Worthy, Daring, Adventurous, Thrice-renown'd, and Victorious Captain Lemuel Gulliver.
HALL a Poet find a Patron, and not a Lunatick? Let it not be said, Gulliver's alive, or the Laputians had e're now crush'd us, by coming down to mourn him; yet his Lustre dazzles; he cannot be conceal'd: His Fame rings loudly in the Moon: To Clods of Earth I tell it.
Thee, Gulliver, I stile most worthy; and as I believe thee averse to Flattery, as free from Pride, I am persuaded that you will not be offended at a Dedication in the Rear, but approve of, and accept, if what goes before be worth your Notice: Accept it according to your wonted Candour, and believe me to be,