A history of the gunpowder plot/Index
- Abott, Dr. Robeŕt, on Garnet, 173
- Abercromby, Father, tradition about, 19
- Abington, Mrs. Mary, not the author of the Mounteagle letter, 204
- her connection with the Plot, 275
- Abington, Thomas, history of, 142 sq.
- innocence of, 237
- Ainsworth, 83
- Alrington, Mrs., 73
- Andrew, Sir Euseby, letter of, 89 sq.
- Anne of Denmark, her religion, 19
- Apologia of Father Green way, 8
- Ashby St. Legers, 30
- Ashley, R., Death of, 243 n.
- Aubrey on Sir E. Digby, 118 n.
- Baldwin, Father, his knowledge of the Plot, 244
- Barlow, Bishop T., 120 n.
- Barnet, rebel meeting at, 78
- Bates, Thomas, confession of, 9
- joins the Plot, 46
- why chosen, 58
- his desertion, 85, 92 n.
- examination of, 110
- answer of, 117
- Bath, rebel meeting at, 69 n, 211
- Baynham, Sir Edward, 166
- Bibliographical Dictionary of English Catholics, 30 n.
- Birkhead, George, action of, 199
- Blackwell, Father George, conduct of, 131 n.
- advice of, 199, 202
- Braddocks, escape from, 253 n.
- Breves from Rome, 156
- Bright, Dr. F., on Garnet's perjury, 180
- Bromley, Sir Henry, at Hendlip, 100, 144 sq.
- letter of, to Salisbury, 147
- Brooksby, Mrs., 155
- Burnaby, Sir Thomas, letter of, 89 sq.
- Burton, Captain, letter of, 259
- 'Bye Plot,' the, 24
- Castelton, sale of, 30
- Catesby, Robert, a rebel, 17
- social position of, 18, 23 n.
- originator of the Plot, 26
- character of, 27
- family of, 28
- estate of, 29
- bigotry of, 29
- is fined, 30
- motives of, 30
- influence of, 31
- flight of, 82
- his march to Wales, 83
- prayers of, 92
- death of, 93
- Catesby, William, couplet about, 28
- Cecil. See Salisbury.
- Chambers, George, 144 n.
- Clarke, a leader in the 'Bye Plot,' 24 n.
- Clopton Hall, 51
- Coke, Sir Edward, on Bates, 46
- at trial of rebels, 115
- at trial of Garnet, 166
- Coldham Hall, 49, 50
- Constitutional History, 100 n.
- Conway, Secretary, memorandum of, 267
- Cornwallis, Sir Charles, letter to, 185 sq.
- Coughton, Garnet at, 84
- Court of James I. quoted, 206 n.
- Cressvvell, Father, 34
- 'Crew,' the, 166
- Devonshire, Earl of, 115
- Dictionary of National Biography, 139 n.
- Digby, Sir Everard, threat of, 18
- social position of, 18
- sympathy for, 52
- family of, 54
- appearance of, 55
- why chosen, 57
- joins the Plot, 61
- his letter from the Tower, 66
- capture of, 85
- examination of, 109
- trial of, 115
- pleas of, 118
- death of, 119
- his letters from the Tower, 120 sq.
- Paper I., 122
- Paper II., 125
- Paper III., 126
- Paper IV., 127
- Paper V., 129
- Paper VI., 130
- Paper VII., 131
- Paper VIII., 131
- Paper IX., 132
- disclosures of, 177
- Digby, Sir Robert, 83
- Deposing power of the Popes, 202
- Dunchurch, 82
- Dunsmoor Heath, rebel meeting at, 82 n.
- Elizabeth, Queen, death of, 15
- Essex, Lord, rebellion of, 17, 29, 41, 48 n, 57
- Explosion at Holbeach House, 92
- Faukes, Guy, visits Spain, 17
- confession of, 23
- joins the Plot, 35
- spelling of his name, 38
- history of, 38
- in Spain and France, 39
- confessions of, 45 n, 59 n.
- on Sir E. Digby, 55
- why chosen, 57
- at the cellar, 79
- capture of, 80
- his confession to the Council, 81
- sent to the Tower, 81
- ordered to be tortured, 82 n.
- torture of, 102
- confession of, 102
- denies that Gerard knew of the Plot, 102
- cell of, 105
- further confession of, 107
- swoons, 107
- mother of, 108
- conversations of, 108
- depositions of, 111 sq.
- pleas of, 116
- death of, 119
- questions put to, 265
- declaration signed by 265
- Fea, Mr. Allan, 51 n.
- Ferris, 59
- Fines for recusancy, 20
- Fleming, Sir Thomas, 115
- Foley on oath offered to Roman Catholics, 203 n.
- Forset, a spy, 159
- Gardiner, Dr. S. R., on plan to stop the Plot, 74 n.
- on Holbeach explosion, 93 n.
- on Digby letters, 135
- on Garnet's perjury, 179
- on tricks of Government, 182
- on Tresham being author of letter, 206
- on Greenway's knowledge of the Plot, 249 n.
- Garnet, Father Henry, his knowledge of the Plot, 6
- character of, 7
- letter of, 18 n
- aliases of, 22
- his complaint against Catesby, 27
- at Coughton, 84
- capture of, 99
- death of, 100
- equivocation of, 105
- peril of, 141
- goes to Hendlip, 141
- his story of his surrender, 148 sq.
- story of his journey, 151
- in prison in the Tower, 153
- drunkenness of, 153 n.
- examination of, 154 sq.
- confession of, 155 sq.
- perjury of, 157
- Government trick to obtain evidence from, 158
- letters of, 159
- his conversations with Oldcorne, 159 sq.
- trial of, 162 sq.
- indictment of, 163
- sentence on, 166
- death of, 167
- personal appearance of, 172
- history of, 173 sq.
- was he guilty? 176 sq.
- his lying, 178
- criticisms of, 179 sq.
- charges against, 183
- on fears of Anne Vaux, 273 sq.
- his connection with the letter of warning, 276 sq.
- Gerard, Father John, character of, 21
- aliases of, 22
- on Faukes, 39
- on Percy, 40
- on C. Wright, 46
- he did not know of the Plot, 102
- on Digby, 140
- his connection with the Plot, 252 sq.
- on Grant, 17
- on N. Owen, 142
- on Sir H. Bromley, 145
- Gillow, 30
- Goodman on authorship of warning letter, 206 n.
- Gotch, Mr. A., 56
- Gower, Lord Ronald, on Ralegh, 255 n.
- Grant, John, conduct of, 17
- character of, 47
- why chosen, 57
- taken to the Tower, 94
- answer of, 117
- Great Harrowden, a hiding-place, 253 n.
- Green, J. R., on Garnet's perjury, 179
- Greenway, Father Oswald, his knowledge of the Plot, 7
- Apologia of, 8
- aliases of, 23
- on Percy, 42 n.
- at Huddington, 84
- treason of, 111
- his connection with the Plot, 247
- Groome, Christiana, 45
- Groome, Thomas, 45
- Gunpowder Treason, 120 n.
- Guy Fawkes, 83 n.
- Hagley House, rebels at, 98, 262
- Hallam, on capture of Garnet, 100 n.
- on perjury of Garnet, 180
- Hammond, Father, his connection with the Plot, 244
- Hart, Father Nicholas, gives absolution to the rebels, 8, 84 n.
- his connection with the Plot, 244
- Hendlip Hall, Jesuits at, 100
- Hewell Grange, attack on, 84
- History of the Jesuits in England, quoted, 24 n., 180
- Holbeach, rebels at, 84, 91 sq.
- explosion at, 92
- Huddington, conspirators at, 8, 84
- Mass at, 246 n.
- Hume on Tesmond and Garnet, 251 n.
- Interrogatories drawn up by the King, 265
- James, King, hatred of, 19
- treachery of, 43 n.
- Faukes brought before, 81
- orders him to be tortured, 82 n.
- effect of the Plot on, 196 n.
- offer of, to Roman Catholics, 198
- questions drawn up by, 265
- Jardine, David, work of, 6
- on Jesuit thefts, 184
- on conduct of King James, 196 n.
- on recusants, 198 n.
- Jesuits, the, acquainted with the Plot, 6 sq., 16
- betray the 'Bye Plot,' 24
- Keyes, Robert, turns Romanist, 45
- why chosen, 58
- flight of, 82
- taken to the Tower, 94
- answer of, 116
- death of, 119
- King's Book, the, 284 sq.
- Knyvet, Sir Thomas, captures Faukes, 80
- Lake, Sir Thomas, letter of, 260
- Lantern of Guy Faukes, 187
- Lawley, Sir Thomas, letter of, 258
- Letter of warning to Lord Mounteagle, 65 sq.
- authorship of, 73 sq., 204 sq.
- proceedings connected with, 275 sq.
- Lincoln's Inn, meeting of rebels at, 78
- Lingard, Dr., on rebels, 91 n.
- on Garnet's perjury, 179
- on authorship of warning letter, 206
- on Greenway's knowledge of the Plot, 249
- Lions in the Tower, 258 n.
- Little John, 142
- Lockerson, a spy, 159
- Lyttleton, Humphrey, conduct of, 98
- trial of, 99
- death of, 100, 243 n.
- Lyttleton, Stephen, adventures of, 97 sq.
- capture of, 99
- death of, 100
- account of his arrest, 262
- Macbeth, quoted, 22
- Manners, Sir Oliver, a priest, 55 n, 129 n.
- Midlands, the, revolt in, 79, 85
- Montague, Bishop Richard, 284 n.
- Montague, Viscount, fined, 213 n.
- Mounteagle, Lord, warning letter sent to, 5, 65, 67 sq., 73, 204, 275 sq.
- history of, 68
- letter of, 68 n.
- his politics and religion, 69
- conduct of, 69
- goes to Hoxton, 70
- Mounteagle, Lord, letter to, quoted, 70
- treachery of, 161
- his guilty knowledge of the Plot, 207 sq.
- favour shown to, 211
- Mordaunt, a Catholic peer, 45
- Catesby on character of, 65
- Morgan, Henry, his connection with the Plot, 242
- Morley, Lord, 68
- Munck, Salisbury's secretary, 36 n.
- Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot, quoted, 17, 28
- Norbrook, rebels at, 84
- Northampton, Earl of, 115 n.
- Northumberland, Earl of, his family, 40
- is fined, 42
- letter of, 267
- Nottingham, Earl of, 115
- November 5, Service for, 200, 286 n.
- Oath of the conspirators, 21
- Oath offered to recusants, 200 sq.
- Oldcorne, Father, not the writer of the warning letter, 73, 204
- capture of, 99
- examination of, 157
- trick to convict, 158
- his conversations with Garnet, 159 sq.
- Overbury, Sir Thomas, plan to murder, 256 n.
- Owen, Captain Hugh, 113 n.
- Owen, Nicholas, account of, 142
- his knowledge of the Plot, 238 sq.
- Parker, Henry, 68
- Parker, William, 68
- Parliament prorogued, 60, 61
- Parson, Father, scheme of, 16
- Head of English Jesuits, 137 n.
- Paul, V., action of, 199
- Pelborough, conduct of, 98
- Percy, Thomas, a rebel, 17
- social position of, 18
- history of, 40
- character of, 40
- private life of, 42
- description of, 44
- why chosen, 57
- flight of, 82
- death of, 93, 94 n.
- not the author of the warning letter, 204
- Perkes, conduct of, 98
- Philips, Sir Edward, 115
- Plot, the, origin of, 59
- first meeting of conspirators, 59
- houses taken for, 59
- plans thwarted, 60, 61
- cellar hired, 60
- gunpowder stored in cellar, 60
- fresh recruits secured, 61
- plans of, 62
- meeting at White Webbs, 63
- Tresham's conduct in, 63
- letter of warning sent to Lord Mounteagle, 65 sq.
- efforts to save several peers, 6
- plan proceeded with, 75
- meeting at Barnet, 78
- meeting at Lincoln's Inn, 78
- visit to the cellar, 79
- flight of the conspirators, 80, 82
- capture of Guy Faukes, 80
- horror caused by, 82
- capture of conspirators, 93 sq.
- trial of rebels, 115 sq.
- lasting effects of, 196 sq.
- official account of, 286 sq.
- Popham, Sir John, 115
- Proclamation against the conspirators, 85 sq.
- Questions drawn up by King James, 265
- Recusants, hardships of, 197
- oath offered to, 200 sq.
- Roman Catholics, English divisions among, 16
- hardships of, 197
- Rookewood, Ambrose, social position of, 18
- history of, 49
- religion of, 50
- houses belonging to, 50, 51
- hanging of, 50 n.
- why chosen, 57
- flight of, 82
- prayers of, 92
- capture of, 93
- taken to the Tower, 94
- answer of, 117
- death of, 119
- Rowley Regis, 98
- St. Winifred's Well, pilgrimage to, 277 n.
- Salisbury, Earl of, tyranny of, 15
- his knowledge of the Plot, 67
- receives the warning letter from Lord Mounteagle, 71
- his proclamation against the rebels, 85 sq.
- letter sent to, 89 sq.
- is said to have given orders to kill Percy, 94
- letter sent to, 94 n.
- on the death of Tresham, 103
- at trial of conspirators, 115
- his account of the Plot, 185 sq.
- postscripts to, 194
- his knowledge of the Plot, 195
- letters sent to, 255 sq.
- Secret Chambers and Hiding-places, 51 n.
- Service for November 5, ordered, 200; withdrawn, 285
- Shakespeare, quoted, 22
- spelling of the name, 37
- Sidney, Sir Philip, spelling of the name, 37
- Social position of the conspirators, 18
- Somerset, Lady, on Sir William Waad, 256 n.
- Stanley, Sir William, innocence of, 231 sq.
- Stow on Guy Faukes, 80 n.
- Streete, John, a trooper, shoots Percy and Catesby, 93 n.
- Suffolk, Earl of, 115
- Talbot, John, of Grafton, 48, 84
- Taunton, Father, on fate of W. Watson, 24 n.
- on perjury of Garnet, 180
- Tesimond. See Greenway.
- Thirteen conspirators, list of, 20
- Tresham, Francis, a rebel, 17
- social position of, 18
- family of, 56
- treachery of, 57
- why chosen, 58
- joins in the Plot, 61
- his conduct at White Webbs, 63
- perjury of, 75, 78, 105
- capture of, 95
- death of, 103
- confession of, 104
- author of the warning letter, 204
- Tresham, Sir T., 56
- Tresham, meeting at, 69 n.
- Trial of the conspirators, 115 sq.
- Tyrwhit, Elizabeth, 49
- Tyrwhit, Sir Robert, 115
- Vaux, Anne, tradition about, 73
- her intimacy with Garnet, 141
- examination of, 155 n.
- not the author of the warning letter, 204
- her knowledge of the Plot, 238 sq.
- Garnet on the fears of, 273 sq.
- Venetian Ambassador, on proclamation, 88 n.
- Venetian Ambassador, letter of, 95
- on capture of Garnet, 153
- on trial of Garnet, 163 n.
- on Baynham, 176 n.
- Verney, Sir Richard, service of, 91 n.
- Waad, Sir William, on death of Treshem, 103
- on Guy Faukes, 106
- on Winter's confession, 215
- his list of the conspirators, 237
- his history, 255 sq.
- his knowledge of various plots, 257
- his letter to Salisbury, 257 sq.
- Walshe, Sir Richard, action of, 91
- Warburton, Sir Peter, 115
- Warde, Thomas, reads the warning letter, 70
- conduct of, 71
- an accessory, 210 n.
- his connection with the Plot, 269 sq.
- Watson, William, a leader in the 'Bye Plot,' 24
- What was the Gunpowder Plot? 21 n., 135
- White Webbs, rebel meeting at, 63
- Whyneard, Mr., 59
- William III., landing of, 200 n., 286
- Winter, John, his connection with the Plot, 243
- Winter, Robert, his connection with the Plot, 48
- Winter, Robert, why chosen, 57
- his desertion, 85
- dream of, 92, 118
- a fugitive, 95
- adventures of, 97 sq.
- capture of, 99
- answer of, 118
- account of his arrest, 262
- Winter, Thomas, a rebel, 17
- social position of, 18
- family of, 33
- religion and politics of, 34
- mission of, 34
- various ways of spelling the name, 36, 230
- confession of, 36
- why chosen, 57
- flight of, 83
- capture of, 94
- taken to the Tower, 94
- examination of, 108
- confession of, 109
- answer of, 116
- his confession, 214 sq.
- copies of his confession, 230
- Winwood, Sir R., on perjury of Garnet, 181
- Worcester, Earl of, 115
- Worcestershire men, conduct of, 263 n.
- Wright, Christopher, a rebel, 17
- history of, 45
- flight of, 82
- capture of, 93 n.
- Wright, Henry, a spy, 268
- Wright, John, history of, 35
- why chosen, 58
- flight of, 82