A History of Mathematics/Antiquity/The Babylonians
The fertile valley of the Euphrates and Tigris was one of the primeval seats of human society. Authentic history of the peoples inhabiting this region begins only with the foundation, in Chaldæa and Babylonia, of a united kingdom out of the previously disunited tribes. Much light has been thrown on their history by the discovery of the art of reading the cuneiform or wedge-shaped system of writing.
In the study of Babylonian mathematics we begin with the notation of numbers. A vertical wedge stood for 1, while the characters
signified 10 and 100 respectively. Grotefend believes the character for 10 originally to have been the picture of two hands, as held in prayer, the palms being pressed together, the fingers close to each other, but the thumbs thrust out. In the Babylonian notation two principles were employed—the additive and multiplicative. Numbers below 100 were expressed by symbols whose respective values had to be added. Thus,
stood for 2,
for 3,
for 4,
for 23,
for 30. Here the symbols of higher order appear always to the left of those of lower order. In writing the hundreds, on the other hand, a smaller symbol was placed to the left of the 100, and was, in that case, to be multiplied by 100. Thus,
10 times 100, or 1000. But this symbol for 1000 was itself taken for a new unit, which could take smaller coefficients to its left. Thus,
denoted, not 20 times 100, but 10 times 1000. Of the largest numbers written in cuneiform symbols, which have hitherto been found, none go as high as a million.[3]
If, as is believed by most specialists, the early Sumerians were the inventors of the cuneiform writing, then they were, in all probability, also familiar with the notation of numbers. Most surprising, in this connection, is the fact that Sumerian inscriptions disclose the use, not only of the above decimal system, but also of a sexagesimal one. The latter was used chiefly in constructing tables for weights and measures. It is full of historical interest. Its consequential development, both for integers and fractions, reveals a high degree of mathematical insight. We possess two Babylonian tablets which exhibit its use. One of them, probably written between 2300 and 1600 B.C., contains a table of square numbers up to . The numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, are given as the squares of the first seven integers respectively. We have next , , , , etc. This remains unintelligible, unless we assume the sexagesimal scale, which makes , , . The second tablet records the magnitude of the illuminated portion of the moon's disc for every day from new to full moon, the whole disc being assumed to consist of 240 parts. The illuminated parts during the first five days are the series 5, 10, 20, 40, 1.20 (), which is a geometrical progression. From here on the series becomes an arithmetical progression, the numbers from the fifth to the fifteenth day being respectively 1.20, 1.36, 1.52, 2.8, 2.24, 2.40, 2.56, 3.12, 3.28, 3.44, 4. This table not only exhibits the use of the sexagesimal system, but also indicates the acquaintance of the Babylonians with progressions. Not to be overlooked is the fact that in the sexagesimal notation of integers the "principle of position" was employed. Thus, in 1.4 (), the 1 is made to stand for 60, the unit of the second order, by virtue of its position with respect to the 4. The introduction of this principle at so early a date is the more remarkable, because in the decimal notation it was not introduced till about the fifth or sixth century after Christ. The principle of position, in its general and systematic application, requires a symbol for zero. We ask, Did the Babylonians possess one? Had they already taken the gigantic step of representing by a symbol the absence of units? Neither of the above tables answers this question, for they happen to contain no number in which there was occasion to use a zero. The sexagesimal system was used also in fractions. Thus, in the Babylonian inscriptions, and are designated by 30 and 20, the reader being expected, in his mind, to supply the word "sixtieths." The Greek geometer Hypsicles and the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemæus borrowed the sexagesimal notation of fractions from the Babylonians and introduced it into Greece. From that time sexagesimal fractions held almost full sway in astronomical and mathematical calculations until the sixteenth century, when they finally yielded their place to the decimal fractions. It may be asked, What led to the invention of the sexagesimal system? Why was it that 60 parts were selected? To this we have no positive answer. Ten was chosen, in the decimal system, because it represents the number of fingers. But nothing of the human body could have suggested 60. Cantor offers the following theory: At first the Babylonians reckoned the year at 360 days. This led to the division of the circle into 360 degrees, each degree representing the daily amount of the supposed yearly revolution of the sun around the earth. Now they were, very probably, familiar with the fact that the radius can be applied to its circumference as a chord 6 times, and that each of these chords subtends an arc measuring exactly 60 degrees. Fixing their attention upon these degrees, the division into 60 parts may have suggested itself to them. Thus, when greater precision necessitated a subdivision of the degree, it was partitioned into 60 minutes. In this way the sexagesimal notation may have originated. The division of the day into 24 hours, and of the hour into minutes and seconds on the scale of 60, is due to the Babylonians.
It appears that the people in the Tigro-Euphrates basin had made very creditable advance in arithmetic. Their knowledge of arithmetical and geometrical progressions has already been alluded to. Iamblichus attributes to them also a knowledge of proportion, and even the invention of the so-called musical proportion. Though we possess no conclusive proof, we have nevertheless reason to believe that in practical calculation they used the abacus. Among the races of middle Asia, even as far as China, the abacus is as old as fable. Now, Babylon was once a great commercial centre,—the metropolis of many nations,—and it is, therefore, not unreasonable to suppose that her merchants employed this most improved aid to calculation.
In geometry the Babylonians accomplished almost nothing. Besides the division of the circumference into 6 parts by its radius, and into 360 degrees, they had some knowledge of geometrical figures, such as the triangle and quadrangle, which they used in their auguries. Like the Hebrews (1 Kin. 7:23), they took . Of geometrical demonstrations there is, of course, no trace. "As a rule, in the Oriental mind the intuitive powers eclipse the severely rational and logical."
The astronomy of the Babylonians has attracted much attention. They worshipped the heavenly bodies from the earliest historic times. When Alexander the Great, after the battle of Arbela (331 B.C.), took possession of Babylon, Callisthenes found there on burned brick astronomical records reaching back as far as 2234 B.C. Porphyrius says that these were sent to Aristotle. Ptolemy, the Alexandrian astronomer, possessed a Babylonian record of eclipses going back to 747 B.C. Recently Epping and Strassmaier[4] threw considerable light on Babylonian chronology and astronomy by explaining two calendars of the years 123 B.C. and 111 B.C., taken from cuneiform tablets coming, presumably, from an old observatory. These scholars have succeeded in giving an account of the Babylonian calculation of the new and full moon, and have identified by calculations the Babylonian names of the planets, and of the twelve zodiacal signs and twenty-eight normal stars which correspond to some extent with the twenty-eight nakshatras of the Hindoos. We append part of an Assyrian astronomical report, as translated by Oppert:—
"To the King, my lord, thy faithful servant, Mar-Istar."
"…On the first day, as the new moon's day of the month Tham-muz declined, the moon was again visible over the planet Mercury, as I had already predicted to my master the King. I erred not."