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A Dictionary of the Sunda language/O

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Oah, the wauwau monkey; Hylobates leuciscus. Of a large size, greyish colour and very shy. Found only among the mountains and in retired places. Called also Kuwěng.

Oar, name of a vigourously growing succulent reed. Flagellaria Indica.

Obah, and Obahkěn, moved, changed in place; to alter; to change, to vary. Ulah di obahkěn, do not move it. Lamun obah sia tiwas, if you move, you will be done for.

Obat, gunpowder. Obat bědil, gunpowder, sporting powder. Obat maryěm, cannon powder. The word is Malay and also more usually means in Malay-medicine, drugs, which in Sunda are called Ubar. In Sunda, Obat is restricted to gunpowder.

Obrog, a rude way of preparing tobacco leaves by the mountain humah makers, viz. by wrapping it up in some other leaves, and scorching it between two firy logs. The tobacco so prepared.

Obos, a corruption of the Dutch word Officier, officer. A military officer. (Rather from Overste, lieutenant-kolonel, unduly applied).

Ochon, a method of speaking, by which familiarity or affection is evinced. This is done by a slight modification of the word, as for inchu, they say onchu; for mama, they say ama; for aprok, they say apok and so forth.

Odéng, a bee; the bee which makes the honeycomb hanging from trees in the forests. Sayang odeng, a bee's nest.

Odoh, dirty, impure, nasty. Means the same also in a figurative sense unclean, defiled.

Ogah, to be unwilling, to have an aversion. Ogah těuyn kahujanan, I feel very unwilling to be rained upon. Ogah bai ha jélěma éta, I have an aversion to that man.

Ogé, also, although, notwithstanding, nevertheless. Kula ogé daih lěumpang, I also wish to go. Di béré ogé, mohal daik, although you gave it me, I should not be willing. Hadé ogé, it is nevertheless good.

Ogél, another name for the bambu music called also Angklung. Ogél is used about Buitenzorg. Ogoan, proud, vain, boasting.

Ogong, a largish shell fish resembling the Tulut, found in the rivers of the South coast of Bantam. Ogong bĕurĕum bĕungĕut, Ogong with red face, is another variety.

Ohol, one of the numerous names for a wild pig.

Ojoi, feeling inclined for, disposed to grant or concede. Having an inward disposition towards.

Ojol, to change, to give or take any one thing for another; to swap, to exchange. Ojol kuda, to swap horses. Wang pérak di ojolkĕn, to exchange, or get change for, silver money.

Okol, energetic, doing work by oneself. Persevering without assistance.

Olah, to cook meat or vegetables—not rice.

Olé-oléan, a child's trumpet made of paddy straw, something after the fashion of a clarionette, and blown by sticking one end into the mouth. Called also Ĕmpét-ĕmpétan.

Oliah, Arabic, the most High; Saints. See Aulia.

Olok, using profusely, using without thrift or economy. Squandering away especially either money or household stuff. Said also of other matters.

Olongan, to make love to — as chowéné éta di olongan ku aing, that young maid is courted by me. See Ngolong.

Omar, the second Caliph in Arabia — same as Umar, a common name for a native. (عمر)

Omas, a small variety of rattan, of no particular use.

Ombak, a wave, surf, surge, swell on water.

Ombol, said of planting out paddy on sawahs, where the binih is stuck in by handfulls at a time, and thus carelessly, whereas only four or six stumps ought to be put in at one place.

Omé, to repair, to put in order, to take of; to interfere with, to molest. Ulah di omé d'ont molest it.

Oméan, to repair, to put in order. Molesting. Imah kudu di oméan, the house must be repaired. Oméan chukang, to repair a bridge. Oméanan tĕuyn, d'ont meddle with it, literally, meddling too much.

Oméanĕun, something which has to be repaired.

Omong, to talk, to converse. Conversation. Omong kosong, empty talk, said of conversation which is only fishing for information; Gĕdé omong, a great talker, a chatter box. (Jav. Batav. idem).

Omongan, to talk over, to persuade by talk.

Ompong, toothless, said when the whole or a great part of the teeth are wanting.

Ondang and Ondangan, to invite to a feast, or any other occasion of ceremony. When a native wants to hold a feast, he either goes himself, or sends a friend to the neighbours or such persons as he wishes to see, and over a quid of sĕurĕuh makes his communication. (Batav. Kondangan, a person called to a feast. Jav. Undang to call, to invite). Ondorosol, impatient, hasty and violent in temper.

Ong'ap, out of breath, blown, stifling, for want of fresh air. (Cf. Batav. Mang'ap opening the mouth).

Onggĕl, every, each. Onggĕl imah, on each house. Onggĕl jĕlĕma, every man.

Onggéng, to walk hobblingly, to hobble like an old man. The hobbling inclination of the body when women are sifting rice.

Onggrét, the grub of the Légé, a cockchafer called Melolontha vulgaris. The onggrét lives in the ground and is a soft white grub, with sharp red jaws. It is one to two inches long and is very destructive to young plants, the bark of the roots of which it feeds upon, and in the humahs, or upland rice plantations, it sometimes nearly destroys the whole crop by eating off the young and tender roots of the paddy.

Ongkél, to parbuckle; to move by putting a lever underneath and then lifting up and forward.

Ongkoh, separately, distinctly, individually. Ongkoh bai mĕunang, he also separately got some. Manéh na ongkoh ngala, he also individually took some.

Ongkol, the fruit stem of the plantain, when it first begins to peep out.

Onom, as for, kula onom, as for me. Sia onom mohal di béré, as for you, it is not likely that they will give you any. (Perhaps Sct. nāma, adverb, namely; certainly).

Onta, a camel. MARSDEN gives this word as Hindu. The animal is not known in the archipelago except by report of those who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca. The government of Java imported some about 1840 — 1844 but they soon die out. Otuwa C. 90, a camel. (Sct. is Ushtra, camel. In provincial dialects occurs Unth).

Onyam, name of a small shrubby tree, mostly growing in open grass lands.

Opak, a very thin cake made of rice flour, and baked crisp.

Opan, a bait, especially to take fish.

Opanan, to bait, to set a bait. To lure, to tempt.

Opas, a native police man, at least such as are always in attendance upon police authorities, the Residents &c. and have a peculiar dress. Any attendant about an office. A man to run errands and execute petty commissions. Most likely derived from the Dutch word „oppasser,“ an attendant, a person in waiting.

Opat, four. Pat indicates evenness, and is a stage in the native scale of counting, succeeding to Dua, parity, and Tolu disparity, which see. The word pat for four, is found, very extensively in the Polynesian languages. Papat is Javanese, the word pat with the inseparable prefix pa. Ampat, in Malay. Pat, alone in Achinese and Sirang. Ha is Rottinese. Fa is found at several islands of the Pacific. Afa, on Pulo Nias. Hatara, four, in Singhalese C. 785.

Opat-blas, fourteen.

Opat-puluh, forty.

Opén and Opénan, to meddle with, to molest, to trouble yourself about, to care for. Kula tilok ngopénan, I never meddle with it. Ulah di opénan, don't molest it. Opénan tĕuyn, why should you trouble yourself about it. Orai, a snake, a serpent. The following names of snakes are known to the Sunda people.

Banén, the pig snake, large and black, often seen swimming across water, but is not poisonous.
Bĕdul, the swine snake, large and black, not poisonous.
Bungkalaut, found on trees, red and yellow — very poisonous.
Chabé, a small thin snake, often on bushes, not generally poisonous, but at certain seasons is very bad. The natives tell you that on fridays the bite is poisonous.
Dulĕk, small black sort, gets into the ani of fowls and kills them.
Kadut, rather thick, fond of being about water, and catches fish; not poisonous.
Kĕupĕul, found upon trees, but gets out of the way and does not bite.
Laki, the male snake. Reported to be immensely large, and many incredible stories are told of it, so that it may be safely considered as a fabulous snake. Thought to be a great enemy of man, but there are none in Java.
Lĕmbu, the bullock snake. There are many fabulous stories about this snake, which show it to be only imaginary. It is said to have horns and is seen only in great floods.
Maung, the tiger snake, in red and brown rings; very venomous.
Pichung, small kind, brown and black in stripes lengthwise of body.
Puchuk, a large snake of green colour, treliced with black, blue and yellow stripes. Found upon bushes and trees and seldom on the ground. Lives on birds and insects.
Sancha, a Boa constrictor. Kills animals by winding itself round them and so crushing them, preparatory to swallowing them. These snakes are often 15 or 16 feet long.
Sancha Manuk, greenish and white. Often found on trees or in large buildings secreted among the rafters, where it lives on mice. Catches and kills fowls.
Sancha Saroni, another variety.
Sé-éng, quite black; runs and springs at men, but reports do not say that it is poisonous.
Sinduk, about three feet long and very dark colour; often attacks and kills fowls or their chickens. Its spittle, which it is fond of ejecting is reported to be bad and causes bad ulcers.
Sulangkar, partly coloured and found on the ground; not thought poisonous.
Tambang or Banchat, the rope snake or the frog snake; not venomous, catches frogs in swampy places and swallows them whole, hence the second of its names.
Tanĕuh, the ground snake, mottled and very venomous. This is the most dangerous sort there is, lurks in grassy places and frequently bites men or cattle, which die in agony, or lose a limb in consequence.
Wĕlang, the pie bald snake; in black and white rings. Very venomous.
Wĕling, quite black.

Orang, a person in general, a human being, an inhabitant of, a person belonging to any particular place or occupation. Orang gunung, a mountaineer, a name by which the Sunda people generally call themselves. Orang hilir, a person living on the sea board, or further down the river than the speaker. Orang dagang, a trader. Orang kumpani, a person who has to work company or do feudal service. Orang Batawi, a man of Batavia. Jélĕma na orang Bogor, the man is a person of Bogor or Buitenzorg.

Orang Utan, words which in Malay imply, „wild man of the woods“ — Simia Satyrus, is the name of a large monkey found on Borneo, and only seen in Java as a curiosity. On the north coast of Borneo they are called Mias, and distinguished into two varieties, Papan and Rĕmbi, the former being the larger of the two and distinguished by Papans = planks or calosities on the face. Rajah Brooks Journal, vol. 1 page 224/8.

Orég, a mixture of eatables as Bonténg or Iwung &c. with the pulp of cocoa nut. But the Bonténgs or Iwung must have been boiled and softened, otherwise it is called urab.

Orok, a young born child, an infant. Orok bĕurĕum, a freshly born child, still red. See Bĕurĕum.

Orokan, to have a young born child. To have been confined, as a mother.

Orokaya, whereas, now seeing that, but, however this may be. A word expressive of doubt. — Hayang nyambut sawah, orokaya to bogah kĕbo na, I wish to work the sawah, but however this may be, I have no buffaloes for the work. Sia hayang mĕuli, orokaya to bogah duit na, you want to buy some, but have not got money.

Orong-Orong, name of a land Saurian, a variety of lizard, with short body, say of two or three inches, and a very long switch tail of nearly a dozen inches.

Orot, to have gone down, to have subsided, as a flood, the tide or the like. Diminished in quantity, less in number. Cha-ah na orot, the flood has gone down. Bĕunang na orot, what we got (as a crop of any thing) has diminished in quantity, a short crop.

Orotan, to let water flow away, to cause to subside.

Otét, the ants, which inhabit a nest made of earth and fixed amongst the branches of a tree. This sort of nest is called Pua.

Othman, the third caliph. (عثمان)

Otoh, a triangular piece of cloth or clothing worn mostly by children. One corner ties round the neck, and from each of the other two corners, strings proceed which tie round the lower part of the stomach, so that the breast and belly are covered. Small children are often clothed in this way and are otherwise naked. (Batav. idem).

Owoh, none, not one. Absent from home, gone away. Not existing. Owoh nu hadé, there are none which are good. Batur owoh, ngalanchong, our companions are not at home, they are out on a journey. Jélĕma na gĕus owoh, the man no longer exists.

Oyag, to shake, to tremble, to quiver. Huntu oyag kabéh, all my teeth are shake. Shaking, trembling.

Oyagkĕn, to shake by moving backwards and forwards.