
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Ramsay, Joseph

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1895256A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Ramsay, JosephWilliam Richard O'Byrne

RAMSAY. (Retired Commander, 1848. f-p., 14; h-p., 34.)

Joseph Ramsay entered the Navy, 23 July, 1799, as Midshipman, on board the Monmouth 64, Capt. Geo. Hart, in which ship he accompanied the expedition to Holland, and continued employed in the North Sea and Mediterranean until transferred, in May, 1804, to the Atlas 74, Capts. Wm. Johnstone Hope and Sam. Pym. Under the latter officer he fought in the action off St. Domingo 6 Feb. 1806. In Jan. 1807, being then at Cadiz, he removed to the Queen 98, Capt. Fras. Pender, flag-ship subsequently of Rear-Admiral Geo. Martin in the Mediterranean. He was next, in Oct. and Nov. 1808, received on board the Namur 74, Capt. Rich. Jones, and Eloise sloop, Capt. John Haswell, both at the Nore; and on 21 Dec. in the same year he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. His after appointments were – 23 Dec. 1808, to the Brilliant frigate, Capt. Thos. Smyth, with whom he made a voyage to South America – 27 Oct. 1809, to the Castilian brig, Capt. David Braimer, lying in the Downs, where he remained until July, 1811 – and, 20 May, 1812, to the Hannibal 74, Capt. Sir Michael Seymour, in which ship he served in Basque Roads, assisted at the capture of the French 40-gun frigate La Sultane, and again visited the West Indies. He went on half-pay in Sept. 1814; and accepted his present rank 12 Feb. 1848.