A Short English Constitutional History for Law Students/Preface

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P r e f a c e

This little book has been written expressly for students taking the Preliminary Examination in Law at Oxford University at which a paper is set on English Political and Constitutional History, and it is hoped that it contains everything which is necessary for the paper so far as constitutional history is concerned. It should be suitable for Bar Students in their Constitutional Law paper and for Students at Cambridge University and those taking the Intermediate Examination of Law at the London University.

The author desires to point out that it is little more than a "cram book" and is not meant to take the place of such works as Taswell-Langmead's Constitutional History or Anson's Law and Custom of the Constitution; it should be read merely for the purpose of refreshing one's knowledge preparatory to taking an examination and if used for this purpose the author trusts and believes that it will fill a long-felt want which from his experience in coaching students he observes to exist.



December, 1919.