhinoceros.

Chěumpal, to take up anything dirty or disgusting in a leaf, a bit of paper, or other object, so as not to dirty the fingers.

Chěumpal, to surrender, to submit.

Chěuri, the name of an inferior sort of wild Mangosteen. Garcenia Dioica.

Chěurik, to cry, to weep.

Chi, a contraction of the word Chai, water or river. As Chi it is used in composition and prefixed to the names of rivers, as Chidani, Chidurian &c.

Chianjur, mostly heard pronounced short Chanjur. The seat of the Resident of the Prianger Regencies, and a large native town. The word is compounded of Chi, river; and Anjur an instrument, vide voce. Probably so called from the river being small and within the compass of being baled out.

Chiantěn, a river which after running between the Champéa and Lui Liang Estates falls into the Chidani. Anta, C. 32 a boundary, a limit; final, ultimate, and sometimes death. Chi-anta-an, Chiantan or Chiantěn, Boundary river; or Yanta to go, the infinitive mood of the verb Yanawah, go Chi Yantan, would denote, the far- going river, and would then have a parity of meaning with Chidurian.

Chichariwan, also Chachariwan, the knee-pan.

Chichékolan, the hollow at back of the knee.

Chichiap, a variety of fig tree, Ficus leucopleura.

Chichibluk, to splash in water, by striking with the hand, or by flinging in a stone.

Chichikěn, to pour out, especially a liquid, to spill about; to pour from one vessel to another.

Chiching, quiet, not moving; the order- Stand still! dwelling. Di mana sia chiching, where do you dwell.

Chichiriwis-an, impudent, insolent in speech, foul-mouthed.

Chidani, name of the river of Buitenzorg, called also Chi Sidani. The natives may have given the river the name of Widani which would be the feminine of Widana, as flowing past and from their ancient Capital of Pajajaran, and being the main river of this part of the country. For the meaning of Wi, see voce. Dan, C. 255/6 a gift, adonation, an offering; Paddy; clothing to cover the Pudendum muliebre; the name of a tree (Calyptranthes) of which there are several species and yield a fruit much eaten by the natives. Dana, C. 256, riches, wealth, property, possessions; people, mankind; birth, origin. Chi Sidani; the Si may be the ordinary Sunda preposition which see: and in this case prefixed to the feminine of Dana = Dani. Sidani, she who gives wealth, prosperity, by inundating the rice fields in the neighbourhood of the old capital of Pajajaran, where tradition relates that the first Sawahs were made, and it will be seen above that one of the acceptations of Dan is Paddy, and in this sense Chi-Si-Dani would be the river which gives or has, produces or appertains to Paddy. The Hindu people who cut the Sanscrit inscription on the rock on Jambu, at Pasir Koléangkak, might have introduced the system of irrigated rice-lands, and called so large a river as the one in question Si Dani, or her of the Paddy, personifying the river which gave the water, as the grain-producer or Ceres. Dhani, C. 298, is a rich and opulent man, and Chidhani or Chi-Si-Dani would be the river typical of opulence either from irrigating the land or from admitting foreign traders at its mouth. (Dânin, Nominative case dânî, would be possessing, affording gifts. Fr).

Chiduh, spittle, saliva.

Chiduhan, to spit upon with contempt.

Chidurian, The name of the great river of Jasinga. It rises very far back amongst the Kěndang mountains, and discharges itself into the sea at Chikando near Tanara. The etymon of the word cannot be Durian, the fruit so called in Malay, Durio Zibethinus as this, in the Country through which it flows, is called Kadu. As however, in the Mountainous part of the Country where it exists, many Sanscrit names are used to designate the objects of nature, as districts and mountains, so also perhaps a Sanscrit origin must be sought for to elucidate its meaning. Dura, C. 282, far, distant, remote. , C. 572 going, proceeding. Ya is the crude form of the verb Yanawa to go, and forms Yanta to go, Yana, going: thus Dura-yana, and with suppression of the final vowel, Dura-yan, would be the river which goes remotely, which has a long course, and which will apply very well to this river which travels, in the early part of its route, through such distant and sequestered mountain ravines. The transition from Dura-yan to Durian or Duriyan with a people who were not conscious of the etymon of the word, would be very easy, and is heard also similarly in Mada-yoni = Madion.

Chih, a word of contempt, for shame! Pshaw! fie!

Chihujan, rain water.

Chik, the idiomatic expression of interrogation; how now? how is it to be? a persuasive interrogatory, as we would say, come! Chik kumaha? come! how is it to be. Chik also means, said, affirmed as Chik batur, my companion said so. Chika, gripes in the stomach; any sudden and violent pain in the stomach.

Chika-chika, the fire-fly. Elater noctilucus.

Chikal, the first born, the eldest child; the first or prime of anything; one of the chief divinities of the Badui is called Chikal.

Chikaniki, name of a river which flows from the Gunung Kěndang over the Nanggung and Jambu Estates, into the Chidani. Kaniki is not Sunda, so we are driven to attempt an etymology in Sanscrit. Kanyaka, C. 104, a girl, a maiden. The word is further rendered female by making it termate in i. Chikanyaki = Chikanikī, maiden river. See voce Kaniki. (Kanî means also a girl, Kanika is very small; cf. kana and kanaka (both with the cerebral n) small. Only a form kaniki or kaniki seems not to exist in Sanskrit. Fr.)

Chikénéh, just now, a short time ago.

Chiki-ih, piddle, urine, stale. Also some liquid compounds especially for soaking thread which has to be dyed; a mordant in this latter sense.

Chikuah, name of the ingredients for dying thread of a red colour, after they have been boiled together.

Chikur, an aromatic plant of which the root is much used when bruised in all native medicine. Kaemferia Galanga, called in malay Kěnchur.

Chiladaěun, name of a river in Bantam falling into the Chibérang. See Ladaeun. It is warmer than the Chibérang.

Chilěgok, holding open the mouth, pouring in water and swallowing it as it falls.

Chilénod, swept away by water, floated away.

Chilěpot, just done, just let go, this instant finished. Just started.

Chilětu, said of paddy when just a few heads or ears begin to show themselves. In the act of coming into ear.

Chilěuh, the mucous matter which forms in the eye.

Chilěungchang, rain water on the surface of the ground; rain water which soon drains away.

Chilěungchangan, said of rain which has been hard enough to run on the surface of the ground.

Chilik, a petty mandor in Bantam. Chili, little in Javanese. (Chilik is also Javanese Fr.)

Chilingching, a liane or creeper in the jungle, lasts well in water.

Chimata, a tear, literally „water of the eye".

Chimata-an, crying, literally „giving out water from the eye".

China, a Chinaman; the country China.

Chinchang, to chop, to cut in small pieces.

Chinchěratan, a species of Nauclea; a good timber tree.

Chinchin, a ring, either to wear on the finger, or for any other purpose.

Chindawa, Saltpetre. Chindawa is probably a corruption of Sindudbhawa, C. 734 rock salt, derived from Sindu C. 733 the ocean, the sea, the Indus; the Countrv along the Indus, or Sindh: and Udbhawa, P. 820 produced: abbreviated into the more smooth shape of Chindawa. It is called Sindawa, and Chendawan in Malay. (The more simple form in Skr. is Saindhawa, a patronymic from Sindhu, originating from Sindhu. We should prefer to derive Chindawa from Saindhawa. Fr.)

Chindé, a variety of cloth with peculiar pattern used for belts. Name of a pretty red flower, called also Kapas-chindé, from the cottony shape of the fibres of the seeds.

Ching, an interrogative particle, how now? come tell me? what say you?

chinggir, the little finger.

Chingkĕd, awkwardly walking in fits and starts.

Chingkir, a young Cocoa nut which has not yet got a hard shell.

Chinta, to love, to have a tender regard for. Chintaya, C. 199, reflection, consideration, thought, meditation. [Chinta Skr. id., it has got the meaning love, in the same way as the Latin cura. F.)

Chipamali, name of a river in Tagal, which was of old the boundary between the Sunda and Javanese districts. It means the river of Prohibition, or which it is sacredly forbidden to pass.

Chipansalu, name of a place near Bandong in the Prianger Regencies, where Mr. Junghuhn in August 1843 discovered some images of Siwa. Chi, Sunda, river. Pansilu, C. 345, one of the celestial choristers or a musician of Swarga. A name of Siwa. A name of Wiswakarma, C. 666 from Wiswa, universal, Karmma, act, action; the son of Brahma, and artist of the gods; the Sun. (Pânçula, Wilson; a name of Siwa; a weapon of Siwa.)

Chipati, called in Malay Santĕn. A milky matter got from the maceration of rasped Cocoa nut.

Chirěbon, name of a Residency in Java. Chi, river: Rebon, small shrimps. See voce.

Chiri, mark, sign, a mark by which anything may be again recognized.

Chirian, to put a mark upon.

Chis, the idiomatic expression of contempt. Said when the speaker wishes to express disgust.

Chisapu, the water of burnt paddy straw, which is used as a lye; also much used in washing the head of hair, which it cleanses. (At Batavia the Javanese word měrang is used for paddy straw to be burnt for the above said purpose.)

Chisusu, milk; literally water of the nipple. Milk is also frequently called Susu alone, which means nipple or teat.

Chita, Chintz, a printed cloth so called. Chitra, C. 198 a painting, delineation, writing &c.

Chita, an affection of the mind, sensibility, sometimes used with Duka as Chita-duka, sadness, melancholy. Chitta, C. 198 the mind or faculty of reasoning, the heart considered as the seat of intellect, thought, conception.

Chitak, to cast in a mould, as iron or bricks, to mould, to impress, to print as a book or a cloth. Chitakan, anything that has undergone the proces of moulding. A mould, a form, a casting.

Chitrěs, compassion; condescending and friendly feeling towards any one.

Chium, to kiss, or rather take a sniff at any one, as natives would do all over the Archipelago, the nose rather than the mouth being the organ in requisition. Even the distant natives of New-Zealand seem to salute each other in a similar way, which is called Ong'i, rubbing of noses. The word Chium is probably derived from Simbima or Simbinawa to kiss, C. 734. The latter syllables of these words are constructive parts peculiar to the Singhalese language. (Skr. Chumb, to kiss; Chumbana, kissing.)

Chiung, the name of a bird usually called by Europeans a Minor. This bird is black, with some white in the wings, and has a yellow flap or earlike appendage hanging down on each side of the head. This bird is easily taught to talk and the word Chiung is a representation of its usual cry. It is called about Batavia, Béo. In Sumatra it is called mina, Marsden Page 343. Gracula religiosa. (At Bali he is called Siung).

Chiung wanara, a character in ancient Javanese history, connected with the foundation of Majapahit and Pajajaran, and brother of Ariya Banga. He settled at Pajajaran. Raffles Vol. 2 Page 100. Wanara, C. 621 a monkey, from Wana a forest Rama to play, what plays in the forest, and thus in this case must be the Chiung which delights in the forest. As a young lad he was known as ki Jaka. As an infant he had been, like Moses set adrift on a river, either the Krawang or the Chitandui, in order to get rid of him. See Banyak wědi. (Wanara is derived from wana by the affix ra; foresta forester).

Chiwit, to pinch a bit off, to take a small bit off anything by nipping it off with the nails,

Choba, to try, to make an attempt or effort, to endeavour.

Chobong, a whore, a woman of bad fame.

Chochéng, scabby, any wound producing ichorous matter.

Chocho, to press down with the end of the finger, to stick the end of the finger against anything.

Chochog, hit heavily against with the foot; struck endways with a stick or piece of wood. Rammed down.

Chochok, to stop up, to bung up; a stopper, a bung; anything put into an aperture to close it, as a cork in a bottle or a wisp of straw or leaves stuffed into a bambu &c.

Chochong'o-an, the upper and thin ends of sticks or bambus cut off. A derivative from Chong'o which see.

Chochopét, the ear- wig insect. Forficula.

Chochorot, a sort of pastry of the consistency of hasty-puddiug, much eaten by the natives.

Cho-él, young and delicate leaves or vegetables eaten mostly uncooked with rice; a little red pepper is generally nipped up with the leaves before they are stuffed into the mouth, and are called Cho-él sambĕl.

Chohai, a frog which is sometimes found in houses, and which has the power of sticking to a perpendicular wall.

Chokél, to dig or scratch out with a bit of stick or iron; to dig down or into a small hole by stamping something into it.

Chokolada, European, The Cacao tree, Theobroma Cacao. Chocolate.

Chokor, the foot, the paw, particularly of a beast; when applied to the foot of a man, which is often the case, it conveys and idea of indignity put upon the man who owns the foot. (At Bali it is a honourable name for foot; there from comes Chokor-da, your foot, cf. Jav. sampéyan, a title given to the highest Râjas. Fr.)

Chokot, to take, to lay hold of. Lay hold!

Chokrah, to make a hole in a bank of earth, in a bit of wood, or any other substance, by scooping out or twirling a knife in it.

Chokrék, small sticks for fuel, small firewood.

Chokrom, the egg-plant, Solanum melongena. Called Térong in Malay.

Cholat, a white mark or star on a horse's forehead.

Chologor, the seed branch of an Arén or Kawung tree whilst yet young and unfit to be used for tapping to gather toddy to make sugar. Such seed branches, which after properly beating and preparing refuse to give toddy are called Chologor.

Cholok, shoved in between; inserted in; jammed into; to insert an instrument into an aperture. Mata na kacholok ku awi, his eye got run into by a bambu.

Cholong, to steal, to take covertly, to abstract.

Cholongchong, a bambu conical basket in which tame pigs are caught and transported.

Chomas, name of a place, amongst others of an Estate near Buitenzong. Evidently compounded of Chi, river, and Omas, the name of a variety of Rattan, or it may be an abbreviation of Katomas, the gold and green leaved Justicia.

Chomas, heard in Hanjuang chomas, a variety of Justica and is probably an abbreviation of Katomas.

Chomblang, a pimp, a procuress.

Chombrang, an unexpanded head- bud of the Honje, Geanthus speciosus.

Chomél, grumbling dissatisfied; to murmur.

Chomot, a lump, a pinch of anything taken in the fingers.

Chomplong, a small tin measure in which salt is retailed; considerably less than a gantang; of various sizes.

Chondong, inclined, tottering, about to fall.

Chongchot, said of rice cooked by steaming, and just as turned out of the bambu steamer. Rice which has not undergone the process of Akĕul which see.

Chonggang, deficient, as if something had been taken out or away.

Chongklang, to gallop, to trot, run away quickly as animals.

Chongkok, name of a plant, Curculigo latifolia.

Chongkok, some small kinds of tigers or panthers are also called Chongkok. (The machan chongkok is not larger than a wild cat.)

Chongkok, is also the name of a tree, otherwise called Hamběrĕuta.

Chong'o, the extremity of a branch; the branches or the small upper end of a tree or of a bambu, in contradistinction to the lower and thick end which is called Puhu.

Chonto, a muster, a sample, a pattern, a model.

Cho-o, to have in keeping, to give food and wages to servants or labourers. To keep and feed animals for use. To keep as a garden , or more properly the plants therein. To look after and keep in order. Kěbo kudu di cho-o, Buffaloes must be taken care of. Kěbon di cho-o deui, the garden is again kept in order.

Chop, the idiomatic expression of a thorn, needle or anything sharp running into any part of the body. Aduh chop loba chuchuk, mercy on us how the thorns prick.

Choplok, fallen out, displaced, separated from its usual position.

Chopong, having a hole through, open, gaping, not shut.

Chopot, fallen out, displaced; of the same meaning as Choplok but not quite so strong.

Choréham, the jaws, the chaps; the after teeth, the molars otherwise also called Charéham.

Chorét, to make a mark or streak; a mark made by way of a tally to daub in streaks.

Chorogol, a large tree; a variety of wild Rambutan or Tundem which later word see.

Chorok, to stick in or between, as a carrying stick into anything that has to be carried on the shoulders. Pachorok, taken by mistake, confounded.

Chorong, to pass through a funnel.

Chorongan, a funnel.

Chos, the idiomatic expression of shoving in, or inserting one thing within another. Chos di adukĕn, and he shoved them into one another.

Chowak, an opening cut in a forest orjungle, as where a road might pass through; a gap.

Chowéné, a young marriageable woman; a maidenhead. Yowwana, C. 578, youth, manhood; an assemblage of young women. The Sunda word looks like a corruption of this expression made feminine.

Chu, Chinese, ardent spirits , arrack.

Chua, not pleasing, not convinced, of no avail, disappointed.

Chuan, D'ont, be sure not to; also frequently used as Pachuan which see. Chuan aya nu nyokot, be sure that no body takes any.

Chubit, to pinch, to nip.

Chubluk, a pit fall; a hole dug in the earth and lightly covered over with branches &c. into which any wild animal will fall if he steps upon it, especially Rhinoceroses. Chuchuk, thorns, sharp spines on plants, or in the gills of some fish.

Chuchunduk, flowers or ornaments stuck in the handkerchief above the ear, when worn by men. See Wiraga.

Chuchung'uk, a cock-roach, a variety of the cock-roach insect.

Chuchurut, the musk rat, called in Malay Chinchurit. Chunchu, Cuchichundari, C. 200, the muskrat. (At Batavia Chrurut).

Chuchut, a shark, which are very large and very plentiful in the seas round Java.

Chuhchur, a variety of kuéh or native pastry.

Chuhchur, a bird which makes a loud noise, particularly on moonlight nights, sounding like a carpenter dubbing or squaring a piece of wood, to which the natives compare it. A Goat-sucker. Podargus Javanensis of Horsfield.

Chuka, vinegar. Chukra, C. 200, sour, acid; acid seasoning; also the Tamarind tree; sorrel. Chuka in Sanscrit is vinegar, Crawfurd's dessertation Page 117. (?).

Chukang, a bridge. Anything as a stick or bambu laid across running water or a gap, over which a man may pass.

Chukangkang, a liane in the forest. Hoya multiflora.

Chuk-chelok, first in one place and then in another; often removing or changing place of abode. Erratic.

Chuké, tax or toll paid to government. The proportion of the crop which a landholder gathers in kind, as the corp comes off the ground.

Chukit, to put or yoke an animal especially a buffaloe , to a cart or plough , and start him off.

Chukul, getting what one wants; abundantly rewarded, successful.

Chukup, sufficient in number, or quantity; complete-Possessing the means to accomplish any end.

Chukupkĕn, to supply all that is wanted, to complete.

Chukup-lumur, hushing up a story, or impleasant occurrence. Hayang ménta chukup-lumur bai, I am desirous of having the matter hushed up.

Chukur, to shave. Péso-chukur, a knife to shave; a razor.

Chul, the idiomatic expression of throwing away or abandonning; of letting go anything which we hold. Chul bai di picheun and away he ftung it.

Chula, a Rhinoceros horn, or any single horn projecting from the snout. An opprobrious name for a good for nothing fellow. Chula, C. 200, a lock of hair left on the crown of the head; a crest; a peacock's crest (35).

Chulak-chilĕk, staring about; peeping and peering every where. Confused and looking wildly in all directions without knowing what to do.

(35) Chûdâ (with cerebral d which in pronounciation resembles to l) has in Skr. the meanings given by Clough, besides that of top, summit etc. Fr. Chulak-tanggul, name of a tree which is often found parasitically growing upon some other tree. Aralia Kigida.

Chulaméga, the dregs of Cocoa nut pulp from which oil has been expressed or boiled out. (Megha, is a cloud, originally making water!?)

Chulan, Aglaia odorata, name of a shrub with bunches of small flower buds, which are laid amongst clothes. The plant is orginally Chinese who call it Chiulan, and is mixed with tea.

Chulanggok, lifting and darting forward the head, as a snake, bird or animal about to bite or start off.

Chulik, a fabulous or fancied animal or bird heard at night time in trees, and thought to forbode evil. It is no doubt some night- bird which has a sharp shrill cry. The natives have also an idea that the eyes of children buried in any dam or water-works will ensure their not giving way or breaking down , and men who go about the country for the sake of gouging children for this purpose are called Chulik. They are much talked about and much dreaded, but a real actual occurrence of the kind never came within my knowledge, even during a 12 years residence amongst the natives.

Chumah, of no use, useless, helpless.

Chumanggah, said of young growing paddy when it first gets two leaves.

Chumbu, to fondle, to caress, to pet. Chumbana, C. 200, to kiss, kissing. (Vide Chium.)

Chumi-Chumi, the cuttle fish, Loligo.

Chumplung, a Cocoanut which has been eaten by the squirrels, and is thus empty.

Chumpon, just sufficient for any purpose; sufficient and none over.

Chunduk, obeying, submitting to, reverencing. Chunduk ka ratu, sacha ka ménak, submitting to the king, cleanbreasted with the nobles.

Chunduk, arrived at, come up to the time. Geus chunduk ka bulan na we have arrived at the month.

Chungchurungan, the rump bone, the fundament.

Chunia, a variety of cargo boat. It is Chinese Shun a boat.

Chupang, name of a fish, found especially in pounds; it is somewhat like Gurami, but much smaller.

Chuplak-chéplak, smacking the lips in eating; enjoying what is eaten.

Chupu, a small metal vase or case with a circular lid fitting to it; often used for holding part of the siri engredients, as Tobacco &c. A casket.

Chupu, a variety of Mangga so called.

Chur, the idiomatic expression of pouring out water, grain, sand or any thing that will run; said also of rain; Chur hujan, and down the rain came. Chur di chichiken, and out he poured it.

Churi, to steal. Chowri C. 201. Stealing, theft. (36).

(36) Skr. Chur to steal; Chium and chur are two of the few words taken from the Sanskrit, which Churug, a water-fall, a cascade. A word compounded of Chai, water, and urug, to tumble down.

Churuk, the fore-finger; any finger of the hand.

Churuk bugang, the middle finger, literally the carcass finger. Also called Si Jangkung, the long chap.

Churuluk, the fruit bearing stem of the Kawung Palm tree, in contradistinction to the other fructication stem called Leungan or hand, which does not bring its fruit to perfection, but which gives abundance of toddy, which is with difficulty extracted from the Churuluk for the purpose of making Sugar. The small nuts which grow on the Churuluk stem are also known by the name of Churuluk. The Churuluk is thus most probably the female, and the lĕung'an the male part of the Palm.

Chut, the idiomatic expression of disappearing, of vanishing.

Chutak, a small division of a Country; the officer over such division.