A Dictionary of the Sunda language/W
Wa-as, said when a pleasurable feeling is caused by seeing some one or something which reminds us of what we ourselves possess, but which, for the moment, is out of our reach. A happy or pleasing remembrance or emotion regarding something which we do not at the moment see (as seeing a woman's gown causes sentimental emotions).
Wacha, to read, to peruse. Wacha, C. 616, and Wācha, C. 634, to speak, speech, speaking. Our word thus properly means reading aloud, giving utterance to.
Wada, to find fault with, to complain of. To correct by talking to. Wada, C. 919, speech, a word, a sentence, a saging; punishment, torture. Speech or talk is often used in Malay in the sense of finding fault with, as heard in: di kata-in, he talked at him, which means reproached him.
Wadah, a receptacle, a place to receive things in. A case, a basket or the like. Wadah sĕupahan, a sĕurĕuh-box, any apparatus for holding sĕurĕuh. Wadah bé-as, a rice basket, Tadah bĕdil, a gun-case. Wadah pakéan, a clothe's-press , or any box or basket to put clothes in.
Wadahan, to put into a receptacle; to gather up into a basket or other contrivance.
Wadang, rice which has been boiled but not immediately eaten when warm, but set by for after use.
Wadi, subject of conversation. What's in the wind (to rise a cant expression). To nyaho di wadi, he does not know what's in the wind. He does not know what arrangements are made. Wādi, C. 636, from Wada to speak wisely, etc. — wise, learned, skilful, sage.
Wadung, the small chopper of ceremony worn in the girdle by those in attendance upon the sovereigns of Java.
Wadung, the native axe, so called about Buitenzorg, and is the same as Baliyung.
Wagé, the fourth day in the old Javanese week of five days. See Manis. Poi wagé, the day wagé, is considered auspicious for many undertakings, especially for planting paddy.
Wagu, confused, confounded, stultified. Crawfurd gives in Malay Ragu, confused, perplexed.
Wah, an exclamation of surprise, or of dissent.
Wahal, a prop or support in buildings, by a piece of wood or bambu laid fiat and lengthwise.
Wahangan, the bed of a river, any large water-way, a ravine. The etymon of this word is evidently Wah, which in Malay is Bah, Marsden, p. 57, a flood, an inundation. See Sawah and Sawangan.
Waja, steel. Waja kanchur, an inferior steel, or rather cast iron, such as iron cooking-pots are made of. This word sounds Sanscritic, though not found in Clough, at least there only occurs, at page 455, Bajanaya, association, union; embracing, an embrace. May this refer to steel being united to cutting instruments, or embracing the edge? Naya is constructive. Marsden , page 30 , gives Baja, steel. Waja for steel may also be derived from Wajra, C. 616, a thunderbolt in general , or the thunderbolt of Indra; hard, impenetrable, adamantine. The Hindus may have represented steel to the Islanders as made of the thunderbolt of Indra. So also Clough, page 447 and 491, gives Bājana and Bhājana for a vessel, a vessel in general, as a pot, a cup, a plate, which in Malay has been modified into Bajan, and also sometimes into Wajan, a pan, a vessel; see Marsden, page 30. So also Wacha becomes Bacha in Malay, and Waru, becomes Baru.
Wajang, to copulate as animals, not as human beings.
Wajib, Arabic, necessary, proper, incumbent upon, obligatory. See Pĕrĕlu and Rakun, which have a Similarity of meaning and all three are probably Arabic.
Wak, the idiomatic expression of splitting, especially anything that splits with a noise, as a bambu. Wak bai awina beŭlah, bang! the bambu split up. Wāk, C. 634, speech, saying, a word. Wākija, C. 634, a sentence, a word, a speech, dictum. If this is a correct explanation, we have here a Sanscrit monosyllable adopted for an idiomatic expression, which is very unusual, as this class of words appears generally to be purely Polynesian.
Waka, the act of doing something, a state of exertion. A word difficult to translate by any one appropriate term. Tiba waka bogah dua siki, if only you could contrive to have two pieces. Ulah waka, do not do it yet; hold on a bit; have patience. Ulah waka di bere, don't give it to him just yet.
Wakap, empty, in no man's use. Imah wakap, an unoccupied house.
Wakcha, used only in the expression wakcha waléh, speaking out the plain truth, speaking without prevarication. This expression is used by a man when he throws himself upon the mercy or consideration of his hearer, — when he unbosoms his difficulties. Wakcha is probably a corruption of Wākya, C. 634, a sentence, a word, a speech, dictum; a rule or aphorism, and would thus mean: an undisguised word or sentence.
Wakil, Arabic, an agent, a representative, an attorney, a proxy, a deputy. An envoy. An ambassador.
Wakilan, to depute, to send or put another in our place.
Wakil mutĕlak, an agent with full powers. A plenipotentiary.
Waktu, Arabic Wakt, time, season, period, appointed time; Waktu kami datang, at the period when we came. Sambayang waktu, to pray at the appointed time, as Mahomedans do, on five separate occasions every day.
Wak-wak, to chatter, to keep talking. Wāk, C. 634, speech, a saying, a word. Our wak-wak seems to be wāk, duplicated to imply frequency or continuation. To aya anggĕus wak-wak na, there is no end of his chattering.
Walah, Arabic, by God. An exclamation of dissent or disapprobation. Walah jauh, by God it is far away. Walah saha nu daik, by God who will be willing?
Walajar, to plough the sawahs for the first time in the season. See Ngawalajar.
Walakaya, to work, to do something for a livelyhood. To use one's endeavours.
Walang, a grass-hopper, a locust. Called in Malay Balang.
Walang, a scitameneous plant, Hedychium Gracile.
Walar-walar, and Walaran, traces on the ground. Marks of some person or animal having passed. Walat, a variety of rattan, the rattan of commerce, such as are exported to Europe. It is found in the Sunda districts only near the south coast of Bantam.
Waléh, speaking the plain truth. Speaking without prevarication, really, truly, undisguisedly. See Wakcha.
Waléhan, to speak out the plain truth. To throw yourself on the consideration of another. Kudu di waléhan bai ka tuan, I must tell you an unvarnished tale, I must, Sir, tell you the plain truth (when about to ask a favour).
Walén, a variety of ficus-tree. The bark is sometimes used as an indifferent substitute for gambir, for which purpose trees near a path are found deprived of their bark. Does not grow very large, but is a moderate bushy tree. It has numerous bunches of small fruits of sige of peas, growing from the stem. Leaves small, oval and entire.
Walěs, to rebound, to spring back.
Walěsan, a spring made of a stick bent by a string or cord to serve for that purpose. A spring of wood or iron bent for some purpose. See Balěs.
Walét, the house swallow. Hirundo. The house swallow which builds its nest under the eaves of a house or in a verandah.
Wali, Arabic, a tutor, a guardian. A person, the next akin, who takes the place of the parents when these are dead. Wali in Arabic, a friend, a favourite, a servant, a slave. Wali Allah, the servant of God; the successors of Mahomet; the caliphs; those to whom the power of God is entrusted.
Walian, to give a woman away in marriage, either when the father gives away the bride himself, or does so by deputy.
Wali-kambing, name of a liane growing along some parts of the low coasts of Java. It is found, amongst other places, near the coast from the mouth of the Chidani towards Bantam. The root is bruised and mixed up with boiled rice or other food, and placed in the way of wild pigs, which, after eating it, become insensible and torpid, but on bleeding them they recover. It is also called Pélér kambing about Batavia. Wali, C. 628, wild, living in the woods. „The fruit of a species of Contorta called Kalak kambing, has a deadly effect on tigers. It is prepared by the admixture of other vegetables, and exposed on a piece of rag at the places frequented by them. In some districts their number has been sensibly diminished by this poison. " — Horsfield. Raffles', Java, vol. 1, page 347. — It would thus appear that a vegetable preparation known by somewhat different names, but all terminating in Kambing, goat or sheep, has a deleterious effect upon animals, and is in different parts of Java used for the purpose of stupifying wild beasts. Kalak in Javanese is burnt or roasted flesh and Kalak-kambing is the burnt flesh of a sheep or goat Pélér means penis, and thus the penis of a goat.
Wali-kukun, name of a hard, reddish wood, growing near the sea-shore, and much used for the cog-wheels of mill- work, being strong and close in grain. Wali, C. 628, wild, living in the woods. Kokun, mahogany, — Lambrick's Singhalese Vocabulary, Ceylon, 1840, page 17, thus: wild mahogany.Walik, a variety of wild pigeon with green feathers, — other than Poné.
Walikat, the shoulderblade, scapula. In Malay Balikat, Marsden, p. 117. Balik, to return, of go back. At, C. 805, the hand and arm — the returning or the going back of the arm. But this would be taking a compound word from two different languages, which is hardly admissible.
Waling'i, name of a variety of grass.
Walirang, sulphur, brimstone. Called in Malay Balérang. Marsden, page 46.
Wallah, Arabic, by God. Properly Wallahi.
Waluh, a calabash, a kind of pumpkin, much grown by the natives. Is of the size of a man's head, green with white spots. Cucurbita Hispida.
Walungan, a ravine. More especially a water-course cut deep into a flat country. Wah, water. Lěng, the act of going, modified to lung, with an suffixed. See Wahangan.
Waluran, a ravine, more especially a water-course cut in the face of a hill. Wah, water; Halur, a beaten path, with an suffixed. A beaten or worn-out path for water.
Waluri, unhurt, in perfect order. In prime condition. Gěus waluri děui, he is perfectly re-established in health.
Waluyah, intact, uninjured. Sound and whole. Said of any object which has not yet been made use of. Waluyah kénéh imah na, that house is still uninjured, — is still in perfect order. Jamang na waluyah, an unworn coat.
Wana, a forest, a wood, a grove. Wana, C. 620, a forest, a wood, a grove. Used mostly in the composition of proper names. Heard often pronounced Wana.
Wana-sipi, name of a place in Karawang. Wana, forest, Sipi, C. 734, from Sipa, an art, and i affinative: an artist, an artificer, an artizan, thus: artizan's grove.
Wana-yasa, name of the chief place in Karawang. Wana, forest, Yasa, C. 572, good, excellent, worthy.
Wanara, an ape, a monkey. Used in old pantuns. Wanara, C. 621, a monkey, from Wana, forest, Rama, to play.
Wanchi, period, or time of day. Wanchi téng'ang'ni, at the period of noon. Wanchi měgrib, at the period of the day getting dark; at dusk.
Wang, money, coin, capital. Wang mas, gold money. Wang pérak, silver money. Wang nu bisa ngajadikěn, it is money which will bring it about. Sa-wang, eight Dutch doits. See Sa-baru.
Wang-karasan, money for having pleasure (in living anywhere), money paid as an impost when the person has no cultivation on which to pay tax.
Wangi, fragrant, sweet scented. Occurs in the composition of proper names, as Sila Wang'i, a character in the early history of Pajajaran. See Wawang'én. The more usual word for scented is Sěung'it.
Wangi, a variety of mangga so called.
Wangkang, a chinese ship, a junk.
Wangking, as Chěuli wangking, a rhinoceros.Wangsit, malignant, virulent; having supernatural power to do harm. Lĕuwĕung wangsit, a virulent forest, where man cannot tread without being overtaken by some malady or misfortune. Pamujahan nana to laku di tinchak, wangsit, you must not tread upon the place of penance, it is malignant.
Wani, daring, valliant, bold. Sia wani nyachag ka maung, would you dare to cut at a tiger (in the forest). To wani ngarajang kadinyo, I dare not tackle on to that. — We have among the back mountains of Jasinga a Chi-barani, though Barani is never heard in the language alone, and very likely here means the river of Bawani. So also in Malay there is the expression, Batu barani, for the loadstone, Bĕsi barani, for the magnet , Marsden , page 39, which may have also reference to the goddess Bawani, as representing courage. This Wani is further the same as Barani in Malay, Marsden, page 38, bold, daring, courageous, which are thus probably both derived form Bawani, the consort of Siva, his attribute of courage. The Sunda people have another word for daring, viz Ludĕung. — In the plural it becomes Wararani. Wararantĕun amat éta jélĕma, those people are very daring.
Wanta, good advice, friendly instructions. Instructions in Jampé or incantations. Wanta, C. 637, from Wama, to vomit, Tata affinative vomited, ejected from the mouth. Perhaps from always spitting upon a place over which Jampé is pronounced.
Wara, to teach, to reprehend, to tell to do better, to inculcate, to impress by admonition. Perhaps the same as Wāra, C. 638, in the sense of permission, or Wārana, C. 638, defence, opposition, prohibition. Wara, C. 623, requesting, soliciting, prevailing on a person by entreaty to undertake any business.
Wara, is also sometimes used in the sense of Waka, as: ulah wara di béré, don't yet give any, — and may then be Wara, C. 638, time, occasion.
Waragang, right and true. Correct in conduct. Straight forward, worthy of trust.
Warang, the mutual parents of married people, as the father of the husband is the Warang of the father of the wife. In Malay this relationship of the parents is designated by Bésan.
Warangan, arsenic. Much used for a solution in which gobangs, krises, badis and other cutting instruments are steeped in order to bring out the Pamor, and preserve them from rusting. Called in Malay Brangan or Barangan, Marsden, page 38. Also to apply a solution of arsenic to weapons. Kris warangan, Gobang warangan, such weapons when they have been soaked in a solution of arsenic.
Waras, in sound good health. Sound, not decayed. Convalescent, recovered from sickness, cured, healed, sound, sane, Gĕus waras dĕui, he is restored to health. Pagĕr na waras kénéh saparo na, part of the fence is still sound (not rotten).
Warata, of even surface, without asperities. Even in grain, as rice. To distribute evenly to all alike. Fairly apportioned.
Waréng, the seventh in descent, counting the father and mother as number one. The sixth generation after an ancestor. The term also applies backwards, so that the ancester sixth previously is the waréng of the living person.Wargu, a variety of dwarf palm. Raphis Pumila.
Waringin, a handsome and ornamental tree, growing to a great size and affording a dense shade impervious to the sun. This tree is always planted on the Alun-alun or open space in front of the dwelling of a native chief, and is a mark of authority. It is the Ficus Benjamina.
Waris, Persian, a heir, inheritor, legatee.
Warisan, anything left by a deceased person. Inheritance, legacy.
Warna, colour, hue, description, kind, sort, shape. Warnna, C. 625, to paint; colour, hue, tint, quality, property; form, figure, sort, kind. Loba warna na, there are many varieties. Aya sabraha warna, how many kinds are there. Warna na běurěum, the colour of it was red. Warna těuyn, how many colours, how many shades! we should say, what it means: you do not know your own mind, can't you say what you mean. Wat warna! don't tell me your nonsense.
Warta, tradition; report of old men. Wartata, C. 639, tidings, intelligence. Kula nimu warta, I have heard (literally got or found) a tradition.
Waru, name of a very common tree, which grows every where very readily from cuttings, or stakes stuck into the ground. It bears large yellow flowers in plenty, but appears never to bring any seed to perfection, and such a thing as a seedling waru-plant is unknown. It is not found wild in primeval forest. Called in Malay Baru, Marsden, page 31, Hibiscus Similis.
Waru-laut, the sea-waru. A variety growing near the sea-shore. Hibiscus Tiliaceus.
Warung, a shop, a stall or booth for selling articles of food or of dress, or any other goods. A market which has not the privileges of a regular pasar, but where the people meet once a week for the purposes of petty trade. Marsden gives, at page 31, Barong, a stall, booth, little shop.
Wasajan, fair, impartial. Neither leaning to one party nor the other.
Wasayat, Arabic, testament, last will, precept, mandate. Disposal of property before death.
Waswis, officious, wanting to do every thing. Said of a man who officiously pokes himself forward.
Wat, a particle extensively used but difficult to translate, and has some affinity to the Singhalse Wat, C. 618, which is a particle of opinion and doubt, or, either: whether; but in Sunda always precedes the word with which it is connected, whilst in Singhalese it is suffixed. Wat naha, how comes that! how can that be? Ari di titah wat ngaliyěuk bai, and when he is ordered he only stares about him. Wat to peupeuli ka kami, he really did not tell me. Wat panjang iyo ma, hello this one is long.
Watang, the beam of a pair of scales. A balance beam. The shaft of a spear. Any straight pole applied to any use.
Watara, probably, to judge from appearances, apparently. Watara na bai, hanto daik méré, to judge from appearances he does not intend to give any. Watara hadé děui ari di omé, it will probably be good again if taken care of. This word appears to be a derivative of the Malay word Tara, equal, neither superior nor inferior, level, —and thus to mean: an even chance. Tara at present in Sunda only means: even, flat, without slope.
Watas, a limit, a boundary, a bourn. Watas Bantan, the boundary of Bantam. Datang ka watas umur, arrived at the bourn of life. Ulah ngaliwat watas, do not go beyond the limit.
Watasan, to give limits to, to assign limits. To assign a limit which must not be exceeded.
Watir, doubt, uncertainly. Watir na nudi pikiran, it is the uncertainly which we think about. The word is, however, most frequently heard as Kawatir, which see.
Watu, a stone, more usually called Batu.
Watu, a word used in certain forms of Jampé, and which means: near, close by. Probably from Batu, a stone, which does not move. See Suku.
Watu, name of a plant grown in humahs for the sake of the seed, from which a burning oil is made. Sesamum Indicum. Called in Malay Wijén or Bijin, Marsden, p. 59, which is very likely the word Biji in Malay, seed, seeds, with initial B converted into W, and the final I and an elided into én as Biji-an = Wijén. See Sahiji.
Wawaléhan, to speak the plain truth. To speak undisguisedly. To tell the unvarnished truth.
Wawang'én, scents, substances which have a sweet odour. Perfumes, cosmetics. Derived from the Javanese or Malay word Wang'i, fragrant, which in this simple form; is hardly used in Sunda.
Wawang'unan, an addition to a house. Accommodations made for guests at a feast, by running up extra temporary buildings.
Wawar, news of something. The news received that something must be done. Derived from Uar, which see.
Wawarang'an, to make an agreement between parents to marry their children.
Wawaréhan, some getting and some missing. Partially successful. As if Sawaré, or only a part of the people could get.
Wawariyan, said on occasions of festivals, when the great feast is over, to continue for a day or two a partial festival so as not to cease all at once, and thus to use up all the eatables.
Wawayang, the lock of a gun.
Wawěuh, to know, to be acquainted with any person or thing. Aing to wawěuh ka jélěma éta, I do not know that person. Tangkal na to wawěuh, I do not know that tree.
Wawil, difficult to get arrangements made. Said when a person is sent about from one place or person to another, and still matters cannot come right. Humbugging. Ari bogah pěrkara di kantor tangtu wawil àmat, if you have anything to do with government offices, you are sure to have lots of bother. Wayah, period, time, moment. Wayah kiwari, at this present moment, at this time of day. Eukěur wayah kumaha, about at what time. Wayah also means, fit and proper time or season. Appropriate, suitable. Tachan daik wayah, the fit season has not yet come. Wayah na bai, it was to be expected; I will put up with it; its time had come. Wayah, C. 622, age, time of life.
Wayang, a native exhibition of scenic puppets. The exhibition always takes place by lamp-light, and arrangements are so made that the shadow of the puppets is thrown upon a screen of white cloth behind which the Dalang or exhibitor sits and recites some ancient romance of which the puppets are the dramatis personae. Probably derived from Wa, C. 634, wind, breeze, and Hyang, divinity, see voce. Thus the wind-god, indicating the transitory nature of the scenic representations.
Wayang, name of a volcano south of Bandong.
Wayu, the toddy drawn from the kawung-palm. A word used only by the Badui of south Bantam. Called also Pěu-ěung.
Wayu-hyang, a character in the Manék Maya, see Raffles, vol. 2, Appendix. A great warrior, from the washing of whose body the dog Bělang Wayung Hyang was made, vide voce. Wayu, C. 638, air, wind, the air of the body. Hence also Batara Bayu, the God of wind. Has the Javanese Wayang, or scenic representations, got its name from this personage, as the figures shown upon the screen have no reality, but are only shadows, and perhaps thus compared to the air or wind?
Wěduk, impenetrable, which cannot be pierced, what no weapon can cut. Invulnerable. Whenever a scoundrel sets up in opposition to Government authority, or makes a rebellion, he always hopes to delude the simple native, and for that purpose pretends to be Wěduk or invulnerable, or that no weapon can cut him nor shot wound him, in which he easily succeeds and gets a concourse of people after him. Bětuwah in Malay answers to this Wěduk.
Wědus, a goat. See Embé.
Wéh, alas!
Wěkěl, persevering, working with energy; steadfast, resolute.
Wěl, the idiomatic expression for gulping or swallowing greedily. Wěl bai ku anjing, the dog gulped it up. Wěl bai di paju, he guzzled it up.
Wělang, Persian, Marsden, page 45, piebald, streaked black and white Orai welang, the pie-bald snake; a snake with rings round the body alternately black and white. Very poisonous.
Wělas, to rebound, to spring back, to go over again.
Wělas, an idiomatic expression in counting between 10 and 20, corresponding to the English teen or Dutch tien. It is also called and pronounced Blas, which see. The word has probably its origin in Wělas, to rebound, or rather to go over again, to repeat, —as when the native had counted to 10, he had gone over the fingers of both hands, and to go further, was forced to repeat the operation, which he designated by Wělas, sa-wělas, one repetition, dua-wělas, two repetitions, etc. This system of having a separate designation for every 10 is continued in the numbers between 20 and 30. see Likur.
Wělasan, in the teens, —among the numbers 11/19.
Wělasan, a spring, a bent stick which will rebound.
Wělěd, to plough sawahs for the second time. See Ngěwělěd.
Wěléh, unable to succeed. Tried in vain. To no purpose. Wěléh di hadéan, I am unable to succeed in mending it. Wěléh di omongan, I have tried in vain to talk him over. Wěléh di tagi, to dun in vain.
Wělěng, a spear shot off by the reverberation of a piece of wood or bambu, such spear being often a piece of sharpened bambu. A spear or sharpened stick to be shot away by a spring.
Wéra, the shoe-flower plant, called also Kěmbang sapatu, because the flower, which is red, when rubbed on leather blackens it, as if done with regular blacking. Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis.
Wěrat, the same as Wrat, which see.
Wěrěgu, a variety of dwarf palm, with fan leaf. Same as Wargu.
Wěrga, a term of nobility, especially used in Pantuns. A chief, a noble-man. Warga, C. 625, a class, a tribe, a nation.
Wěsi, iron, the same as Běusi. In the ancient history of the Sunda districts, with reference to Pajajaran, mention is made of a Kandang Wěsi, iron cage into which Banyak Wědi, the head of the Pandis or blacksmiths, enticed his father Munding wang'i, and then shut him up in it, and flung the whole into the South sea, at a place which then obtained the name of Kandang Wěsi, but which is not now found on the maps; Raffles, vol. 2, page 98.
Wétan, the east, eastern. Waitāla, C. 673, morning, day-break. The Sunda word may be this word with the final la dropped and the Polynesian an substituted inits place, thus meaning the place of day-break. In New Zealand Wita is light, which appears as if were the etymon of the Sunda Wétan, or had a common origin with Waitāla.
Wěurěuh, intoxicated, poisoned. Rendered senseless by eating something pernicious. Lauk na di tuwa wěurěuh, the fish became senseless from the application of tuwa.
Wěwěg, strong and secure. Substantial. Dangdanan wěwěg, substantial construction.
Wi. It may be worth while to give here from Clough's Singhalese Dictionary, page 641, the meaning of his particle, as it frequently occurs not only in Sunda, as in the few examples here found, but also in proper names when derived from Sanscrit. "Wi is a particle and prefix implying varety, difference; certainty, ascertainment; privation; motion, progress; intensity; excellence; separation, disjunction; aversion, repugnance; impatience, intolerance; joy, gladness; defectiveness, deterioration; distance; presence, before; ignorance. It generally corresponds to the English adjuncts, a, ex, de, dis, in, un, and is frequently an expletive". Wida-ah, instructions, orders.
Widana, a subordinate officer of the old native government of Bantam. The word Widono is still very common at the East end of the Island of Java for district-chiefs; but these in the Sunda districts are called Děmang. Widana, C. 647, the vidan of a village; the person who conveys the orders of government to the people.
Widani, the probable etymon of the Chidani or Chisidani, which rises on the Buitenzorg mountains, and enters the sea near Onrust. It might be a feminine form of Widana, or the fruit called Widani, a specimen of which was shown in the Batavia exhibition of 1853 as coming from Banyuwangi, but I have never been able to hear of the plant in the Sunda districts. See Chidani.
Widang, to stretch a fresh hide by means of sticks or a frame of sticks, so that it may dry well stretched out.
Widi, C. 647, a name of Vishnu; also a name of Brahma. Destiny, fortune. Probably from Wida, C. 647, knowledge, intellect, understanding. Crawfurd gives Widi, exalted, sublime. An epithet of the chief god of the Javanese in the time of Hinduism, and now applied to the deity. Séngyang Widi, the Supreme Deity.
Wijaya, victoriows. A very common affix to Javanese names of rank, as Suta Wijaja, Krama Wijaya, and many more. Wijaya, C. 644, from Wi, implying intensity, Jaya, victorious, victory, triumph, conquest. A name of Arjuna, and frequently also applied as an appelative.
Wikara, occurs only in proper names. Wikara, C. 641, making gestures. Indicative of sentiment by gesture.
Wilangan, count, tally, reckoning. The same as Bilangan. To hasup wilangan, it is not taken into account.
Wilayat, companions, assistants, coadjutors. People under our authority, whom we can order.
Wilět, to surround, to encompass. To get about so as to catch or defeat.
Wilis, name of a high mountain between Kědiri and Madion, and said to imply: demon, goblin. Probably of the same etymology as Wilissanawa, C. 658, to grin, to show the teeth, thus the Grinner. Wilis in Javanese is also Green, —but in a country where all mountains are alike green with vegetation, such a name is hardly a distinction. Wilis, in Bali, is the name of a Buta or goblin. Bat. Trans., vol. 22, page 43.
Windu, name of a cycle of years formerly in use, but now only retained to express any indefinite number of years. There were Windus of 5 and of 120 years, and of also several intermediate numbers. See Java Almanac for 1854 for extensive details. Sia lamun di chělukan kudu sabraha windu manan datang, if you are sent for, in how many windus do you chose to come? Kudu ngadagoän sabraha windu tahun, how many cycles of years must I wait for it? —said when a matter is considered hopeless.
Wira, a word frequently occurring in the composition of proper names, and means a hero. Wira, C. 667, a hero, a warrior, a champion. Wira Singa, the heroic lion.
Wira-saba, the ancient name of the country where Majapahit stood, in the present residency of Surabaya, now called Mojokerto, and Mojo agung. Wira, a hero, and Saba, C. 707, an assembly, a company, —an assembly of heroes.
Wiraga, flowers or ornaments stuck in a woman's hair. Wi, C. 641, intensitive, Raga, C. 589, affection, love, desire, lust. Thus something to excite love, to captivate those who see her. Clough, page 656, gives Wiraga, as the absence of passion or desire; indifference, with the Wi in the sense of indifference, but our Sunda word evidently means Wi intensitive, vide Wi. Vide Chuchunduk.
Wirang, shame, a sense of dishonour, ashamed.
Wiru, name of a variety of dwarf palm, Licuala Elegans. The young tender leaf-shoots are used to ornament angklungs.
Wisa, poison, venom. Poisonous, venomous. Wisha, C. 661, and Wisa, C. 663, derived from Wisa, to pervade, poison, venom.
Wisaya, artifice, charm. Wi, intensitive, Saya, C. 714, sleep, sleeping. Our Wisaya thus probably originally meant, by the influence of sleep, by lulling to sleep.
Wisésa, heard in the words Séngyang Wisésa, a supernatural hower, a divinity. Sésha or Sésa, C. 764, Ananta, the king of the serpent race. Wisésha, also occurs in Clough, page 660, derived from Wi implying discrimination, Sisha, to attribute or distinguish by attributes; sort, kind, manner; difference; individual or specific identity and consequent distinction from every other individual or species. A limb, a member. Wiséshya, C. 660, an epithet, an attribute; principal, primary, chief. Séngyang Wisésa will thus imply: principal or chief godhead. See Séngyang. —Wisésa is still considered as the chief divinity of the Badui people in South Bantam.
Wiwilangan, apparently, perhaps. Judging from the look of the thing.
Wolanda, Dutch; Holland. Kapal Wolanda, a Dutch ship. Adat Wolanda, Dutch customs. Pulang ka wolanda, to go back to Holland. —Every thing European is called Wolanda, without exactly caring whether it really comes from Holland or not. Nangka Wolanda, the Soursop, Anona Muricata, originally introduced from the West Indies, by the Dutch, and hence so called.
Wong, person, man. This word is properly Javanese and not Sunda. It is however, frequently heard in the expression, Sing wong bai, any man the first, the best. Any man at random.
Wong-atua, the old people. Father and mother. Parents. In Javanese Wong, person, Tuwo or tua, old.
Wong-sanak, relations, relatives. Any family connexion. Wong, person, Sanak, relation.
Wrat, or Wěrat, a short way of pronouncing Wěurat, heavy. The word Wrat is used by goldsmiths when speaking of the weight of silver or gold. Wrat sa pansmat, of the weight of a Spanish dollar.
Wudu, incompetent, not able, impossible. Quite out of the power of. Entirely destitute. Out of the question. Jélěma na wudu jasah, the man is most wretchedly poor. Matak wudu it will make it quite impossible.
Wujuk, coaxing, flattery, chousing. Di wujuk, to coax, to flatter.
Wulu, the same as Wulu, a hair of the body.
Wulu, to perform ablution before prayers. Wulusan, in Kawi: water, Roorda van Eysinga.
Wuluan, having hair on the body. Possessed of property.
Wulung, black. Awi wulung, the same as Awi hiděung, the black bambu, from its colour, a useful bambu. Bambusa nigra. Wulung is black in Javanese.
Wun, destitute, in miserable circumstances. Jélěma na wun sakali, the man is perfectly destitute. Probably the same as Wun, C. 476, broken, fractured, torn, rent.
Wungku, the circle round a sieve, or flat basket, made of bambu or split wood. The circle which distends the sieve.
Wungkul, entire, whole, solely. Paré na nu nyésa, Wungkul hadé bai, the paddy which remains, is entirely good. Sa-paro iyo wungkul ajang sia, this half is entirely for you.
Wuruk, di wuruk, to get information or instruction.
Wurung, also Burung, which see. Not carried through, abandoned; given up before it is completed. Abortive. Coming to nothing. Pagawéan éta jadi wurung, that work has been given up as a bad job, has come to nothing.
Wurungan, name of a common bush with white floral leaf, and small red flower. Musaenda Glabra. Also called Kingkilapan, which see. Called Wurungan, that which miscarries, which comes to nothing, from an ancient saga connected with the story of the Tangkuban Prahu. So called from its white floral leaves having deceived those who were damming up the Chitarum river in the Preanger Regencies. They abandoned their work in dispair, which is still supposed to be seen in the Séngyang Tikoro.
Wurungkěn, to cause to be abortive, to cause to come to nothing, to disappoint, to abandon. To render abortive, to nullify, to annul.
Wuta, occurs in a certain form of Jampé, and means: not to be known, hidden. It is evidently a modification of the Malay word Buta, blind. See Suku and Buta.
Wuwuluh, the barrel part of a gun, considered as separate or apart from the stock.
Wuwung, and Wuwungan, hatěup used in roofing, and overhanging or overlapping at top, or on the ridge pole, so as to cover it in. The whole apparatus hatěups, injuk, ropes and prods on a ridge-pole are called Tongkob.
Wuwunyi-ĕun, worms in the bellies of animals, especially of horses. Said when an animals gut's growl. Derived from Bunyi, to sound, to make a noise.