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Lyra Davidica/A Breathing into the hiding-place of God's power

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Lyra Davidica (1708)
edited by John Baptist Walsh
A Breathing into the hiding-place of God's power by Anonymous
Anonymous2812489Lyra Davidica — A Breathing into the hiding-place of God's power1708John Baptist Walsh

A breathing into the hiding-place of God's power.

<< \new Staff \relative d' { \time 3/4 \key g \major \autoBeamOff  \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up
  g4 b c | d2. | g,4 b g | a2 g4 | g b c | d2. |
  g,4 b g | a2 g4 | d' e fis | g2. | d4 e fis | e2 d4 | d e fis |
  g2. | d4 e fis | e2 d4 | d e fis | g2 c,4 | b4. c8 b8. c16 |
  d2. | g,4 a b | d b g | a b g | a2 g4 \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { 
  How long sweet Lord wilt thou be chi -- ding how long thy Face 
  thy Glo -- ry hi -- ding? O rend the Veil & come a -- way Lord Love grow 
  in -- flam'd and can -- not Stay Lord. We long to see & Ju -- bi -- late with 
  thee O rend the Veil and come come come a -- way Lord.}
\new Staff \relative d { \clef bass \key g \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  g2. | fis2. | e4 b2 | d2 g,4 | g'2 a4 b2. | 
  e,4 b2 | d2 g,4 | d''2 c4 | b8 [c b a] g4 | fis e d | \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up a'2 d,4 | d2 c4 |
  b8. c16 b8. a16 g4 | fis e d | a'2 d,4 | b''2 a4 | g e fis | g2. |
  fis8 [g fis e d c] | b4 a g | fis' g e | c d b | \override Stem.neutral-direction = #down d2 g,4 } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

How long sweet Lord
wilt thou be chiding
how long thy Face
thy Glory hiding?
O rend the Veil
& come away Lord
Love grow inflam'd
and cannot Stay Lord.
We long to see
& Jubilate with thee
O rend the Veil and come
come come away Lord.

2. THy Spouse Wounds
Bleed without Curing:
Her Patient Soul
Long, long enduring:
Still Crown'd with Thorns,
In Shame and Scorning;
Stil Sla'n with thee
Till thy Returning.
Lift up thy Horn,
Thou mighty Unicorn.
[1] Push down thy Foes and Spring
The Glorious Morning.

3. Let Heavenly Peace,
Long Life and Pleasures;
Let Crowns adorn'd
With Wisdoms Treasures,
The Portion be
Of thine Elected;
Now Honour'd more
Than once Neglected.
Now let 'em Rise
And enter Paradise,
By thy Great Michael's
Flaming Sword Protected.

4. O how the Place
Of thy Abiding;
And where thy
Mighty Power is Hiding.
O rend the Veil
And come away Lord;
Love grows Inflam'd
And cannot stay Lord.
Come set us free
To Jubilate with thee.
O rend the Veil, and come,
Come, come away Lord

  1. The two Effects as of the Horn of Power and the Horn or Ray of Light; the Hebrew Word importing both. Whence the Glory of Moses Face is Represented as with Horns.