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A Tour Through the Batavian Republic/end matter

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Valuable Books lately published by R. Phillips.

In One large Volume, Duodecimo, price Six Shillings in Boards


Containing a circumstantial View of the PRESENT STATE OF LEARNING, the Arts, Manufactures, learned Societies, Manners, &c.


Professor of Astronomy in the University of Copenhagen, and late Envoy from the Danish Government for consulting with Commissioners for the National Institute, relative to the universal Basis of Weights and Measures.

Translated by JOHN JONES, LL. D.

In Two Volumes Octavo, Price 12s. in Boards,

An Authentic Account of the Embassy of the Dutch East-India Company

To the Court of the Emperor of China,

Containing a Description of many Parts of that Empire hitherto unknown to Europeans. In the Years 1794-5 (subsequent to that of the Earl of Macartney).

By A.E. VAN BRAAM, Secretary to the Embassy.

In One Vol. 8vo. Price 8s. 6d. in Boards (illustrated by two Charts of the Lake of Menzaleh, and of the Natron Lakes, drawn on the spot by General Andreossy),


Published in Paris by Authority.

Written by the Learned and Scientific Men who accompanied the French Expedition to that Country, and published at Paris, by the National Institute under the Direction of the Chief Consul BONAPARTE. With Notes by Langlès, &c.

In Two Volumes Octavo, Price 14s. in Boards,


Between the Years 1792 and 1798;


Author of The Widow of Malabar, The Tournament, &c

Critical Opinions on this Work.

This entertaining work is the production of an ingenious and sensible writer. The account of the excavations in Pompeii is the most ample in our language; and the discoveries in Herculaneum also, are well detailed. Miss Starke has very judiciously given instructions for visiting the curiosities of Italy, with routes, inns, prices of provisions, carriages, &c. which will render the work a very useful publication to future Travellers; indeed, it forms the best Vade-Mecum and Livre de poste which we recollect to have seen. — Monthly Review.

This Work possesses considerable merit; and when the long-expected hour of peace shall set at liberty the gay, the restless, the spendthrifts, and the invalids, who pant after Voyages and Travels to the delightful regions of France, Switzerland, and Italy, it will be one of the most useful Companions they can take with them, The subjects are arranged with Judgment, Taste, and Precision, and calculated to spare the British Traveller the trouble, expence, and inconvenience of incumbering his baggage with ten or twelve duodecumo volumes of Vade-mecums, the contents of which Miss Starke has dexterously engrafted on her own genuine stock of knowledge and observation. The result of a careful examination of her historical narratives enables us to declare, that her work contains a fund of information entirely new, and a perusal of her judicious remarks on the late Revolutions in Italy may serve as a lesson of instruction to Ministers of State.European Magazine