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A History of Inland Transport and Communication in England/Authorities

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The following books, pamphlets, and reports have, among others, been consulted in the preparation of the present work:

"A Cursory View of the Advantages of an Intended Canal from Chesterfield to Gainsborough" (1769).

Adams, William Bridges: "Practical Remarks on Railways" (1854).

"A History of Ten Years of Automobilism, 1896-1906," edited by Lord Montagu (1906).

Aikin, J., M.D.: "A Description of the Country from Thirty to Forty Miles round Manchester" (1795).

Allnutt, Zachariah: "Useful and Correct Accounts of the Navigation of the Rivers and Canals West of London" (2nd ed., 1810).

Anderson, James, LL.D.: "On Cast Iron Rail-ways," in "Recreations in Agriculture," etc., Vol. IV (Nov., 1800).

Ashley, W. J.: "The Beginnings of Town Life in the Middle Ages" (1896); "An Introduction to English Economic History and Theory" (1892).

"A View of the Advantages of Inland Navigations, with a Plan of a Navigable Canal intended for a Communication between the Ports of Liverpool and Hull" (1765).

"Avona: or a Transient View of the Benefit of Making Rivers of this Kingdom Navigable." By R. S. (1675).

Badeslade, Thomas: "The History of the Ancient and Present State of the Navigation of the Port of Kings-Lyn and of Cambridge, and the Rest of the Trading Towns in those Parts" (1766).

Bailey, J.: "General View of the Agriculture of the County of Durham" (1810).

Bailey, J., and Culley, G.: "General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northumberland" (1794).

Baines, Thomas: "History of the Commerce and Town of Liverpool" (1852); "Lancashire and Cheshire, Past and Present" (1867).

Bateman, J.: "The General Turnpike Roads Acts" (1854); "The General Highways Acts" (2nd ed., 1863).

Blome, Richard: "Britannia: or a Geographical Description of England, Scotland and Ireland" (1673).

Bourn, Daniel: "A Treatise upon Wheel Carriages" (1763).

Boyle and Waghorn: "The Law Relating to Railway and Canal Traffic" (1901).

Bradfield, J. E.: "Notes on Toll Reform and the Turnpike Ticket System" (1856); "Observations on the Injustice, Inequalities and Anomalies of the Present System of Taxation of State Carriages" (1854).

Brand, John: "History and Antiquities of Newcastle" (1789).

Brunlees, James, C.E.: Presidential Address, Mechanical Science Section, British Association Meeting, 1883.

Buddie, John: "Description of a Coal Waggon," in the "General Magazine of Arts and Sciences" for June, 1764.

Butterworth, A. Kaye: "The Law Relating to Maximum Rates and Charges on Railways" (1897).

Cheyney, Edward P.: "English Towns and Gilds" (1895).

Clifford, Frederick, of the Inner Temple: "A History of Private Bill Legislation" (2 vols., 1885 and 1887).

Copnall, H. H.: "A Practical Guide to the Administration of Highway Law" (1905).

Cressett, John: "The Grand Concern of England Explained" (1673); Harleian Miscellany, Vol. VIII.

Cumming, T. G.: "Illustrations of the Origin and Progress of Rail and Tram Roads" (1824).

Cunningham, W.: "The Growth of English Industry and Commerce" (1890-92).

Curr, John: "Coalviewer and Engine Builder's Practical Companion" (1797).

Defoe, Daniel: "A Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain" (1724).

Dehany, William Knight, of the Middle Temple: "The General Turnpike Acts" (1823).

Denton, The Rev. W.: "England in the Fifteenth Century" (1888).

De Salis, Henry Rodolph: "A Chronology of Inland Navigation in Great Britain" (1897); "Bradshaw's Canals and Navigable Rivers of England and Wales" (1904).

"Description of a Coal Waggon, Staith, and Waggon-way," in the "Commercial and Agricultural Magazine," October, 1800.

Dowell, Stephen: "A History of Taxation and Taxes in England" (2nd ed., 1888).

Eaton, J. Shirley: "Education for Efficiency in Railroad Service," United States Bureau of Education (1909).

Edgeworth, Richard Lovell: "An Essay on the Construction of Roads and Carriages" (2nd ed., 1817).

Edington, Robert: "A Treatise on the Coal Trade" (1813).

Findlay, Sir George: "The Working and Management of an English Railway" (4th ed., 1891).

Forbes and Ashford: "Our Waterways" (1906).

Fowler, J. Kersley: "Records of Old Times" (1898).

Francis, John: "A History of the English Railway" (1851).

Franks, W. Temple: "History of Traffic Legislation and Parliamentary Action in Connection with Railways"; London School of Economic Lectures (1907).

Fulton, R.: "A Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation, exhibiting the numerous advantages to be derived from Small Canals and boats of two to five feet wide, containing from two to five tons burthen" (1796).

Galloway, R. L.: "Annals of Coal Mining and the Coal Trade" (1898 and 1904); "A History of Coal Mining in Great Britain" (1862); "Papers Relating to the History of the Coal Trade" (1906).

Gilbey, Sir Walter: "Early Carriages and Roads" (1903).

Gordon, Alexander: "An Historical and Practical Treatise upon Elemental Locomotion by Means of Steam Carriages on Common Roads" (1832).

Gray, Thomas: "Observations on a General Iron Rail-way" (2nd ed., 1821; 5th, 1825).

Grierson, J.: "Railway Rates, English and Foreign" (1886).

Hackworth, T.: "Jubilee of the World's First Public Railway" (1892).

Hadley, A. T.: "Railway Transportation: Its History and Its Laws" (1906).

Harper, C. G.: "The Holyhead Road" (1902); "The Great North Road" (1910).

Harris, Stanley: "Old Coaching Days" (1882); "The Coaching Age" (1885).

Herepath, John: "Railway Magazine" (1836-39).

Homer, Henry: "An Inquiry into the Means of Preserving Publick Roads" (1767).

Humpherus, Henry: "History of the Origin and Progress of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames" (1887).

Hunter, The Rev. Joseph: "The History and Topography of the Deanery of Doncaster" (1828).

Hutton, William: "History of Birmingham" (1781).

Jacob, Giles: "Law Dictionary" (4th ed., 1809).

Jeans, J. Stephen: "Waterways and Water Transport" (1890); "Jubilee Memorial of the Railway System" (1875).

Jessop, William: "On Inland Navigation and Public Roads," Georgical Essays, Vol. VI (1804).

Jusserand, J. J.: "English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages" (1889).

Kinderley, Nathaniel: "The Ancient and Present State of the Navigation of the Towns of Lyn, Wisbech, Spalding and Boston, of the Rivers that pass through those Places and the countries that border thereupon" (2nd ed., 1751).

Law, H., and Clark, D. K.: "The Construction of Roads and Streets" (1887).

Lloyd, John: "Papers Relating to the Rivers Wye and Lug" (1873).

McAdam, John Loudon: "Remarks on the Present System of Road Making" (9th ed., 1827).

Macaulay, Lord: "History of England," chapter III.

McCulloch, J. R.: "Dictionary of Commerce and Commercial Navigation" (1882).

Macdonald, Sir J. H. A.: "The Triumph of Motor Traction," in "Chambers's Journal," August 1, 1911.

Macpherson, David: "Annals of Commerce" (1805).

Maitland, F. W.: "Township and Borough" (1898).

Marriott, H.: "The Fixing of Rates and Fares" (2nd ed., 1910).

Marshall, A.: "Principles of Economics" (4th ed., 1898).

Mathew, Francis: "Of the Opening of Rivers for Navigation: The Benefit exemplified by the two Avons of Salisbury and Bristol, with a Mediterranean Passage by Water for Billanders of Thirty Tun, between Bristol and London" (1655); "A Mediterranean Passage by Water from London to Bristol and from Lynne to Yarmouth, and so consequently to the City of York, for the great Advancement of Trade and Traffique" (1670).

Maxwell, William H.: "The Construction of Roads and Streets" (1899).

May, George: "Descriptive History of Evesham" (1845).

Mayo-Smith, Richmond: "Statistics and Economics" (1895-99).

Midleton, Viscount: Article on "Our Highways," in "The Nineteenth Century" for Oct., 1881.

Moore, H. C.: "Omnibuses and Cabs: their Origin and History" (1902).

Morrison, James, M.P.: "Rail Roads: A Speech Delivered in the House of Commons, 17th May, 1836"; "Influence of Railway Legislation on Trade and Industry" (1848).

Nash, T.: "The History and Antiquities of Worcestershire" (1781).

Nicholson, J. Shield: "Principles of Political Economy" (1893).

Ogilby, John: "Britannia: A Geographical and Historical Description of the Roads of England and Wales" (1675).

"On the Country Manners of the Present Age." Annual Register (1761).

Palgrave, R. H. I.: "Dictionary of Political Economy" (1900).

Parliamentary Reports and Papers:—

Census of Production (1907). [Cd. 5254.]

Departmental Committee on Railway Agreements and Amalgamations (1911). [Cd. 5631.]

Joint Committee on the Amalgamation of Railway Companies (1872). [364.]

Local Taxation, by H. H. Fowler (Lord Wolverhampton) (1893). [168.]

Railway Returns for 1910 (1911). [Cd. 5796.]

Road Board, First Report of (1911). [292.]

Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways: Fourth and Final Report (1909). [Cd. 4979.]

Royal Commission on the Railway Conciliation Scheme of 1907 (1911). [Cd. 5922.]

Select Committee on the Expediency of Abolishing Turnpike Trusts (1864). [383.]

Select Committee on the Highways of the Kingdom (1819). [509.]

Select Committee on Turnpike Trusts and Tolls (1836). [547.]

Parnell, Sir Henry: "A Treatise on Roads" (1st ed., 1833; 2nd, 1838).

Pearson, Charles H.: "Historical Maps of England during the first thirteen centuries, with Explanatory Essays and Indices" (1870).

Penny Cyclopædia: Articles on "Railways," "Rivers" and "Roads" (1841).

Phillips, J.: "A General History of Inland Navigation" (4th ed., 1803).

Plymley, Joseph, Archdeacon of Salop: "General View of the Agriculture of Shropshire" (1803).

Porter, G. R.: "The Progress of the Nation" (1846).

Porter, Robert P.: "The Dangers of Municipal Trading" (1907).

Postlethwayt, Malachy: Article on "Roads" in "Universal Dictionary of Trade" (1751).

Potter, F.: "The Government in Relation to the Railways," a Paper read before the Great Western Railway (London) Lecture and Debating Society (1909).

Pratt and Mackenzie: "Law of Highways" (15th ed.).

Priestley, Joseph: "Historical Account of the Navigable Rivers, Canals and Railways of Great Britain" (1831).

Rees' Cyclopædia: Articles, "Canal" and "Road" (1819).

"Reprints of Rare Tracts: Letters of William Scott" (1847).

Rogers, J. E. Thorold: "History of Agriculture and Prices in England."

Sandars, Joseph: "A Letter on the Subject of the Proposed Rail Road between Liverpool and Manchester, pointing out the necessity for its adoption and the manifest advantages it offers to the Public, with an Exposure of the exorbitant and unjust charges of the Water Carriers" (1824).

Smiles, Samuel: "Lives of the Engineers" (1861).

Smith, Adam: "The Wealth of Nations" (1776).

Stretton, Clement E.: "Early Tramroads and Railways in Leicestershire"; "History of the Loughborough and Nanpantan Edge-rail-way"; "The Leicester and Swannington Railway," etc.

Stukeley, William, M.D.: "Itinerarium Curiosum" (2nd ed., 1776).

"Survey of London"; edited by Walter Besant.

Sydney, William Connor: "England and the English in the Eighteenth Century" (1891).

Tatham, William: "The Political Economy of Inland Navigation" (1799).

"The Motor Car in the First Decade of the 20th Century," compiled by W. Eden Hooper (1908).

"The Rating of Railways," Great Western Railway Magazine Booklet (1908).

"The Tourists' Guide to Bridgnorth" (1875).

Thoresby, Ralph, F.R.S.: "Ducatus Leodiensis; or the Topography of Leedes" (1715).

Thrupp, George A.: "The History of Coaches" (1877).

Tredgold, Thomas: "A Practical Treatise on Rail-roads and Carriages" (1825).

Tristram, W. Outram: "Coaching Days and Coaching Ways" (1888).

Tylor, Alfred: "New Points in the History of Roman Britain," in "Archæologia," Vol. XLVIII.

Vernon-Harcourt, L. F.: "Rivers and Canals" (1896).

Walford, Cornelius: "Fairs Past and Present" (1883).

Walker, Thomas: "Change in Commerce," in "The Original," No. XI (1835).

Wheeler, W. H.: "Tidal Rivers" (1893).

Whitaker, T. D.: "Loidis and Elmete" (1846).

Whitworth, Richard: "The Advantages of Inland Navigation; or Some Observations offered to the Public to show that an Inland Navigation may be easily effected between the three great ports of Bristol, Liverpool and Hull" (1766).

Whyte, A. G.: "Electricity in Locomotion" (1911).

Williams, F. S.: "Our Iron Roads" (7th ed., 1888); "The Midland Railway" (5th ed., 1888).

Wilson, T.: "The Railway System and its Author" (1845).

Wood, Nicholas: "A Practical Treatise on Rail-roads" (1st ed., 1825; 3rd, 1838).

Wright and Hobhouse: "An Outline of Local Government and Local Taxation in England and Wales."

Yarranton, Andrew: "England's Improvement by Sea and Land.... With the Advantages of making the Great Rivers of England Navigable" (1672).

Young, Arthur: "A Six Weeks' Tour through the Southern Counties" (1769); "A Six Months' Tour through the North of England" (1770).