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A Dictionary of the Sunda language/G

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Ga-ak, a crow, the common black crow. Cornix, corvus. (Batavian and Balinese Go-ak or Gowak.)

Ga-ang, a variety of cricket, gryllus. An insect so called.

Gachong, a portion of paddy given to the reapers for their trouble in assisting to cut, which in this case is only 1/10 of what they cut, whereas when 1/5 is given, it is called Derep.

Gabag, a disease resembling measles.

Gabél, a fish found in stagnant water, has no scales.

Gabiag, said of Paddy when the whole crop of ears has shot out and show themselves.

Gablĕg, to own, possessed of; a coarse and sneering word. Naun sia to gableg pokék, what haven’t you such a thing as a pair of short breeches.

Gablug, falling with a heavy sound; falling helplessly and heavily. Buah kadu gablug bai ragrag, the Durian fruit fell with a heavy bang.

Gabras, the idiomatic expression of stabbing; to launch at and stick; to hit with something sharp pointed. Gabras bai di teuweuk, slap into him he stuck him.

Gabrul, to slash and cut the top off grass; not to cut off short by the ground. To cut and clear away grass and brush wood roughly.

Gabug, said of any fruit which does not fill, especially Paddy- said of man or animal which has not the power of procreation. Paré gabug, empty paddy. Jélema gabug, a person who has not the power of procreation.

Gabus, a fish found in stagnant water, and in the still parts of streams. He is ravenous and eats other small fry. Ophicephalus striatus. There is a wood called Kayu gabus, with soft, spongy texure found near the sea shore.

Gadang, to tie or secure anything with a bit of string. To tie temporarily. To tie anything as it were with a Martingal.

Gadé and Gadékĕn, to pawn, to pledge, to mortgage.

Gadil, to butt as a goat.

Gading, ivory, the tusk of an elephant. A variety of Bambu so called.[1]

Gado, the chin.

Gadog, name of a large forest tree, called also Gintung. Bischoffia Javanica.

Gaduh, and gaduhan, pledge, pawn, a deposit for mutual benefit. Ngala gaduhan, to take in pawn. (See gadé.)

Gaduhkěn, to give an animal, especially a female buffaloe, to another person to keep and look after; the person having such charge, has for his trouble, a share of the calves born , or interest in the hire of the buffaloe when let out to plough sawahs or the like.

Gadung, the name of a plant with large bulbous root. Dioscorea triphylla. Much used at certain seasons of the year when rice is scarce. It requires to be rasped and soaked well before cooking or else it is deleterious.

Gadur, talking at random. Chattering.

Gagabah, careless, heedless: not observing necessary ceremony or respect.

Gagajah, the main body of a natives house; that part which is under the roof which rests upon the chief frame work of a house. The centre of the house.

Gagak, a crow, the same as Ga-ak.

Gagal, doing wrong, inadvertently wrong, doing wrong by mistake. Not doing what is expected. Tilok gagal, never wrong, you may always count upon it or him.

Gagaman, attendants, followers, people brought to help at any work- also Soldiers. Gagaman in Javanese, both weapons and men armed with weapons, derived from Gaman, a weapon. (Gamana, march of an assailant. ? Fr.)

Gagang, the handle , the shaft of any implement; the stalk or stem of a plant or flower.

Gagaruan, to scratch in the earth, as a dog or other animal. (Cf. garuk, Malay and Batavian.)

Gagasah, to rub the body against anything; as an animal, say a horse or buffaloe, against a tree.

Gagébér, the dewlap. The thin piece of flesh hanging along the throat of a cow. See Gébér.

Gagu, stammering, stuttering.

Gahar, sweet and pungent-denotes a taste of sweet mixed with pepper or pungency.

Gahil, disappointed, not getting one's wish; one of the numerous names for a pig.

Gairu, perplexed, confused, not knowing what one is about.

Gajag-gajig, running and skitting about without doing any real work.

Gajah, an Elephant. See Liman. Gaja, C. 162 an Elephant. The Elephant is not found wild in Java, but exists in that state in Sumatra. Elephas sumatranus. The word Gajah occurs in a certain form of Jampé , and means a great man. See Suku.

Gaja mada, the second general of Majapahit who with Ariya Damar conquered Bali. Gaja C. 162, an Elephant. Mada, C. 510, joy, pleasure, delight, the juice which flows from an Elephants temples when in rut. The Elephant rut.

Gaji, pay, salary, wages; the word is the Dutch Gagie.

Gajih, fat on animals or man, fat, tallow.

Gakang, savage as a dog; fierce.

Gala, a pole; a piece of wood, but mostly of bambu used for propelling a boat in shallow water: a boathook. Galadag, to floor with sticks; to lay down sticks in even order to serve as a foundation of anything, as of Paddy, grass &c. To lay down sticks on a muddy road so that a cart may be able to pass along. To make what the Americans call a corduroy road.

Galadag, a hack-horse, a pack-horse. A horse got from the authorities to perform a stage of a journey; often heard pronounced Gladag.

Galagar, cross sticks or beams used in any rough work made of wood, as in a bridge &c.

Galai, to mix, to knead, to trample down.

Galak, fierce, furious, savage as an animal, daring, venturesome at any work or enterprise. Orang galak, fierce people. Anjing galak, a fierce dog. Awéwé galak, a women who makes overtures to a man. Galak meuli na ari murah, people will buy venture somely when it is cheap. See Lak.

Galang, a chock or block placed under any object to keep it from the ground.

Galangan, the partition or small earthen embankment between the different divisions or pétaks of Sawahs.

Galar, a cross piece of wood in a timber framed house.

Galar-gilir, to come frequently to any place; to keep walking round; to frequent much.

Galék, a variety of Chaw or plantain; it is the same as is sometimes called Chaw Tanduk.

Galéong, to turn round.

Galér, a piece of split bambu tied transversely on other bambus or pieces of wood, so as to hold them at proper distances a part, especially on roofs of houses.

Galih, the heart wood of trees which is generally hard and enduring. The heart and hard part of any substance, wood, stone or other object.

Galing, curled, crisped, said of young paddy which grows luxuriantly, which throws out abundant leaves which spread out and soon cover the ground. Curly hair.

Galinggěm, a shrub planted about fences of roads and gardens. Bixa orellana.

Galu, name of a district in the interior of the residency of Cheribon, from whence Chiung Wanara and Raden Tanduran, the founders of Pajajaran and Majapahit were descended. Raffles Vol. 2 Page 99/100. Galu in former times appears to have been a place of some note, and held sway even over the eastern part of the Prianger Regencies.

Galuga, another name for Galinggem, Bixa orellana.

Galugur, the trunk of a tree fallen on the ground. Galugur kawung the palm kawung fallen on the ground, blown down.

Galunggung, name of a volcano south of Bandung which had a great eruption in 1822.

Galur, the beaten path, or even, only trace of a wild beast in the forest, or through jungle. Any jungle or grass beaten down by an animal passing.

Gamah, frightened, disturbed, on the qui vive; as a man at an improper act, or a wild animal in the jungle.

Gambang, a native musical instrument, being a wooden trough, across which bars of hard wood, mostly teak, are laid, longer at one end than at the other. When such bars are struck with a small mallet, they give out musical sounds. Another variety of gambang has brass bars instead of wooden ones.

Gambar, a picture, a representation. An historical table or account.

Gambir, Nauclea Gambir, a shrub, the leaves of which are boiled down and yield an inspissated juice which dries, and is then cut into small cakes. This material is also called Gambir and is eaten every where in the Archipelago along with the Sĕurĕuh or Siri, which see. It is produced in large quantities at Singapore and Rhio.

Gambos, soft and yielding; not hard and firm; said of softish vegetable materials.

Gamĕlan, a set of native musical instruments, of which the Gambang and Go-ong form part. A native band.

Gamĕlan Saléndro, a full assortment of native musical instruments is so called.

Gampang, easy facile. Éta gampang, that is easy.

Gampangkĕn, to make light of any matter; to trifle with.

Gamparan, a wooden sandal or sole of thick wood, held to the foot by a peg with a round knob, which passes between the toes.

Gamplĕng, conceding or giving way; doing something rather unadvisedly. Gampleng bai di jual, he threw it away in a sale; he slapped it off at a sale.

Gamudra mupu, a main receptacle; a place where every advantage exists. Quere is Gamudra a wrong expression of Samudra, C. 711. the sea, the ocean? Mupu is togather up, and would then mean- „the sea which gathers up or acts as a receptacle“. The sea being large receives all rivers and all they bring down into it.

Gana, C. 164. One of the names of Ganesa. The troops called Gandharwa, a kind of inferior deities considered as Sivas attendants, and under the especial command Gane'sa , the Hindu god of wisdom.

Ganchang, quick, fast. Ganchang lumpat na, he ran fast.

Ganda, shalots, a kind of small onion grown in the humahs amongst the mountains Ganda, C. 165. smell, odour, perfume. Whether om Sunda word has any more than resemblance of name to boast of, it is hard to tell, as the shalots are not particularly noted for smell. (Gandha, smell; means also Morunga hyperanthera; Aloewood; and the bud of the Champaka flower; a diffusive fragrance).

Ganda rusa, a fruit resembling a mangga. (Rûshaka is a plant, Justicia Ganderussa).

Gandasoli, name of a plant growing among grass with a small yellow flower. The word sounds Sanscritical. Ganda, C. 165 smell, odour, Suliya C. 755. the curve or groove of a screw; mischief, deceit. It is a variety of Hedychium.

Gandéng, making a noise or disturbance; boisterous, noisy.

Gandĕt, cut but not quite through; cut with a notch. A notch or catch of any kind. A ridge or impediment.

Gandol, to carry anything, as a bundel or the back folded up in the Samping or Sarung. Gandol, one of the names for Rhinoceros. Ganda and Gandaka C. 162 are both, a Rhinoceros, and have much resemblance to Gandol.

Gandola, a weed found in mountainous situations. It has a feathery flower which helps to blow about the seeds, whereby it propagates itself very rapidly and makes it difficult to eradicate. (Gandholi is a fragrant grass, Cyperus rotundus).

Gandu, name of a tree in the jungle, the astringent fruit of which is eaten by women who have been in childbirth.

Ganesa, the god of wisdom. C. 165. derived from Gana, a troop, Isa a lord or chief. The Hindu god of wisdom ; he is represented in the temples as a short fat man , with the head of an Elephant ; he is the son of Siva and Parvati, and is considered the remover of obstacles; hence in the commencement of all undertakings , and in the opening of all composition , he receives the reverential homage of the Hindus; he is considered as the chief of the various classes of subordinate deities, who are regarded as Siva's attendants.

Ganggang, to leave brush- wood, felled forest, cut grass &c to dry and wither in the sun, preparatory to burning.

Ganggang, a kind of grass growing under water, especially in ponds, and amongst which ducks are fond of grubbing.

Ganggarangan, an animal of the ferret or squirrel kind climbing up trees. (Cf. Sanggarangan.)

Ganggawang, ajar, gaping a little, just open.

Ganggong, ancient, primeval. Leuweung ganggong, primeval forest, where the trees are large.

Ganggu, to annoy, to molest any one; to be troublesome to any one.

Gangsa, a goose. Hansa- C. 784. a goose.

Gangsa, the metal of which Gongs or Go-ongs are made, and of which copper is the chief ingredient. Bronze. Also filings of such metal which is given to people as a slow poison, said to take effect upon the throat and causes at least loss of voice. The husky cough caused by this poison.

Gangsal, of uneven number , an odd number as 3. 5. 7. 9. (Jav. and Balin. five).

Gangsor, said of an animal's belly which is so large that it trails on the ground; one variety of the Rhinoceros has especially a belly of this kind, and is hence called Badak gangsor.

Gangsor, to shred or cut up yams or other roots with a sharp bambu instrument called Panggangsoran.

Ganitri, name of a shrub the seeds of which are much used for rosaries. Elaeocarpus Angustifolia. Crawfurd. (Cf. The Guduha gĕnitri or Bali.)

Ganjaran, reward, recompense, especially as given by chiefs in reward of services done by inferior people. Clemency of God for good deeds; happiness hereafter; grace.

Ganjĕl, to support or lift up by placing a chock, block or other object underneath. Ganjil, of oneven number, odd, not corresponding. (See Gangsal.)

Gantang, a measure for rice and any other grain. About ten gantangs of rice weigh one pikul. The gantang is a trifle short of one English Imperial peck.

Gantar, a piece of bambu or tick stiff rattan on which clothes &c are put, especially in the sun to dry.

Ganti, to change, to exchange, to take one thing or person in place of another; to shift; to repair by using fresh materials. A substitute, a successor.

Gantung, to hang as a person who is executed; to hang as an object suspended; to suspend from an office or service; withheld as payment. Relatives high. Said of a water way which wants deepening to allow the water to flow along it.

Gap, the idiomatic expression of biting at, of snapping at, as a dog does. Gap bai ku maung, and the tiger snapped him up.

Garaha, an Eclipse. Grahana, C. 187 literally taking, seizing, an Eclipse of the sun or moon , because of the idea which Indian astrologers have of an Eclipse. Rahu , one of the inferior planets , having in consequence of certain unfair actions committed against him both by the sun and moon conceived an eternal hatred against them, at certain seasons takes the advantage of laying hold of them with his mouth , or hand , threatens them with destruction , and the darkness is caused by his gripe. Clough voce. Eclipse. (The word is in Scr. Graha, eclipse; also Rahu himself; we find in several Sundanese words the tendency of placing a vowel sound between two consonants followiug each other; see above dĕrigama. Fr.)

Garai, to gammon a rope, viz. after twisting a round and round, to lash those strands again at the middle, so as to draw them still closer and faster together.

Garang, as di garang, to fry or roast on hot embers.

Garanggang, a bambu sharpened at one end, and thrown as a spear. The tamiang is especially used for this purpose.

Garap, to speak quickly; speaking so fast that the words run into each other.

Garĕmbul, eating more than common; voracious.

Garéték, vexed, boiling with anger, enraged.

Garing, dry, perfectly dried, desiccated. Garing expresses a higher degree of dryness than Tuhur or Tu-us.

Garinjĕl, any surface which is not perfectly smooth; having small inequalities.

Garintul, having knobby projections; Garintul is in a higher degree what Garinjĕl represents in a smaller one.

Garis, a mark, a scratch; to make a mark with a pointed instrument. A limit assigned. Ulah ngaliwat garis, do not exceed the limits assigned.

Garisul, high and low places adjoining each other. Deep and shallow places, side by side in a river.

Garombol, small thick- set bushes. Thickets. Garotan, old, ancient, primeval; said of an old forest. Leuweung garotan, a primeval forest.

Garu, a harrow, an implement of agriculture, a large rake. To harrow, to rake.

Garu, the name of a kind of perfumed wood called generally Lignum Aloes. Agaru, C. 7. the name of a plant, Dalbergia Sissoo- Aguru C. 8. from a privative, and Guru heavy- the name of a fragrant wood- Aloe wood.

Garuan, to scratch any part of the body; to harrow. (See Garuk.)

Garuda, the Griffin, C. 168, the bird the Vehicle of Vishnu, he is generally represented as being something between and a bird, and considered as sovereign of the feathered tribe.

Garuk, to scratch with the nail, to scratch any part of the body.

Garung, said of cultivalion which is not taken proper care of, not weeded. Said also of fallen forest which cannot get burnt for wet weather, or some other cause, and thus the ground cannot be cultivated or planted.

Garungsang, steep and rugged, precipitous.

Gasal, an uneven number, 3. 5. 7. more usually Gangsal.

Gasik, quick, expeditions; be quick!

Gasir, to undermine: to sap a house or wall for the purpose of getting in to steal.

Gatapan, afraid, shying as a horse.

Gatěl, a portion of Paddy levied as tax, given to the village chiefs for their trouble in collecting revenues.

Gatét, name of a tree, Inocarpus edulis.

Gati, difficult, causing trouble, intricate. Unwilling, unless on hard terms to comply trouble, intricate. Unwilling, unless on hard terms to comply with our wishes.

Gatoh, that part of a white ants nest which contains the Queen ant. The Queen ant herself, who is vastly larger than her subjects, being an inch an a half long and ⅜ of an inch thick and very helpless. The natives eat her Queenship as a delicacy.

Gatrah, trace, mark of. The trace of something commenced and then abandoned for some cause as a bad job. The mark on the ground of some work begun and then abandoned as a slokan which is not carried through. Gatra, C. 172 the body, a limb, a member.

Gauk, to cry out in a rage: to roar; to bellow.

Gaul, a long drum like tube of wood, set in dams in rivers to catch fish.

Gaur, to scramble for, the confusion made by scrambling. Paré na di gaur bai, they quite scrambled who should have the paddy (by buying).

Gawé, work, occupation, trouble. To work. Gěrrah di gawé set to work. Quickly to work. Gawé sia to hadé, what you are about is not right. Matak gawé éta, that will cause trouble.

Gawé, is also a grand feast or jollification such as natives get up on occasions of marriage or circumcision, which they thus appear to consider as labour or a piece of work. Daik bogah gawe, I mean to hold a festival. (In the same way used as Balin. Kârja; makârja is originally to work, but employed to denote festivals of the natives.) Gawing, hung up, suspeuded, swinging clear of the ground.

Gawir, a steep bank, a precipice.

Gayĕm, to chew, to chew the cud.

Gayot, swinging backwards and forwards.

Gayung, a ladle made out of the segment of a Cocoa nut shell with a wooden handle fixed to it.

, an expression of remonstrance or taunting; see there! what now! an expression which often occurs in sentences but is difficult to translate, as the sense will often read intelligibly without it. Siji bai gé hadé even only one will do. Perhaps even, only, is the nearest approach to its meaning.

Gĕbah, to frighten away; to drive away cattle or birds from cultivation, or the like.

Gĕbang, name of a Palm tree as a Cocoanut. Its young leaves are pulled in shreds and made into Kadut or bagging. Name of a variety of Paddy. The Palm is Corypha Gĕbanga.

Gĕbĕg, to fan, to cause a current of air to move.

Gĕbĕng, included in, belonging to.

Gébér, to wiggle waggle about; to flap backwards and forwards. Gageber, the dewlap of a cow.

Gĕbiug, all together; working simultaneously.

Gĕblĕg, a fool, a stupid fellow; foolish.

Gĕblig, stamping on the ground; springing up so as to come down with force upon the ground.

Gĕbluk-gĕbluk, frequent knocking or striking. An intensitive from of gĕblig.

Gĕbog, a fold of shred tobacco as put up for sale, called in Malay Lémpéng. A fold or piece of Cotton cloth or prints.

Gĕbrĕgan, a short but hard tug at any work; a tussle at any thing. Sagĕbrĕgan, for a short period , while an effort is made.

Gĕbug, to thrash with a stick or whip.

Gĕbur, said of the flaming up of a torch; the blazing up of a large fire. Lambent as flame.

Gĕdag, to shake, to cause to move.

Gĕdang, a tree with a fruit called in Malay Papaya. Carica Papaya.

Gĕdé, large, big, great.

Gĕdé, as Awi gĕdé, the large bambu; a most useful variety, splits up for palupuhs, and is in universal use about house building.

Gĕdĕbog, the pliant stem of a Plantain torn in strips to envelop anything. The stem it seld of Plaintain when cut down for any use.

Gĕdĕbong, a plant with largish heart-shaped leaves, rough with veins. Leaf used as a medicine for worms in children.

Gĕdĕbus, ganmes in which are exhibited feats of address with various sharp weapons, as stabbing the body with krisses or knives &c, but which are merely clever sleights of hand. These games are mostly practised by men who pretend to be great proficients in the knowledge of the Mohammedan religion, and thereby to have attained their skill.

Gĕdég, a flooring of split bambus wattled together, and used in any way on bridges, ferries, any passage or road &c. &c.

Gédéng, a bundle of paddy consisting of two smaller bundles tied together and of a certain weight. The most usual size is of 16 catties weight. Each half of this gendeng weighs 8 catties and is called Sapochong.

Gédéng, steep, precipitous.

Gédéngĕun, on the side of, near the side. Said of men of high birth. When said of common people it is gigirĕun.

Gĕdĕr, the noise of a quarrelsome dispute; a continuous noise.

Gédér, startled, frightened, discomposed.

Gĕdig, a big chap, a big person; any person or thing which is large and makes much pretension.

Gédog, to shake together, to joggle together, as grain or any other loose material in a basket or measure.

Gědogan, a stall for a horse, a native stable which consists of a kind of cage under a roof, into which a horse is turned in loose and then barred in.

Gédong, a mansion, a great man'shouse; the houses of Europeans are called Gědongs, especially in the country. Gědong Běchara the Town Hall the Mension House, where public business is conducted.

Gědor, to strike, to hit, to hammer at; to strike with a heavy mallet

Gědubus, to put a man to work to pay off his debt by his labour.

Gědug, occurs as a name as Gědug Leng'ur- a designation of some ancient Mythological character. It is not otherwise heard in Sunda. Gericke's Javanese Dictionary gives- Gědug, in order that, entirely; the extreme, the last; and Gěgědug, the pre-eminent, the first in rank; chief, leader. Lěngur has not been traced. Friederich.

Gěduk, shaking, agitated; thumping on the ground or on any other object.

Gěgading, the horizontal bars in a wooden building, to which are nailed the planks or attached the bambu pagars. Gading-gading in Malay are the floor timbers of a ship.

Gěgah, mighty, valliant, spirited, full of activity as a young horse &c. active and pleased.

Gěgandén, a mallet, a large hammer made entirely of wood. A maul.

Gěgandět, a mark as of a cut or notch. A ridge or impediment See Gandět.

Gěgasah, to rub the body against any object, as a tree, a wall &c. Said of a horse or animal which rubs itself against a tree, a post or the like.

Gěgědén, Big folks, great people. Derived from Gědé, great.

Gěgěl, to bite, to layhold of with the teeth; also to lay hold of in general.

Gěgělang, ancient name of a place in the district of Pranaraga in the residency of Madiun.

Gěgěndhir, a long stout staff, as long as a man, carried partly for support and partly for a weapon of defence. Called at Batavia Limbuhan.

Gégép, pincers, a forceps; a blacksmith's vice.

Gégéréntélan, having curly hair, curly locks. Said of anything which is put in small round bits or in pellets.

Gěgěroan, roaring, crying, bellowing. Di gegeroan, to roar at a man to call his attention.

Gěgětuk, to mash up taleus, or the fruit seeds of the Nangka Beurit; this being mixed with Jaggory Sugar and cocoanut is eaten as a delicacy or treat.

Gěgolak, to boil up as hot water, to be in a state of ebullition.

Géhéng, burnt clean up; said of fire which makes a clean sweep and consumes all it comes against, as in the humahs.

Géhgér, giving the alarm, crying out; showing discontent. Uproar, tumult. Géhgéran, the sensitive plant. Mimosa Pudica.

Géjég, attendants at a native feast; servants at a festival.

Gék, the idiomatic expression of sitting down. Gék bai diyeuk, and down he sat.

Gěladag or Gladag, as Kuda geladag, a hack-horse: a horse used for carrying goods or other rough purposes. A Pack-horse.

Gělap, contraband, what cannot bear the light of day; unlawful, forbidden.

Gělap, a thunder bolt, a stroke of lightning.

Gělas, a glass, a tumbler. Derived from the Dutch word Glas.

Gělatik, the Java sparrow. A pretty little bird so called, with red bill and legs. The general colour of the body is a pretty slate colour, with white spot on breast. Fringilla oryzivora.

Gělatik mung'ut, perhaps originally Pung'ut which is in Malay to gather up. A sort, of game in which the players of the Angklung bambu music pick up with their mouths money or other objects thrown to them by the bye standers.

Gělěběg, a pedaty wheel made of one disk of wood. A small cart on such wheels. Pansmat gelebeg, those Spanish dollars which bear two circles or spheres on them, which are taken for representations of Pedaty wheels, and not as indicative of authority over the two worlds.

Gělédég, Lightning. The flash of light attending thunder.

Gělěděg, indicative of the impetuous rush of fire, of water, or of a flood. Said also of people or animals running off hastily in numbers. Geledeg bai cha-ah, down rushed a flood. Seuneuh geledeg bai ka imah, kahuruan, and the fire rushing up the house in a lambent flame, burnt it. Kebo na geledeg bai lumpat, and off the buffaloes ran with impetuosity.

Gěléntér, to spread out one by one in the sun to dry. Said especially of new cut paddy so treated. Gélgél, the name of the ancient capital of the island of Bali, destroyed upwards of 100 years ago by the people of Karang Asam. It was the capital of the Déwa Agung or Supreme Lord of Bali when Europeans first became acquainted with the country. Friederich, Bat. Trans. Vol 23 Page 26.

Gélo, foolish, stupid, giddy, heedless.

Gělong, to swallow, to bolt down the throat. Di gělong bulěd, he swallowed it whole.

Gělung, to top-knot of a woman's hair. To dress the hair of women when of low degree. Vide Sanggul.

Gělut, to roll or tustle playfully as children. To struggle and roll together in fighting; to hug, to wrestle.

Gěmbong, a variety of Bambu with long joints.

Gěmbor, a variety of Chaw or Plantain.

Gěmbréng, a metal dish or plate struck by a public crier to call attention or to give notice of a public auction about to take place.

Gěměs, vexed, irritated, gnashing the teeth with rage.

Gěmpar, prostrated, cast down, especially by sickness. Fallen ill.

Gěmparan, wooden sandals. A wooden sole with a peg in the front part to pass between the toes, whereby to hold it to the foot.

Gěmpél, to cut paddy close below the ear, and thus without any of the straw to act as a handle; this is done especially with bad paddy, which is then collected in a basket, and not tied up in bundels.

Gěmpur, to cut down small jungle, bambus &c; to clear a bit of ground of bushes, long grass &c.

Gěmuh, having plenty, getting abundantly, especially something to eat or for personal use; exuberant.

Gěn, an argumentative or remonstrative particle; well! hew comes it? Gen to datang, he's not come.

Genanan, an argumentative expression of remonstrance or expostulation, as- well after all! nevertheless! and then. Ari chur hujan, genanan minggat, and when the rain came on, then away they ran.

Gěnap, six. This word is probably derived from Ganapang, the imperative of Ganinawa, to add up, to count, to reckon, Clough 165. and as such indicates a step in the native method of counting, when the five fingers of the hand had been used up, and thus Genap would mean- a counting, a score. In Malay Genap means complete, full, even in number.

Gěnapblas, Sixteen.

Gěnappuluh, Sixty.

Génchét, to tie together with a bit of string, to tack together. In conjunction.

Gěnděng, to be peevish, to find fault with, to chatter in a rage.

Gěnděs, longing to get at any one to thrash him. See Gemes. Gěndul, the fruit of the Kamiri or Munehang tree, when only one and thus a large stone contained in one fruit When there are two stomes, they are called Dampa. Games or chances are taken upon these stones.

Génggaing, a variety of the Durian or Kadu tree, Durio Zibethinus. The fruit of the Génggaing is smaller than that of the real Durian, its thorns softer and longer, and its fruit much more stinking.

Génggé, small round bells or brass castinets, worn by children round their ankles.

Génggéhék, a river fish resembling the Rěgis. At Buitenzorg the Rěgis is called Génggéhék.

Gěnggěm, to carry in the hand, to clasp in the fist, to clench, to clasp hold of, as if about to give a stick or thrust. Ngagenggem péso, to carry a knife in the hand.

Gěnggěrong, the thrapple, the main duct of the throat.

Génggong, uneven as a bit of land; rough with stones or stamps of trees.

Génja, a variety of Paddy which comes soon to perfection, but is not so nutritive as sorts which require longer time to grow.

Génjé, a variety of hemp, the leaves of which can smoked like opium. It is imported from the continent of India, and used to adulterate opium.

Génjělong, top heavy, crank, heavy in the upper part so as to cause to totter.

Gěnta, brass bells carried tied to front part of pedaties or carts. A bell in general. Ganta, C. 165. a bell.

Génténg, a tile, more frequently Kénténg which see.

Géong, the circular flight of birds when in flocks.

Gěpéng, flat and thin; flattened by treading or pressing on. Ari di tinchak to daikkěn gěpéng, when you tread on it, it does not flatter.

Gěpok, Two quantities or two lots made into one, as when two baskets of Tobacco are put face to face and lashed into one package, such package then becomes one Gěpok. Also said of two lots of bambus, each lot generally consisting of a dozen sticks fastened in a row, lashed one upon the other, for the purpose of easily floating them together down a river.

Gěr, the idiomatic expression of doing anything with energy. Gěr bai paséa, they turned to and had a fight. Gěr bai lumpat, and away they scampered off. (Cf. seger)

Gěrěděg, indicates quick and impetuous motion. Running rapidly. Gěrěděg bai lumpat, and off he ran with all his might. Kréta geredeg bai datang, the carriage drove rapidly up.

Gěrěman, to growl at, to snarl, as a wild animal does in the forest; to pretend to snarl at a young woman when wishing to call her attention for purposes of love.

Gěrět, to make a mark or scratch, as with a knife on a bit of wood. To scratch a mark. This word appears to be a sort of diminutive of Gurat.

Gěrgaji, a saw. To saw wood. (Skr. Krakacha; the tenues commuted into mediae.) Gěrimis, drizzle as rain, slight rain. (Jav. and Batav. idem.)

Gěring, ill, sick, out of health. (Balin. idem. In Javanese it means the pest.)

Gěrrah, be quick, look sharp; to proceed to do any act. Gerrah di taburken, now proceed to pour it out. (Probably Skr. Çighra(m), quickly swiftly; the çî, si, having been misunderstood, and considered as the Sundanese word si. Fr.)

Gěrrahěun, as if its likely. Most assuredly not. Gerraheun di béré, most assuredly he will not give it.

Gěrro, to scream, to roar. (Jav. The roar, for instance of a tiger.)

Gěrtak, to make afraid, to threaten. (Jav. To show oneself angry.)

Gěrus, to collander cloth, to rub cloth with anything smooth so as to give it also a smooth polished appearance; for this purpose the Cyprea sea shell is used. (Jav. id.)

Géséh, moved, altered, displaced. Geseh poi na, the day is changed. (Jav. id.)

Gěsěng, black with burning, grimed. (Jav. Gosong and Gěsěng, id.)

Gěsěr, to file the teeth, as is done with those of all Javanese, by taking the enamel off, and rubbing in some preparation to make them black.

Gětah, gum, sap, the milky or gummy exudation from trees when the bark is cut.

Gětah Pěrcha, known only as a foreign product on Java. It is the gum of the Isonandra Gutta. Getah Percha is found on Sumatra, Borneo and Adjacent isles. It is found, apparently as the gum of various trees, of which the Balam or Isonandra is the most prominent.

Gětapan, frightened, shy, skittish as a horse. (Jav. Gětappan, id.)

Gětas, fragile, brittle. (Jav. id.)

Gětěk, notch, mark to come up to. Said also figuratively, Liwat getek, he has gone further than he ought.

Géték, a raft of wood, of bambu, or other light materials, either kept for crossing water, or a river, or for easily transporting the materials by water, lashed together. (Jav. id. ꦒꦺꦠꦺꦏ꧀)

Géték, to tickle, a sensation of tickling.

Gětih, blood- gore. (Jav. blood.)

Gětol, active and persevering at any work; hardworking, energetic.

Gěugěuh, as di gěugěuh, to protect, to render assistance. Often applied to supernatural protection, or the favour of some genius.

Gěugěus, a bundle of paddy.

Gěuingkěn, to shake or rouse up.

Gěulang, rings of gold, silver, brass, ivory or other material worn about the wrists. (g'lang.)

Gěulěuh, bearing malice to any one, vexed at, provoked against, said of a person in whom ill will is festering.

Gěulis, pretty as a woman, handsome. Not said of a man who is Kasep which see. This seems to be the root of the Malay word Majellis, beatiful. Elegant. Marsden Page 320.

Gěuněuk, swollen as from a contusion; said of any part of the body which has been hurt. Gěuntak, to work with impetuosity for a short time; to make an effort. To frighten by making a sudden demonstration. Sa geuntak, for a short time, viz. so long as a Geuntak or effort lasts.

Gěurěuh, chattering, much small talk.

Gěurěung, a worm, the common earth worm. Name of a variety of Rattan which is thin and used for lines in houses to hang clothes on.

Gěus, the short for Anggeus, which see. Geus anggeus, it has been completed or accomplished. The abbreviated form Geus is of very frequent occurrence.

Gěus aing, an expression of doubt, of not believing. Geus aing sia to lumpat, you would most undoubtedly take to your heels. Geus aing hadé as if I can believe it is good.

Gěus-an, in order to, for the purpose of. Answers often to the Malay word Buat. Geusan diyeuk, something to sit down upon. Geusan jamang, fit to make a jacket of it.

Gěutah, the same as Gětah, which see. Gum, sap of a tree.

Géyot-géyot, swinging to and fro, pendulons.

Géyotan, a tandu or sort of sedan chair to carry a person in.

Ghaib, arabic, concealed; not within the ken of man. Said of futurity and such like. (غيب)

Ghâlib, arabic, victorious, overcoming, prevailing. (غالب)

Giatkěn, to hurry on, to expedite. (Cf. Kagyat Kawi, and Kaget, Jav. Batav.)

Gigih, half-boiled rice, which is then taken off the fire, undergoes the process of akeul or kneading, and is then boiled again till fully cooked.

Gigir, side, edge. Nyimpang ka gigir, to step on one side. Gigiran imah, along side the house.

Gigirěun, on the side of, near the side of a person.

Gila, to have an aversion, to abhor anything, to make the flesh creep, to loathe, to nauseate.

Gilang, to shine, to glitter; Batu gilang, a glittering stone, the Diamond &c.

Gilěr, to turn the head aside and cast sheep's eyes. To look at slyly, as at a woman; to ogle.

Gili, an earthen bank put up on each side of the road. An embankment so called when on a road side.

Giling, to turn round as a wheel, or mill. To revolve, to grind.

Giling Wěsi, the name of an old empire in Java; situated some where near the Gunung Sméru. Raffles vol 2. Page 72/73.

Gilir, to turn, to change, to take by turns; to take first one and then the other.

Giliran, a turn, an opportunity to do anything, a change. Giliran kami ayeunah, it is now my turn.

Gilirkěn, to give a turn, to change, to take in turn. To cause to take or do by turns. To turn over, to twist round. Gimbal, large graind, round, rotund- said of grain, as paddy.

Ginding, proud, overbearing.

Ginggang, Gingham; a variety of coloured cloth with pattern in stripes.

Ginggěung, in a state of trepidation.

Gintung, name of a large forest tree, called also Gadog.

Girang, up the river, higher up a river than the place where we are, or of which we speak. Elevated in spirits, pleased, selfsatisfied. (In the last meaning at Batavia.)

Girang Puhun, the chief of the Badui tribe in South Bantan. Girang in this sense means chief. There is an old and ancient idea prevailing among the Sunda people that dignity is associated with not having any one living higher up the same river than yourself. Some years ago there was an old man who lived in this way on the Chidurian, and who would not allow any one to live higher up the river than him-self. If his self- imposed law was violated by others he deserted his home and removed higher again than the intruder. Vide Puhun. To laku kagirangan, you must not live higher up the river than he does.

Girang Sěrat, the second man in authoriy among the Badui; he has charge of super-intending the Humah Sérang, or common field on which is planted the Paddy made into rice for the yearly offerings, and must at the stated intervals take care that the people perform their customany acts of heathen worship. See Sarat.

Giras, wild, skittish- as a young horse. (Jav. shy.)

Giri, a mountain, a hill. Used in the composition of proper names. Thus in old pantuns or ballads, the Gunung Gědě of Jasinga is known as Mandala Giri. Girikh, C. 174 a mountain, a hill. Giri is the name of the range of hills which terminate at Grisse near Sourabaya. (Skr. Giri a mountain.)

Girik, to bore, to pierce. A native boring instrument.

Girik, a tally; a bit of wood or bambu given to people at work to keep count of what they do.

Giring, to drive, to chase, to run after, to drive cattle. (Jav. and Bat. id.)

Girintingan, name of a variety of grass.

Giruk, vexed, enraged, pettish, peevish, having an abhorrence of, having a malicious feeling towards any one.

Gisik, to rub the head or body; to chafe, to rub. (Cf. Gosok.)

Gitik, to strike with a stick, to thrash. To levy contribution. To impose an award. (Jav. Bat.)

Giwang. an ear- ring with only one stone or ornament. (Batavian.)

Gladak, a hack- horse- see Galadag.

Glam, name of a forest tree, with red soft spongy bark, by which it can easily be distinguished; it grows only among elevated mountains. The Malays have also a kayu glam, Gordonia, the epidermis of which is used for caulking- Crawfurd : but it may be fairly doubted whether the two glams are the same tree.

Goah, the cooking place in a native house; that part of a native house where cooking is carried on, and may thus be generally translated Kichen, though not a separate room. (Perhaps Skr. Guhâ, a cave, a cavern; a pit, a hole in the ground. Fr.)

Goarkěn, to stir up, to stir round any liquid.

Gobang, a native sword like instrument carried only as a weapon of defence. Called in Malay Golok.

Gobiog, a kind of bambu fence or wainscotting, made of palupuhs fixed together with other bambus. (Jav. Gěbiog the same; a polished plank.)

Gobiog, working all together. Doing any thing smartly with a lot of people.

Goblok, stupid, dull, wanting sense. Si-goblok, a stupid fellow.

Gobrah, wide, as trousers or the sleeves of a jacket.

Gocho, to strike with the fist, to box, to cuff.

Goda, to deceive, to tempt, to entice to do something wrong- to seduce from duty. (Jav. id.)

Goděn, a large copper coin formerly in use, of value of eight doigts, of size of an English penny- not now in use.

Godog, loose, shakey, not fitting tight; figuratively, unrestrained, having the choice of an alternative. Godog pikir, easy in thoughts.

Gog, the idiomatic expression of a rencounter or meeting. Gog bai kapananggi, and they suddenly met, or they came face to face.

Gogodan, to entice to do something wrong; to lead astray. Sprites or evil genii which seduce holy men from their devotions, especially at Kramats. (See goda.)

Gogog, to bark as a dog. Di gogog anjing, dogs barked at him. See Gonggong.

Gogol, to move any thing with a lever; to prize up. To move by inserting a stick or other object as a lever.

Gogomplokan, in a heap, showing in a mass; hanging in clusters.

Goji, to milk, to press the teats of cows or sheep &c. to get milk.

Golébag, tumbled down, thrown down, stretched out.

Golénchéng, to fling down.

Golér, tumbling, or lying down any where; kicking about, laid out, laid down, laid flat.

Golérkěn, to lay down any thing. To put down on the ground.

Golétrak, to fell or plump down.

Golondongan, whole, entire- said of fruit or seed which has to be ground before using, as coffee beans.

Golondongan- as Kolot golondongan, old and without manners; a rough old bear. Said of a rude old man, as if the husk had not yet been taken off him.

Golong, a roll of rope or Rattan &c; anything made up into a round parcel. A bundle or piece of Palm Sugar rolled up in Pandan leaves. (Compare guling.)

Gombong, a variety of bambu, resembling awi gedé.

Gomplok, in clusters as fruit; said of bunches of fruit growing from a common insertion on the tree. Gompong, name of a tree, wood bad and much eaten by Bangbara.

Gondang, a large fresh water slug fish in a shell. Ampullaria.

Gondok, a wen on the throat, a goiter, frequently met with amongst the mountaineers. Daik gondok, may I get a goiter. A common asseveration when a person perceives himself disbelieved. (Jav. ꦒꦺꦴꦟ꧀ꦝꦺꦴꦏ꧀ id.)

Gondok laki, the pomum Adami, or projection on the fore part of the neck of a man.

Goné,a gunny bag. This word is from the continent of India where the gunnies are made.

Gonggong, to bark like a dog. See Gogog. Anjing Sapeupeuting ngagonggong bai, the dogs kept barking the whole night through. Puyu gonggong, literally the barking quail, Perdix Javanica. See Puyu.

Gongséng, name of a creeper, from which is got a juice for the stomach ache.

Gontang, Jugglery. Certain ceremonies performed in order to ascertain the cause of disease.

Go-ong, a Gong; a circular musical instrument made of brass and beaten with a soft mallet.

Goréng, bad, vicious, spoiled, no longer fit for use.

Goréngkěn, to speak evil of, to make ont as wicked.

Gorogol, a fenced inclosure with a spring door to catch wild pigs, tigers or other wild animals.

Gosé, an oar for a native boat, a paddle.

Gosok, to rub, to wipe; to polish by rubbing. To rub clean, to scour. Figuratively- to find fault with, to keep worrying at, to egg on.

Gosong, to run ashore as a ship, stranded.

Gotong, to carry by two or more people, by means of the weight resting on the shoulders. Mostly, however, to carry by two people, with the weight suspended from a pole resting on each man's shoulders.

Gotrah, agreement, common fortune.

Gowat, quick, speedy; make haste! This word can also betraced to Singhalese roots. Gosgohingohila are absolute participles of the verb Yanawa to go, and mean thus—„having gone." Wat, C. 618 is an affix to words implying possession - having - and Gowat would thus imply - „having the property of having gone" having made haste.

Gowok, a variety of the kupa tree. Called often kupa gowok.

Gowowok, gobbling up, tearing to pieces and swallowing as fast as possible; said especially of tigers and dogs.

Goyang, to shake, to move, to agitate.

Gréja, the church, the Christian place of worship. It is the Portuguese Igréja or Iglesia.

Grisé or Grisik, name of a place in the straits of Madura, noted for its ancient trade, and as having been one of the chief places where the early Mohammedan Missionaries established their religion- derived from Girikh, C. 174, a mountain, a hill- and Sikha, C. 731, a point, top in general. Grisé is situated at the extremity or point of the range of hills called Gunung Giri, where it projects into the strait of Madura. The natives not being philologists enough to know that Giri in Sanscrit is a mountain, use the tautology of calling the range Gunung Giri, both words having the same meaning, only Gunung is strictly Polynesian. There is also a Gressik, 28 miles up the Moar river in the Malay peninsula, on high banks, but apparently not mountainons. The mouth of the Moar river is 25 miles south of Malacca. Singapore Journal 1855 Page 104.

Grobogan, a district in the Eastern extremity of the Residency of Samarang, anciently called Kuripan.

Gubĕlan, the act of a woman seizing some part of a man's dress who has laid with her, in proof of such act; such article produced as proof to the priest necessitates the man to marry the woman. ( Jav Gubĕl, to entangle something, to desire ardently from somebody.)

Gubĕrnĕment, Government-Dutch inparticular and European in general.

Gublĕg, shaking or rattling, as the contents of a rotten egg.

Gubrug-gubrug, to shake with force, especially a post stuck in the ground, or the like.

Gudang, a store, a magazine, a warehouse.

Gudĕg, shaking, as water in a bottle or any vessel which it does not fill.

Gudél, a buffaloe calf.

Gugula-an, a shrub bearing a beautiful pure white and sweet scented flower. Tabernaemontana divaricata.

Gugulingan, to roll about, to wallow.

Guguntur, to wash away earth with water; an easy way which the natives have of removing earth or cutting trenches. A stream of water is conducted to the spot to be dug out, and the earth being loosened is thrown into the water, and so carried away.

Gugur, to crumble and fall down, as earth on a fresch cut bank after exposure to the sun. To crumble away.

Gugurah, to purge, a medicine taken to clear the belly and the voice. Young native lads take Gugurah in order to have a clear and sonorous voice either for singing to their loves, or for the purpose of reading the Koran or tapsir with a clear voice.

Guguru, to learn from a Guru or teacher; to take lessons. Beunang guguru ti gunung, to have been taught it among the mountains; what has been learnt amongst the mountains.

Guha, a cavern, a cave, a hole in the ground, or more commonly in limestone rocks where the edible bird's nests are found. Guha, C. 178, a cavern, a cave.

Gula, Sugar. Gula, C. 178 food; juice of the sugar cane; raw or unrefined sugar.

Gula-batu, Sugar candy - literally stone - sugar.

Gulang-gulang, attendants of native chiefs. Runners or errandmen in attendance on native chiefs.

Guling to roll over, to roll and turn like a wheel; to roll about when laid down.

Gulingkĕn, to cause to roll - to roll anything.

Guludug, the rumbling sound of thunder. Loud and heavy thunder.

Gulung, to roll or fold up. To furl as a sail by rolling it up. To be rolled up in a heap; to get entangled and rolled together in a heap. (See Guling and Golong)

Gulunggung, name of a mountain in the Prianger Regencies, S. E. from Bandung. The word implies rolled up in a heap, being a kind of duplication of gulung.

Gumuling, not yet fledged; said of young birds which have not yet got feathers- Callow. Probably derived from guling to fall about, and thus not able to fly, with the peculiar um inserted in the word.

Gumunda, said of paddy when it covers the ground; when it has so far grown as to hide the ground, especially in Sawahs. It may be the word Gundra with the peculiar um inserted in it. Gundra, C. 177, a kind of grass, Sacharum Sara.

Gumuruh, having a loud thundering sound. Derived from Guruh with um inserted in the word.

Guna, worth, use, purpose. Guna, C. 176, virtue, a quality, an attribute or property in general.

Gundal, an attendant, a follower.

Gundam, to speak in the sleep.

Gundik, a concubine.

Gundil, paddy without awns, any object without a usual appendage or projection.

Gundrum, wheat, the grain of which bread is made, called also Tarigo. Gundum in Malay also wheat, is Persian.

Gundul, bald, without any hair on the head. A clean shaved head.

Gundulan, to shave the hair off the head, often by way of punishment or disgrace.

Gunggung, to add up, to ascertain the total.

Gunggurung, a drain under an embankment of earth. A drain under a road.

Gunggur-utu, a kind of wild grape. Cissus Arachnoidea. Of the family of Ampelideae. Often given to ducks.

Guntangan, to hold by some support overhead, as a rope or hook.

Gunting, scissars; to cut with scissars; to clip.

Guntur, an impetuous torrent, a flood. Chai na guntur the river came down in a flood.

Guntur, name of a Volcano in the Prianger Regencies south east from Bandong. Gunung Guntur would indicate a Volcano which poured out floods of lava. (Guntur in Jav. id.; but means also the loud (thundering) sound of water — and of thunder.)

Guntur gěni, a flood of fire; name of one of the old pusaka or heir-loom guns on Java. Geni is fire in Javanese.

Gunung, a mountain. The Sunda people call themselves Orang gunung, mountaineers, and their language Basa gunung, the mountain language, this is of course on account of the mountainous nature of the country which they inhabit.

Gunung Kěndang, the Kěndang mountains, which extend the whole length of Java; wherever the mountains run in ridges they are called Kěndang - vide voce.

Gunung Sari, name of a place in the environs of the town of Batavia. Here we have a pure Sunda word associated with what appears to be a Sanscrit one. See Sari. The mountain of flowers, of beauty.

Gupai, to beckon to come to; to call with a motion of the hand.

Gupak, to wallow as buffaloes in mud.

Gupakan, a mud hole where buffaloes wallow.

Gurami, a species of fish much reared and kept in ponds, often sent about in tubs as presents. The word may perhaps be the Javanese Grami, Trade and Lauk Gurami would then mean „the fish of trade," as it is reared in ponds for use or for selling. Or Gurami may be derived from Gramaya, C. 188, a village, a hamlet-implying fish, kept in the villages, in contradistinction to fish which swims at large in the rivers or in the sea. The word is often heard pronounced Grami. Ophromenus Olfax.

Gurat, to make a mark on any hard substance as by engraving. To mark, to engrave. This word has a sort of diminutive in Gěrět, which see.

Gurat Batu, literally engraven on stone, means figuratively any fixed tax or contribution, especially a fixed tax on Paddy lands.

Guriang, the mountain genii; the spirit of the mountains. Derived from Guru, C. 177, a preceptor; a religious teacher; one who explains the law and religion to his pupils. Hyang — See in voce — Divinity. I am indebted to Mr. Friederich for this solution. A designation evidently derived from Budhist or Brahminical times, though the wild fanciful idea may have been of a still earlier date. The name still lives among the Sunda mountaineers, and considerable supernatural importance is often attached to it. Beunang nanya ti guriang, to have enquired after it from the Mountain Spirit.

Guriling, the act of rolling over and over again, as a stone down a hill. The plural of guling from the repetition of the act.

Gurinda, a grind stone.

Gurnita, known to all the world. Publicly known. (Seems to by the participle of ghûrn, volvi, circumagi, volutari. Fr.)

Guru, a religious teacher, as well in olden and heathen, or Hindu times, as now adays amongst Mohammedans. A model to go by, a muster to work by. Guru, C. 177 a teacher, a schoolmaster; a religious teacher who explains the law and religion to his pupils. See Batara.

Gurudag, a rattling noise. To arrive with a fuss. The fuss of attendance about a great man. Gurudag bai datang, He arrived with much fuss.

Guru Désa, the village Monitor. Called also Kěrěti which see. The constellation Pleiades by which the villagers are guided in their yearly Paddy plantings. Guru, a teacher, Děsa, village. Vide voce.

Guruh, a thundering noice; a dull heavy roar. The noise of an impetuons torrent of water, or of many people or animals in motion. Giguru, C. 173, thunder.

Gurumutan, said when work is to bedone by many people, every man just a handful of work. A simultaneons onset at work. Gusi, the gums of the mouth. (Mal. Javan. id.)

Gusti, Lord, a very high title of respect, now adays almost exclusively applied to God, as Gusti Allah, the Lord God. On Bali it is still a title of distinction for man, viz chiefs of high rank, as many of the chiefs have the word prefixed to their names. The word is evidently of Sanscrit origin, but is not to be found in Clough. Mr. Friederich reports in Bat: Trans: Vol. 23 Page 15 that Gusti on Bali is a title of the Waisya caste, who on Bali are the kings of the country. The name is not exacty Indian, at least not clearly so. In India, the third caste — the Waisyas — are of no great note, and it is therefore not to be wondered that they have no particular distinguishing title. The case is and was otherwise on Java and Bali wither few Kshatriyas appear to have come. Here the Waisyas became kings, and some title was required for them, though even on Bali they rank inferior to the Déwa Agung of Klongkong, who is of Kshatriya descent. The Balinese restrict the title of Gusti to the Waisya caste. On Java it is still retained as a designation of the Almighty, Gusti Allah, and is also applied to the two native sovereigns, the Susuhunan and the Sultan. That, however, the princes of Solo and Yogyakarta are called Gusti is a strong presumption that also their families were originally of the Waisya caste. They preserved the title whilst the name of the caste was lost through the influence of Mohammedanism[2].

Gusur, to drag along the ground, to trail.

Guwis, an expression in preparing Jagory sugar; to stir and whip it up when it is nearly sufficiently boiled.

Guyang, to bathe as brutes, especially as buffaloes in the rivers; by rolling and submerging themselves in the water.

    to the Governor General; themselves being the children, the Resident the father and the Governor General the grandfather. Any derivation from the Ceylonese is very improbable. Fr.

  1. Gading means yellow at Bali. On Java is known bambu gading and Kalapa gading a yellow kind of Coconut. It is remarkable that the ivory, which is white, but with a yellowish hue, should be called gading. Fr.
  2. Goshtî, Skr. an assembly, a meeting; family connections, but especially the dependant or junior branches. Wilson. The Waisyas appear thus by this title as having been received and considered as adoptive junior members of the higher caste, the Xatriyas. We can see in this case, which is,at least apparently (perhaps by falsified laws of more modern times,) unheard of in India, that this mixture was possible on Java and Bali. Buddhism might have had some influence upon this condescendance of the Xatriyas. But there might be also some doubt as to the time, when first the strict distinction was introduced even in India. At Bali Dewa's (Xatriyas) and Gusti's (Waisyas) intermarry. — Fr.