A Little Pretty Pocket-book/Select Proverbs for the use of Children

For the use of

A Fool's Bolt is soon shot.
A good Beginning, a good Ending.
A Fool and his Money are soon parted.
After Dinner sit a while,
After Supper walk a Mile.
After a Storm cometh a Calm.
As good sit still, as rise up and fall.
A hasty Man never wants Woe.
Birds of a Feather will flock together.
The burnt Child dreads the Fire.
Better the End of a Feast than the Beginning of a Fray.
Enough's as good as a Feast.
Fine Feathers make fine Birds.
First come, first serv'd.
Faint Heart never won fair Lady.
Fair and softly goes far.
Fast bind, fast find.
Good Wine needs no Bush.
Hunger is the best Sauce.
If a Man deceive me once, 'tis his fault; If twice, it is my own.
It's a good Horse that never stumbles.
It's a good Wife that never grumbles.
Make Hay while the Sun shines.
Nothing's so certain as Death.
Necessity has no Law.
New Lords, new Law.
None so proud as an enriched Beggar.
Pride will have a Fall.
Proffered Service stinks.
Set a Knave to catch a Knave.
Two Heads are better than one.
Too much Familiarity breeds Contempt.
They who are bound must obey.
Time and Tide stay for no Man.
Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil.
The best may mend.
Truth may be blam'd, but can't be sham'd.
The new Broom sweeps clean.
The Eye is bigger than the Belly.
The weakest goes to the Wall.
When the Fox preaches beware of the Geese.
Wisdom is better than Riches.
Try your Friend before you trust him.
Look not a gift Horse in the Mouth.
A Bird in the Hand is worth two in the Bush.