A Highland Regiment/Dead Youth
For works with similar titles, see Dead Youth.
THE days of dreams are over,
The days of songs are done,
So bid good-bye, young lover,
To boyhood's dying sun ;
Good-bye to joy and sadness.
Good-bye to sun and rain,
And to the swift spring madness
That will not come again.
Oh days of careless laughter,
Oh nights of sudden tears,
We shall not know hereafter
Forgotten hopes and fears.
Oh dreams that bide no longer
With young hearts waxen cold,
Are lovely things no stronger,
And must you too grow old ?
Yes, memory is flying,
And golden dreams must fade.
And all our loves are dying
With us beneath the shade ;
And buds that ripen never
Their bloomless leaves have shed,
For youth is dead for ever,
And all his thoughts are dead.