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A Study of the Manuscript Troano/Index

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2621412A Study of the Manuscript Troano — Index1882Cyrus Thomas


Aguilar, Don Pedro Sanchez de, on Maya manuscripts xxi
Ahau or Katun 5, 14
the number of years in an 28-32
Ahau-Katun or grand cycle 5
the first year of an 32
Ahaues, location of the, in grand cycle 26-28
Ahbulne balam (Maya deity) 66, 94
Ahcan Uclcab (Maya deity) 66, 94
Ahkal-Cbel, prophecy of xxix
Ajpula, date of death of 13, 32, 49, 60, 61
Allen, Harrison, on Landa's alphabet xxxv
Armadillo 97
symbol 15, 145
Bacab-Canzienal (deity) 63
Hobnil (deity) 61
zac-ciui (deity) 64
Bancroft, omission by, in translation? 55
Baptism, mode of, original from Landa 228-231
translation 231-233
Bird-cage 134
Bissextile years in the Maya system iv
Blacknumerals, use of the 21, 24
indicate the month 23
Bolloert, William, efforts at translating xxxiv
Bolon-zacab (Maya deity) 60, 69
Brasaeur de Bourbourg, in reference to the length of the Ahau 193
efforts at translating the manuscript Troano xxxiv
Bread symbol 80, 81, 156
Brinton, D. G xvii
Calendar Maya 5
condensed (Table V) 11
for one year (Table II) 8
wheel figure of the 127
Cardinal points assigned the years 41
Dominical days assigned to 68
Maya words for the 74
symbols of the 70, 74, 144
Canac year, sacrifices at the commencement of the 65
Chac 77, 87, 101, 104
Chacan-cantun or Chac Acantun (deity) 62, 63
Chac-u-Uayeyab (Maya deity) 62, 81, 82
Chalchihuitlicue (Mexican goddess) 102
Characters of the manuscript compared with Landa's 2
Charency, Hyacinthe de, efforts at translating xxxiv
Chen, festivals in the month 223
Chiapan (or Tzendal) and Soconuscan calendar 198
Cbicchac-chob (deity) 66, 94, 101
Chichen-Itza, 194, 197
Chilan Balam, prophecy of 196
Cigar 135
Cirui, unusual character of 16
Clavirgero, concerning bees 115
Codex Cortesianus 20
Dresden xxx, xxrvi, 25, 41, 42, 67, 68, 71, 78, 85, 89
Peresianus xxxii, 20
Troano xxxii
Tro xxxii
Cogulludo, Diaz Lopez, on Maya characters xxiii
concerning date of destruction of Mayapan 48
in reference to cardinal points assigned the years 69
Colebil-xbolon-chac (goddess of the apiarists) 117
Conclusions 51
Cross 117
Cycle 6, 10, 32, 35
Dance on high stilts 79
Dates, discussion of, with special reference to those of the Perez manuscript 187-197
method of giving 13
Day characters 3, 5
Days, method of numbering the 3-7
Diaz, Bernal, in reference to implements of warfare 127
Dog images used in dances 79
Dresden Codex xxx, xxxvi, 25, 41, 42, 67, 68, 71, 78, 85, 89
reference to four plates of the 56
Ek-balam-chac (deity) 66, 94
Ekel Acantun (deity) 66
Ek-u-Uayeyab (deity) 65, 81, 82
Etel-ceh, ancient name of Yucatan 96
Fan or bat 134
Festivals at the commencement of the year Cauac 65, 214
Ix 63, 212
Kan 59, 209
Muluc 62, 211
of the different months, translated from Landa. Appendix No.3 216-227
in the month Chen 223
Mac 224
Mol 222
Muan 225
Pax 225
Pop 210
Tzec 220
Tzoz 220
Uo 218
Xul 220
Tax 223
Yaxkin 221
Zac 224
Zip 219
of the supplamentary days 41, 59, 67, 208-215, 227
Figures and characters, explanation of 59
suggestions as to the meaning of certain 93
Foot-prints 125
Försterman, Dr., on the Dresden Cordex xxxvi
God of death 77
Grand cycle or Ahau-Katun 28-32
Grand cycles compared with years of the Christian era 193, 196
Graphic system, the xviii
Herrera in reference to Chichen-Itza 194
Mayapan 192
Yucatec implements of warfare 126
Holden, Edward S., on Central-American picture writing xxxvi
the Leyden stone 104
Honey symbol 117, 127
House symbols or figures 128, 131
Houses, method of building, from Landa, original 227
translation 129
Huitzilopoctli (Mexican god) 104-106
Imix or Ymix, probably a symbol of maize 80
Implement (use unknown) 133
Indication, or week of years 9
Interpretation of characters 146, 361
Intervals between days in day columns 15, 24
Introduction xvii-xxxvii
Itzaramna (Zamna) 81-82
Itzen-caan (a name of Zamna) 81
Ix year, festivals at the commencement of the 63
Ix kan Loox (female divinity) 81
Ix mol(decs) 106
Kan character a symbol of maize 157
Kan symbol as used in Plates XX-XXIII 88
Kan year, festivals at the commencement of the 69
Kanal Acantum (Maya deity) 60
Kan-u-Uaveyab (Maya deity) 61, 69, 72, 81, 82
Katun 14, 52
Perez's explanation of the term 90
Katunes, method of numbering the 14
Kik, symbol for 92
Kinch-Ahau (Maya deity) 62, 84
Itzamna or Yzamna (Maya deity) 65, 84
Kuculcan 81, 82
Landa, concerning the festivals of the bee-keepers 116
Diego de, on Maya writing xxiv
in reference to cardinal points 69
to Tucatec implements of warfare 127
Landa's characters compared with those of the manuscript 2
"Relacion do Cosas," quoted 47, 52
Leg of venison, character for a 76
List of days for one month, Table I 8
of illustrations xiii
Lizana, Bernardo de, on Maya characters xxi
Lustre 56
Mac, festivals of the month 224
Machete or hatchet 125
Manufacture of idols 119, 120, 132
Manuscript Troano and its character 1
found by Brasseur de Bourbourg 1
named for Don Juan de Troy Ortolano 1
fac simile edition 1
paging of the 2
Martyr, Peter, description of Maya manuscripts xix
Matting 134
Maya alphabet, Landa's 141
books xxviii
calendar 5
Maya dates compared with those of the Christian era 47
days 5
months 6
Mayapan 191, 193, 197
date of destruction of 48, 51
Melgar, Señor, quotation from 215
Method of snaring game 97
Mexican symbol for day and year 72
Mimosa leaf 134
Mol, festival of the month 222
Month characters 6
Mortars, figures of 127
Muan, festival of the month 225
Muluc year, festivals at the commencement of the 211
Nahau Poch, prophecy of 194, 195
Numeral characters 3, 17
Numerals, black 21, 24
red 19, 26
Paint-pots 127
Palenque tablet 198, 208
explication of certain characters on the 204, 207
four characters by the cross 203
order in which the inscription is to be read 200, 202
signification of lines and dots on the 202
Pax, featival of the month 225
Peresianus, Codex xxxii, 20
Perez, Señor, quoted 48, 55
Cronologia antigua 34
in reference to cardinal points 68
manuscript 13, 30, 32, 43
discussed with reference to dates 187, 197
original Maya of the 188
translation of the 189
Dr. Valentini on the 30
Phonetic? are these characters 140, 148
Plate III, explanation of figures on 94
VI, explanation of figures on 95
VII, explanation of figures on 96
XIII, explanation of figures on 31
VIII-XIX, explanation of figures on 97-101
XX-XXIII, numbers on 18-19
XXIV-XXVIII, explanation of figures on 101-107
XXIX-XXXIII, explanation of figures on 108-111
I*-IX*, explanation of figures on 114-118
XII*-XVII*, explanation of figures on 119-120
XVIII -XXI, explanation of figures on 121
XXVII*-XXV*, explanation of figures on 122
Pop, festival of the month 216
Quetzalcoatl 83
Quiche and Cakchiquel calendar 198
Rains and storms, representation of 101, 107
Rau, Charles, on Palenque tablet xxxv
index diagram to the Palenque tablet 199
Red numerals, explanation of 19-26
Results of my investigations v
Rope-making or weaving 118, 331
Rosny, Leon do, essay on decipherment of Central-American picture-writing xxxv
Schultz-Sellac, Dr. Cail, on Dresden Codex xxx, vi
Serpent as a symbol 84, 86
Spanish writers, description of MSS. by xix
Spear 126
St Andrew's cross 78
Stephens in reference to preserving bones of the dead 88
Stephens' Yucatan 13
Stone symbol 74, 144
Supplemental days, feasts of the 41, 59, 67, 208-215, 227
Table II — Maya calendar for one year 8
III. — Kan table of years 9
IV. — Cauac table of years 9
V. — Condensed Maya calendar 11
VI.— Of years 18
VII.— Of years 18
VIII.— Of years 24
IX.— Of years 25
X.— Of years 27
XI.— Years of an Ahau with names of the years 33
XII. — Years of an Ahau 34
XIII, XIV, XV.— Years of period designated by Plates XX-XXIII 35
XVI. — Group of years derived from, dates on Plate XXXI 38
XVII. — Locating the Ahaues in the grand Cixle 44
XVIII. — Locating the Ahaues in the grand cycle 45
XIX.— Locating the Ahaues in the grand cycle 46
XX. - Extended list of years of 8th, 6th, and 4th Ahaues 49
XXI. — Grand cycle of years 53
XXII. — Grand cycle of years 54
XXIII. — One cycle of years 56
Table of contents xi
Tapestry or curtains 134
Title page of the manuscript 111
Tluloc (deity) 105, 106
Tzec, festival in the month 220
Tzoz, festival in the month 220
Uac-Mitun- Ahau (deity) 65
Ua Katun, a key to find the Katunes 19, 55
Uayeb-haab 56, 57, 70, 87
Uayeyab idols 76, 81, 82
Uo, festival in the month 218
Valentini, Philipp J. J., on Landa's alphabet xxv
Dr., on the Perez manuscript 36
Vase character, or symbol 88, 145
Villagutierrie, Don Juan de, on Maya books xxiii
Week, the 7
of years 9
Wood symbol 134
Written characters 136, 161
Xnuo, Yucatec goddess 103, 106
Xul, festival of the month 220
Yax, festival in the month 223
Yaxkin, festival in the month 221
Yax-coc-Ahmut (deity) 63, 79
Year bearers 11
Years assigned to cardinal points 41
method of naming and numbering the 9
Yzamna 64
cauil (deity) 61
Zac, festival in the month 224
Zac-Acantun (deity) 64
Zac-n-Uayeyab (deity) 04
Zamna 81, 82
Zip, festival in the month 210