A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Hay, William
HAY. (Lieutenant, 1830.)
William Hay is brother of Lieut. John Hay (b), R.N.
This officer entered the Navy 2 Nov. 1809; passed his examination in 1817; and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 22 July, 1830. His appointments have since been – 22 July, 1831, to the Coast Guard, which he left in 1834, and rejoined 26 April, 1837 – 16 Jan. 1841, as First, to the Pelican 16, Capt. Chas. John Elers Napier, fitting at Portsmouth – 16 Aug. 1841, again to the Coast Guard – and, 2 July, 1844, to the command of the Lively Revenue-cutter, in which he is still serving.