
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Jones, John (a)

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1773256A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Jones, John (a)William Richard O'Byrne

JONES. (Retired Commander, 1832. f-p., 18; h-p., 35.)

John Jones (a) entered the Navy, in Dec. 1794, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board L’Espiègle sloop, Capt. Bartholomew Roberts, employed in the North Sea; and, from Feb. 1796 until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 14 Oct. 1801, served as Midshipman and Master’s Mate in the Windsor Castle 98, flag-ship of Admiral Robt. Mann, Saturn 74, Capt. Jas. Douglas, Monarch 74, bearing the flag of Sir Rich. Onslow, Crescent 36, Capt. Wm. Grenville Lobb (under whom, when in company with the Calypso sloop, he assisted at the capture, 15 Nov. 1799, in sight of a Spanish line-of-battle-ship and frigate, of the corvette El Galgo, of 16 guns), and Sans Pareil 80, and Carnatic 74, bearing the flags of Lord Hugh Seymour and Admiral Robt. Montagu on the Mediterranean, Home, and Jamaica stations. He then rejoined the Sans Pareil as Flag-Lieutenant to the last-named officer, with whom, in 1802, he returned home in a similar capacity on board the Melampus frigate. Towards the close of the same year we find him appointed to the Autumn sloop, Capt. Richardson; and in June, 1804 (after having again officiated as Signal-Lieutenant to Admiral Montagu in various ships on the Downs station), ordered to join the Isis 50, bearing the flag of Sir Erasmus Gower at Newfoundland. While next attached, between Feb. 1805 and April, 1811, to the Pomone 38, Capts. W. G. Lobb and Robt. Barrie, he presents himself to our notice as actively employed in the Channel and Mediterranean; and on one occasion, 5 June, 1807, displaying great judgment and gallantry in safely obtaining possession, near Sable d’Olonne, of an enemy’s vessel, although his boat in the attempt was pierced through and through by grape from the shore and from three armed brigs.[1] His last appointments were, between Feb. 1812 and Aug. 1815, to the Stromboli bomb, Capt. John Stoddart, Curaçoa frigate, Capt. John Tower, Royal George 100, flag-ship of Vicer-Admiral Fras. Pickmore, and Dragon 74, Capt. Robt. Barrie, again on the Mediterranean .and Home stations. He accepted his present rank 2 July, 1832.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1809, p. 838.