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A Short History of Astronomy (1898)/General Index

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1831439A Short History of Astronomy — General IndexArthur Berry


Roman figures refer to the chapters, Arabic to the articles. When several articles are given under one heading the numbers of the most important are printed in clarendon type, thus: 207. The names of books are printed in italics.
Aberration, x. 206, 207–211, 212, 213, 216, 218; xii. 263; xiii. 277, 283, 284

Académie Française, xi. 232, 238

Academy of Berlin, xi. 230, 237

Academy of St. Petersburg, xi. 230, 233

Academy of Sciences (of Paris), x. 221, 223; xi. 229–233, 235-237

Academy of Turin, xi. 237, 238

Acceleration, vi. 133; ix. 171, 172, 173, 179, 180, 185, 195; x. 223

Ad Vitellionem Paralipomena (of Kepler), vii. 138

Alae sive Scalae (of Digges), v. 95

Aldebaran, iii. 64; xiii. 316 n

Alexandrine school, ii. 21, 31–33, 36–38, 45, 53

Alfonsine Tables, iii. 66, 68; v. 94, 96, 99

Algol, xii. 266; xiii. 314, 315

Almagest (of Ptolemy), ii. 4652; iii. 55, 56, 58, 60, 62, 66, 68; iv. 75, 76, 83

Almagest (of Abul Wafa), iii. 60

Almagest, New (of Kepler), vii. 148

Almagest, New (of Riccioli), viii. 153

Almanac, Nautical, x. 218; xiii. 286, 288, 290

Almanacks, i. 18 n; ii. 20, 38; iii. 64, 68; v. 94, 95, 100; vii. 136; x. 218, 224; xiii. 286, 288, 290

Altair, iii. 64; xiii. 316 n

Analysis, analytical methods, x. 196; xi. 234

Angles, measurement of, i. 7

Annual equation, v. 111; vii. 145

Annual motion of the earth. See Earth, revolution of

Annual motion of the sun. See Sun, motion of

Annual parallax. See Parallax, stellar

Annular eclipse, ii. 43; vii. 145

Anomalistic month, ii. 40

Άντιχθών, ii. 24

Apex of solar motion, xii. 265

Aphelion, iv. 85

Apogee, ii. 39, 40, 48; iii. 58, 59; iv. 85; v. 111; ix. 184; xi. 233

Apparent distance, i. 7

Apple, Newton's, ix. 170

Apse, apse-line, ii. 39, 40, 48; iv. 85; ix. 183; xi. 235, 236, 242, 246

Arabic numerals,iii. 64; v. 96
Arabs, Arab astronomy, ii. 46, 53; iii. 56–61, 64, 66, 68; v. 110; viii. 159; xii. 266

Arctic regions, ii. 35

Arcturus, xii. 258

Aries, first point of (♈), i. 13; ii. 33, 42; iv. 83 n; v. 98, 111; x. 198

Asteroids. See Minor planets

Astrolabe, ii. 49; iii. 66

Astrology, i. 16, 18; iii. 56; v. 99, 100; vii. 136, 149, 151

Astronomiae Fundamenta (of Lacaille), x. 224

Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica (of Tycho), v. 107

Astronomiae Instauratae Progvmnasmata (of Tycho), v. 104

Astronomical Society, German, xiii. 280

Astronomical Society, Royal, xii. 256, 263

Astronomicum Caesareum (of Apian), v. 97

Astronomisches Jahrbuch, xii. 253

Astronomy, divisions of, xiii. 272

Astronomy, descriptive, xiii. 272, 273, 294

Astronomy, gravitational, x. 196; xiii. 272, 273, 286

Astronomy, observational, xiii. 272, 273

Astronomy, origin of, i. 2

Astronomy, scope of, i. 1

Attraction. See Gravitation

Autumnal equinox, i. 11. See also Equinox

Axioms. See Laws of Motion

Axis (of an ellipse), xi. 236, 244, 245

Babylonians. See Chaldaeans

Bagdad, iii. 56, 57, 60, 68

Belts of Jupiter, xii. 267

Betelgeux, iii. 64

Biela's comet, xiii. 305

Binary stars. See Stars, double and multiple

Bode's Astronomisches Jahrbuch, xii. 253

Bodily tides, xiii. 292, 293

Brightness of stars. See Stars, brightness of

Brooks's comet, xiii. 305

Brucia, xiii. 294

Bureau des Longitudes, xi. 238.

Cairo, iii. 60

Calculus of Variations, xi. 237 n

Calendar, Greek, ii. 19, 20, 21

Calendar, Gregorian, ii. 22; ix. 165; x. 217

Calendar, Julian, ii. 21, 22; iii. 68; iv. 73; ix. 165 n; x. 197 n, 217

Calendar, Mahometan, iii. 56

Calendar, Roman, ii. 21

Caliphs, iii. 56, 57, 69

Canals of Mars, xiii. 297

Cartesianism, viii. 163; ix. 191, 195; xi. 229

Castor, xii. 263, 264, 266

Catalogues of stars. See Star-catalogues

Cavendish experiment, x. 219

Celestial latitude. See Latitude, celestial

Celestial longitude. See Longitude, celestial

Celestial sphere, i. 7, 8, 9–11, 13, 14; ii. 24, 26, 33, 38–40, 45, 47, 51; iii. 64, 67; iv. 78, 80, 83, 88; v. 98, 105; vi. 129; viii. 157; x. 198, 207, 208, 214; xii. 257; xiii. 272

Celestial sphere, daily motion of. See Daily motion

Celestial spheres, ii. 23, 26, 27, 38, 51, 54; iii. 62, 68; v. 100, 103

Centre of gravity, ix. 186

Centrifugal force, viii. 158 n

Ceres, xiii. 276, 294

Chaldaeans (Babylonians), Chaldaean astronomy, i. 6, 11, 12, 16–18; ii. 30, 34, 40, 51, 54; iii. 56
Chart, photographic, xiii. 280

Chemistry of the sun, xiii. 299–301, 303

Chinese astronomy, i. 6, 11

Chords, ii. 47 n

Chromosphere, x. 205; xiii. 301, 303

Chronometer, x. 226

Circular motion, ii. 25, 26, 38, 51; iv. 76; vii. 139; viii. 158; ix. 171–173. See also Eccentric, Epicycle

Circumpolar stars, i. 9; ii. 35

Clock. See Pendulum clock and Chronometer

Clustering power, xii. 261. See also Condensation of nebulae

Coelum Australe Stelliferum (of Lacaille), x. 223

Collimation error, x. 225 n

Comets, i. 1; ii. 30; iii. 68, 69; v. 100, 103–105; vi. 127, 129; vii. 144, 146; viii. 153; ix. 190, 192; x. 200, 205, 217, 224; xi. 228, 231, 243, 248, 250; xii. 253, 256, 259; xiii. 272, 291, 304, 305, 307

Comet, Biela's, xiii. 305

Comet, Brooks's, xiii. 305

Comet, Encke's, xiii. 291

Comet, Halley's, vii. 146; x. 200, 205; xi. 231, 232; xiii. 291, 307

Comet, Lexell's, xi. 248; xiii. 305

Comet, Olbers's, xiii. 291

Comet, Pons-Brooks, xiii. 291

Comet, Tebbutt's, xiii. 305

Comet, Tuttle's, xiii. 291

Cometographia (of Hevel), viii. 153

Commentaries on the Motions of Mars (of Kepler), vii. 135 n, 139, 141, 150 n

Commentaries (of Coppernicus), iv. 37; v. 100

Compleat System of Optics (of Smith), xii. 251

Complete induction, ix. 195

Condensation of nebulae, xi. 250; xii. 261; xiii. 318

Conic, conic section, vii. 140 n; xiii. 309

Conjunction, ii. 43, 48 n; iii. 60; v. 110, 111; x. 227

Conservation of energy, xiii. 319

Constant of aberration, x. 209, 210; xiii. 283 n

Constellations, i. 12, 13; ii. 20, 26, 34, 42; x. 223

Construction of the heavens, xii. 257. See also Sidereal system, structure of

Corona, vii. 145; x. 205; xiii. 301, 303

Counter-earth, ii. 24 Crape-ring, xii. 267; xiii. 295

Craters (on the moon), viii. 153; xiii. 296

Curvature of the earth. See Earth, shape of

Daily Motion (of the celestial sphere), i. 5, 8, 9, 10; ii. 23, 24, 26, 33, 38, 39, 46, 47; iii. 67, 68; iv. 78, 80, 83; v. 98, 105; vi. 129; viii. 157

D'Alembert's principle, xi. 232, 237 n

Damascus, iii. 57

Darlegung (of Hansen), xiii. 286

Day, i. 4, 11, 16; ii. 47; xiii. 287, 293, 320

Day-and-night, i. 16 n

Day-hour, i. 16

Declination, ii. 33, 35, 39; x. 213, 218; xiii. 276

Declination circle, ii. 33

De Coelo (of Aristotle), ii. 27

Deductive method, inverse, ix. 195

Deferent, ii. 39, 48, 51; iii. 68; iv. 86, 87

Degree, i. 7

Deimos, xiii. 295

De Magnete (of Gilbert), vii. 150
De Motu (of Newton), ix. 177, 191

De Mundi aetherei (of Tycho), v. 104

De Nova Stella (of Tycho), v. 100

De Revolutionibus (of Coppernicus), ii. 41 n; iv. 74–92; v. 93, 94; vi. 126

De Saturni Luna (of Huygens), viii. 154

Descriptive astronomy, xiii. 272, 273, 294

Deviation error, x. 225 n

Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems (of Galilei), vi. 124 n, 128–132, 133

Differential method of parallax, vi. 129; xii. 263; xiii. 278

Diffraction-grating, xiii. 299

Dione, viii. 160

Dioptrice (of Kepler), vii. 138

Direct motion, i. 14

Disturbing force. See Perturbations

Diurnal method of parallax, xiii. 281, 284

Doctrine of the sphere. See Spherics

Doppler's principle, xiii. 302, 313, 314

Double hour, i. 16

Double-star method of parallax. See Differential method of parallax

Double stars. See Stars, double and multiple

Draconitic month, ii. 40, 43

Durchmusterung, xiii. 280

Dynamics, vi. 133, 134; ix. 179, 180; xi. 230, 232, 237

Dynamique, Traite de (of D'Alembert), xi. 232

Earth, i. 1, 15, 17; ii. 28, 29, 32, 39, 41, 43, 47, 49, 51; iii. 66, 69; iv. 80, 86; vi. 117, 121, 133; vii. 136 n, 144, 145, 150; viii. 153, 154; ix. 173, 174, 179–182, 184, 186, 195; xi. 228, 245; xiii. 285, 287, 292, 293, 297, 320. See also the following headings

Earth, density, mass of, ix. 180, 185, 189; x. 219; xi. 235; xiii. 282, 294

Earth, motion of, ii. 24, 32, 47; iv. 73, 76, 77; v. 96, 97, 105; vi. 121, 125–127, 129–132; viii. 161, 162; ix. 186, 194; xii. 257. See also Earth, revolution of and rotation of

Earth, revolution of, annual motion of, ii. 23, 24, 28 n, 30, 47; iv. 75, 77, 79–82, 85–88, 89, 90, 92; v. 111; vi. 119, 126, 129, 131, 133; vii. 139, 142, 146; viii. 161; ix. 172, 183; x. 207–210, 212, 227; xi. 235, 236, 240; xii. 263; xiii. 278, 282, 283

Earth, rigidity of, xiii. 285, 292

Earth, rotation of, daily motion of, ii. 23, 24, 28 n; iv. 75, 78, 79 n, 80, 84; v. 105; vi. 124, 126, 129, 130; ix. 174, 194; x. 206, 207, 213; xiii. 281, 285, 287, 320

Earth, shape of, ii. 23, 29, 35, 45, 47, 54; iv. 76; viii. 161; ix. 187, 188; x. 196, 213, 215, 220, 221, 222, 223; xi. 229, 231, 237, 248

Earth, size of, ii. 36, 41, 45, 47, 49; iii. 57, 69; iv. 85; vii. 145; viii. 159, 161; ix. 173, 174; x. 221, 222, 223

Earth, zones of, ii. 35, 47

Earthshine, iii. 69

Easter, rule for fixing, ii. 20

Eccentric, ii. 37, 39, 40, 41, 48, 51; iii. 59; iv. 85, 89–91; vii. 139, 150

Eccentricity, ii. 39; iv. 85; vii. 140 n; xi. 228, 236, 240, 244–246, 250; xiii. 294, 318

Eccentricity fund, xi. 245
Eclipses, i. 11, 15, 17; ii. 29, 32, 40–42, 43, 47–49, 54; iii. 57, 68; iv. 76, 85; v. 110; vi. 127; vii. 145, 148; viii. 162; x. 201, 205, 210, 216, 227; xi. 240; xiii. 287, 301
Eclipses, annular, ii. 43; vii. 145

Eclipses, partial, ii. 43

Eclipses, total, ii. 43; vii. 145; x. 205; xiii. 301

Ecliptic, i. 11, 13, 14; ii. 26, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 42, 51; iii. 58, 59, 68; iv. 80, 82–84, 87, 89; v. 111; viii. 154; x. 203, 209, 213, 214, 227; xi. 235, 236, 244, 246, 250

Ecliptic, obliquity of, i. 11; ii. 35, 36, 42; iii. 59, 68; iv. 83, 84; xi. 235, 236

École Normale, xi. 237, 238

École Polytechnique, xi. 237

Egyptians, Egyptian astronomy, i. 6, 11, 12, 16; ii. 23, 26, 30, 45; iv. 75

Elements (of Euclid), iii. 62, 66; ix. 165

Elements (of an orbit), xi. 236, 240, 242, 244, 246; xiii. 275, 276

Elements, variation of. See Variation of elements

Ellipse, ii. 51 n; iii. 66; vii. 140, 141; ix. 175, 176, 190, 194; x. 200, 209, 214; xi. 228, 236, 242, 244; xiii. 276, 278, 309

Ellipticity, x. 221

Empty month, ii. 19, 20

Empyrean, iii. 68

Enceladus, xii. 255

Encke's comet, xiii. 291

Encyclopaedia, the French, xi. 232

Energy, xiii. 319

Ephemerides. See Almanacks

Ephemerides (of Regiomontanus), iii. 68

Epicycle, ii. 37, 39, 41, 45, 48, 51, 54; iii. 68; iv. 85–87, 89–91; vii. 139, 150; viii. 163; ix. 170, 194

Epitome (of Kepler), vi. 132; vii. 144, 145

Epitome (of Purbach), iii. 68

Equant, ii. 51; iii. 62; iv. 85, 89, 91; vii. 139, 150

Equation of the centre, ii. 39, 48; iii. 60; v. 111

Equator, i. 9, 10, 11; ii. 33, 35, 39, 42; iv. 82, 84; v. 98; vi. 129, 133; ix. 187; x. 207, 220, 221; xiii. 285

Equator, motion of. See Precession

Equinoctial points, i. 11, 13; ii. 42. See also Aries, first point of

Equinoxes, i. 11; ii. 39, 42

Equinoxes, precession of. See Precession

Essai philosophique (of Laplace), xi. 238

Ether, xiii. 293, 299

Evection, ii. 48, 52; iii. 60; iv. 85; v. 111; vii. 145

Evening star, i. 14. See also Venus

Exposition du Système du Monde (of Laplace), xi. 238, 242 n, 250

Faculae, viii. 153; xiii. 300, 301, 303

Figure of the earth. See Earth, shape of

Firmament, iii. 68

First point of Aries, Libra. See Aries, Libra, first point of

Fixed stars, i. 14. See Stars

Fluxions, ix. 169, 191; x. 196

Fluxions (of Maclaurin), xii. 251

Focus, vii. 140, 141; ix. 175; xi. 236

Force, vi. 130; ix. 180, 181

Fraunhofer lines, xiii. 299, 300, 303, 304

Front-view construction. See Herschelian telescopes

Full month, ii. 19, 20

Full moon. See Moon, phases of

Fundamenta (of Hansen), xiii. 286
Fundamenta Astronomiae (of Bessel), x. 218; xiii. 277

Funds of eccentricity, inclination, xi. 245

Galactic circle, xii. 258, 260

Galaxy. See Milky Way

Gauges, gauging. See Star-gauging

Georgium Sidus. See Uranus

Gravitation, gravity, ii. 38 n; vii. 150; viii. 158, 161; IX. passim; x. 196, 201, 213, 215, 219, 220, 223, 226; XI. passim; xii. 264; xiii. 282, 284, 286–293, 309, 319

Gravitational astronomy, x. 196; xiii. 272, 273, 286

Gravity, variation of, viii. 161; ix. 180; x. 199, 217, 221, 223; xi. 231

Great Bear, i. 12; xii. 266

Great circle, i. 11; ii. 33, 42; iv. 82, 84

Gregorian Calendar. See Calendar, Gregorian

Grindstone theory, xii. 258; xiii. 317

Hakemtite Tables, iii. 60, 62

Halleys comet, vii. 146; x. 200, 205; xi. 231, 232; xiii. 291, 307

Harmonics (of Smith), xii. 251

Harmony of the World ( Kepler), vii. l44

Helium, xiii. 301

Herschelian telescope, xii. 255, 256

Historia Coelestis (of Flamsteed), x. 198

Holy Office. See Inquisition

Horizon, i. 3, 9; ii. 29, 33, 35, 39, 46; viii. 161; xiii. 285

Horoscopes, v. 99

Hour, i. 16

Hydrostatic balance, vi. 115 n

Hyperbola, ix. 190; xi. 236 n

Hyperion, xiii. 295

Ilkhanic Tables, iii. 62

Il Saggiatore (of Galilei), vi. 127

Inclination, iii. 58; iv. 89; xi. 228, 244, 245, 246, 250; xiii. 294, 318

Inclination fund, xi. 245

Index of Prohibited Books, vi. 126, 132; vii. 145

Indians, Indian astronomy, i. 6; iii. 56, 64

Induction, complete, ix. 195

Inequalities, long, xi. 243

Inequalities, periodic, xi. 242, 243, 245, 247

Inequalities, secular, xi. 242, 243–247; xiii. 282. See also Perturbations

Inequality, parallactic, xiii. 282

Inferior planets, i. 15; iv. 87, 88. See also Mercury, Venus

Inquisition (Holy Office), vi. 126, 132, 133

Institute of France, xi. 241

Inverse deductive method, ix. 195

Inverse square, law of, ix. 172–176, 181, 195; xi. 233. See also Gravitation

Ionian school, ii. 23

Iris, xiii. 281

Irradiation, vi. 129

Island universe theory, xii. 260; xiii. 317

Japetus, viii. 160; xii. 267; xiii. 297

Julian Calendar. See Calendar, Julian

Juno, xiii. 294

Jupiter, i. 14–16; ii. 25, 51; iv. 81, 87, 88; v. 98, 99; vi. 121, 127; vii. 136 n, 142, 144, 145, 150; viii. 154, 156, 162; ix. 172, 181, 183, 185–187; x. 204, 216; xi. 228, 231, 235, 236, 243–245, 248; xii. 267; xiii. 281, 288, 294, 297, 305. See also the following headings

Jupiter, belts of, xii. 267
Jupiter, mass of, ix. 183, 185

Jupiter, rotation of, viii. 160; ix. 187; xiii. 297

Jupiter, satellites of, ii. 43; vi. 121, 127, 129, 133; vii. 145, 150; viii. 160, 162; ix. 170, 184, 185; x. 210, 216; xi. 228, 248; xii. 267; xiii. 283, 295, 297

Jupiter's satellites, mass of, xi. 248

Kepler's Laws, vii. 141, 144, 145, 151; viii. 152; ix. 169, 172, 175, 176, 186, 194, 195; x. 220; xi. 244; xiii. 294, 309

Latitude (celestial), ii. 33, 42, 43; iii. 63; iv. 89

Latitude (terrestrial), iii. 68, 69; iv. 73; x. 221; xiii. 285

Latitude, variation of, xiii. 285

Law of gravitation. See Gravitation

Laws of motion, vi. 130, 133; viii. 152, 163; ix. 171, 179–181, 183, 186, 194, 195; xi. 232

Leap-year, i. 17; ii. 21, 22

Least squares, xiii. 275, 276

Letter to the Grand Duchess (of Galilei), vi. 125

Level error, x. 225 n

Lexell's comet, xi. 248; xiii. 305

Libra, first point of (♎), i. 13; ii. 42

Librations of the moon, vi. 133; x. 226; xi. 237, 239

Libros del Saber, iii. 66

Light-equation, xiii. 283

Light, motion of, velocity of, viii. 162; x. 208–211, 216, 220; xiii. 278, 279, 283, 302. See also Aberration

Logarithms, v. 96, 97 n

Long inequalities, xi. 243

Longitude (celestial), ii. 33, 39, 42, 43; iii. 63; iv. 87; vii. 139

Longitude (terrestrial), iii. 68; vi. 127, 133; vii. 150; x. 197, 216, 226

Longitudes, Bureau des, xi. 238

Lunar distances, iii. 68 n

Lunar eclipses. See Eclipses

Lunar equation, xiii. 282

Lunar theory,ii. 48, 51; v. 111; vii. 145; viii. 156; ix. 184, 192; x. 226; xi. 228, 230, 231, 233, 234, 240, 241, 242, 248; xiii. 282, 286, 287, 288, 290. See also Moon, motion of

Lunation, ii. 40. See also Month, synodic

Macchie Solari (of Galilei), vi. 124, 125

Magellanic clouds, xiii. 307

Magnetism, vii. 150; xiii. 276, 298

Magnitudes and Distances of the Sun and Moon (of aristarchus), ii. 32

Magnitudes of stars, ii. 42; xii. 266; xii. 280, 316. See also Stars, brightness of

Mars, i. 14–16; ii. 25, 26, 30, 51; iii. 68; iv. 81, 87; v. 108; vi. 129; vii. 136 n, 139–142, 144, 145; viii. 154, 161; ix. 181, 183, 185; x. 223, 227; xi. 235, 245; xii. 267; xiii. 281, 282, 284, 294, 295, 297. See also the following headings

Mars, canals of, xiii. 297

Mars, mass of, xi. 248

Mars, opposition of, viii. 161; xiii. 281, 284, 297

Mars, rotation of, viii. 160; xiii. 295, 297

Mars, satellites of, xiii. 295

Mass, ix. 180, 181, 185

Mass of the earth, sun, Venus .... See Earth, Sun, Venus .... mass of

Mecanique Analytique (of Lagrange), xi. 237
Mécanique Celeste (of Laplace), xi. 238, 241, 247, 249, 250; xiii. 292

Medicean Planets. See Jupiter, satellites of

Meraga, iii. 62

Mercury, i. 14–16; ii. 25, 26, 45, 47, 51; iii. 66; iv. 73, 75, 81, 86–89; vi. 121, 124; vii. 136, 139, 142, 144; ix. 185; xiii. 288, 290, 294, 297. See also the following headings

Mercury, mass of, xi. 248

Mercury, phases of, vi. 129

Mercury, rotation of, xiii. 297

Mercury, transit of, x. 199

Meridian, ii. 33, 39; iii. 57; vi. 127; viii. 157; x. 207, 218, 221

Meteorologica (of Aristotle), ii. 27

Meteors, xiii. 305

Meton's cycle, ii. 20

Metric system, xi. 237

Micrometer, viii. 155; xiii. 279, 281

Milky Way, ii. 30, 33; vi. 120; xii. 258, 260–262; xiii. 317

Mimas, xii. 255

Minor planets, xi. 250 n; xiii. 276, 281, 284, 288, 294, 295, 297, 318

Minor planets, mass of, xiii. 294

Minute (angle), i. 7

Mira, xii. 266

Mongols, Mongol astronomy, iii. 62

Month, i. 4, 16; ii. 19–21, 40, 48; ix. 173; xi. 240; xiii. 293, 320. See also the following headings

Month, anomalistic, ii. 40

Month, draconitic, ii. 40, 43

Month, empty, ii. 19, 20

Month, full, ii. 19, 20

Month, lunar, i. 16; ii. 19, 20, 40

Month, sidereal, ii. 40

Month, synodic, ii. 40, 43

Moon, i. 1, 4, 5, 11, 13–16; ii. 19–21, 25, 28, 30, 32, 39, 43; iii. 68, 69; iv. 81, 86; v. 104, 105 n; vi. 119, 121, 123, 129, 130, 133; vii. 145, 150; viii. 153; ix. 169, 180, 181, 188, 189; x. 198, 204, 213, 215, 226; xi. 228, 235; xii. 256, 257, 271; xiii. 272, 292, 293, 296, 297, 301, 320. See also the following headings

Moon, angular or apparent size of, ii. 32, 41, 43, 46 n, 48; iv. 73, 85, 90; v. 105

Moon, apparent flattening of, ii. 46

Moon, atmosphere of, xiii. 296

Moon, distance of, i. 15; ii. 24, 25, 30, 32, 41, 43, 45, 48, 49, 51; iv. 85, 90; v. 100, 103; ix. 173 185; x. 223; xiii. 293, 320

Moon, eclipses of. See Eclipses

Moon, librations of, vi. 133; x. 226; xi. 237, 239

Moon, map of, x. 226; xiii. 296

Moon, mass of, ix. 188, 189 xi. 235

Moon, motion of, i. 4, 8, 13, 15, 17; ii. 20, 24–26, 28, 37, 39, 40, 43, 47, 48, 51; iii. 60; iv. 73, 81, 85, 89, 90; v. 111; vi. 133; vii. 145, 150; viii. 156; ix. 169, 173, 174, 179, 184, 185, 189, 194, 195; x. 201, 204, 213, 226; xi. 235, 237, 248; xiii. 287, 290, 297, 320. See also Lunar theory

Moon, origin of, xiii. 320

Moon, parallax of, ii. 43, 49; iv. 85. Cf. also Moon, distance of

Moon, phases of, i. 4, 16, 17; ii. 19, 20, 23, 28, 43, 48; iii. 68, 69; vi. 123

Moon, rotation of, x. 226; xi. 248; xii. 267; xiii. 297

Moon, shape of, ii. 23, 28, 46; vi. 119; xi. 237

Moon, size of, ii. 32, 41; iv. 85

Moon, tables of. See Tables, lunar
Moons. See Satellites

Morning star, i. 14. See also Venus

Morocco, iii. 61

Motion, laws of. See Laws of motion

Multiple stars. See Stars, double and multiple

Mural quadrant, x. 218, 225 n

Music of the spheres, ii. 23; vii. 144

Mysterium Cosmographicum (of Kepler), v. 108; vii. 136, 144

Nadir, iii. 64

Nautical Almanac. See Almanac, Nautical

Nebula in Argus, xiii. 307

Nebula in Orion, xii. 252, 259, 260; xiii. 311

Nebulae, x. 223; xi. 250; xii. 252, 256, 259–261; xiii. 306–308, 310, 311, 317, 318, 319, 320

Nebulae, spiral, xiii. 310

Nebular hypothesis, xi. 250; xiii. 318–320

Nebulous stars, x. 223; xii. 260, 261

Neptune, xiii. 289, 295, 297

Neptune, satellite of, xiii. 295

New Almagest (of Kepler), vii. 148

New Almagest (of Riccioli), viii. 153

New moon. See Moon, phases of

New stars. See Stars, new

New Style (N.S.), ii. 22. See also Calendar, Gregorian

Newton's problem, xi. 228, 229, 249

Newtonian telescope, ix. 168; xii. 252, 253, 256

Night-hour, i. 16

Node, ii. 40, 43; v. 111; ix. 184; x. 213, 214; xi. 236, 246

Nubeculae, xiii. 307

Nucleus (of a comet), xiii. 304

Nürnberg school, iii. 68; iv. 73

Nutation, x. 206, 207, 213–215, 216, 218; xi. 232, 248; xii. 263

Νυχθήμερον, i. 16 n

Oberon, xii. 255

Obliquity of the ecliptic. See Ecliptic, obliquity of

Observational astronomy, xiii. 272, 273

Occultations, i. 15; ii. 30

Octaeteris, ii. 19

Olbers's comet, xiii. 291

Old Moore's Almanack, i. 18 n

Old Style (O.S.). See Calendar, Julian

Opposition, ii. 43, 48 n; iii. 60; iv. 87, 88; v. 111; viii. 161; xiii. 281, 284, 297

Opposition of Mars, viii. 161; xiii. 281, 284, 297

Optical double stars, xii. 264

Optics (of Gregory), x. 202

Optics (of Newton), ix. 192

Optics (of Ptolemy), ii. 46

Optics (of Smith), xii. 251

Opus Majus, Minus, Tertium (of Bacon), iii. 67

Opuscules Mathématiques (of D'Alembert), xi. 233

Orion, nebula in, xii. 252, 259, 260; xiii. 311

Oscillatorium Horologium (of Huygens), viii. 158; ix. 171

Pallas, xiii. 294

Parabola, ix. 190; xi. 236 n; xiii. 276

Parallactic inequality, xiii. 282

Parallax, ii. 43, 49; iv. 85, 92; v. 98, 100, 110; vi. 129; vii. 145; viii. 161; x. 207, 212, 223, 227; xii. 257, 258, 263, 264; xiii. 272, 278, 279, 281–284

Parallax, annual, viii. 161. See also Parallax, stellar

Parallax, horizontal, viii. 161
Parallax of the moon. See Moon, parallax of

Parallax of the sun. See Sun, parallax of

Parallax, stellar, iv. 92; v. 100; vi. 129; viii. 161; x. 207, 212; xii. 257, 258, 263, 264; xiii. 272, 278, 279

Parallelogram of forces, ix. 180 n

Parameters, variation of, xi. 233 n. See also Variation of elements

Παραπήγματα, ii. 20

Partial eclipses, ii. 43

Pendulum, pendulum clock, v. 98; vi. 114; viii. 157, 158, 161; ix. 180, 187; x. 199, 217, 221, 223; xi. 231. See also Gravity, variation of

Pendulum Clock (of Huygens), viii. 158; ix. 171

Penumbra (of a sun-spot), vi. 124; xii. 268

Perigee, ii. 39, 40, 48; iv. 85. See also Apse, apse-line

Perihelion, iv. 85; xi. 231. See also Apse, apse-line

Periodic inequalities. See Inequalities, periodic

Perturbations, viii. 156; ix. 183, 184; x. 200, 204, 224, 227; XI. passim; xiii. 282, 293, 294, 297

Phases of the moon. See Moon, phases of

Phenomena (of Euclid), ii. 33

Phobos, xiii. 295

Photography, xiii. 274, 279–281, 294, 298, 299, 301, 306

Photometry, xiii. 316. See also Stars, brightness of

Photosphere, xii. 268; xiii. 303

Physical double stars, xii. 264. See also Stars, double and multiple

Planetary tables. See Tables, planetary

Planetary theory, ii. 51, 52, 54; iii. 68; iv. 86–90; xi. 228, 230, 231, 233, 235, 236, 242–247, 248; xiii. 286, 288–290, 293. See also Planets, motion of

Planets, i. 13, 14, 15, 16; ii. 23–27, 30, 32, 51; iii. 68; iv. 81; v. 104, 105, 110, 112; vi. 119, 121; vii. 136, 144; viii. 154, 155; x. 200; xi. 228, 250; xii. 253, 255, 257, 267, 271; xiii. 272, 275, 276, 281, 282, 294–296, 297, 318, 320. See also the following headings, and the several planets Mercury, Venus, etc.

Planets, discoveries of, xii. 253, 254, 255, 267; xiii. 289, 294, 295, 318

Planets, distances of, i. 15; ii. 30, 51; iv. 81, 86, 87; vi. 117; vii. 136, 144; ix. 169, 172, 173

Planets, inferior, i. 15; iv. 87, 88. See also Mercury, Venus

Planets, masses of, ix. 185; xi. 245, 248; xiii. 294. See also under the several planets

Planets, minor. See Minor planets

Planets, motion of, i. 13, 14, 15; ii. 23–25, 26, 27, 30, 41, 45, 47, 51, 52; iii. 62, 68; iv. 81, 86–90, 92; v. 100, 104, 105, 112; vi. 119, 121, 129; vii. 139–142, 144, 145, 150, 151; viii. 152, 156; ix. 169, 170, 172–177, 181, 183, 194; x. 199, 204; xi. 228, 229, 245, 250; xiii. 275, 276, 282, 294. See also Planetary theory

Planets, rotation of, viii. 160; ix. 187; xi. 228, 250; xii. 267; xiii. 297

Planets, satellites of. See Satellites

Planets, stationary points of, i. 14; ii. 51; iv. 88

Planets, superior, i. 15; iv. 87, 88. See also Mars, Jupiter, etc.

Pleiades, vi. 120; xii. 260

Poles (of a great circle), ii. 33 n
Poles (of the celestial sphere), i. 8, 9, 10; ii. 33, 35; iv. 78; vi. 129; x. 207, 214; xiii. 285

Poles (of the earth), iv. 82; ix. 187; x. 220, 221; xiii. 285

Pole-star, i. 8, 9

Pollux, xii. 266

Pons-Brooks comet, xiii. 291

Postulates (of Ptolemy), ii. 47

Postulates (of Coppernicus), iv. 76

Praesepe, xii. 260

Precession (of the equinoxes), ii. 42, 50; iii. 58, 59, 62, 68; iv. 73, 83, 84, 85; v. 104, 112; vi. 129; ix. 188, 192; x. 213–215, 218, 221; xi. 228, 232, 248; xiii. 277, 280

Prima Narratio (of Rheticus), iv. 74; v. 94

Primum Mobile, iii. 68

Principia (of Descartes), viii. 163

Principia (of Newton), iv. 75 viii. 152; ix. 164, 177-192, 195; x. 196, 199, 200, 213; xi. 229, 234, 235, 240

Principles of Philosophy (of Descartes), viii. 163

Probabilités, Théorie Analytique des (of Laplace), xi. 238

Problem of three bodies. See Three bodies, problem of

Prodromus Cometicus (of Hevel), viii. 153

Prominences, xiii. 301, 302, 303

Proper motion (of stars), x. 203, 225; xii. 257, 265; xiii. 278, 280

Prosneusis, ii. 48; iii. 60; iv. 85

Prussian Tables, v. 94, 96, 97, 99; vii. 139

Pythagoreans, ii. 24; iv. 75

Quadrant, v. 99; x. 218, 225 n

Quadrature, ii. 48; iii. 60; v. 111

Quadrivium, iii. 65

Recherches sur différens points (of D'Alembert), xi. 233, 235

Recherches sur la précession (of D'Alembert), xi. 215

Reduction of observations, x. 198, 218; xiii. 277

Reflecting telescopes, ix. 168; xii. 251–255

Refracting telescopes, ix. 168. See also Telescopes

Refraction, ii. 46; iii. 68; v. 98, 110; vii. 138; viii. 159, 160; x. 217, 218, 223; xiii. 277

Relative motion, principle of, iv. 77; ix. 186 n

Renaissance, iv. 70

Results of Astronomical Observations (of John Herschel), xiii. 308

Retrograde motion, i. 14

Reversing stratum, xiii. 303

Reviews of the heavens, xii. 252, 253

Revival of Learning, iv. 70

Rhea, viii. 160

Rigel, iii. 64

Right ascension, ii. 33, 39; x. 198, 218; xiii. 276

Rills, xiii. 296

Rings of Saturn. See Saturn, rings of

Rotation of the celestial sphere. See Daily motion

Rotation of the earth, sun. Mars, etc. See Earth, Sun, Mars, etc., rotation of

Royal Astronomical Society. See Astronomical Society, Royal

Royal Society, ix. 166, 174, 177, 191, 192; x. 201, 202, 206, 208; xii. 254, 256, 259, 263; xiii. 292, 308

Rudolphine Tables, v. 94; vii. 148, 151; viii. 156

Ruler, i. 16

Running down of the solar system, xiii. 293, 319

Saggiatore (of Galilei), vi. 127

Sappho, xiii. 281
Saros, i. 17; ii. 43

Satellites, vi. 121, 127, 129, 133; vii. 145, 150; viii. 154, 160, 162; ix. 170, 183–185; x. 210, 216; xi. 228, 248; xii. 253, 255, 267; xiii. 272, 283, 295, 296, 297, 318, 320. See also Jupiter, Saturn, etc., satellites of

Satellites, direction of revolution of, xi. 250; xiii. 295, 318

Satellites, rotation of, xi. 250; xii. 267; xiii. 297

Saturn, i. 14–16; ii. 25, 51; iv. 81, 87; v. 99; vi. 123; vii. 136 n, 142, 144; viii. 154, 156; ix. 183, 185, 186; x. 204; xi. 228, 231, 235, 236, 243–246; xii. 253, 267; xiii. 288, 297. See also the following headings

Saturn, mass of, ix. 185

Saturn, rings of, vi. 123; viii. 154, 160; xi. 228, 248; xii. 267; xiii. 295, 297

Saturn, rotation of, xii. 267; xiii. 297

Saturn, satellites of, viii. 154, 160; ix. 184; xi. 228; xii. 253, 255, 267; xiii. 295, 297, 307

Scientific method, ii. 54; vi. 134; ix. 195

Seas (on the moon), vi. 119; viii. 153; xiii. 296

Seasons, i. 3; ii. 35, 39; iv. 82; xi. 245

Second (angle), i. 7

Secular acceleration of the moon's mean motion, x. 201; xi. 233, 234, 240, 242; xiii. 287

Secular inequalities. See Inequalities, secular

Selenographia (of Hevel), viii. 153

Selenotopographische Fragmente (of Schroeter), xii. 271

Sequences, method of, xii. 266

Shadow of earth, moon. See Eclipses

"Shining-fluid" theory, xii. 260; xiii. 310, 311

Shooting stars. See Meteors

Short-period comets, xiii. 291

Sidereal month, ii. 40

Sidereal period, iv. 86, 87

Sidereal system, structure of, xii. 257, 258, 259–262; xiii. 317

Sidereal year, ii. 42

Sidereus Nuncius (of Galilei), vi. 119–122

"Sights," v. 110; viii. 155 x. 198

Signs of the zodiac, i. 13

Sine, ii. 47 n; iii. 59 n, 68 n

Sirius, xiii. 316 n

Solar eclipse. See Eclipse

Solar system, stability of, xi. 245; xiii. 288, 293

Solstices, i. 11; ii. 36, 39, 42

Solstitial points, i. 11

Space-penetrating power, xii. 258

Spanish astronomy, iii. 61, 66

Spectroscope, xiii. 299. See also Spectrum analysis

Spectrum, spectrum analysis, ix. 168; xiii. 273, 299–302, 303, 304, 306, 309, 311–314, 317, 318

Sphaera Mundi (of Sacrobosco), iii. 67

Sphere, attraction of, ix. 173, 182; xi. 228

Sphere, celestial. See Celestial sphere

Sphere, doctrine of the. See Spherics

Spheres, celestial, crystal. See Celestial spheres

Spheres, music of the, ii. 23; vii. 144

Spherical form of the earth, moon. See Earth, Moon, shape of

Spherics, ii. 33, 34

Spica, ii. 42

Spiral nebulae, xiii. 310

Stability of the solar system, xi. 245; xiii. 288, 293
Stadium, ii. 36, 45, 47

Star-atlases, star-maps, i. 12 n; x. 198, 223; xii. 259, 266; xiii. 280, 294

Star-catalogues, ii. 32, 42, 50; iii. 62, 63; iv. 83; v. 98, 107, 110, 112; viii. 153; x. 198, 199, 205, 218, 223–225; xii. 257; xiii. 277, 280, 316

Star-clusters, vi. 120; x. 223; xii. 258, 259, 260, 261; xiii. 307, 308, 310, 311, 318

Star-gauging, xii. 258; xiii. 307

Star-groups. See Constellations

Stars, i. 1, 5, 7–10, 12–15, 18; ii. 20, 23–26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 39, 40, 42, 45–47, 50; iii. 56, 57, 62, 68; iv. 73, 78, 80, 86, 89, 92; v. 96–100, 104, 105, 110; vi. 120, 121, 129; viii. 155, 157, 161; ix. 186 n; x. 198, 199, 203, 207–214, 218, 223; xi. 228; xii. 253, 257–266, 267; xiii. 272, 277–280, 283, 304, 306–318, 320. See also the preceding and following headings

Stars, binary. See Stars, double and multiple

Stars, brightness of, ii. 42; xii. 258, 266; xiii. 278, 280, 316, 317. See also Stars, variable

Stars, circumpolar, i. 9; ii. 35

Stars, colours of, xii. 263; xiii. 309

Stars, distances of, i. 7; ii. 30, 32, 45, 47; iv. 80, 92; v. 100; vi. 117, 129; xi. 228; xii. 257, 258, 265, 266; xiii. 278, 279, 317. See also Parallax, stellar

Stars, distribution of, xii. 257, 258. See also Sidereal system, structure of

Stars, double and multiple, xii. 256, 263, 264; xiii. 306–308, 309, 314, 320

Stars, magnitudes of, ii. 42; xii. 266; xiii. 280, 316. See also Stars, brightness of

Stars, motion of. See Stars, proper motion of, and Daily motion (of the celestial sphere)

Stars, names of, i. 12, 13; iii. 64

Stars, nebulous, x. 223; xii. 260, 261

Stars, new, ii. 42; v. 100, 104; vi. 117, 129; vii. 138; xii. 266; xiii. 312

Stars, number of, i. 7 n; xiii. 280

Stars, parallax of. See Parallax, stellar

Stars, proper motion of, x. 203, 225; xii. 257, 265; xiii. 278, 280

Stars, rotation of, xii. 266

Stars, spectra of, xiii. 311–314, 317

Stars, system of. See Sidereal system, structure of

Stars, variable, xii. 266, 269; xiii. 307, 312, 314, 315

Stationary points, i. 14; ii. 51; iv. 88

Stjerneborg, v. 101

Summer solstice, i. 11. See also Solstices

Sun, i. 1, 4, 10, 13, 14, 16; ii. 21, 23–26, 28–30, 32, 35, 36, 40, 43, 45, 48, 51; iii. 68, 69; iv. 73, 75, 77, 79–82, 85–90, 92; v. 98, 103, 105, 110, 111; vi. 119, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 132; vii. 136, 139–141, 144–146, 150; viii. 153, 154, 156; ix. 170, 172–175, 181, 183–186, 188–190, 194; x. 198, 200, 202, 205, 210, 213, 223, 227; xi. 228, 235, 236, 240, 243, 245, 250; xii. 257, 265, 268, 269; xiii. 272, 278, 283, 288, 292–294, 297, 298–303, 304, 305, 307, 319, 320. See also the following headings

Sun, angular or apparent size of, ii. 32, 38, 39, 41, 43, 46 n, 48; iv. 73, 90; v. 105 n

Sun, apparent flattening of, ii. 46
Sun, distance of, i. 15; ii. 24, 25, 30, 32, 38, 41, 43, 45, 48, 49, 51; iv. 81, 85, 86, 87, 90, 92; v. 111; vii. 144, 145; viii. 156, 161; ix. 185, 188; x. 202, 205, 223, 227; xi. 235; xiii. 278, 281–284

Sun, eclipses of. See Eclipses

Sun, heat of, xii. 268, 269; xiii. 303, 307, 319

Sun, mass of, ix. 183, 184, 185, 189; xi. 228; xiii. 282

Sun, motion of, i. 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15–17; ii. 20, 21, 24–26, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 47, 48, 51; iii. 59; iv. 73, 77, 79, 85, 86, 87, 92; v. 104, 105, 111; vi. 121, 126, 127, 132; viii. 160; ix. 186; x. 223; xi. 235; xii. 265; xiii. 288

Sun, parallax of, ii. 43; v. 98, 110; vii. 145; viii. 161; x. 223, 227; xiii. 281–284. See also Sun, distance of

Sun, rotation of, vi. 124; vii. 150; xi. 250; xiii. 297, 298, 302

Sun, size of, ii. 32; iv. 85; vii. 145; ix. 173; xiii. 319

Sun, tables of. See Tables, solar

Sun-dials, ii. 34

Sun-spots, vi. 124, 125; viii. 153; xii. 268, 269; xiii. 298, 300, 302, 303

Superior planets, i. 15; iv. 87, 88. See also Mars, Jupiter, etc.

Svea, xiii. 294

Synodic month, ii. 40, 43

Synodic period, iv. 86, 87

Synopsis of Cometary Astronomy (of Halley), x. 200

Systema Saturnium (of Huygens), viii. 154

Système du Monde (of Laplace), xi. 238, 242, 250

Système du Monde (of Pontécoulant), xiii. 286

Table Talk (of Luther), iv. 73

Tables, astronomical, iii. 58, 60–63, 66, 68; iv. 70; v. 94, 96, 97, 99, 110; vii. 139, 148; viii. 156, 160; x. 216, 217; xiii. 277. See also the following headings

Tables, lunar, ii. 48; iii. 59; x. 204, 216, 217, 226; xi. 233, 234, 241; xiii. 286, 290

Tables, planetary, iii. 63; v. 108, 112; vii. 142, 143; x. 204, 216; xi. 235, 247; xiii. 288, 289, 290

Tables, solar, iii. 59; iv. 85; v. 111; viii. 153; x. 224, 225, 226; xi. 235, 247; xiii. 290

Tables, Alfonsine, iii. 66, 68; v. 94, 96, 99

Tables, Hakemite, iii. 60, 62

Tables, Ilkhanic, iii. 62

Tables, Prussian, v. 94, 96, 97, 99; vii. 139

Tables, Rudolphine, v. 94; vii. 148, 151; viii. 156

Tables, Toletan, iii. 61, 66

Tables de la Lune (of Damoiseau). xiii. 286

Tabulae Regiomontanae (of Bessel), xiii. 277

Tangent, iii. 59 n, 68 n

Tartars, Tartar astronomy, iii. 63

Tebbutt's comet, xiii. 305

Telescope, iii. 67; vi. 118–124, 134; vii. 138; viii. 152–155; ix. 168; x. 207, 213, 218; xii. 251, 252–258, 260, 262, 271; xiii. 274, 300, 301, 306, 310, 317

Theoria Motus (of Gauss), xiii. 276

Theoria Motuum Lunae (of Euler), xi. 233

Théorie de la Lune (of Clairaut), xi. 233

Theorie . . . des Probabilites (of Laplace), xi. 238

Theorie . . . du Système du Monde (of Pontécoulant), xiii. 286

Theory of the Moon (of Mayer), x. 226
Theory of the Universe (of Wright), xii. 258

Thetis, viii. 160

Three bodies, problem of, xi. 228, 230–233, 235

Tidal friction, xiii. 287, 292, 293, 320

Tides, vi. 130; vii. 150; ix. 189; xi. 228–230, 235, 248; xiii. 287, 292, 293, 297, 320

Time, measurement of, i. 4, 5, 16. See also Calendar, Day, Hour, Month, Week, Year

Titan, viii. 154

Titania, xii. 255

Toletan Tables, iii. 61, 66

Torrid zones, ii. 35

Total eclipse, ii. 43; vii. 145; x. 205; xiii. 301. See also Eclipses

Transit instrument, x. 218, 225 n

Transit of Mercury, x. 199

Transit of Venus, viii. 156; x. 202, 205, 224, 227; xiii. 281, 282, 284

Translations, iii. 56, 58, 60, 62, 66, 68

Transversals, v. 110 n

Trepidation, iii. 58, 62, 68; iv. 84; v. 112

Trigonometry, ii. 37 n, 47 n; iii. 59 n, 64 n, 68 n; iv. 74

Trivium, iii. 65

Tropical year, ii. 42

Tuttle's comet, xiii. 291

Twilight, iii. 69

Twinkling of stars, ii. 30

Two New Sciences (of Galilei), vi. 133, 134 n; viii. 152

Tychonic system, v. 105; vi. 127

Umbra (of sun-spots), vi. 124; xii. 268

Uniform acceleration, vi. 133. See also Acceleration

Uraniborg, v. 101

Uranometria Nova Oxoniensis, xiii. 316

Uranus, xii. 253, 254, 255, 267; xiii. 276, 288, 289, 297

Uranus, rotation of, xiii. 297

Uranus, satellites of, xi. 250 n; xii. 255, 267; xiii. 272, 295

Variable stars. See Stars, variable

Variation (of the moon), iii. 60; v. 111; vii. 145

Variation of elements or parameters, xi. 233 n, 236, 245

Variations, calculus of, xi. 237 n

Vega, iii. 64

Venus, i. 14–16; ii. 25, 26, 45, 47, 51; iii. 68; iv. 75, 81, 86, 87; v. 98, 100, 103; vi. 121, 123; vii. 136 n, 139, 142, 144; viii. 154; ix. 181, 185; x. 223, 227; xi. 235, 245; xii. 267, 271; xiii. 282, 297. See also the following headings

Venus, mass of, xi. 235, 248

Venus, phases of, vi. 123, 129

Venus, rotation of, viii. 160; xii. 267; xiii. 297

Venus, transits of See Transits of Venus

Vernal equinox, i. 11. See also Equinoxes

Vernier, iii. 69 n

Vertical, ii. 33; x. 221; xiii. 285

Vesta, xiii. 294

Victoria, xiii. 281

Virtual velocities, xi. 237 n

Vortices, viii. 163; ix. 178, 195

Wave, wave-length (of light), xiii. 299, 300, 302

Weather, prediction of, ii. 20; vii. 136

Week, i. 16

Weight, vi. 116, 130; ix. 180

Weights and Measures, Commission on, xi. 237, 238
Whetstone of Witte (of Recorde), v. 95

Winter solstice, i. 11 See also Solstices

Year, i. 3, 4, 16; ii. 19–22, 42, 47; iii. 66; v. 111

Year, sidereal, ii. 42

Year, tropical, ii. 42

Zadkiel's Almanack, i. 18 n

Zenith, ii. 33, 35, 36, 46; iii. 64; x. 221

Zenith-sector, x. 206

Zodiac, i. 13; x. 224

Zodiac, signs of the, i. 13

Zodiacal constellations, i. 13

Zones of the earth, ii. 35, 47

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