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A New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry/Chapter I

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SECTION I. Preparatory Instruction without the Sword


1. Preliminary.


Nothing will here be said concerning the "goose step of the sword," the "Balance Motions," and the "Extension Motions," of the official 'Infantry Sword Exercise.' They are essentially a part of 'Squad and Setting-up Drill,' and as such they have been treated in several good manuals, especially by Sergeant-Major S. Bertram Brown: A 'Practical Guide to Squad and Setting-up Drill, in accordance with the Principles laid down in Part I., Field Exercise of the Army.' Adapted for the use of Recruits, Rifle Volunteers, Militia, Police Force, Schools, and Families: Illustrated with sixty-eight figures, representing each Stick and Club Exercise, Extension Motions, and Sword Exercise Positions. London: Allen and Co., 1871. 2nd Edition. [FN6] Considered in a wider sense they belong to the Branch of Science so thoroughly developed in 'A Military System of Gymnastic Exercises for the Use of Instructors: Adjutant-General's Office, Horse Guards, 1862; Physical Education,' Clarendon Press Series, Oxford, 1869; and in 'Training in Theory and Practice' (London, Macmillan, 1874), by Archibald MacLaren, [FN7] whose excellent code for the army, and whose influence with successive war ministers, as some one truly said, have aided largely in introducing that admirable training which is transforming the stiff, slow-moving grenadier of past times into the vigorous, rapid, and enduring soldier of the present day.

Squad drill is not likely to make a good swordsman, yet economy of time renders it a necessity. It must be practised first without, then with, weapons, after which those who show unusual capabilities should be taken individually in hand by the master. The latest French system (Manuel, etc.) divides the four lessons into two degrees: 1. Preparatory Movements; moulinets and simple attacks and parries. 2. Compound attacks and parries.

The formation of the squad is in the usual line, with open order at arms' length from the right or left. The men are then taught the three positions as follows: --

2. First Position in Two Motions.


One. -- Place the hands smartly behind the back, the left grasping the right arm just above the elbow, and the right similarly supporting the left elbow.

Two. -- Make a half-face right by pivoting smartly on both heels, which must be kept close together; the feet at right angles; the left pointing to the front, the face looking towards the opponent, or the right-hand man, and the weight of the body balanced equally upon both haunches and legs.

Second Position in Two Motions (Guard).

One. -- Bend the knees gradually till they are perpendicular to the instep, keeping the head and body erect, and both feet firm on the ground. The instructor must be careful that the knees do not incline inwards -- a general fault.

Two. -- Advance the right foot smartly about 20 inches in front of an din line with the right heel, and rest the whole weight of the body upon both haunches and legs. [FN8]

In the second position, that of Guard for the feet, care must be taken that the left foot remains firm on the ground, without shuffling or turning inwards or outwards. Many swordsmen find a better balance when the right heel is on a line with the hollow of the left foot.

Third Position in Two Motions (from Guard to Lunge)

One. -- Advance the body slightly forward, and bring the right shoulder and knee perpendicular to the point of the right foot.

Two. -- Advance the right foot smartly, about 20 inches, or double the distance of No. 2, Second Position (Guard), taking care that the foot does not overhang the instep; extend the left leg with a spring, the left foot remaining true and firm, and the left knee perfectly straight; let the shoulders expand and the body be profiled and slightly inclined forwards, or towards the opponent.

This is the position of the legs in the Lunge, and the greatest care must be taken to prevent the recruit learning it in a careless, shuffling way. Above all things he must accustom himself to separate the action into its two composing parts, otherwise the lower limbs will often take precedence of the upper (shoulder, arm, and hand), and the Lunge become worse than useless. When recovering guard the contrary is the case; the left knee must be bent before the right foot is moved, and the latter should exert a slight pressure on the ground; at the same time the body must be drawn backwards, not jerked upwards.

These measures of Guard (20 inches) and of Lunge (40 inches) are best fitted for average-sized men; in exceptional cases they must be shortened or lengthened according to the stature and stride of the recruit. The rule for guard is the measure of two foot-lengths; the Lunge doubles that span; and the least vigorous men require the greatest distances.

These movements must be learned, first in slow, and afterwards in quick and in double-quick, time; the same may be said of all practice with and without the sword. Squad attention! and Stand at Ease! need hardly be explained. The recruits' muscles soon become fatigued by the unusual and monotonous exercise, causing them to remain too long in one position; the easiest way to relieve them is to change front, making the left leg stand on guard and lunge, as a left-handed fencer would do. This double practice is as useful and recommendable in fencing and broadsword play as in bayonet exercise: it gives additional balance to the body, it equalizes the muscular strength of both sides, and it makes the soldier feel that if his right arm be disabled he can still depend upon his left.

The word Steady must not be used as a command: it should be a caution given at the completion of any part of a practice with the view of correcting faults.

3. Attacking, Advancing, and Retiring.


Single Attack. -- Raise the right foot well off the ground and beat smartly with the whole sole, the greatest force being upon the ball of the foot, and the least upon the heel.

Double Attack. -- The same movement made twice. The instructor should carefully avoid the directions of the 'Infantry Sword Exercise,' -- first with the heel, then with the flat of the foot. Nothing jars the leg more than this use of the heel; it is a bad habit to use it for anything but "pivoting."

Advance. -- Smartly advance the right foot about six inches and bring up the left as nearly as possible to the same distance. The soles must just clear the ground, and the toes be kept on a straight line with the knee, and never turned inside or outside. Neglect of the latter precaution leads to a loose, unsteady, and slovenly style which, easily learnt, is hardly to be unlearnt.

Single Attack. -- As before.

Retire. -- Move the left foot lightly to the rear about six inches, and let the right foot follow it. Recruits are uncommonly apt to "step short," and this can be remedied only by making them retire for considerable distances. The weight and balance of the body must be equally distributed on both haunches and legs, not resting upon the left, which can serve only to give cramp.

Double Attack. -- As before.

Front. -- Resume the position of "Attention."