A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Cerjat, Charles Thomas William George
CERJAT. (Lieutenant, 1846.)
Charles Thomas William George Cerjat passed his examination 27 July, 1840; served for some time on the East India station as Mate of the Clio 16, Capt. Edw. Norwich Troubridge; was for two years and a half employed at Portsmouth on board the Excellent gunnery-ship, Capt. Sir Thos. Hastings; became attached, 21 Dec. 1844, to the Firebrand steam-frigate, Capt. Jas. Hope, stationed on the S.E. coast of America; and, on 4 May, 1846, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, and appointed Additional of the Vernon 50, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Sam. Hood Inglefield.