A Note on Charlotte Brontë/Catalogue

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A Note on Charlotte Brontë (1877)
by Algernon Charles Swinburne
3457609A Note on Charlotte Brontë — Catalogue1877Algernon Charles Swinburne

June, 1887.



A Hanpsome Gift-Book.
Half-bound, paper boards, 21s.; or elegantly half-bound crimson morocco, gilt, 25s.

The Graphic Portfolio.

Fifty Engravings from "The Graphic,"

Most carefully printed on the finest plate paper (18 in. by 15) from the Original Engravings, The Drawings are by S. L. Fildes, Helen Paterson, Hubert Herkomer, Sydney Hall, E. J. Gregory, G. D. Leslie, W. Small, G. Du Maurier, Sir John Gilbert, G. J. Pinwell, Charles green, G. Durand, M. E. Edwards, A. B. Houghton, H. S. Marks, F. W. Lawson, H. Weigall, and others.

"Contains some of the choicest specimens, both of drawing and wood engraving. Admirable in details and expression, and engraved with rare delicacy."Daily News.

Uniform with the "turner gallery."

Handsomely half-bound, India Proofs, royal folio, £10; Large Paper copies, Artists' India Proofs, elephant folio, £20.

Modern Art:

A Series of superb Line Engravings, from the Works of distinguished Painters of the English and Foreign Schools, selected from Galleries and Private Collections in Great Britain.

With Descriptive Text by JAMES DAFFORNE.

Demy 8vo, price One Shilling, Illustrated.

Academy Notes for 1877.

With 143 Illustrations of the An Son Pictures at Burlington House: more than One Hundred being Facsimiles of Sketches drawn by the Artists. Edited by Henry BLacksurn.

  • .* Acapemy Nores for 1875 and 1876 may also be had, price One Shilling each.

We at once take an opportunity of offering our thanks, as well as these of all vitttors to the Exhibition, to Mr, Biase te ae wery carefully executed review of the Academy pictures, illustrated by some 100 woodcut memoranda of the principal pictures, almost haif af them from the penciis of the painters themselves. A cheafger, prettier, or more convenient souvenir of the Exhibition it would be difficult to conceive and unreasonable to expect."—Times.

Crown 4to, containing 24 Plates many printed in Colours, with descriptive Text, cloth extra, gilt, 6s, 3 lustrated boards, 35. Ge.

Ai sop's Fables

Translated into Human Nature. By C. H. Bennerr.

" For and frolic the new version of ASsof's Fables nust bear away th palm, There ay lenty of grown-up iirdeen ae dike to be amnsed; and this netw wersion of old stories does mot amuse them they must be very dull indeed, and their tituation one muck fo be commiserated,""—Mornisa Post,

Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 21s,

A Handbook of Architectural Styles.

Translated from the German of A. RoseNcaRTEN by W. COLLETT-SANDARS, With 639 Illustrations.

Crown 8vo, with Portrait and Facsimile, cloth extra, 75. 6¢.

Arvtemus Ward's Works:

The Works of CHartes Farrer Browne, better known as ARTemus WARD, With Portrait, facsimile of Handwriting, &c.

"* The author combines the powers of Thackeray with those of Aibert Sm: The sait is rubbed in with a native Aand—one whick has the Hof tickling"

Saturpay Review.

Small gto, green and gold,'6s, 6¢.; gilt edges, 75. 6. As Pretty as Seven,

and other Popular German Stories, Collected by Lupwic Becustzin, With Additional Tales by the Brothers Gramm, and 100 Tllustrations by RICHTER. "* There tales ad healthful; they will shed lidhood Hight, oui siratae Jorn saith stars ake the Sie of which wilt fast through life."—PREFACE.

Crown 8vo, Coloured Frontispiece and Illustrations, cloth gilt, 7s. 6.

A History of A dvertisin From the Earliest Times. J)lustrat Anecdotes, Curious Specimens, and Biographical Notes of Successful Advertisers. By Henry SAMPSON,

" We have here a book to be thankful for. oe na aoa a photographed Fahy of the * Times" jase econ 8,

ly read by means af a magnifying cS hea ee aoe

suck fale st nt Sirme antiguity, the Middle Ages, and Seat tine, #1 et

ing all & in turn by nes, conic, per he ioe chapter on ' swindle: and hoaxes' iz full of 'of yaaveahenins? but of that wolware itself it full from the first page to the last AT memo,

Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Coloured Illustrations, 16s.

Astronomy. By J. Raposson, Laureate of the Institute = France, the French Academy, and the Academy of Sciences, Translated by C. B.

Pitman, With 10 Chromolithographs, 3 Celestia Charts, aad ih! Woodents.

ms, Crown 8yo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d.

A Handbook of London Bankers;

With some Account of their Predecessors, the Early Goldsmiths; $ soantiee with Lists of Bankers, from the Earliest London DirecToe in meer to that of the London Post-Office Directory

of 1876. FHULTon Price.

ede and wnpretendss ee which prove ee \— rig history ves ad ult subject. Bi. Prive' angodotes weenteriaiming, . . . « There _ ees fascinating, inte remeantic,

ts nthe datailé even us of Child's Ba: here isa great deal of amusing reading and some ehsneniek ie this) ak edaroran Revizw.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 9¢.

Bardsley's Our English Surnames: Their Sources and Significations, By CHARLES WAREING Barpstry, M.A, Second Edition, revised throughout, considerably enlarged, and partially rewritten.

" Mr. ee has aes consulted the inal medieval dectwments and works from whick develo, ternanes can alone be torily traced. He it fara eiade valuable contribution to the literature names, and we hope to hear more of him in this field." -—Toans.

Small 8yo, cloth extra, with Frontispiece by CRUIKSITANK, 3). 6d,

Blewitt's The Rose and the Lily; How = became the Emblems of England and France. A Fairy Tale. By Mrs. OcraviaAn Brewitt, With's Frontispiece by GrorGE CRUIKSHANK.

8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 18s. Baker's 6 Cl louds in the Feast:

Travels and Adventures on the Perso-Turkoman Frontier. By VALENTINE Baker. With Maps and Illustrations, coloured and plain, from Original Sketches. Second Edition, revised and


"A man ewho not onty thinks for himself ee has visked Ais life in order to gain information, A most graphic and lively narrative of travels and

dures whick have nothing of the Coumanglct about then."—LEEDS Mercury.

Crown 8yvo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 75. 6¢. Boccaccio's Decameron;

or, Ten Days' Entertainment, 'Translated into ish, with an Introduction aes THoMAS WricHt, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. With Portrait, and SToTHARD's besutiful Copperplates.

Price One Shilling Monthly, with Four Ilustrations.

Bears Magazine.

the purpose with owe "BELGRAVIA" wat originated has been Te flied, is shown by the sire that has attended tf simce tts first afpesrance, Aiming, ai caag Bt inferred from tts name, at suphiyi the neost we fined madieatiionied doctien of London s3ci sicily with intellects nal pabe an smiled te tts irements, if sprang at once into pai ie re and has since remained one of the mast extensively read and widely ¢é of perisdicals, In passing _ new hands it az a titypere tr, a gym | change or modification. Inaeail capital prs. fu elevating if to the highest fe of ns a all ene that had won public apprectaHom have been retained, and ae—a a its fe focee= in the Aomres Cee 'As the pode ced sacteay -oather the me nerad public, aud in renin | Mo inne important of aids tp the es: sheent or af wiorals and th the Formation y eine character, fiction still rematus a principal | feature in oie af tories accordingly run through ths pages; supplemented by Sai stories, pee and narrative or dramatic sketches: jookaist tarot social, biographical, and humorous; scientific discoveries brought te of foie sfular conprebension, and treated with « fight touch; sag Ae i wacter; and records of adventure and travel, fc rove the remem the contents, Especial care ts now ced tipon the

Tinetrations, of A ne fewer than four appear in each number. Beyond the design of idlustratis the article they * » these aim at maintaining « position as Bate By. es both as regards rowing and engraving. ae short,

d to) now been enhanced, and the Publishers can but leave the vesult to a "public that for swildom failed to

See all earnest, persistent, and welldirected efforts for itt amusement and

  • \* The THIRTY-SECOND Volume of BELGRAVTA elegantly bord in crimson cloth, full gilt side and back, gilt edzes, price 73- Gd, is now veady,—Handsome Cases for binding the volume can be fad at 2s, each,

THIRD EDITION, crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 65, Boudoir Ballads:

Vers de Société. By J. Asupy-Srerry,

Imperial 4to, cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, price 215. per volume. Beautiful Pictures by British Artists:

A Gathering of Favourites from our Picture Galleries. In 2 Series.

' 'The First Series including Examples by WILKIE, Constable, TURNER, MULREADY, LANDSEER, MActise, E. M. Waarop, Fritu, Sir Joun Gi.pert, Lesiiz, ANSDELL, MARcus Stone, Sir Noet Paton, Faep, Eyre Crowe, GAvViIN O'NEIL, and Manox Brown.

The SeconpD SeExiks containing Pictures by ARMYTAGE, FARD, GoopaLt, HEemsLeyY, Hors.ey, Marks, Nitcnotts, Sir Nort PATON, Pickersaitt, G. Sarr, Marcus STONE, SOLOMON, STRAIGHT, E. M. WAkp, and WARREN.

Alt engraved on Steel in the highest style of Art, Edited, with Notices of the Artists, by Syoney Anmytacs, M.A.

"* This book is well got uf, and good 'cent, Lumnh Stocks, and

engravings—bring back to we eres of Pee chilitions af fast years."


Crown 8v0, with Photographic Portrait, cloth extra, 9s.

Blanchard's (Laman) Poemnvs.

Now first Collected. Edited, with a Life of the Author {including numerous hitherto unpublished Letters from Lord Lytrox, Lamp, Dickens, Ronert BkowNInG, and others), by BLanCHARD JERROLD,

" His humorous werse is ntwoh #t admirable —sparkling with genuine Iialtiedmaaterespoliehoel ead forma' an Pret"ri°—-Rcocama

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 73, 6a.

Bret Harte's Select Works,

in Prose and Poetry. With Introductory Essay by J, M, Bex-° LEW, Portrait of the Author, and 50 Illustrations.

" Not many months before my friend's death, he had tent me two sketches of a American writer (Bret Harte), Tes—tm California {' The Out casts of Poker Flat? and another), in which he had found such subtle stroke ef character at he had not anywhere else in late years discovered; the mann. resembling Ainself, but the matter vesh to a degree that had surprised his; the painting in all respects masterly, and the wild onde thine painted a quite wonderful reality. I rarely known him more honestly moved."—Forster's Life of Dickens

Crown vo, cloth extra, gilt, 7s, Ge,

Brand's Observations on Popular Antiqities, chiefly Illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Custeme, Cmcaibilel, and Superstitions. With the Additions of Sir Henry Extis, An entirely New and Revised Edition, with fine full-page Illustrations.

Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with full-page Portraits, 4s. 64, | Brewster's (Sir David) Martyrs of—Science.

Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Astronomical Plates, qs. 67.

Brewster's (Sir David) More Worlds

than One, the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian. .

Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.

Lrillat-Savarin's Gastronomy as a Fine

Art; or, The Science of Good Living. A Translation of the "* Physiologie du Gott" of Brittat-SavARIN, with an Introduction a ey Notes by R, E. ANDERSON, M.A,

"* We have read it with rave enjoyment, fast as we have delightedly read and re-read gaint old Izaak Mr. Anderson has done his work of translation daintily, with true a of the points in his wal, and ae, though late, we cannot but Believe that thie book will be welcomed and muck read by many."—NONCONFORMIST.

Demy 8vo, profusely Illustrated in Colours, price 30s.

The British Flora Medica:

A History of the Medicinal Plants of Great Britain. Ilustrated

by a Figure of each Plant, COLOURED BY HAND. By BENJAMIN H.

Barton, F,.L,S., and Tuomas Castitz, M.D., F,R.S. A New

Edition, revised, condensed, and row re-written, by Joun R. ACKSON, A. L,S., Curator of the Museums of Economic Botany, oyal Gardens, Kew.

Tue StoTHARD BuNYAN.—Crown $vo, cloth extra, gilt, 7s. 6d.

Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Edited by Rev. T. Scorr. With 17 beautiful Steel Plates by STOTHARD, engraved by GOODALL; and numerous Woodcuts,

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 7, 6a.

Byron's Letters and Fournals. With Notices of his Life. By THomas Moone. A Reprint of the Original Edition, newly revised, Complete in one thick Volume, with Twelve full-page Plates. " We have read this —_ with the greta Samaras ers wane ang tfion, tf deterve: chaste? i *, prose cane. vere e has gredeaia oe a "The style és Sena cle, pe tanly, and when it rises into eloquence, vise: withont effort er ottertation. 1 would be difficult to mame a book which exhibits more sindmess, fairness, amd smodesty," —MAcAULAY, in the Edinburgh Review.

Demy 4to, cloth extra, gilt edges, 315, 61, Canova's Works in Sculpture and Moaelfing. 150 Plates, exquisitely engraved in Outline by Moses, and printed on an India tint, With Descriptions by the Countess ALBRIzzI, a Biographical Memoir by CicoGNara, and Portrait by WORTHINGTON,

The fertility of this ter's 5 is amazing, and the t labour sale ochanncs ore fey seed" Fh eae tte be eerie Same ie einer to cmerine eae

'Two Vols. imperial 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, the Plates beautifully inted in Colours, £3 3s.

rint Catlin's Illustrations of the Mazners,

Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians: the result of Eight Years of Travel and Adventure among the Wildest and most Remarkable Tribes now existing. Containing 360 Coloured Engravings from the Author's original Paintings.

Small 4to, cloth gilt, with Coloured Illustrations, ros, 6¢.

Chaucer for Children; A Golden Key. By Mrs. H, R. Hawets, With Eight Coloured Pictures and numerous Woodcuts by the Author,

Tt must not only take a high place among the Christmas and New Year books _

this but is also went walue at an introduction to the of tio! torres, oC en some kind er other, ave now text. ad every school that aspires to give dnsteuction tx English." ACADEMY.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 7s. Gi.

Colman's Humorous Works"Broad Grins," "My Nightgown and Slippers," and other Humorous Works, Prose and Poetical, of Georce CoLMAN, With Life by G. B, Bucksrone, and Frontispiece hy HoGARTH.

Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Coloured Illustrations and Maps, 24s.

Cope's History of the Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), formerly the 95th. By Sir WILLIAM H. Core, formerly Lieutenant, Rifle Brigate.

Crown Svo, cloth extra, t, with Portraits, 71. Gal.

Creasy's Memoirs of Eminent Etonians; with Notices of the Early History of Eton College. By Sir Epwarp Creasy, Author of 'The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," A New Edition, brought down to the Present Time, with 13 Illustrations.

AEE TR Oy Ermey

value of thie mee enhanced by the that Sir Eanord na has

added to it teveral memoirs of Etonians who have died since the first edition appeared, The work is eminently interesting."—SCoTsMan.

Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, Two very thick Volumes, 7s. 6¢. each.

Cruikshank's Comic Abnanack.

Complete in Two Series: The First from 1835 to 1843; the Second from 1844 to 1853. A Gathering of the Best Humour of Thackeray, Hood, Maynew, Albert Smith, A'Beckett, Robert Brovcu, &. With 2000 Woodcuts and Steel Engravings by CRUIKSHANK, Hine, LANDELLS, &c.

To be Completed in Twenty-four Parts, quarto, at $v. each, profusely illustrated by Coloured and Plain Plates and Wood Engravings,

The Cyclopedia of Costume;

or, A Dictionary of Dress—Regal, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military—from the liest Period in England ¢o the reign of George the Third. Including Notices of Contemporaneous Fashions on the Continent, and preceded by a General History of the Costumes of the Principal Countries of Europe. By J. R. Pancues, Somerset Herald.— A Prospectus will be sent upon application. Part XVI. now ready.

A mast veadadle and interesting work—and it can scarcely be comsulted in vain, whether the vender ts in search for information az to military, court, ecclesiastical, legal, ov professional costume,, . . All the chrome-lit x and most of the uvodcut tliustrations—the latter amounting to several thonsands ~are very elaborately executed; and the work forms a livre de luxe which renders it eguatly suited to the brary and the ladies drawing-room," —Timns.

  • " Part XIV. contains the Completion of the DICTIONARY, which, as Vol. I, of the eee a aes Work in tteelf. This volume may now be had, handsomely bound tn half red morocco, gilt top, price £3135. 60, Cases for binding the volume may also be had, price 55. cach. The remainin, is will be occupied by the GENERAL HISTORY OF THE COSTUMES OF EUROPE, arranged Chronologically,

Parts I. to X. now ready, 213, each,

4 ' A History of Hertfordshire. By Jonn E, Cussans. Illustrated with full-page Plates on Copper and Stone, and a profusion of small Woodcuts.

"Afr, Cussant Aas, from sources not acoessible to Clutterbuck, meade moor valuable additions fo the manorial Aistory of the comely from the earliest od downwards, cleaved up many donbt/ul points, and given wee det. on cern-ng varions subjects untouched or imperfectly treated iy writer. The pedierres seem to. have been constructed with great care, and area valuable addition to the genealogical history of the county. Mr, Cussans amore to have done kis work couscientionsly, and to have spared neither time, > nor expense torenier his volumes worthy of ranking in the highest class of County Histories.'" —ACADEMY.

'Demy 8vo, half-bound morocco, 215.

Dibdin's Bibliomantia;, Book-Madness: A Bibli ical Romance. With numerous Tilastrations. A New mien wiih a Supplement, including a Key to the Assumed Characters in the Drama.

Two Vols. Svo, cloth extra, 305, .

Dixon's White Conquest:

America in 1875. By W. Herworts Drxon.

"* The best written, ntost instructive, and most entertaining book that Mr. Dixon has publis since 'New America,' "—ATItN MUM,

Srconp Eprrrion, demy Svo, cloth gilt, with Illustrations, 185,

Dunraven's The Great Divide:

A Narrative of Travels in the Upper Yellowstone in the Summer of 1874. Bythe Eart.of Dunraven. With Mapsand numérous striking full-page Illustrations by VALENTINE W. BROMLEY. "There hat eet appeared a Better book of travel than Lord vi 4

Dunraven's * The « . «The book is full of clever observation, and both narrative and Ulustrations are thoroughly good."—AtTHENAUM.

Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 245.

Dodge's (Colonel) The Hunting Grounds

of the Great West: A Description of the Plains, Game, and

ndiaus of the Great North American Desert. By RicHarp Irvine Dobos, Lieutenant-Colone! of the United States Army. With an Introduction by Wintiam Brackmore; Map, and numerous Illustrations drawn by ERNEST GRISET.

"* This magnificent volume is one of the most able and most interesting works which Aas ever proceeded from an American pen, while its freshness is egual fo that of any similar book, Colonel Dodge has chosen a subject of whic he is seaster, aud treated it with a fulness that leaves nothing more to be desired, and in @ style which is charming equally for tts picturesgueness and its purity." —Nowcowrormist.

Crown Svo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 6s,

Emanuel On Diamonds and Precious Stones: their History, Value, and Properties; with Simple Tests for ascertaining their Reality, By Harry Emanuet, F.R.G.S. With numerous Illustrations, Tinted and Plain.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with IMustrations, 75. 6.

The Englishman's House:

A Practical Guide to all interested in Selecting or Building a House, with full Estimates of Cost, Quantities, &c, By C. J. Ricuargpson. Third Edition, With nearly 600 Illustrations.

  • This book is intended ¢ elt want, via. di technica? aie of eve y style of tes ibdins saan and meanner a Oudiding ¢ & gives every variety, from a workman's coltage toa nobleman's palace,

Crown 8vo, cloth boards, 6:, per Volume; a few Large Pa copies (only 50 printed), at 128. per Vol. "

Early English Poets.

Edited, with Introductions and Annotations, by Rev, A.B.GRrosart. "Mr, Grosart has sfent the most laborious and the mos? enthusiastic care on

the perfect restoration and preservation of the iA tee any edition of the poet compe eae ee rn

unlikely that

Bie ee +r. Grosert we

ey ect and always receive the final ren af mot patient and competent


1, Fletcher's ( Giles, B.D.)

easier: Christ's Victorie

in Heaven, Christ's Victorie on Earth, Christ's Triumph over Death, and Minor Poems, With Memorial-Introduction and Notes. One Vol.

2. Davies' (Sir Fohn) Complete Poetical Works, including Psalms I. to L. in oe and other hitherto Unpublish MSS., for the first time Col Complete Coliected Poems. With Memorial-Introduction and Notes, Steel Portrait, Index of First Lines, and Glossarial Index, &c. Three Vols.

4. Sidney's (Sir Philip) Complete Poetical Works, including all those in '* Arcadia." With Portrait, Memorial-Introduction, Essay on the Poetry of Sidney, and Notes. Three Vols.

5. Donne's (Dr. Fohn)

lected and Edited. With Me- | ~ Comssiete Poetical Works, inmorial-Introduction and Notes, sole ce Satires and various Two Vols. from MSS. With Memorial.In3. Herrick's (Robert) Hes- | troduction and Notes. perides, Noble Numbers, and [Jn the press.

  • ,° Other volumes are in active Sreporation.

Crown $vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 65.

? Fairholt's Tobacco: Its History and Associations; with an Account of the Plant and its Manufacture, and its Modes of Use in all Ages and Countries. By F. W. Farrwout, F.S.A. A New Edition, with Coloured Frontispiece and upwards of 100 Illustrations by the Author.

"A wery fy orrome and instructive Aistory of fobacce and tts associations, which swe cordiaily recommend alike te the votaries and to the enemies of the muchmaligned but certainly mot meglected weed. . « » Kull of interest and inFfermation.""—Datry News.

Crown Svo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 4:

Ged. Favaday's Chemical History of a Candle.

Lectures delivered to a Juvenile Audience. A New Edition. Edited by W. Crookes, F.C.S. With numerous Iilustrations,

Crown 8yo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 45, 6d. Faraday's Various Forces of Nature.

A New Edition, Edited by W. Croores, F.C.S. With numerous Illustrations.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 7s. 67. finger-Ring Lore:

Historical, Legendary, and Anecdota]—Earliest Notices; aasra tions; Ri Investiture, Secularand Ecclesiastical;; Betrothal Wedding Rin } Ring-tokens; Memorial and Mortua Rings Posy-Rin: ings and Incidents in Connection with R Rings; Remarkable Rings, &c. By WILLIAM Jones, F.S.A. With Hundreds of Illustrations of Curious Rings of all Ages and Countries, " Enters imto the totole subye t, and gives an amount of information gerd general racing im 'reference threo which i of ery hip anterest, The Soe & oad Tag dd istory o finser-rings, but en raiiee ef anecdotes _—— with them, . . he volume is admirably illustrated, and t—oe ancount ofanensement and information which it nat others wise easily accessitie.""—Scotsman.

"One of those gossiping books which are as full of amusement as of instruction." —A THEN UM.

One Shilling Monthly, Illustrated by ARTHUR Hopkins.

The Gentleman's Magazine.

Edited by Sytvanvs Ursan, Gentleman.

IX secking to restore the "GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE" to the position it for held, the Publishers do not lose sight 7 the chamged conditions onder which (? now 'appears. While maintaining an al continuity which dates back to the reign a Caen the Second, there will be no attempt to burden the Present with the At of a eet past, or to adhere slavishly to traditions the pein of dian #2 unsuited te the altered conditions of Society at the Present tine, ie aes i pene, es Maren Pa apes of to-day what im earlier times if prowed to the gentleman A a@ past generation, New Ueateres old be tntvadnced to take the Glace of tie a ee: im the saast important respects, however, the Magness finks between the present and

the past ws be closest. Biography and aaa which have ahoeys formed a

of the contents, will retain the prominence assigned

Sed wilt be Sreoted sek the added breadth that springs from increased arity with avthorities and more exact appreciation of the gtrownce of re

ee and the Historian, Sefence, which confers upon the age will have its datest conclusions and forecatis presented in a manner motich Schick shail bri then within the grasp of the general reader, The philo~ menial 9 ay, to. Politics, the matters which affect Imperial interests, will be 'rome the rivalries of party, and will receive a due share of attention. rcheiny funder which conprehensive Acad may be included t Gopraaay,, Rin

and other similar matters), Natural Héstory, S;

of te 5 shad Latest cor in ail its manifestations, wi adn a pipe a content ae social subjects will, as heretofore, be inter~ he deoe of of Table Tath matters of current imterest will be

sy od facts ¢ Afstoric walue will be preserved. A Work ae Fiction ane some novelist of highest 'tion will race ites the sages oe—bass be # eeree 2 aritsts of known excellence. afi Mit' sense oense of a ee a and with a firme "thet tee & sib om yng Pu rE wRder! fo share me exertion necessary to Pie hag! dite ay contributions, i place the Ma, tn the fr rank of serials, and fot i fo la its place on the talle and om the shelves of all of cultivated Englishmen.

  • ." Now ready, the overt Fannary to Fune, 1877, cloth extra, price&. 6d. > oa Cases for binding, price 23. cack.

THE Ruskin GRIMM.—Square crown Syo, cloth extra, 6s, 6.; gilt edges, 7s, 62, German Popular Stories.

Collected by the Brothers Griomm, and Translated by EpGAr TayLor., Edited, with an Introduction, by Jonn Ruskin, With 22 Illustrations after the inimitable designs of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Both Series Complete.

"* The illustrations of this volume. . . . on 1s sterling and admirable art, of a class precisely parallel in elewation to the character of the tales whick they tllnstrate; and the original etchings, as I kawe before said tn the Appendix to my ' Elements of Drawing, were xnrroalled in masterfulness af touch since Rembrandt (in some qualities of delineation, unrivalled even by him) . .. Tomake somewhat enlarged copies of them ing at them through a magnifying giass, and never putting two lines where Crud nk Mas pul only one, wenld be an excercise in dectsion and severe drawing which would leave afterwards little to be learnt in schools." Extract from Introduction by Jonn Rusxtx,

,: One Vol. crown 8yo, cloth extra, on.—Gilbert's (W. S.) Original Plays: "(A Wicked World," ' Charity," 'The Palace of Truth," "Pygmalion," ' Trial by Jury," &c. " His workmanship is in ii 3a a,; coal qaladiad, wad cectdrteey balicead Mirtehse—Oeduatoee ee Demy 4to, cloth extra, with [lustrations, 31s. 6c.

Gillray the Caricaturist:

The Story of his Life and Times, with Anecdotal Descriptions of his Engravings. Edited by Tuomas WRIGHT, Esq., M.A., F.S.A.

With $3 full-page Plates, and numerous Wood Engravings.

Crown Svo, cloth extra, with a Map, 35. Gd.


or, Legal Regulations for the Standard of Gold and Silver Ware m the different Countries of the World, Translated from the German of Stupnirz by Mrs, Brewer, and Edited, with additions, by Epwin W. STREETER.

Crown Svo, cloth gilt and gilt edges, 7s, 64.

The Golden Treasury of Thought:

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