A Documentary History of Het (the) Nederdeutsche Gemeente/Frederick Symonsen Nostrand

Frederick Symonsen Nostrand, of Bushwick, son of Symon Hansen and Maria Fredericks, married, August 13, 1687, Lea Fonteyn. On the assessment roll of Bushwick in 1693; and the census of 1698, as 1 man, 1 woman, 3 children, 2 slaves April 29, 1707, he bought 1/16 part of the General Patent of Tappan (K. L. B., F., 36, Goshen). May 23, 1707, Frederick Symonson and Lea his wife, sell the 1/2 of 1/16 of the whole Patent of Tappan. January 23, 1707/1708, he petitions for a ferry between Long Island and New York. 1715, he was a Lieutenant in a Company of Militia in Kings County, Captain Francis Titus of Bushwick; signed his name, Frederick Symonse. The son Carel (Charles) retained the name of Simonson and was the ancestor of the Oyster Bay Simonsons. The son Frederick settled in the town of Hempstead and retained the name of Nostrand.
- Issue:
Carel Symonsen (see Simonson).
Chrystyntje Symonsen, baptized June 30, 1692, in New York.
Frederick Nostrand, married Cornelia Foster.
Marytye Symonsen, married Johannis Cashow.