A Treatise on the Character of Jesus Christ/Conclusion
A LIST of the fatal errors, which it is believed are the legitimate offspring of the denial of the Trinity in God, and of the proper Divinity of Christ, might be furnished. Among these errors are the following: Either that man is not fallen and depraved; or no atonement was necessary for the pardon of sin. Or if some atonement were necessary, a finite one was sufficient. It follows that sin does not deserve an eternal punishment; and all men must eventually be saved. Hence God is not so angry with sinners, and their danger is by no means so great, as has been represented. Nor is it so great a thing for God to pardon and save the children of Adam. The law and government of God are not so terrible to transgressors, as has been supposed. Men need not feel as though it were so vast a crime to trample them under foot. Nor need they fear eternal damnation.
If men—denying the Trinity and the proper Divinity of Christ—are unwilling, through the impressions of a better education, to admit the above, and similar errors, as naturally resulting from their scheme;—yet it is believed that their followers, who will come forward destitute of their better impressions, and who will reason more correctly from their own premises, will admit and embrace these errors; and will deny the true scheme of the gospel.
When the numberous attempts, which have been made by human wisdom, to reduce the doctrine of the Trinity to a level with our familiar conceptions, are considered; we must be convinced of the futility of the attempt. And the divine precept recurs with emphasis, "Beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ; for in him dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily."
When the wits of men have done their best upon this subject; and we see many strong men, of different schemes in it, have been in times past cast down wounded; shall we not, with adoring humility, submit to the divine interrogation, "Canst thou by searching, find out God?" May we not be convinced, that neither human philosophy, nor analogy, can afford much aid, relative to this mysterious doctrine? For probably nothing in creation resembles the Triune God. "To whom then will ye liken me, saith Jehovah?" "Ye heard the voice of the words; but ye saw no similitude." And all similitudes, invented by men, to give light in this case, have failed.
The Bible is clear, that there are Three in one God. This, with their divine names, and offices, is revealed for us, and for our children. But the particular mode of their existence, what constitutes the personality of each, what is their distinction, and what their union, God has not revealed. And to pry into these things is worse than in vain. It is impious. It is infinitely worse than for prisoners, under sentence of death, who have a commissioner of peace, of high authority, sent, tendering them pardon;—to demand his connexion with the government; to criticise on the internal economy of the government that sent him; and finally, to insist on handling his limbs, and body, to learn the formation of his person.
That scriptural doctrine of the Trinity can correctly be so explained, as to silence the cavils of wicked men, I have no belief. "The carnal mind is enmity against God." And the world by wisdom knew him not. The Trinity is not the only doctrine, at which men cavil. Every distinguished doctrine of grace is offensive to fallen man. And to give such an explanation of those doctrines, as that they shall not offend the wicked heart, is to pervert the scriptures, and handle the word of God deceitfully. This, neither Christ, nor his apostles, would ever do. But it is the very business, and one distinguishing characteristic, of false teachers. The ambassadors of Christ are never to attempt to render the doctrine of the Trinity, or any of the distinguishing doctrines of grace, platable to the carnal mind; lest they incur the charge of being men pleasers; but not the servants of Christ.
How great is the Saviour of the world! He is the mighty God;—mighty to save. How astonishing is the grace of heaven, the condescention of the high and lofty One! That such a Person should be sent, should come, on such an errand, be manifested in the flesh, and treated as Jesus was, is an infinite wonder! And it will be esteemed thus, in Eternal ages!
How great then, are the obligations lying on man, to embrace, and follow Christ! Obligations of duty, gratitude, interest, and of every consideration, unite to enforce this duty, with indescribable weight. Words are infinitely inadequate to this subject.
Hence we learn how astonishing is the treatment, which Christ receives from gospel despisers! "Be astonished, O heavens, at this!" See perishing worms spurning at their Maker, their Proprietor, their Saviour, their Supporter, and their final Judge! Going their ways, to their farms and merchandise, and making light of the death and compassion of the Saviour, who is God, as well as man.
How tremendous will be the exhibition of justice and judgment, which such a Saviour will make, against these his enemies, when he, "the Lord himself, shall be revealed from heaven, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of his Son." That day, of the glorious appearing of the great God, will decide who Christ is; and the madness of the conduct of his enemies.
How vain are the efforts of the enimies of the gospel, to overturn the system, which they hate; when it was instituted, and is supported, by Him, who is the great God,—God over all, blessed forever! They know not their antagonist. But they will know him. Their characters and views are multiform, from the open atheist, to the highest fanatic. But in the cardinal point they all meet, to oppose the scheme of grace; to deny the real character of Christ. "Let us break his bands assunder, and cast his cords from us," is the express, or implicit language of their hearts and lives! But Christ is mighty to destroy, as well as to save. For he is God, the almighty! He, that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; Jehovah shall have them in derision." He sees their day is coming.
But Zion shall be safe. Great is the holy One of Israel in the midst of her. Her Saviour is the Jehovah of hosts. The Captain of her salvation has everlasting strength. The Church then, may well triumph, and say, "This is our God; we have waited for him; he will save us." "The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our Refuge."