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A Dictionary of the Sunda language/R

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Ra-at, fair, the rain has ceased. Cessation from raining. Gĕus ra-at, it is fair, the rain has done.

Rabi, Arabic, the Lord. Allahhu Rabi, God the Lord.

Rabi-ul-Akir, — Akir, latter,— the fourth month of the Mahomedan year. This month is also frequently called Silih Mulud. Rabi-ul-Awal,— Awal , first , — the third month of the Mahomedan year called also Mulud. Rabia, Arabic, the spring, vernal, Crawfurd. This spring could not last long as applicable to the month, as the Mahomedan year retrocedes every year 11 days.

Rabul, coming in numbers, coming tumultuously. Coming frequently. Rabul bai datang, they came in a crowd.

Rabut and Rabutan, to pull up, to pull out; to pluck out of the ground. See Chabut.

Rachĕlék, here and there, scantily. Few and far between.

Rachělok, not even, not alike; where some are long and others short; where some have done and others are still busy.

Rachik, a noose, a running knot. A noose, or string with a running knot set to catch birds or animals, which by stepping into the noose and walking on pull the knot tight about the leg.

Rad, Dutch Raad, council, board of council; the lower court of Justice, called Raad van Justitie. Rad Sambang, the Circuit court. This name is also given to the Circuit Judge.

|Rada, rather, somewhat. Rada hadé, rather good. Rada panjang, rather long.

Radang, a disease in the skin of man, called in the West Indies the Yaws. In Malay it is called Rarang. Blotches of ulcers break out on various parts of the body, and remain long festering and ulcerating. When of long duration, it affects the bones, which become much weakened, and recovery is then very difficult.

Radén, a title of birth, of descent. Prefixed to a mans name shows him to be of good family. Rada, Clough 585, a king, a sovereign, from Rāja, blood. Rah in Javanese, both in Kawi and in the Basa Krama, means blood, and Hadé, good, and with the addition of the constructive an, we should have Rah-hadé-an, contracted into Rahdén. Or in place of Hadé, it may be Adhi, C. 24, chief, above, and thus Rah-adhi-an = Rahdén, chief or noble blood.

[[wikt:radén adipati|Radén Adipati, title of the prime Minister or Ryksbestierder , ruler of the kingdom, under the Javanese Government.

Radén Adipati, a title of high rank given to some native Regents on Java.

Radén Ayu, a Queen, a Princess; a woman of the highest rank. Ayu, C. 64, age, duration of life. Probably denoting that she is no longer a girl.

Radin, clean, purified, said of women who are washed after child birth. Di radinan, to purify or wash after child birth. Io suka to radin, not with my pleasure, or clean free will; a common expression of dissent.

Ra-éh, to sell on credit. Mĕunchit kěbo di ra-éh bai, having killed a buffaloe, I gave out the flesh on credit , (which is usually done at extravagant prices). Barang di ra-éh, goods on credit.

Ragap, and Ragapan, to lay hold of and feel. To take in the hand to examine. To handle an animal to ascertain the state of its body.

Ragĕdĕd, to tie tight, to secure by tying. Ragĕdĕd bai di bawa, having bound him, they led him away. Ragět, all together, with one accord; anything done by united effort; general consent. Kumaha ragĕm na bai, however the general consent (or united will) may be. Hadé ragĕm na, they all turned out and assisted.

Ragét, an eruption of the skin; pustules on the body. Scabby.

Ragi, a native preparation made of rice flour, onions, sugar and some other trifles of spicery, which acts as a yeast or ferment in preparing Tapai, which see, used only on occasions of native festivities. Raga, C. 589, lust, passion, affection, mental affection in general. Perhaps Ragi is the fiminine of Raga and expresses what gives lust or passion, causing fermentation. Rãgi, C. 590, a lover, a gallant.

Ragrag, to fall, to tumble down. To fall from a height. Buah na ragrag , the fruit has fallen, Ragrag ti luhur kayu, to fall from a tree.

Rahayat, people, the common people, the multitude.

Rahayu, safely, without misfortune; prosperity. Di gawé rahayu, our work went well. Raya, C. 586, to go, speed, velocity. In Malay Gargahayu, prosperity, good fortune, CRAWFURD. Probably derived from Gharghara, C. 189, laughter, mirth, — Haya, C. 786, to go; a horse; going or proceeding with mirths.

Rachĕuk, chattering, crying aloud, holloaing out. Making an uproar with voice. Ra, C. 589, sound, noise.

Rahĕut, a wound in the flesh; wounded.

Rahĕutan, having got a wound.

Rahim, Arabic, compassionate. Mercy, compassion.

Rahman, Arabic, merciful, compassionate.

Rahmat, Arabic, mercy, clemency.

Rahong, a slope or gentle fall in the bed of a river, where the water runs over a broken ledge of rocks, or rought bottom.

Rahu, the Demon who attempts to swallow the sun or moon, whereby eclipses are caused. Both the word and the idea are Indian, and the following quotation from Clough's Singhalese Dictionary, page 594, will explain the nature of the fable. According to the mythology of the Buddhists, Rahu was a noted Asura, or Demon inhabiting Patala or the Nagaloka; and when the gods assembled to churn the sea, and produce the Nectar or water of life, Rahu secretly conveyed himself to the spot and surreptitiously obtained a draught, by which he became immortal. The sun and the moon, who were present on the occasion, as overlookers and guards of the nectar, reported this to Vishnu, who severed his body in two; but Rahu having become immortal by the draught of nectar his head and trunk retained their separate existence, and being transferred, the head to the North, and the tail, Kélu to the South, they became the ascending and descending nodes; but retaining their feelings of revenge towards the sun and moon for the discovery they made to Vishnu, they attempt, especially Rahu, at certain seasons to destray them, and the seizure of them in his mouth is the cause of eclipses.

Rai, the human form in a vision. Rai-rai, turning yellow or ripe. The approach of day. The ruddiness preceding the rising sun. Paré na ěukěur rai-rai koneng, the paddy is about turning yellow. Gěus rai-rai di wétan, the coming day shows in the east. Rai-rai běurang, the dawn of day, day break. Called in Malay dina hari, from dina, C. 269, a day, and Pai, in Polynesian shining, resplendent. In Malay the latter word in the shape of Hari has been retained in the colloquial language for day.

Raja, a king, a sovereign. Flourishing, prosperous. Raja, C. 590/1, a king, a monarch; from Raya to shine.

Rajab, the seventh Mahomedan month.

Rajah, invocations to cure disease.

Rajahan, to doctor by trying to trace the evil to some daily act, or to some act done, a pretty little piece of native superstition!

Rajah pamuna, an invocation by which evil or disease is resisted, or rendered harmless. The word may perhaps be derived from muna, C. 551, with the Polynesian particle Pa before it:—end, top, extremity, tip, point;—thus an invocation which goes to the end, tip or point of the evil, as we would say—to the root of it.

Raja wali, the eagle. A fabulous bird in Java.

Rajěg, name of the colour of a horse, being intermediate between white and brown. Cream coloured. Same as Bopong, which see.

Rajěg, standing upright. Standing in a row, as a crowd of men. Jélěma na gěus rojěg bai, plenty of people are present standing waiting.

Rajěg Wěsi, name of an ancient place in Java, the site of which has not been determined, meaning Iron fence.

Rajěki, profit, prosperity, good luck. No doubt the Arabic word Rězěki, which both Marsden and Crawfurd give as—victuals, food, subsistance. Crawfurd, however, has also Răzăk, Arabic, riches, good fortune. Nimu rějěki, to have a fall of lack.

Rajim, Arabic, stoned, pelted with stones. Execrable, accursed.

Rajin, diligent, assiduous, industrious.

Rajol, coming in quick succession. Popping is and out of anyplace. See Jol. Bědul rajol bai ti lěuwěung, the pigs come popping out of the forest. Lauk na rajol bai ka na Sa-apan, the fish keep coming quickly at the Sa-apan.

Raka, eldest brother, a term of deference. Word used in Pantuns. Rakkha, C. 578, the Pali form of Raksha, C. 580, preserving, protecting. The head of the family, the eldest son, would thus be considered as its protector.

Rakék, making a shrill chattering noise, like birds collected together on a tree. Manuk rakék bai ari soré, the birds chirp and chatter when evening comes. Ra, C. 589, noise, sound.

Rakék-rakék, making a simultaneous sound. Making a noise as in rejoicing.

Rakit, a yoke, a pair. Kěbo sa rakit, a pair or a yoke of buffaloes. A raft or float of bambus or timber. See Ngarakit. Rakitan, to join together by a yoke; to make a raft by lashing bambus or timber together. A raft. Awi na kudu di rakitan, the bambus must be rafted.

Rakrak, to pull to pieces; to take to pieces anything which has been joined together, as a house or any building, a bridge or the like. Imah na kudu di rakrak, the house must be pulled to pieces.

Raksa, to guard, to watch, to protect. Raksha, C. 580, preserving, protecting.

Raksasa, a demon, a fiend, a hobgoblin. The chief of the Butas or evil spirits. Rakshaha, C. 589, Rakshas, C. 580, Rakas and Rakusa, C. 578, a demon, a goblin, an ogre. A powerful Titan or enemy of the gods in a superhuman or incarnate form.

Rakun, almost the same as Pĕrĕlu or Wajib, which see. Necessary. Obligatory.

Rakus, eating greedily, having a sharp appetite.

Ram, the idiomatic expression of griping in the hand, of seizing on with the fingers, of holding fast.

Rama, a celebrated Hindu personage. C. 592, an incarnation of Vishnu, and as such called Rama Chandra. He slew the demon Rawana in his attack upon Ceylon, when in quest of his wife Sita whom Rawana had carried away.

Rama, a father, an honorary expression. C. 586, Rama, dear, beloved; a husband, a lover. The Sunda people appear to have adopted this word in a rather incorrect sense. The expression used by the wife for her husband, has been followed by the children.

Ramalan, the ninth month of the Mohammedan year. Called also Bulan Puasa, or the fasting month, as the people fast during the day time in this month, but eat their fill whilst the sun is down at night.

Ramat, a spider's web. An unfinished casting fishing-net; the network without the lead weights.

Ramayana, C. 593, among the Hindus a celebrated epic poem, recording the wars of Rama. — There is a version of this on Java in the Kawi language.

Rambai, hair or shreds hanging in a bunch like a horse's tail. A tassel. Any pendulous hairy matter, as the rootlets of the Waringin tree.

Rambat, the act of creeping or twining itself up a rod, as a pea or other plant which grows upon another object and cannot stand by itself. Méong rambat, a small wildcat or felis. Probably has got its name from climbing into trees.

Rambét, to pull out weeds with the hand, not using a Koréd or scraper.

Rambéték, hanging in tags and slips. Projecting with an uneven edge, part long, part short, as if torn in strips. Jagged. Rambéték amat éta hatĕup kudu di tĕktĕkan, those ataps are much jagged, they must be cut off even.

Rambĕtuk, a kind of small mosquito or gnat, which is sometimes very troublesome and annoying.

Ramé, pleasant, delightful. A congregation of many people. People met together for some mutual benefit, or with good intention. Pasar na ramé amat, the market is well attended. Ramé nakĕr nu hajat, there was a great concourse at that feast.

Ramé lamun kadatangan ku ronggéng, it will be delightful should the dancing girls come. This word is probably derived from Rama, C. 586, to please; delighting, charming. Ramya, C. 586, pleasing, delightful, agreeable.

Ramo, a finger or toe in general. The five fingers of the hand are called: Indung lĕungan, the thumb, literally the mother of the hand; Churuk, the fore finger; the index finger; Jariji, the middle finger; Jariji manis the sweet finger, the ring finger; Chinggir, the little finger.

Ramo kékés, squirreltoes, a variety of weed.

Ramohong, black, dark coloured.

Rampadan, a wooden platter much used by the natives, generally painted red round the edges, with a red blotch in the centre, and the rest black. Called in Malay Dulang.

Rampak, developed, expanded. Said of growing paddy of which the ears are expanded or shot out.

Rampas, to seize upon; to take away by force. To distrain, to wrest. Parabot na di rampas, they seized the tools by force. Banda na di rampas, they took away his goods by force.

Rampasan, a set, a lot of anything. A set of weaving materials — of tools — musical instrument, etc. Go-ong tilu rampasan, three sets of gongs.

Rampé, Pandan shred fine, mixed with flowers and scented oil, to put in the hair.

Rampés, good, in correct order or state. A respectful term of acquiescence. Rampés! very good, perfectly correct.

Ramping, slim, slender, especially said of the body of a human being. Thin, as a cutting weapon, a sword or the like.

Rampog, to assault with violence, to commit acts of depredation. Rebels or banditti who go roving about the country plundering and comitting acts of violence. To spear animals for amusement; a circle of men is formed, each man being armed with a spear, and whenever the animal comes at the ring, he is received on the spears. The native chiefs have exhibitions on their Alun-aluns of this kind of public amusement. The tiger is the animal practised upon, which is uncaged in the midst for that purpose.

Rana, a field of battle; — occurs in the formation of proper names. Rana, C. 582, from rana, to sound; war, battle, sound; a forest.

Rancha, a swamp, any boggy land abounding in water. A marsh.

Ranchatan, the pole round which the tali-pitik or split bambu is platted, to make an angkul, for the purpose of constructing a dam in a running stream.

Randa, a widow, a widower. A person of either sex who has been married, but the alliance exists no longer, either in consequence of death or divorce. In Malay this word has been corrupted into Janda. Randā, C. 582, a widow.

Randa bĕchik, name of a weed.

Randu, the tree which grows the Kapuk or short fibred cotton used for stuffing beds and pillows; Eriodendron Anfractuosum. Never grows very thick; is usually about 18 inches in circumference. Randu lěuwěung, the forest Randu, which grows wild in contradistinction to the former Randu which is only found planted, and thus generally near the habitation of man. the Randu lĕuwĕung is a very large tree, sometimes as much as two men can embrace. It is the Bombax Malabaricum of botany. The wood is soft, spongy and of no use.

Rané, a pretty fern, growing in cool situations amongst the mountains. It resembles petty dwarf trees, and is a very handsome plant.

Rang, an idiomatic expression which does not occur singly in Sunda, but in Malay and Sunda are several words which are evidently derived from it, and it appears to have the meaning of — „cut through” — „dissevered”, which the whole word Rangkas implies. Rang is thus the crude monosyllable and with the usual preposition Pa = Parang is in Malay a very common cutting implement, for cutting grass, or clearing away underwood. Even Karang, a garden, may have the same origin, trimmed or cut into shape, — or Karang, coral rock, intersected in all directions. Ranggĕui and Ranggiong in Sunda both indicate heads of paddy which have been cut off. The Dayaks on Borneo call their Gobangs or fighting choppers Parang, evidently for the came reason.

Rang'ah, a bridle; bit which has short spikes on it, such as used by the natives.

Rangga, a denomination of inferior rank. An officer so called. It is of ancient date and mention is made in the Pantuns of the Ranggas of Pajajaran, Rangga Gading to wit, who was a celebrated buffaloe thief. Ranga, C. 580, colour, tint, dye, resemblance, likeness. Rangga is a degree lower than Mas, and is so far removed from the throne, that it has only a tint or resemblance to royalty. Or it may be the same as the Ranggah = buck-deer, as the sovereigns were called Maisa and Kĕbo, both meaning buffaloe.

Ranggah, a buck-deer. A male deer with antlers. A stag. Rānga, C. 590, a kind of deer.

Ranggap, an inverted conical basket, used for covering fowls, especially when they have chickens.

Ranggĕui, a single head of paddy after it has been cut off. A single head of any grain that grows like paddy.

Ranggĕuyan, grain or fruit attached to a common stem. Paré ranggĕuyan, paddy in the ear, with grains still adhering to a common stem, and not beat out, when it would be Bangsal.

Ranggiong, the quantity of paddy as tied up immediately after cutting. It is more than a Rinchi, and less than a regular Rochong.

Ranggon, an elevated stage. A building high off the ground from which a good view can be had. A small shed perched up amongst the branches of a tree. Such Ranggons are built in Humahs where there is a fear of tigers; or on the banks of a river, from which to watch fishing traps etc. Ra is often found in a sense, as in the present case, as if it indicated: elevated, high up. Might it be a contraction of Ira, the sun, C. 7, in which sense Ra and La occur in the Pacific? Enggon in Sunda is place, spot and

Ra-ĕnggon = ranggon, would be: the place of the sun, and thus any elevated place in general. There occurs also the name Pangrang'o for the highest point of the Gunung Gĕdé.

Rangkai, an unfinished house, of which the frame only is set up, but not boarded or shut in with pagers, nor yet covered with the thatch.

Rangkap, a fold, a lining. To fold, to give a lining. Karung dua rangkap, a double bag, a bag with two folds. Karung sarangkap, a single bag. Jamang dua rangkap, two folds of jackets, as a coat and a waistcoat. Bilik na kudu di rangkap, the bambu fence must be doubled, by adding another fold to the thickness.

Rangkapan and Rangkapkĕn, to add another fold. To render thick by the addition of another fold. Bĕndungan di rangkapan ku sa lapis deĕui, the dam was lined with another row (of materials).

Rangkas, cut through, dissevered, cut open.

Rangkét, to thrash, to punish by flogging.

Rangkong, a variety of rhinocerosbird; Buceros. Resembles Julang, which see.

Rangrang, to fall off entirely, as leaves from a tree. In general the trees in the tropics change their leaves imperceptibly, some falling off, whilst other fresh ones are coming out. But on Java there are some trees which entirely cast their leaves, and become quite bare, as trees in the winter in Europe, before the new leaves make their appearance; such is the case with the Sumpur, Bunut, Kiara, and several other varieties of fig trees, Kĕmang, Bung'ur, Dadap, Angsana and many others, — and such trees are said to become Rangrang when so bare.

Rangsang,—di rangsang, to undress, to pull the clothes off. To take away by force clothes given to a servant, when turned away.

Rang'u, fragile, easily breaking or snapping, breaking short, brittle. Arĕui na gĕus rang'u, the lianes have become brittle (by exposure to sun and drying up).

Rani, same as Rané, a mossy fern-like plant, growing a couple of feet high, in the shape of little fir trees. It is very handsome and elegant and grows in cool moist situations. Licopodium.

Ranjang, a native bed-stead,—a bali-bali in Malay. A platform made of bambu, several feet square, and raised on short legs from the ground. On such ranjangs the natives lie, sit, squat or sleep, and also set out their wares for sale.

Ranjap, to kill an animal for sale of the flesh. To exercise the calling of a butcher, who is called Tukang ranjap. To divide anything by cutting it up.

Ranjéng, a dam made with a fence of wood etc. on either side, and filled up with earth between.

Ranjug, abundance. Plenty in crop.

Ranjug, startled, frightened, disturbed.

Ranté, a chain, fetters. Parantean, a person condemned to work in chains as a punishment.

Rantong, to gaze in numbers; standing in a row gazing. Said of men or animals stand

ing about and gazing without fear or apprehension. Would be said of an enemy taken by surprise, or of a herd of deer found in the jungle.

Ranu, a name for a lake in eastern Java. In the Sunda districts such lakes are called Danu, which is probably the same word.

Ra-ong, many voices. Voices heard in all directions.

Rap, the idiomatic expression of laying hands on, of suddenly taking, of taking unawares. Rap bai di chĕkĕl, unawares they seized him.

Rapat, close, adjoing, in contact. Maka na rapat kadujo, cause it to be close here: bring it close here.

Rapatkĕn, to bring together, to join, to unite.

Rapuh, brittle, as rattan or other vegetable fibre used as string. Easily snapping.

Rara, a rope, a string, a bit of twine. See Ngarara.

Rara, sickness, disease of any kind.

Rarab, overgrown with weeds, said of a plantation from which the weeds are not removed. Humah na rarab, his upland paddy plantation is overgrown with weeds.

Rarachak, to join, to put together, as a carpenter puts his wood together.

Rarahan, a log yard. When the jungle has been cut down for a humah the fallen trees and branches are lopped short, so that they may lie close together and burn well. When the fallen forest has been so treated it is called a Rarahan, and is thus in the state preparatory to burning.

Rarahong, intruders, interlopers. The followers of chiefs, whose inducement to follow him is for what they can get by plunder, under the cover of the chief's name.

Rarai kĕusik, name of a small river fish.

Rarak, a variety of eel in rivers, resembling the Lubang, only is smaller and of a greenish hue.

Raranchak, name of a river fish, flat and broad; called also in some places Lalawak.

Rarangan, any place where it is forbidden to go or to cut down the vegetation, hunt the game, or meddle with it in any way; a prohibited spot; anything forbidden. From Larang, which see.

Rarangki, the bambu framework of the roof of a native house, on which the ataps are tied. These bambu frames are mostly made and tied together on the ground, and then lifted to their place on the roof, where they are made fast.

Rarap, a trace of man or animal having passed; a mark on the ground of some animal. Kĕbo na lĕung'it ka kalér rarap na, the buffalo was lost, and his trace was towards the north.

Rarawat, to take care of, to put in order, look after, side away; to put by for future use.

Rarémpo, a modified plural of Témpo, they are call dished; they are all done for: their times are come. Said also of a single person, as if all his little matters were gone to the devil. Gĕus rarempo jasah, he is most miserable , most destitute.

Rarik, to drill. A borer driven by means of a bow-string. Raris, saleable, easily sold; sold out.

Raru, the act of putting either Chéng'al or Kawauwoh into the bambu containing the toddy of the Kawung palm, in order to prevent it from souring.

Rasa, taste, flavour. Sentiment, idea, feeling. To have a feeling, a conviction. To think. Rasa, C. 587, taste, flavour, sentiment, emotion.

Rasa, quicksilver. Rasa, C. 587, quicksilver.

Rasa-an and Rasakěn, to taste, to judge by taste. To be of opinion. To consider, to experience; to try, to make a trial.

Rasaksa, a demon, a goblin of Hindu mythology. See Raksasa.

Rasamala, name of a very large forest tree, growing on the mountains, seldom under 1200 or 1500 feet above the sea. Grows up with a straight stem and makes good timber. From the tree exudes a gum which has a scented odour, and hence probably the name. Rasa, C. 587, taste, flavour; Mala, C. 521 —- according to Sanscrit authorities it is dirived from Mala, to hold or contain in the body; any excretion of the body, as faeces, blood, ear-wax, sweat etc. etc. Rasa-mala will thus mean the tasty excretion, an exudation of flavour. Liquidammer Altingiana.

Rasé, a vivena resembling Dédés, but still another variety. Viverra Rasé.

Rasiyah, a secret, a mystery, something to be kept private. Rahasya, C. 589, private, secret, a secret, a mystery, any thing hidden, recondite on mysterious.

Raspati, a day corresponding to Thursday, in an ancient week. See Dité Brahaspati, C. 483, the planet Jupiter. The regent of the planet Jupiter, the preceptor of the gods. Brahaspatinda in Singhelese —- Thursday.

Rassah, to skin, to take off the hide.

Rasuk, prods, pieces of sharpened stick or bambu used about the thatch of a roof. In Malay Asak, to push in, to thrust in.

Rasul, Arabic, an apostle, a messenger of God. Rasul Allah, the apostle of God,— a name of Mahomet.

Rasulan, to make prayer and offering to the Rasul (the apostle Mahomet), to return thanks for any event to the Rasul.

Rat, country, land. Used in the composition of proper names. Jaya ning rat, the triumphant in the land. Rata, C. 581, country, a district, an inhabited country.

Rata, level, free from asperities or inequalities, smooth, uniform, even throughout, alike; each having an equal share. Di bagi rata, evenly divided. Bumi rata, even off by the ground, level with the ground. Buta rata, inconceivably dark, said of a dark night when nothing can be seen, not even your hand before you. This expression Buta rata may also mean goblin level, as if the goblins had destroyed all trace before them. See Buta.

Ratakěn, to make level or smooth; to equalize. To make all alike.

Rati, a common name for a young woman. Rati, C. 582, the wife of Kama, the Indian Cupid. Coition, copulation. Ratib, the unanimous adoration of God by an assembly of devotees, as a mosque full of people praying. Unanimous praise and thanks giving to God. The word is Arabic.

Ratna, a jewel, a gem, a precious stone. Ratna, C. 583, a jewel, a gem, anything the best; or figuratively, the best of its species.

Ratu, a prince, a sovereign. Ratu Pajajaran, the prince of Pajajaran. This title of Ratu is given to the females of the royal family, as Ratu Kanchana, the golden sovereign, is the head wife of the emperor of Solo or Jugjokarta,— the empress, the sultana. Radu, Clough 585, a king; also written Rada, and is the Elu form of Rāja. Ratu, on Bali is a title always given to princes in addressing them, but as a title before the name, it is only used for particular and eminent princes; Friederich, Bat. Trans. Vol. 23, page 33. Ratu might come from Rah, blood, Tuwa, old = Rahtu, ancient blood or descent.

Ratus, hundred. Sa ratus, one hundred. Lima ratus, five hundred. Probably derived from Rau, to gather up. Tus or tutus, nicked bambu strings used in keeping tally. A collection of such strings, when they amounted to one hundred. Crawfurd gives Rawan, a term used in the tali or enumeration of certain objects, or cordage.

Rau and Rauwan, to gather up, to collect, to pick up. Kudu di rau, it must be picked up, collected. Rauwan kabéh, gather them all up. Rau-tus is thus, to collect the tally slips, and each such collection may have been fixed at 100.

Raut, to pare away, to smoothen off by paring with a knife. To whittle. To remove all asperities, said especially of split bambu or rattan. The word Rotan in Malay for rattan is no doubt derived from this verb, with the suffix an, and thus means an object which is pared away, which is whittled, since to use rattan for the purpose of tying, it must be split and the jagged edges pared off for use. Even to this day you can often hear the natives of Borneo or Celebes call it Rautan. Though in Sunda we have thus the etymon of the word, they have a peculiar word for rattan, which they do not call Rotan or Rautan, but Hoih, which see.

Rawana, C. 593, the celebrated Raksha or giant king of Lanka or Ceylon, at the time it was inhabited by the giant race. Rawana was slain by Rama in the wars which he waged for the recovery of his wife Sita, whom Rawana had surreptitiously carried off to his capital Lanka. He figured in the temples as a ferocious monster with ten heads and twenty arms, in each of which he holds an instrument of war.

Rawang, torn assunder, split or divided. Rawang-rawing, much torn or split asunder. In Malay Rawang implies lattice work. See Karawang.

Rawatan, to look after, to take care of; to cherish. Anak éwé kudu di rawatan, children and wife must be cared for.

Rawayan, one of the chief villages of the Badui people in South Bantam. Rawaya, C. 587, sound, noise, sound in general.

Rawé, a noose set to take deer. Such noose is larger than Rachik, which see, and is not attached to any spring of wood. Rawét, torn in slips or strips; jagged, lacerated. To rend.

Rawing, jagged, tattered, torn. In shreds. Hěulang rawing, a falcon with tattered or jagged wings.

Rawit, only heard in Chabé rawit, Capsicum Fastigiatum. The bird's eye pepper. A small variety of capsicum, but very pungent in taste, much more so than the large and usual Chabé. In Mid-Java, as about Samarang, it is known by this name also, and called Lombo rawit, though at Sourabaya it is called differently,—Lombo létė. Rawit in Javanese means small worms, such as are in children's bodies, to which perhaps they have compared this small variety of capsicum.

Rawun, a superstitious observance of the humah planters, the planters of upland paddy, viz they collect sundry articles, mostly parts of plants of different kinds, bits of skin etc., and hang these over the fire in the shed which is found in every humah, under the idea, that by so doing, they will ward off evil, keep away noxious animals and secure a good crop. The articles so hung up are also called the Rawun.

Raya, heard only associated with Hari, day, as Hari raya, which in Malay is—a festive day, a holiday. May be from Raya, C. 586, to go; speed, velocity, because such a day glides smoothly away. Or it may be from Raja, great, in some of the languages of the Archipelago, transformed into Raya. Raja in Madurese, and Raya in Achinese is: great.

Rayah, to plunder goods from a worsted enemy. To make a foray. To take anything without permission. To plunder.

Rayap, crawling, creeping. In superabundance; in plenty. Rayap baijélěma, lots of people; people creeping about every where.

Rayi, younger brother or sister. Said only of persons of good birth.

Réa, many, plenty, in plenty. Réa batur na, many were his attendants.

Ré-al, Portuguese, a Spanish dollar, of the value of about ƒ 2½. The old Pillar Spanish dollar used as a weight for silver or gold. Mas tilu réal, gold of the weight of three Spanish dollars. In some place the ré-al is considered as two guilders silver money.

Rĕbab, the native fiddle, played with the gamelan.

Rĕbah, fallen down; laid level with the ground. From being upright laid flat. Paré na gěus rĕbah bai kabéh , all the paddy has been laid (by the rain). Jėlĕma na rĕbah bai kabéh, and all the people threw themselves on the ground.

Rĕbig, an old worn-out jacket without sleeves: a tattered jamang or native jacket.

Rěbing, broad, not narrow. Said of small objects which are relatively broad,—as plates, dishes, pachuls or the like. Large objects would be designated when broad, by Rubak, which see.

Rĕbo, Wednesday. Arba, arabic, Wednesday. The fourth day of the week.

Rĕbon, small shrimps. This word is probably derived from the word Rébu, a thousand, with the usual postfix an, and elided into Rěbon. These small shrimps, on some parts of the coast, literally swarming by the thousands The town and residency of Chirĕbon, has its name from these fish. Rébu, thousand. Sa-rébu = 1000. Tilu rébu = 8000. See Séwu.

Rěbut, to snatch, to seize hastily, to seize, to take by force. To scramble for anything. Main rěbutan, to play at scrambling,—as the opportunity is given to the natives by the Chinese once a year, on one of their festivals.

Réché, copper money. Doits.

Rěd, the idiomatic expression of tying tight, of drawing any rope or band close and well together. Rěd bai di talian, and they bound him tight.

Rěg, the idiomatic expression of stopping short when out walking, running, riding or the like. Unchal na rěg ngaranděg, the deer suddenly came to a stand still.

Régang, brushwood or small tangled bushes cut down; boughs and tangled twigs or other vegetable matter, after they have been cut, laid against a fence, a buffaloe shed etc. to prevent thieves getting in.

Régangen, to throw Régang into water to prevent people from using casting nets to take fish.—Régang laid against any place.

Rěgas, brittle, easily breaking, readily snapping. Tali na rěgas, the rope is brittle.

Rěgěděd, indicative of binding or fastening. Rěgěděd bai di talian, he bound him by putting a rope on him.

Rěgis, name of a small fish in rivers. The same fish is called Génggéhék at Buitenzorg.

Réhé, lonely, no one stirring, solitary. Easup ha imah ěukěur réhé, went into the house, at a time when no one was astir. Raha, C. 588, solitariness, privacy.

Rějang, women who play on the Těrěbang and accompany it with dancing and singing. These are not common Ronggéngs, and occur in Bantam. Else where called Bědaya.

Rějim, Arabic, stoned, pelted with stones; execrable, accursed,—Crawfurd. See Audabila.

Rék, the idiomatic expression of looking, of casting a glimpse. Rék ka luhur béh aya, and casting a look upwards, there it was.

Rékép, close joined, without any interstice. So close as not to allow the passage of water. Impervious. Keeping matters secret. Ayěuna běndungan na rékép, now the dam is closed up, or impervious. Pagěr na rékép, a fence which is so close set that no fowls or small animals can pass through. Rékép amat éta jélěma bogah béja, how close that man is about the news.

Rěm, the idiomatic expression for reaping as the natives do it, by snapping each individual straw, when cutting paddy with the Etém. Rěm bai di pibuatan, and seizing the ears they cut the paddy. Gěrrah rěm rěm, go to work and cut (the paddy). Ruman, according to Crawfurd, is in Malay rice straw, which no doubt has its etymon in the Sunda Rěm.

Rémbang, name of a Residency and chief place on the north coast of Java.

Rěmběs, oozing through or out as water. Water or liquid leaking and in small quantities.

Rémpan, fearful lest, in trepidation, in expectation of some accident occurring. Rémpan ku bisi, inggis ku sugan, fearful in case that, wavering with a perhaps;—a native aphorism.

Rěmpěg, growing and thriving in numbers,—said of plants. Collected,—said of materials which have been collected together for any particular purpose, as the materials for making a house or the like.

Rěmpug, of one accord, by common consent, unanimous. Kudu rěmpug sa lumbur kabéh, the whole village ought to be unanimous.

Rěmuk, smashed to atoms, broken to pieces, squashed. Jélěma na ragrag ti na kayu, rěmuk sakali hulu na, the man fell from a tree and smashed his head. Pingping na kagiling kréta, rěmuk, a carriage wheel passed over his thigh, and smashed it.

Rěnang-rěnung, indicates springing or sprouting as plants, and running along the ground as creepers. The Malay word for to swim; appears to be derived from the first word of this expression, and becomes bě-rěnang, literally to run out like a creeper plant, that is to project itself forward.

Rénda, lace.

Rěndah, humble, modest, lowly.

Rěndang, the rainy season, say from November to March.

Réndé, dwarf, small. Applied to some plants. Pinang réndé, a dwarf betlenut tree.

Réng, a lath of a house roof; slips of bambu or wood fastened on the rafters of a roof, to which to fix the tiles or ataps.

Rěngarěng, running along the ground, as a creeping plant; throwing out long and creeping shoots.

Rěng'ik, crying with a low voice; snivelling, whining.

Rěngkung, a noisy sort of instrument. A Pananggung or carrying stick, which is so constructed that in makes a screeching noise when used.

Réngsé, in order; work accomplished; cleared up; satisfactorily terminated; used up. Pagawéan kula gěus réngsé, my my work is in order, is accomplished, Kéjo na gěus réngsé, the boiled rice is all cleaned up (eaten up and done). Sia to bisa bogah réngsé, can't you manage to terminate matters satisfactorily?

Rěniyah, cracked, split.

Rénjéh, worsted in battle; thrashed and driven away. Defeated.

Rénténg, an enclosure made with a fence of rough branches or logs, laid horizontally and supported only here and there by uprights. Kandang rénténg, a cattle pen or fold, made with an enclosure constructed in the rénténg fashion, often used temporarily, or as a place to turn the buffaloes into, early in the morning, before they are set free to graze.

Rěntul, in numbers. In a flock.

Rěnung, springing up, as herbs, weeds etc. etc., spouting out.

Rěnyung, a variety of small tree with red bark and hard wood; where it grows is generally bad land. Tagal rěnyung, a space of land where the rěnyung grows.

Réos, champing in eating, munching.

Rep, the idiomatic expression of quiescence; of a noise being hushed in silence; of a light having gone out. Répéh, quiet, not making any noise. Hushed in quiescence. To hold one's tongue. Gěus répéh di jěro imah, all was quiet within the house. Di tanya—répéh, when he was asked, he held his peace. To daik répéh, he would not hold his tongue.

Rěpok, the state of relationship between man and wife. The feeling and sentiments of man and wife. Goring rěpok na, a naturally bad feeling or state between man and wife, when every thing goes wrong. Not that they actually quarrel, but some fated circumstances cause all matters to turn out badly. Many natives divorce themselves when they get it into their heads that their rěpok is bad.

Rérab, to cook by putting into the fire to scorch. To singe.

Rérég, quick, speedy, in haste. Barang gawé téa sing rérég, let your work be quickly done.

Rérégan, bed-curtains. Any curtains stretched across a room.

Rěrěk, name of a large tree which produces a fruit which can be used as a substitute for soap. Sapindus Rarak.

Rěsěk, mixed with sand,—as rice with sand and small stones in it. Said of a cloth or mat which has sand on it and is uncomfortable.

Rěsěp, pleasant, agreeable, delightful. Giving pleasurable feelings.

Rěsi, a saint, a holyman,—as applied to old people in Hindu times, who separated themselves from the world for religious purposes. Rishi, C. 595, a saint.

Rěu-ai, having numerous children or offspring.

Rěuchěuh, to cut or slice up, said of meat or anything soft. To hack a man or animal to pieces. Lamun to běněr aing rěuchěuh, if it is not true, cut me in pieces,—a forcible expression, sometimes heard.

Rěu-ěui, putting a sort of dye upon thread, or on a fishing net. The same as Rěu-ěun, which see.

Rěu-ěuk, smoke, vapour. Smoke curling up on high.

Rěu-ěun, a lixivium prepared with a certain bark in which fresh made nets are dipped. The rěu-ěun turns the nets black but preserves them from decay.

Rěu-ěup, closed in,—as the day, or a man's life. Sunset. Dead. Poi gěus rěu-ěup, the sun has set. Jélěma na gěus rěu-ěup, the man is dead; literally the sun or the man has closed in.

Rěuhěuk, a tumultuous and noisy cry. The cry of many people. The barking of several dogs. Full cry. Nu di lěuwěung rěuhěuk bai, those in the forest are crying in all directions. Anjing na rěuhěuk bai ngudag bědul, the dogs were in full cry chasing a pig. Same as Rahěuk.

Rěujěung, along with; in company with. Di ayakan rěujěung, invited to go along with.

Rěujěungkěn, to put together; to unite. To put in each other's company.

Rěumah, the ground where a humah has been the previous year, and which is reverting to a state of jungle. It is probably the etymon of the Malay word rumah, house, as the native has always his house in such plantations, while the crop is on the ground, and in a rude state of society probably always lived there, till he could remove to another place, the next season, after he had cut down and burnt off the jungle. Vide mah. Rěumis, the wet of dew. The dew water hanging or grass or on bushes in the morning.

Rěunděuh, name of a plant growing wild among the mountains. It is low upon the ground, and has a rather broad leaf, which the natives eat with their rice. It is called at Batavia Kakěji, Ruta Graveolens. Ngala rěunděuh ka lěuwěung bogah balanja, seek for the Rěunděuh leaves in the woods and you will have pocketmoney.

Rěuněuh, pregnant, big with young. Rěuněuh laki, the male pregnancy, said of growing paddy which just begins to swell previous to the ears coming out. Gede rěuněuh, advanced in pregnancy. Said also of growing paddy which is about to burst out into ear.

Rěung'as, name of a tree which has wood like mahogany, and makes handsome furniture. When growing, this tree gives out, when cut, a juice or exhalation which swells up the face or body of the woodcutter. Gluta Benghas.

Rěung'as manuk, name of a forest tree. Conigeton Arborescens.

Rěunggang, name of a tree. Memecylon Tinctorium. The bark of this tree when boiled makes a pretty good black dye, but it soon washes out.

Rěungyit, a mosquito. Simulium, Culex. Called in Malay Nyamuk.

Rěuntas, tumbled down, fallen in. Chukang na rěuntas, the bridge has tumbled down. Saung na rěuntas, the shed has fallen in.

Rěuntěut, to become compressed together; collapsed. To press down. Pare na ngarěuntěut, the paddy has settled together (when piled in a heap).

Rěuntěutan, to shampoo; to give relaxation to the body by pressing and squeezing it all over with the hands. Called in Malay Pijit, of which the natives are very fond, when fatigued or wearied.

Rěurěujěungan, to accompany, to go along with. All together; in one band.

Réyang, I, my, a personal pronoun. Used only as a pet word, and is perhaps more properly Javanese, and by them only used in some places. Jawa réyang, a Javanese who makes use of the word Réyang. This is thus rather a mock name. Ewé réyang, my wife,—said rather jauntily. This word will admit of the interpretation Rae, C. 601, night; a name of Kama, the Indian Cupid, and Hyang, divinity:—the night divinity, and taken to mean I, mine, conveys an idea of presumption = the lord of the night.

Riběng, crossing and running in all directions; going promiscuously about; coming from every quarter.

Ribut, a storm; a tempest; a violent gust or blow of wind. Imah, tangkal kalapa ěurěunyěuh ku ribut, the houses and cocoa nut trees were blown down by a storm, or violent gust of wind.

Ridi, breeding fast. Constantly having young.

Rikěs, broken, smashed; much injured and broken. Knocked to pieces. Pědati na rikěs, the cart is broken up entirely.

Rimbas, a carpenter's adze. An instrument for squaring wood used like a hoe.

Rinchi, a small quantity of anything with stalks that can be tied together, especially paddy. Half of sakěupěul or a handful. A very small bundle of paddy. Rinéh, to do anything deliberately and well; having plenty of time on hand. At leisure. It is the reserve of Kakěpuk. Kudu di sambut ari rinéh, it must be done when there is plenty of time on hand.

Ring'at, split, cracked. Showing marks of disseveration.

Ringgang or Ringgěung, tottering, likely to fall or tumble down. Imah na ringgěung amat, the house is on the totter of falling.

Ringgit, a Spanish dollar.

Ringgit, name of a mountain near the sea shore between Basuki and Panarukan. It is an exploded volcano with a very fancifully shattered head, whence it may have probably got its name, as Ringgit in Javanese means scenic scenes, comical figures, and hence also the Spanish dollar has been so called from the devices impressed upon it. Ringgit is also a name of Bima, one of the heroes of the Mahabarat.

Ringgit, cut or scolloped on the edges, crenated. Hence probably the application of the two former words.

Ringkang-ringkěng, said of the movements of a person or of an animal in a shady place, or amongst bushes, where he is not distinctly seen.

Ringkěs, drawn into a narrow compass; arranged in neat and compact order; any materials tied or collected neatly together. Barang na gěus ringkěs daik lěumpang, his goods were drawn into a small compass, as he was on the point of setting out.

Ringkus, to tie together the legs and arms of man or beast, mostly the legs of the latter. When a native kills a buffaloe, he trips it up, ties all four legs close together, which is called ringkus, fastens the head back to a stake, and then deliberately says a short prayer, and cuts the throat, the animal not being able to move.

Rintahan, turn, time, a spell at work; a fit of anything. Hujan tilu rintahan, three fits of rain. Sa rintahan séwang, each a turn. Nu prang ngarajang dua rintahan, the men who made war, attacked at two separate fits.

Rinu, cubebs. Called in the Malay of Java, kamungkus. Piper Cubeba. It is sometimes called tail-pepper, from the stalk always adhering to the corns. Used as a medicine.

Rinyu, the white ant. Termes. The small destructive insect which, in a tropical climate, is so destructive to all woodwork, which it eats up. Called in Malay Rayap.

Rinyung, name of a small sized tree, never grows very thick even in old forests. Has a very hard and substantial wood. Called also Rěnyung.

Ripuh, in commotion; in a state of excitement; tumultuous; in an uproar. Ripu, C. 595, an enemy, an adversary.

Riri, a duck, a tame duck.

Ririg, direction, posture. Ka mana ririg na, in what direction has he gone. Ririg na ka wétan, its posture is towards the East.

Ririhan, to make overtures to; to sound as to intentions; to make an offer for. Kébo na di ririhan, to daik di jual, I made an offer for his buffaloe, but he will not sell it. Ari di ririhan, to puguh nembalan nana, if you sound him. his answer is indefinite. Ririwa, a ghost, a spirit that arises from the grave to trouble mortals.

Riya, a word heard only in conjunction with Jaka, a young man, as Jaka Riya. Riya, C. 595, one of the names of Anangaya, the Indian cupid. Jakariya was the title assumed many years ago by a rebel in Bantam. Crawfurd gives Riya in Malay as: playful, sportive, frolicsome.

Riyěus, to grind fine by rubbing down upon a flat stone, called Pangriyěusan or Batu giling; to rub and grind down any vegetable matter to a pulp,—as curry stuff, medicaments etc. Batu riyěus, or Batu giling, a rolling pin of stone for using upon the Pangriyěusan.

Riyěut, headache, dizziness in the head. Dizzy.

Riyul, walking off with; taking anything away without compliment. Riyul bai di bawa, to nanya děui, and off he walked with it, without saying another word.

Roa, the eighth month of the Mahometan year. Called also Arawah and Saban.

Roai, a variety of pulse or Kachang.

Roang, the spaces between the wooden posts or pillars of a house; a compartment; a division, a section; a stall; a row; a bed of anything planted. Imah tilu roang, a house with three compartments,—that is the main upright posts are four. Istal sapuluh roang, a stable with ten stalls. Kachang opat roang, four rows of pulse.

Roangan, planted in rows; arranged in rows.

Roban, robbers, plunderers; good-for-nothing people who rove about and live by their wits. A demon. Pěnyakit roban, the small pox. Any sudden and violent disease, which soon kills the person attacked, and soon disappears again. Such disease is ascribed to the influence of some demon.

Roda, a wheel, a carriage or cart wheel. A carriage, a cart (from having wheels). Roda, C. 600, a carriage wheel.

Rodék, covered with scabs and ulcers. Ulcerated.

Rogo, to take out of a little hole; to grope for in a small hole,—as a man might grope for fish in holes in the bank.

Roh, Arabic, spirit, the soul (of a living body). Roh al kudus, the Holy Ghost.

Rojok, to poke at with a stick or spear in a hole; to ram at, as the charge of a gun with the ramrod. Aya maUng di jěro liang, di rojok ku tumbak, there was a tiger in the hole, and they rammed at him with spears. Buku awi di rojok datang ka toblong, the diaphragms of the bambu were poked at till they were knocked away.

Roko, a segar, a cheroot; a bit. of tobacco rolled up in a Nipah or Kawung leaf for the purpose of smoking. The word Roko is evidently derived from the Dutch rook, smoke, and roken, to smoke.

Roko-roko, name of a bird which only occasionally visits the mountains, and that at the time when the sawahs are run under water to plough; a kind of wild duck. It often destroys the fresh cast paddy seed, by paddling among it and eating it at night time. Roman, the person, the body, personal air; kind, shape, appearance.

Rombak, to demolish, to pull to pieces; to pull down, as a walled building.

Rombéh, the full blown flowers of the Honjé plant.

Rombéng, torn, tattered. Jamang na rombéng, his jacket is torn. Boboko rombéng, a tattered rice basket.

Rompang, broken in a gap; the edge broken. Gunung rompang, a mountain with a split top or crest. When the cup of a crater has burst out, that is called rompang. Bědog na rompang, his chopper is broken in gaps,—the edge broken in gaps. Jélěma na rompang, a man who has lost some teeth.

Rondah, Portuguese ronda, the round, the night watch. Military rounds. Patrol. Orang rondah, the men on watch at night.

Ronggéng, a public dancing girl; a woman of easy virtue. Pondok ronggéng, a house of ill fame; the place where the ronggéngs live.

Ronkah, valliant, daring, courageous. A brave man who is supposed to be invulnerable.

Rong'od, the fruit of the Těpus plant.

Rontog, what falls off, droppings. Paré rontog, the paddy which drops from the bundles when moved.

Rontog,—as di rontog, to come upon suddenly; to catch by making a sudden spring. To surprise. Di rontog maung, he was caught by a tiger (springing upon him).

Rontogan, in grinding paddy, that part of the operation when the grain is separated from the straw.

Ronyok, many in a heap; in an assembly; multitudinous.

Ronyom, to attack in numbers; to assault; to kill; to overpower.

Ropong, gaping; standing open; showing in an aperture. Ropong bai maryěm di kapal prang, the muzzles of the guns were seen in the man of war,—that is the openings of the muzzles were seen. Pagěr na ropong, the fence was gaping in holes. Hence Toropong, a telescope, being a tube to look through.

Roréng, striped like a tiger. Anjing si roréng, a striped dog.

Roris, to make an inventory of men and their goods. To take a census.

Rorod, run away with; stolen; eloped. Banda na di rorod, they ran away with his property. Awéwé na di rorod, he eloped with the woman.

Rorog, a row or consecutive tier of beds in a sawah, or irrigated rice field. Sa rorog éta gati di chai-yan, that row of sawahs it is difficult to get under water.

Rorogan, part of the native loom; the stand or piece of wood or thick bambu, on which the Baréra is thrown, as it is drawn out from the web. A row or tier in sawahs.

Roronggosan, to follow a woman from place to place and to hold private communication with her.

Rorongko, a small temporary too-fall shed, put up in a hurry in a humah after burning, before there has been time to make a proper saung, or shed. The rorongko is thus a temporary shelter of ataps in a humah, often found at a distance from the main shed or saung. A temporary shelter put up also in the forest, where into pass the night. A temporary shelter wherein to watch by night.

Rorongsokan, odds and ends of silver or gold ware. Old gold or silver ornaments which are spoiled, and only fit for melting over again for fresh use.

Roros, dished; done up; non-plussed. Discomfited; used up; no more remaining. Roros sia ayĕuna, you are now done for.

Roskam, Dutch, a curry-comb.

Rossa, strong; substantial; having great force. Violent in temper; coming it strong; passionate. Rossa amat éta jélĕma, that man is very strong. Niyĕun dangdanan rossa, to make substantial work. Rossa amat hajat, to hold a very great festival. Mandor sok rossa ka nu leutik, the mandor is often violent with the people. Tĕulĕui rossa bai ka kula, he was immediately in a violent rage with me. This word is very likely derived from rosha, C. 600, anger, wrath,—which indicating violence, the word has been used for any display of energy or force, either bodily or mental.

Roti, bread, the bread of European's made of wheaten flour. Roti, C. 847, unleavened bread made of rice flour.

Rowas, startled, frightened; overtaken by a sudden fear.

Rowog, greedy, guzzling with eagerness. Having a ravenous hunger.

Rua, shape, appearance, look. Sa rua, of one appearance, similar. Hadé rua na, he has a good look. Rua na goréng, the look of it is bad. Rua na daik goréng, it looks as if it was going to be bad; he looks as if he meant harm. Ruwa, C. 597, an image; beauty; comeliness; handsome, elegant. This is very likely the etymon of Dua, two, implying, parity, similarity. See Karuan.

Ruang, to bury, to put under or into the ground. Mayit na gĕus di ruang, have they buried the corpse. Batu éta kudu di ruang, that stone must be buried.

Rubak, broad, expansive, wide. Papan rubak, a broad plank. Kain na rubak, the cloth is wide.

Rubu, a quarter, used only when speaking of a division of the property left by a dead person.

Rubuh, taken ill; confined to your bed with sickness. In Malay Rubuh is, to tumble down, to fall, to come to the ground. In Sunda it is restricted to falling ill.—To fall in any other sense is Eunyĕuh.

Rugĕl, often, frequently, repeatedly. Gĕus rugĕl tĕuyn sia di papatahan, you have so often been warned. Lĕumpang na rugĕl ka gunung, he often goes to the mountains.

Rugĕlan, to do a thing often, to do a thing again and again. Kudu di rugĕlan bai, mohal to éléh, you must do it again and again, it will be sure to give way.

Rugi, loss, damage; loss in trade. Dugi, C. 276, poverty, indigence, need. Dagang tĕulĕui rugi, in trading I have directly had a loss. Rugi bangĕt, a very great loss.

Rugrag, said of persons who have a kind of slow disease upon them, by which the body pines away,—supposed to be in consequence of some exertion by which the bowels have become disarranged.

Rugrug, to fall of itself,—as a tree; said of a tree blown down by the wind, and torn up by the roots. Said also of earth slipped down from the face of a hill, as among the mountains after heavy rain.

Ruhai, blazing up; alight as fire; in a blaze.

Ruhak, a firy stick; a stick fresh out of the fire. Embers. Wood that is burning and alight.

Rujak, any green or raw fruit, as mangoes, pineapple or cucumbers etc., shred up fine and mixed with sugar or any sweetening or seasoning, and then eaten. Considered a cooling delicacy in the heat of the day, but well adapted to bring on a fit of cholera.

Ruka, fallen,—as a tree blown down by the wind. Uprooted and cast down.

Rukan, Arabic, aid, support;—this word only occurs when talking of religious matters.

Ruk-rék, casting the eyes about in all directions. On the qui vive. Prying.

Rukun, Arabic, a fixed number or extent,—in matters of law.

Rum, Arabic, Constantinople. The Turkish empire. This word is evidently the Rome of Europeans. When the Turks conquered Constantinople, the Roman government was established there.

Rumah tangga, Malay,—but sometimes used to express a proper and permanent house, such as will ensure the residence of the occupant. Rumah, house, Tangga, ladder, a ladder house—thus well and properly built, and not merely consisting of a few sticks stuck in the ground, which is called in Sunda Imah těblok.

Rumégang, said of plantain fruit which in only half ripe, and not yet fit to eat.

Ruméntang, squatting on, perched upon.

Rumpak, to tread on, to tread down, to get upon which the feet. Sing hadé kěmbang na, ulah di rumpakan, take care do not tread down the flowers. Karumpak, trodden down. Kaso na kudu di rumpakan, the tall reeds must be trodden down.

Rumpak-jami, harvest home. The paddy straw trodden down in reaping. Jami is here an abbreviation of Jěrami, paddy straw. Gěus rumpak jami, also means: an affair has been settled; a division has been made; the advantages have been enjoyed.

Rumput, a close tangled thicket. A bush of any vegetable mass which a man cannot walk through. When trees and lianes, even overhead, are so tangled and intermatted that a man cannot make his way through them, it is called Rumput. In Malay Rumput is grass, which in Sunda in called Jukut.

Runchang, to influence so as to be well disposed towards others. Jampé or incantation to induce a person to marry.

Rundaikěn, to open out, to unfold, to unfurl, to fling loose, as a cloth that was folded up.

Rungkad, torn down, blown down by the wind. Uprooted. Torn up by the roots and fallen to the ground, as a tree blown down by the wind. Fetched way. Torn violently off. Rungkang, a shadow. Weeds, twigs. Rubbish.

Rungkěl-ringkěl, turning and winding, like a path in a forest. Tortuous. Jalan na rungkěl-ringkěl, the way was tortuous or winding.

Rungkup, and Rungkapan, to surround, to hem in, to encompass with the intention of catching. Bědul hasup kadung'us kudu di rungkupan, the pig ran into a clump of trees and must be hemmed in. Lauk kumpul di lěuwi, laku di rungkupan, the fish has collected together in a deep pool and can be caught in a casting net.

Runtah, filth; useless choppings, cuttings or leavings. Anything which makes a litter. Runtah na kudu di singkirkěn, that litter must be put out of the way. Ulah niyěun runtah di diyo, don't make a mess here.

Rup, the idiomatic expression of covering up or enclosing, as with a net or basket. Rup bai di hěurapan, they flung their nets. Rub bai kotok di turuban ku ranggap, the fowls were covered up under a split bambu basket.

Rupa, appearance, shape. What can be seen. Anything produced or accomplished. To bisa rupa, he could not produce it; he could not bring it about. Pagawéan sia gěus rupa? has your work assumed shape,—have you done it? Jélěma na di rupa, the man did not make his appearance; the man had no work to show. Kudu rupa sorangan, you must show up yourself. Rupa, C. 598, natural property or disposition; form, figure; appearance, semblance; any object of vision.

Rupa-rupa, of various sorts, an assortment.

Rupiyah, a rupee; a Dutch guilder. The word is Persian and Hindu.

Rurah, the same as Lurah, a village chief.

Rurugan, to attack; to set upon in numbers, as when troops or bands of men go to war. Rurugan kapagunungan Bantan, to proceed to make war among the mountains of Bantam.

Ruruntuk, any spoiled worn-out implement or thing. So much spoiled as to be hardly useable. Gěus ruruntuk jasah, it is quite spoiled or worn out. Mulung ruruntuk batur, picking up what others have thrown away as useless. Ruruntuk prang, people or implements which have been smashed or shattered in battle. To aya ruruntukan, totally destroyed; so much spoiled that there are not even the smashed leavings fit for use.

Rusak, spoiled, damaged, injured; pulled to pieces; destroyed. Rusak nakěr patahunan kami, our yearly plantings are totally destroyed. Rusak angěn, the heart destroyed,—confounded or overwhelmed with affliction.

Rusěb, rough and unpleasant, set full of impediments, in a litter. Any entanglement which prevents free motion. Tangled and in confusion.

Ruwas, a joint of bambu, or more properly the tube between two joints, used to hold water or any other material. The tubes between the articulations of any plant, as in the grasses. When bambus are very large they are called Lodong, which see. The space between two joints in the body, as in the fingers. Ruwasan, having articulations or joints.

Ruwis, the edging rope of a net. The rope which passes along the edge of a net, by which it can be hung up or distented.

Ruyuk, a bush; shrubs. Any small collection of bushes or dwarf jungle. Charěuh na hasup ka ruyuk, the charěuh ran among the bushes. See Ngaruyuk.

Ruyung, the wood of palm trees. The outer horny part of the tree, which surrounds the soft part within, from which, in some cases, sago is made. Ruyung is very hard and horny when cut transversely, but splits easily length-wise.