A Statistical Account of Bengal
Volume 1: Districts of the 24 Parganas and Sundarbans. (transcription project)
- Front matter and map (including Table of Contents)
- Preface to A Statistical Account of Bengal, Volume 1
- District of 24 Parganas
- Geography and General Aspect
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Means of Communication, Commerce, and Manufacture, etc.
- Administration
- Meteorological, Medical, and Sanitary
- Land Tenures in the 24 Parganas.
- The Sundarbans
- Geography and Generel Aspect
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Means of Communication, Commerce, and Manufacture, etc.
- Administration
- Geographical and Historical Notes on the Bardwán and Presidency Divisions of Lower Bengal, with Preliminary Remarks by District Officers of the 24 Parganás and Jessor,
- Index
Volume 2: Districts of Nadia and Jessore. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume II. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Nadia
- The People
- Agriculture
- Industrial
- Native Institutions
- Administrative
- District of Jessor
- The People
- Agriculture
- Industrial
- Native Institutions
- Administrative
- Medical
- Index
Volume 3: Districts of Midnapur and Hughli (including Howrah) (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume III. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Midnapur
- Geography and General Aspect
- The people
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Means of Communication, Commerce, and Manufactures
- Administrative
- Meteorological, Medical, and Sanitary
- District of Hugli (including Howrah)
- Geography and General Aspect
- The people
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Means of Communication, Manufactures and Commerce, Etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical Aspects
- Index
Volume 4: Districts of Bardwan, Bankura, and Birbhum. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume IV. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Bardwan
- District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical
- District of Bankura
- Topography and General Aspect
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Roads, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological, Medical, etc.
- District of Birbhum
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Roads, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological, Medical, etc.
- Index
Volume 5: Districts of Dacca, Bákarganj, Farídpur, and Maimansinh. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume V. of the Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Dacca
- Physical Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Industrial
- Native Institutions
- History
- Administrative
- Medical Aspects
- District of Bákerganj
- Physical Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Industrial
- Administrative
- Medical Aspects
- District of Farídpur
- Physical Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Industrial
- Native Institutions
- Administrative
- Medical Aspects
- Appendix
- District of Maimansinh
- Physical Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Industrial
- Administrative
- Medical Aspects
- Index
Volume 6: Chittagong Hill Tracts, Chittagong, Noákhálí, Tipperah, Hill Tipperah. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume VI. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- Chittagong Hill Tracts
- Topography and General Aspect of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Foreign and Absentee Landholders
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Trade, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical, etc.
- District of Chittagong
- Topography and General Aspect
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Foreign and Absentee Landholders
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutions, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical, etc.
- District of Noákhálí
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Foreign and Absentee Proprietors
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutions, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical, etc.
- District of Tipperah
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Foreign and Absentee Landholders
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutions, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical, etc.
- District of Hill Tipperah
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical,
- Appendix
Volume 7: Districts of Maldah, Rangpur, and Dinájpur. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume VII. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Maldah
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Foreign and Absentee Landholders
- Means of Communication, Manufacture,Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical
- District of Rangpur
- Typography and General Aspect of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Foreign and Absentee Proprietors
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Medical and Meteorological
- District of Dinajpur
- Topography and General Aspect
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Foreign and Absentee Proprietors
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical
- Index
Volume 8: Districts of Rájsháhi and Bográ. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume VIII. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Rájsháhi
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, &c.
- Foreign and Absentee Proprietors
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutions, &c.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical
- District of Bográ
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, &c.
- Foreign and Absentee Proprietors
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutions, &c.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical
Volume 9: Districts of Murshidábad and Pábná. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume IX. of the Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Murshidabad
- Topography and General Aspect of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Foreign and Absentee Proprietors
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- History of the Diwani and Nawabs
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical Aspects
- Family History of the Seths
- District of Pabna
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Foreign and Absentee Proprietors
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Climate and Medical Aspects
- Index
Volume 10: Districts of Dárjíling and Jalpáiguri, and State of Kuch Behar. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume X. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Darjiling
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Foreign and Absentee Proprietors
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical Aspects
- Geology of the District
- Addendum of the Himalayan Races
- District of Jalpaiguri
- Topography and General Aspect
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Foreign and Absentee Landholders
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutions, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical Aspects
- State of Kuch Behar
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Foreign and Absentee Proprietors
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutions, etc.
- History of Kuch Behar State
- Administrative
- Climate, Meteorology, Medical Aspects, etc.
- Index
Volume 11: Districts of Patna and Saran. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume XI. of the Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Patná
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Foreign and Absentee Landholders
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutions, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical
- District of Sáran
- Topography and General Aspect
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, &c.
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Institutions, Trade, &c.
- Administrative
- Medical, Meteorological, &c.
- The Hatwá Family
- Index
Volume 12: Districts of Gayá and Sháhábád. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume XII. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Gayá
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Foreign and Absentee Landholders
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutions, etc.
- Administrative
- Medical and Meteorological
- District of Sháhábád
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Foreign and Absentee Landholders
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutins, etc.
- Administrative
- Medical and Meteorological
- Geological Formations
- Index
Volume 13: Tirhut and Champáran. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume XIII. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
District of Tirhut
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Foreign and Absentee Lanholders
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Local Institutions, etc.
- Administrative
- Medical and Meteorological
- The Darbhangah Ráj
- The Mutiny of 1857 in Tirhut
- District onf Champáran
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The Peopple
- Agriculture, etc.
- Natural Calamities
- Foreign and Absentee Landlords
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Medical and Meteorological
- Index
Volume 14: Districts of Bhágalpur and the Santál Parganás. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume XIV. of the Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Bhágalpur
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, &c.
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical
- The Santál Parganás
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Foroign and Absentee Landholders
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, &c.
- Administrative
- Medical and Meteorological
- Index
Volume 15: Districts of Monghyr and Purniah. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume XV. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Monghyr
- Topography and General Aspect of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological, Medical, etc.
- District of Purniah
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, and Commerce, etc.
- Administrative, etc.
- Meteorological and Medical
- Index
Volume 16: Districts of Hazáribágh and Lohárdagá (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume XVI. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Hazáribágh
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Foreign and Absentee Proprietors
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administration
- Meteorological and Medical Aspects
- History
- District of Lohárdagá
- Topography and General Aspects
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities
- Foreign and Absentee Landlords
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Christian Missions
- History
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical Aspects
Volume 17: Singbhum District, Tributary States of Chutia Nagpur, and Manbhum. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume XVII. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Singbhum
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, Institutions, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological, Medical, etc.
- The Tributary States of Chutia Nagpur
- Topography, General Aspects, etc.
- The People
- Agriculture
- Short Notice of the Tributary States of Chutia Nagpur
- Bonai State
- Chang Bhaker State
- Gangpur State
- Jashpur State
- Korea State
- Sarguja State
- Udaipur State
- District of Manbhum
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological, Medical, etc.
- Index
Volume 18: District of Cuttack and Balasor. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume XVIII. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Cuttack
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative, etc.
- Meteorological and Medical
- District of Balasor
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological and Medical
- Index
Volume 19: District of Puri and the Orissa Tributary States. (transcription project)
- Preface to Volume XIX. of The Statistical Account of Bengal
- District of Puri
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Means of Communication, Manufactures, Commerce, etc.
- Administrative
- Meteorological, Medical, etc.
- The Khurdha Subdivision
- The Orissa Tributary States
- Topography and General Aspects of the District
- The People
- Agriculture
- Natural Calamities, etc.
- Means of Communication, Trade, etc.
- Administrative
- Dispensaries
- Short Accounts of the Tributary States
- Appendix
- Geological Account of Orissa
- Index
Volume 20: Fisheries and Botany of Bengal, with General Index (transcription project)
[edit]- Preface to Volume XX. of the Statistical Account of Bengal
- The Fish and Fisheries of Bengal
- Introductory Note by Surgeon-Major F. Day
- Fisheries, &c., of Dinájpur, by Dr F. Buchanan-Hamilton
- Fisheries, &c., of Rangpur, by
- Fisheries, &c., of Purniah, by
- Fisheries, &c., of Bhágalpur, by
- Fisheries, &c., of Behar and Patná, by
- Fisheries, &c., of Sháhábád, by
- Fisheries, &c., of Gorakhpur, N.W.P., by
- Clonclusion, by Dr. F. Day
- List of Plants found in Bengal and Assam
- General Index to Statistical Account of Bengal