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A History of the Australian Ballot System in the United States/Index

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Assistance for voters, 3, 52–54; abuse of, 72.
Australian ballot system; origin of, 17; in England, 18; introduction of, into the United States, 18–20, 26; arguments for, 21–24; arguments against, 24–26; features of, 28–55; difference from the unofficial ballot, 70; text of the original South Australian Ballot act, Appendix A.

Ballot. See Australian Ballot; Coupon Ballot; Unofficial Ballot.
Ballot-box stuffing, 13–14.
Bribery of voters, 11, 21, 71–72.

Committee, Marquis of Hartington, 18.
Confusion about the polling-place, 15–16, 23.
Constitutional amendments, 44–45.
Constitutionality of the official ballot: right of the state to require an official ballot, 56–57; objections to the provisions for nominations, 58–59, 63; objections to the procedure for voting, 59–63.
Corn and bean ballot, 1–2.
Coupon ballot, 39–40.
Courts: attitude toward the official ballot, 56–63; policy in interpreting the law, 62–68.

Distinguishing marks, 67–68.
Distribution of ballots: unofficial ballot, 9–10; official ballot, 28, 48, 70.
Dunn, Moncena. See Coupon Ballot.
Dutton, Francis S.: ballot in Australia, 17; right of illiterate elector to vote, 52.

Endless chain. See Tasmanian Dodge.

Form of the ballot. See Office-Group Ballots; Party-Column Ballots; Separate-Party Ballots.

Hill, Governor, of New York, opposition of, to Australian ballot system, 20, 24, 26.

Illiterate voter. See Assistance for Voters.
Independent nominations: right of voter to write in name, 44, 51; right of independent voters to nominate, 30–32.
Intimidation: in England, 12; in the United States, 6, 12–13.
Ivins: on the evils of the unofficial ballot, 22–23, footnote; cost of elections in New York, 14.

Louisville, Kentucky, introduction of the Australian ballot system in, 19.

Massachusetts: the unofficial ballot in, 1–3, 6, 8; introduction of the Australian ballot in, 19; the Massachusetts form of the Australian ballot, see Office-Group Ballot.
Methods of voting: under the unofficial ballot system, 9–10; under the Australian ballot system, 48–55, 65–66; by show of hands, 1; viva voce, 5.
Middle Eastern states: viva voce method in, 3–4; the unofficial ballot in, 3–4.

New England states, the unofficial ballot in, 1–3.
New York: viva voce system in, 4; unofficial ballot in, 4, 8; attempts to introduce the Australian ballot in, 19–20.
North Central states: viva voce system in, 6; unofficial ballot in, 6.
Numbering the ballot, 10, 55, 61–62.

Office-group or Massachusetts form of the ballot, 36–38, 40, 43, 46; advantages, and disadvantages of, 37–38.
Official envelope, 3, 54.

Party circle, 41, 46.
Party-column or Indiana form of the ballot, 36–37, 39–41, 46.
Party emblems, 41–43, 46.
Pasters: use in New York, 20; for independent nominations, 51–52.
Penal sanctions to safeguard the ballot, 55.
Political parties defined by law, 29–30.
Polling-place, arrangement of, 35.
Printing of the ballots: unofficial ballots, 9; official, 28–29, 70.
Publicity provisions: lack of, under unofficial ballot, 15; under the official ballot, 34.

Separate-party ballots, 37–38.
Short ballot, need for, 71.
Signatures on the ballot: voter’s signature, 10; election officials’ signature, 48.
Southern states: viva voce system in, 4–5; unofficial ballot in, 4–5.
Spoiled ballots, 52.
Stub, 45.

Tasmanian dodge, 49, 72.
Tissue-paper ballots, 7.

Unofficial ballot: introduction of, 1–4; form of, 5–8; size of, 9; color of, 6–7; preparation of, 9; manner of voting, 9–10; defects of, 10–16, 70.

Validity of certificates of nomination, 33.
“Vest-pocket” vote, 10, 24.
Viva voce voting. See Methods of Voting.

Water-marked ballot paper, 47.
Western states: viva voce system in, 6; unofficial ballot in, 6.