
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Yates, James Thomas

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2015595A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Yates, James ThomasWilliam Richard O'Byrne

YATES. (Lieut., 1814. f-p., 9; h-p., 32.)

James Thomas Yates entered the Navy, 15 Jan. 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Pompée 74, Capt. Rich. Dacres; in which ship we find him present, under the flag of Sir Wm. Sidney Smith, at the defence of Gaeta, the reduction of the island of Capri, the passage of the Dardanells, and the destruction of the French squadron at Point Pesquies. In the summer of 1807 he accompanied Admiral Gambier in the expedition against Copenhagen. After serving for a short time at Chatham as Midshipman in the Victory 100, he joined, in May, 1810, the Foudroyant 80, bearing the flag of Sir W. S. Smith on the coast of Brazil. In Nov. of the same year he was received on board the Manilla 36, Capt. Geo. Fras. Seymour, attached to the force on the Lisbon station. He was subsequently sent into port in a prize; during his absence in which vessel the Manilla, under the command at the time of Capt. Jolin Joyce, was wrecked off the Texel, 28 Jan. 1812. He was afterwards, until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 27 June, 1814, employed in the Impétueux 74, Stately 64, and Rodney 74, flag-ship of the late Sir Geo. Martin off Lisbon. He has since (with the exception of a few months in 1838, during which he had charge of a station in the Coast Guard) been on half-pay.