Lyra Davidica/A Song of praise for divine Goodness
A Song of praise for divine Goodness
![<< \new Staff \relative f'' {\time 2/2 \key bes \major \partial 8
d8 | d4 c16 ([d ees8]) f4 bes,8 ([c]) | d4 bes16 ([a g8]) g4. d'8 | d4 c16 ([d ees8]) f4 bes,8 ([c])
c4. d8 d4 d | g a bes a | g8 [a] fis4 g4. a8 |
bes4 a g f8 ([g]) | e4. d8 d4 \breathe f | f d8 ([ees]) f4 ees8 ([d]) | ees4 d16 ([c bes8]) bes4. d8 |
ees4 d8 ([c]) d4 bes8 ([c]) | a4. g8 g4. }
\addlyrics {
My Soul and all my Fa -- cul -- ties Je -- ho -- vah's praise Sing
till the Skies re- -- ec -- cho his as -- cen -- _ ding Fame, My
Soul O Ce -- le -- brate his Name Nor e -- ver let \markup{\concat{y\super{e}}} Me -- mo -- ry of
his Sur -- pas -- sing Fa -- vours die. }
\new Staff \relative f { \clef bass \key bes \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature
r8 | g2 bes | bes8 [c] d4 g, fis | g2 a4 g8 [f] |
ees2 d4 d'8 [c] | bes4 a g f | ees d g f |
g a bes g | a a, d d'8 [c] | bes4. a8 d4 g, | a bes g fis|
g4. a8 bes4 c | d d, g2 \bar "||" } >>](
Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)
My Soul and all my Faculties
Jehovah's praise Sing till the Skies
re-eccho his ascending Fame,
My Soul O Celebrate his Name
Nor ever let ye Memory
of his Surpassing Favours die.
HE gently Pardons our Mis-deeds,
And Cures the Wound which inward bleeds.
Has from the Chains of Death unbound;
With Clemency and Mercy crown'd.
With Food our Hunger he subdues,
And Eagle-like our Youth renews.
From him the Springs of Mercy flow;
Swift to Forgive, to Anger flow.
For he will not for ever chide,
Nor constant to his Wrath abide:
But mildly from it will relent,
And shorten our due Punishment.
His Justice he Extends to all:
Oppressors by his Vengeance fall,
But as the Heav'ns in amplitude
Exceed the Centre they include:
So ample is his Clemency
To all who on his Grace rely.
As far as the bright Orient
Is distant from the Sun's Descent;
So far he sets from his Aspect
Their Guilt, who His just Laws affect.
Ev'n as a Father to his Child,
So soft, so quickly reconcil'd.
For his sure Mercy shall Embrace
His Saints for ever, and their Race
His Righteousness their Souls Up-rear,
Who Faithful in his Covenant are:
Who fear his Threats, who wait his Will,
And his Commands with Joy fulfill.
In Heaven the Great JEHOVAH Reigns,
And Governs all that Earth contains
You Angels who in Strength exceed,
Who him obey with winged speed;
You Order'd Hosts of Radiant Stars;
And you his flaming Ministers;
All, whom his Wisdom did Create,
Thro' his large Empire, Celebrate
His Glorious Name with sweet accord:
With me extoll and praise the Lord.
Daily recount his Deeds of Fame;
And Omy Soul do thou the same.
Let Praise ascend to God above;
To the Almighty Father's Throne;
To our Redeemer God the Son,
And God the Holy Spirit of Love.
As was when Times first Hours wheel'd on,
And shall be when their Circle's done.