
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Taylor, Edward Samuel

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1968633A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Taylor, Edward SamuelWilliam Richard O'Byrne

TAYLOR. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 9; h-p., 32.)

Edward Samuel Taylor entered the Navy, 7 April, 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Gibraltar 80, Capt. Wm. Lukin; and on removing with that officer to the Mars 74, was present as Midshipman, 25 Sept. in the same year, at the capture off Rochefort, by a squadron under Sir Sam. Hood, of four heavy French frigates, two of which, the Gloire 46 and Infatigable 44, struck to the Mars. In the latter ship, part of the force employed in the expedition of 1807 against Copenhagen, Mr. Taylor continued employed as Master’s Mate, on the Baltic station, under Capts. Jas. Katon, John Surman Carden, and Henry Raper, until sent, in Feb. 1813, to the hospital at Haslar. In the following June he was received on board the Cydnus 38, Capt. Fred. Langford, in which frigate he served for a year and nine months, the latter part of the time as Acting-Lieutenant, in the Bay of Biscay and West Indies, and took part in the operations connected with the attack upon New Orleans. On his arrival home from the Gulf of Mexico in July, 1815, in the Borer, Capt. Wm. Rawlins, a vessel of which he had been for five months Second Master, he took up a commission bearing date 18 of the preceding Feb. He has not been since afloat.