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A little book of prayers from Old English sources/Prayers

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A little book of prayers from Old English sources (1900)
by Francis Aidan Gasquet
4005014A little book of prayers from Old English sources — Prayers1900Francis Aidan Gasquet




May the power of Thy holy Cross, I beseech Thee, O Lord, go before me and lead me through the day, wheresoever I may be. In Thy mercy so guide me to-day that my enemy may find in me nothing that is his, but all that is Thine. Or, should aught of evil be so found by reason of my frailty, may Thy loving kindness quickly blot it out. May Thy holy angel guard me and bring me safe and unharmed unto the evening hour. Amen.

Through Thy power and that of Thy holy Cross, pour forth upon me Thy blessing, O Lord my God, I beseech Thee, in this the first hour of the day. Grant that by the help of Thy holy angels my every act, my every footstep, my every word, and my every desire throughout the day may be directed according to Thy holy will. Amen.


O Christ, who hast bought us with Thy precious blood, save us who adore Thee as our God. Do Thou save us, who didst suffer for us hanging on the Cross. With that Cross we sign our foreheads and hearts, venerating Thee and this same holy sign, and begging that by its power Thou wilt shield us and protect us all the days of our life, and, snatching us from the fires of hell, wilt bestow on us the joys of the eternal resurrection. For this do we pray, O Saviour of the world, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit livest and reignest, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

O Redeemer of the world, by this sign of the Cross guard us from all evil chances. Thou who didst save Peter on the sea, have mercy on us.



Look favourably, O Lord, upon this morning offering of Thy suppliants; supply the secret needs of our hearts that no dark cloud of evil passion may overshadow those whom the light of Thy heavenly grace has strengthened. Through Jesus Christ, O Lord. Amen.


O Almighty and Everlasting God, to whom nothing is unknown, nothing is hidden, send forth Thy light into our hearts, that we, knowing Thy precepts and walking in the way of Thy commandments, may never go astray from Thee. Through, etc.


We thank Thee, O Lord, Father Almighty, Eternal God, that Thou hast brought us through the night to this morning hour: grant, we beseech Thee, that we may pass through the day without sin, so that when evening comes we may again render our thanks to Thee, O God. Through, etc.


To Thee, the true Light and Author of light, do we pray that Thou wouldst dispel the darkness of our evil deeds, and bestow upon us those heavenly joys which Thou hast promised. Through, etc.


We beseech Thee, O Lord, strengthen Thy faith in our hearts, and ever let the light of Thy Holy Spirit shine brightly within us.


We pray, O Lord, that Thy truth may be as a light in our hearts, and that every false deceit of our enemy may be exposed. Through, etc.


O Lord who hast brought us to the beginning of this day, sanctify us by Thy holy blessing. Ever shield us from the snares of the devil, and grant that we may walk in honesty and uprightness all this day and have ever before our eyes the end of our life. Mayest Thou hear us to-day when we cry to Thee, and mayest Thou bring us safe and unharmed unto the evening. Through Jesus Christ, etc.


May our prayer ever rise to Thee, O Lord, and in Thy loving kindness may it reach even unto Thine ears. Through, etc.

Grant, O Lord God Almighty, that we may serve Thee with willing hearts.

Grant us, O Lord, that we may wholly dedicate ourselves to Thy service, and so obtain Thy mercy.

Receive, O Lord, our prayers, and graciously incline Thine ear to us who cry to Thee.

Do Thou look down upon us, O God, who art our Redeemer, and grant us that we may serve Thee faithfully all the days of our life.

Release us, O God, we beseech Thee, from the bondage of our sins, and shield us from the ills which through them we have deserved.

May our prayers rise to Thee, O Lord, and do Thou ward off all evil chance from Thy Holy Church.

Deign to hear those who cry to Thee, O God. Rescue us from the depth of our iniquity, and lead us to Thy eternal joys.

O God Almighty, regard not our offences; and may Thy only mercy help our unworthiness.



Hearken to the sighs of Thy people who cry to Thee, O Lord, we beseech Thee. Grant that we who rely not upon our own merits may find mercy in Thy sight, not the judgment we have deserved. Through our Lord, etc.


O Lord, we pray Thee to extend Thine aid to Thy people who cry unto Thee. In Thy love help them for they are weak, and grant that those who are truly devout to Thee may enjoy Thy assistance in this life and in the world to come.


We beg Thee, O Lord, to keep Thy people safe from the evils they have deserved by their sins, that with devout minds they may serve Thee in peace of soul.


Lovingly pardon, O Lord, we beseech Thee, all our sins, so that, having obtained remission of our offences, we may serve Thee with hearts unfettered by sin.


In Thy loving kindness incline Thine ears to our supplications, we pray Thee, O Lord. Do Thou who art mindful of the prayers of those who seek Thee in secret hear us in Thy mercy, so that by Thy help we may attain to eternal life.


We beseech Thee, O Lord, afford the help of Thy consolations to Thy people, and in Thy mercy help them to bear the burden of their daily cares.


O Almighty God, bestow Thy mercies with a bountiful hand, that we, who by despising Thee have sinned, may by confessing our offences obtain Thy pardon.


O God, refuge of the poor, hope of the humble, and consoler of those in sorrow, in Thy loving kindness hear the prayers of Thy people. Grant that those who, according to Thy justice, have been chastised with afflictions, may, by Thy quickening power, receive strength and healing.



O Almighty and Everlasting God, as in the morning and at noontide, so now, prostrate before Thy Majesty, we pray that the darkness of sin being dispelled from our hearts, we maybe brought to the true light, which is Christ. Through, etc.


Look favourably, O Lord, on this our evening prayer, and grant that when the night is passed we may be found without any stain, ready to offer our morning praises to Thee. Through, etc.


Hear, O Lord, thy servants offering their evening praises to Thy Name, Through the silent hours of the night deign to watch over us, whom Thou hast protected in all the dangers of the day. Through, etc.


Illumine our hearts with the light of Thy splendour, O Lord, we beseech Thee: may Thy protection keep us safe all the days of our life, and in every attack of our enemy. Through, etc.


We thank Thee, O Lord, God Almighty, for that Thou hast preserved us through the course of this day, and hast brought us unto this evening hour: we humbly pray that this raising of our hands to Thee may be counted for an evening sacrifice well pleasing in Thy sight Through, etc.


O Lord, our God, we pray that as by Thy grace we have happily spent the day, so in Thy name we may pass this night in safety. Through, etc


Send Thy light, O Lord, into the dark places of our hearts. In Thy love, discover to us the snares set by our enemy in the hours of night, that, saved by Thy protection in soul and body, we may deserve again to see the morning light. Through, etc.


O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast redeemed us by Thy holy and precious blood, grant that we may this night so rest our bodies that with renewed strength we may serve Thee, who livest, etc.

Prayer after Nightfall

O God, who dost bid us to praise Thee that Thou mayest be constrained to pardon, grant that the prayers which we have offered up at each hour of this day may be remembered in Thy mercy. Whatever evil we have done this day, do Thou in Thy loving kindness forgive. So guard us through the nights and days of this earthly life, that we may merit to see the dawn of the day that knows no night. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.


I ADORE Thee, O God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, One in Divinity, equal in glory, coeternal in majesty. Thou art the true and only God, and there is no other God but Thee.

Thou art to be adored and worshipped, to be feared and reverenced, as Three Persons and as one God.

Thou art the same mighty Lord and Omnipotent God who alone knowest the faith and conscience of all men.

O God, be merciful to me a sinner; to me a sinner, who for the very number of my offences am not worthy to raise my eyes to heaven, nor to look up to Thee, O God, Father Almighty.

And O most merciful God the Son, our Maker and our Redeemer, coeternal and coequal with the Father and the Holy Spirit, who camest into this world to save sinners, do Thou take pity on me, who am a sinner, weighed down under the burden of all my offences and evil habits.

O God of mercy, take Thou from me all my offences, past, present, and future; send down from heaven Thy holy helping Spirit, so that my iniquity and my sin may not master me, but that I may have strength to do the penance which is pleasing to Thee, and may thus deserve to obtain Thy mercy.

O God, who alone art all wise. Thou knowest what is best for me a sinner; do with me what seems good in the eyes of Thy Majesty.

O loving Father and merciful God, receive the supplications of Thy servant; and may the prayers which I, a wretched sinner, offer now in Thy sight rise up unto the ears of Thy mercy. Amen.


O Holy Lord, Almighty Father, and most merciful God, before all time Thou didst beget the Son, coequal, coeternal, and consubstantial with Thyself, and the Holy Spirit proceeding from Thee and Him. Thou didst create the heavens and the earth, the sea and all things that have life in them, visible and invisible. I praise Thee, I adore Thee, I glorify Thee. Look lovingly upon me, a most wretched sinner. Despise not the work of Thy hands. Through Thy unspeakable goodness save me, and for Thy holy name's sake aid me. Through the same, etc.


O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, God omnipotent and merciful, splendour and image of the Father; Life everlasting, who art one in substance with the eternal Father and the Holy Ghost; equal in honour, in glory, and in coeternal majesty; Thee I praise. Thee I adore. Thee I glorify. Suffer me not, I beseech Thee, to perish; come to my aid, save me. Help me whom Thou hast redeemed by Thy blood with the grace Thou bestowest of Thy own free gift. Who with the coeternal God, the Father, and Holy Spirit, livest and reignest, etc.


O Holy Spirit, omnipotent Lord and merciful God, coequal, coeternal, and of the same substance with the Father and the Son, who proceedest in an ineffable manner from them, who didst come down on our Lord Jesus Christ under the form of a dove, and on the holy Apostles in tongues of fire; Thee I praise. Thee I adore. Thee I glorify. Dispel from me, I beseech Thee, all darkness of iniquity, ingratitude, and negligence. Light up within me the hope of Thy mercy, and enkindle the flames of Thy holy fear and most winning love. Who with the coeternal Father and His Son, our Lord, livest and reignest, one God, etc.

Another Prayer to the Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit, Almighty God, proceeding from both the Father and the Son, Thou art the true light that enlightens every man coming into this world. Illumine, I beseech Thee, the blindness of my heart — and set on fire within me Thy glowing love. Give me true faith, certain hope, perfect charity. Help me to obtain those other virtues by which I may understand Thee, fear Thee, love Thee, and keep Thy precepts, so that when my last day shall come, the Angel of Peace may receive me and shield me from the power of the devil, and I may for ever enjoy a blissful rest in the company of Thy saints.


O Holy Trinity, be my stay. Hear me, listen to my prayer, hearken to my cry. Thou art my living God. Thou art my all-holy Protector. Thou art my loving Lord. Thou art my just judge. Thou art my help in time of need. Thou art my guide to the Heavenly Kingdom. Thou art my true light. Thou art my holy joy. Thou art my ample portion. Thou art my everlasting salvation. Thou art my full life. Thou art my unspotted victory. Thou art my future hope. Thou art my accomplished redemption. Thou art my perfect charity. Thou art my holy resurrection. Thou art my life eternal. Thee I ask, Thee I beg, Thee I beseech, that I may live for Thee; that I may come to Thee; that I may rest in Thee. Do Thou hear me, listen to my prayer, hearken to my cry, who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.


Prayer for one lately Dead

O God, the giver of life and the restorer of our mortal bodies: Thou hast willed to receive the petitions of sinners; hearken to the prayers which, with tears and special devotion, we offer to Thee for the soul of Thy servant N. Deign to free it from the pains of hell, and place it in the ranks of Thy saints. Clothe it in the garment and stole of immortality, and order that it be comforted by the joys of Paradise. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost for ever and ever. Amen.

Another Prayer

O Almighty and Eternal God, who hast deigned to create man to Thine own image, we implore Thy mercy for the soul of Thy servant N, which Thou hast bidden this day to come forth out of this world unto Thee. Receive it, we pray, in gentleness and love. Let not the shadows of death engulf it, nor the gloomy pit of darkness receive it; but, freed from every stain of sin, and resting in the bosom of the Patriarch Abraham, may it rejoice in having reached a place of light and refreshment, and when the day of judgment shall come, command that it rise again in the ranks of Thy saints and elect. Through, etc.

Another Prayer.

Saviour of souls, O Lord Jesus Christ, free the soul of Thy servant, our brother, from all bonds of sin, that the enemy may not exult in its loss. May Thy holy angel bring it into the paradise of joy. Permit not, O Lord, that a soul for which Thou didst shed Thy most precious blood be committed to the pains of hell.


Almighty and most loving Lord, grant, we beseech Thee, Thy everlasting mercy to the soul of Thy servant N. Although he may have deeply sinned through the frailty of the flesh, may his trust and belief in Thee win for him life eternal. Because it is Thine, O Lord, to wash away the sins of men, may he find in the life to come the Author of his being and his happiness, whom in this life he worshipped and adored.


O Saviour of the world, through Thy great mercy, and through the multitude of Thy loving kindnesses, have pity on the soul of Thy servant N. Pardon him all his offences, O eternal God, give to his soul Thy everlasting light, joy eternal, and the remission of all his sins.


We humbly beseech Thy Majesty, O Lord, that the souls of Thy servants may be freed from the sins they have committed in this life and be deemed worthy to partake in the lot of Thy saints.


We beseech Thee, O Lord, for the souls of Thy servants, our brethren and sisters, and for all those now resting in the Lord, that they who in this life have enjoyed the same graces of Thy Sacrament, may meet together in the enjoyment of eternal light.


O Loving Lord and God, ever ready to listen to the prayers of Thy servants, I most earnestly beseech Thee to hearken to me. To Thee do I pray, trusting to the help and merits of the blessed and glorious Mary, ever a virgin, and of all the holy Angels, Archangels, and heavenly powers, of the holy Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, of the Evangelists, Martyrs, and Confessors, of the Virgins and Monks, and of all the citizens of heaven, that Thou wouldst increase the faith of Thy Holy Catholic Church; beseeching Thee that Thou wouldst give peace to our rulers; that Thou wouldst forgive us our sins; that Thou wouldst restore health to the sick, and afford to the fallen the means to repair the error of their ways; that for those in captivity and bondage, and for those who are journeying in foreign countries, Thou wouldst obtain freedom and help to return to their native land; that Thy faithful servants who are travellers on sea or on land may have a prosperous voyage, and at length reach a haven of safety; that those who are in trouble may find consolation, and those who suffer oppression comfort and relief; that Thou wilt in Thy love send Thy holy angel to be our guide and protector here, and wheresoever we may be; that Thou wilt give the blessing of mutual charity to those that are at variance, and the true faith to the unbelieving; and finally, that to the faithful departed Thou wilt give eternal rest. Amen.


O Lord God Almighty, King of eternal glory, who hast made the heavens and hast broken down the gates of hell, restrain, I beseech Thee, the bold attacks of my enemies, save me from the malice of those who hate me, so that their wickedness prevail not against me. In Thy love for me, and through the intercession of Thy elect, deign so to guide my life that I may walk without offending Thee or being scoffed at by men. Open to me wide the arms of Thy love, and show unto me the multitude of Thy mercy. Grant to me length of days and time for penance, so that the prince of darkness may have no power over my soul. Free me, O Lord, from the hands of mine enemies, visible and invisible, and bring me into the company of Thy saints, that I may praise and glorify Thy Name. Amen.


To Thee, my merciful God, do I offer my praise and thanks, who hast deigned to bring me to a knowledge of Thyself, and to admit me by the cleansing waters of holy baptism into the ranks of Thy adopted sons.

To Thee do I offer my praise and my thanks, who, in the inexhaustible patience of Thy mercy, hast waited from the earliest years of my youth unto this very hour, that I, who have swerved from Thy paths by my many vices, may amend my life.

I praise Thee and glorify Thee for that Thou hast oftentimes shielded me from calamity and misery by the right hand of Thy power, and hast saved me from eternal punishment and from the pains of this mortal body.

I pr^se and glorify Thee because Thou hast often helped me in much tribulation, in frequent dangers of death, and in deserved trouble.

I praise and glorify Thee because Thou hast deigned to bestow on me health of body, peace of life, with the love, affection, and charity of Thy £uthful servants, and because whatsoever there be in me is the gift of Thy loving kindness.

O Holy of Holies, who sanctifiest all things, I bless Thee, I glorify Thee, I adore Thee, I thank Thee.

May all Thy creatures bless Thee, O my Lord.

May all Thy angels and all Thy saints bless Thee.

Thus will I bless Thee all the days of my life.

May every fibre of my being adore Thee, glorify Thee, bless Thee.

Thou art my salvation, my life, my light: may my eyes, which Thou hast made and fashioned to contemplate the splendour of Thy beauty, ever bless Thee.

Thou art my joy and my delight: may my ears, which Thou hast made and fashioned to hear Thy joyful voice, ever bless Thee.

Thou art my sweetness and my refreshing: may my nostrils, which Thou hast made and fashioned to live and rejoice in the odour of Thy ointments, ever bless Thee.

Thou art my glory, the object of my new song and of my rejoicing: may this tongue, which Thou hast made and fashioned to proclaim Thy marvels, ever bless and magnify Thee.

Thou art the source of my knowledge, the object of my contemplation, the foundation of my prudence: may my heart, which Thou hast made and given me that I might understand Thy unfathomable mercies, ever adore Thee, ever bless Thee.

Thou art my life and my happiness: may my soul, which Thou hast created according to Thy own likeness, and hast infused into my body in order that it might merit Thy grace, and the inestimable blessing of glory in Thy kingdom: even though it be sinful, may my soul ever bless Thee.

O Lord my God, my beloved, I thirst for Thee, I hunger for Thee, I desire Thee, I long for Thee; with all the powers of my body and with all the yearnings of my soul I strive after Thee. As a mother will sit weeping at the tomb of an only son, so I, not as much as I desire, but as much as I can, sit weeping, as I think of Thy Passion, as I think of Thy buffetings, as I think of Thy stripes, as I think of Thy cross and of Thy wounds, how Thou didst die for me, and of how and where Thou wast buried. With Mary I sit weeping at the tomb — the tomb that is my mind— where faith has buried Thee, where hope seeks to find Thee, and charity to anoint Thee. O most beloved, most beautiful, most sweet Jesus, who will give me that I may find Thee, and be able to kiss and wash with my tears the place of Thy wounds and the marks of the nails? O ye daughters of Jerusalem, tell my Beloved that I languish with love I let Him come to me, show Himself to me, call me by my name, and so help to allay my sorrow; for my grief will remain as long as He is absent from me. Wherefore, O God, all powerful, all loving, all merciful, I beseech Thee to be ever present with me and with all those who believe in Thee and labour for Thy holy love; grant that we may persevere in doing good.

Give, O Lord, King eternal, to virgins chastity, to those dedicated to Gt)d continence, to the married sanctity of life, to the penitent pardon, to widows and orphans support, to the poor protection, to pilgrims a safe return, to those in sorrow consolation, to the departed souls rest, that rest which is eternal: to those that are leading a good life give help ever to persevere in uprightness; to those that are good, grace to become better; to those that do ill, and to the negligent, strength to quickly amend.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I know myself to be a sinner, more than others and before all; but most merciful and Almighty God, who hast pity on all sinners, suffer me not to be a stranger to Thy mercies. Rather do Thou, O Lord, King of Kings, who settest the way of life and appointest the means of correction, give unto me the spirit of my calling. Create in me a mind that seeks Thee, that desires Thee, that loves Thee above all else, who art everywhere, three Persons in one God. Make me to fear Thee, and to do Thy will.

Earnestly therefore I beg Thee, Lord God Almighty, who art blessed and glorious through all ages, that Thou wilt deign to grant Thy mercy unto all those who are commemorated in my prayers, and to those who have commended themselves to me, as also to those to whom I am bound by any duty of charity or claim of affection. Aid those who are my neighbours or relations, whether living or dead, that they may not perish for ever. Grant therefore to all Christians who are living Thy help, and to the dead pardon and everlasting rest

Also, and this I most earnestly beg of Thee, O Lord, who art the Alpha and Omega, that when my day shall come Thou wilt show Thyself a just judge against the malice of my accuser the devil, that Thou wilt be my constant defender against the snares of the old enemy of man, and that Thou wilt bring me into the company of the angels and saints, in Thy holy paradise, to enjoy Thy happiness for all eternity, for Thou art God, blessed for ever. Amen.


To Thee, O Lord, do I turn my face. My body and my soul I commend to Thy Majesty, who hast wonderfully made all things out of nothing. Hear me, O God, Thou who art King of the Angels, Thou who receivest back the sinner, hear me. Open the ear of Thy love to my prayers, that, protected by Thy heavenly grace, I may live for Thee. Give joy to my soul which Thou hast created immortal; nourish it with the bread of angels that it may live in the contemplation of the saints. Direct me, O Lord, along Thy paths. In the morning when I rise from my sleep be Thou my guardian: look down on me as I walk. Sustain me, Thy servant, with food replenished with Thy heavenly blessing. Give my heart to drink full draughts drawn from the fount of life, that armed with the sign of Thy holy Cross, I may vanquish during the night the suggestions of the devil. And when again the sun sheds its light on the world, may I see Thee, the true Sun of Justice, and may I devoutly offer to Thee day by day the solemn service of the Mass. Wherefore, Lord Jesus, receive the prayer of Thy servant, which I offer for the remission of the sins of my father and mother, and of my brothers and sisters who are dead, that their souls may rejoice in Thy eternal brightness. Remember not, O Lord, my past offences, and be not angry with me for ever. Stay Thy judgments upon the offences of my brothers, sisters, relations, and friends who are yet alive; rather in Thy love hear, and in Thy mercy spare. They ever adore Thee, the one God, through Christ our Lord.

O Holy Virgin of Virgins, aid me: O Holy Mother of God, intercede for me: Holy Mary, with all the saintly Virgins of God, who, admitted into the company of the Cherubim and Seraphim, ever follow the immaculate Lamb of God rejoicing in your grace of virginity, in the midst of your gladness hear my prayer.

St. Michael, standard-bearer of God, redeem my soul with the Lord's holy Cross in the judgment day.

St. Peter, senator of the heavenly palace, chief of the Apostles, with the other holy Apostles, open to me the gates of Paradise and block up the path that leads to hell.

St. Stephen with thy crimson palm of martyrdom, and ye other holy Martyrs, obtain for me from God the robe of immortality.

By the merits of the college of Confessors may I find favour before God in heaven.

O all ye Saints, help me.

O all ye Saints, come to my aid.

O all ye Saints of God, intercede for me.

By your holy intercession may ye deign to reconcile me to God, the King of all ages, that with Him, the Prince of peace, clothed in the robe of Immortality, my flesh may desire to rise in all the glory of the new life to reign with Him for ever in Heaven. Amen.


Jesus, our Lord and God, who art to us the way, the truth, and the life, to Thee do we pray that Thou wouldst make us partakers of eternal happiness. Thou hast brought down from heaven true life into the world. We acknowledge Thee as that Bread of Life which strengthens the heart of man, for whosoever shall come to Thee shall never hunger, whosoever shall believe in Thee shall not thirst for ever. Thy flesh, O God Omnipotent, is verily food, and Thy blood, O Jesus, is drink to Thy faithful children. By this mystery Thou hast redeemed us from death, O Lord, in order that we might live in Thee with constancy and heedfulness. Deign, therefore, we beseech Thee, to let us partake in this Holy Mystery to the praise of Thy name. It is Thy commandment, O Christ, that we love one another; helped by this Thy gift, we are enabled to fulfil this law. Thus is Thy charity poured forth into our souls, till at length love of others so springs up in our hearts that no wicked hatred, nor deep envy, nor strong malice can remain in them. For the sake of Thy Holy Body, pardon the faults we have committed through the frailty of our flesh. O Christ, who alone art all pure, by the power of Thy grace wash away every spot from our minds, and every stain from our souls. O God, who art the true peace, keep our souls undisturbed, we beseech Thee, and our minds at rest in Thee; for where there is peace Thou Thyself art present, and where Thou art all that is there is Thine. Come therefore, O Lord, and take possession of us for ever, and let us be the true temples of Thy Holy Spirit.

Glory be to Thee, O Father, with Thine only begotten Son, whom Thou hast bestowed upon us as our Life, and to the Holy Spirit, unto endless ages; through the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, the Giver of all good gifts. Amen.


O God, Priest of the true and eternal tabernacle, who hast offered Thyself as the immaculate Lamb on the altar of the Cross, may the mystery of Thy life-giving passion which is now being offered by our priest be an expiation, I beseech Thee, of all our sins. And as once Thou didst take pity on the tears of Peter and the sighs of the thief crucified with Thee, so now at this moment have mercy on us, bring us also to that tabernacle where, seated on the right hand of the Father, Thou, moved with compassion for the human race, pleadest for us. Offer up each day in heaven that sacrifice which once Thou hast offered for us upon the Cross, O Jesus Christ, our God and our glory. Amen.


O Almighty and most merciful God, who, when Thy chosen people thirsted, didst bring forth from the rock a fount of living water, bid tears of sorrow to well up from my hard heart, that I may truly weep for my sins, and through Thy mercy deserve to receive pardon. Through our Lord, etc.


Spare, O Lord, spare me, a sinner, and although everlasting punishment is my due, for that I am so constantly offending Thee, grant, I beseech Thee, that what I deserve as a punishment may become the means of correction, and that I may confess it to be the effect of Thy mercy alone that the temptations of the devil, which so often have prevailed over me because of my sins, now no longer assault me.


O OMNIPOTENT and everlasting God, who art mercy inestimable, receive our prayers offered for the salvation of Thy servants N and N. In Thy kindness grant that, as in Thy love Thou hast created them for eternity, so Thou wilt cleanse them from all stains of sin, and in pity wilt pardon their offences, that by Thy help they may deserve to attain to the fulness of eternal salvation. Through, etc.

Another Prayer

O God, who hast poured forth upon the hearts of Thy faithful sons the gift of charity, through the grace of the Holy Spirit give health of mind and body to Thy servants N, and to all my benefactors, for whom I crave Thy mercy, that they may love Thee with all their strength, and may with grateful hearts ever do what is pleasing in Thy sight. Through, etc


Extend from on high, O Lord, the saving strength of Thy right hand to all Thy faithful people, to Bishops, Abbots, Canons, Monks, Kings, and Rulers; to my kindred, and to all who have commended themselves to my prayers, or who have assisted me. By Thy help may they seek after Thee with all their strength, and obtain what they worthily desire. Through, etc.


God of peace, lover and guardian of charity, bestow Thy true peace and love on all my visible enemies. Give them remission of their sins, and by Thy power help me to escape out of their snares and those of my invisible foes. Through, etc


O Almighty and most loving God, mercifully regard my prayer and free my heart from the temptation of evil thoughts, so that I may become the worthy dwelling-place of Thy Holy Spirit. Through our Lord, etc.


O Jesus, most loving Lord, be Thou with me when the dread hour of death shall come upon me.

May those Saints to whose patronage I trust be present with me when the dread hour of death shall come upon me.

Give me to find the help of Thy grace when the dread hour of death shall come upon me.

Grant, O Jesus, that I may deserve to join in singing this heavenly hynm to Thee when the dread hour of death shall come upon me.

And may I then have grace to say: To Thee, my God, be praise, glory, and all honour: To Thee be renown, power, and majesty, through endless ages dread for ever.

Our Father.


Thou who didst come on earth to suffer for us: O Lord have mercy on us.

Christ our Lord was made obedient unto death, even unto the death of the Cross.

Thou who in prophecy hast said: " O death, I will be thy death," O Lord have mercy on us.

Thou who hast drawn all ages to Thine arms outstretched on the Cross: O Lord have mercy on us.

Thou who art the Life, and by dying on the Cross didst despoil both death and hell: O Lord have mercy on us.

Christ our Lord was made obedient unto death, even unto the death of the Cross.

Prostrate before a Cross say the following: —

Behold the wood of the Cross, on which didst hang the salvation of the world: come let us adore.

Our Father. I believe in God.

O most glorious Cross! O Cross worthy of our worship! O most precious wood! O sign worthy of all wonder! Through this sacred Cross the devil was overcome and the world redeemed by the blood of Christ. Amen.

Our Father.

O loving crucified Saviour I O Redeemer of all peoples, who didst suffer the death of the Cross for the salvation of the world! Look down on me with loving eyes, and accept these prayers I now offer to Thee. Amen.

Our Father.

Hail, most precious and most glorious Cross! most dear to my heart in that it has been consecrated and exalted by the sacred body of Christ, and adorned as with bright jewels by His sacred blood. Help me, wretched sinner though I am, who yet am the servant of Him who died upon thee: help me, through the same Lord and Saviour who through thee redeemed the world. Amen. Our Father.

O good Cross, thy glory and thy worth dost spring from having touched the limbs of Him, my Lord, whom I worship with my whole heart, whom I desire with every fibre of my being. Amen.

Our Father.

O Cross worthy to be adored! thou art my hope, my salvation, my consolation, for on thee didst hang my Redeemer for the sake of whose precious blood thou didst merit to have our prayers offered through thee. Amen.

Our Father.


I adore Thy Cross, O Lord, and I praise and glorify Thy holy resurrection. Thou who didst deign to be born, to suffer, die, and rise again from the dead, save me and take pity on me. May the sign of Thy Cross be upon me and shield me from all evil, both within and without, past, present, and to come. Amen.

By this holy sign of Thy Ctoss may I be freed from all that persecute me, and by this standard may mine enemies be overcome, the devils put to flight, and may I be protected from all earthly dangers.

O Cross of Christ, be my life. Amen.

O Cross of Christ, be my salvation. Amen.

O Cross of Christ, be my resurrection unto life eternal. Amen.


O God, who to redeem the world didst will to be betrayed by the kiss of Judas, to be bound in bonds, and as an innocent lamb to be led to the slaughter; to be accused by false witnesses, to suffer stripes, and to be scoffed at; to be spat upon, buffeted, and crowned with thorns; to be raised upon the Cross, pierced with nails, and wounded with the lance; to be offered vinegar and gall, to be accounted amongst thieves: Do Thou, by these Thy most holy sufferings undergone for men, deliver me from the pains of hell. Save and keep me, by Thy holy Cross, and lead me, wretched sinner that I am, to the place whither Thou hast brought the penitent thief. To Thee with the Father and the Holy Spirit be honour, power, and glory, now and for ever. Amen.


Lord Jesus Christ, for the sake of Thy holy Cross, be with me to shield me. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, by the memory of Thy blessed Cross, be within me to strengthen me. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, for Thy holy Cross, be ever round about me to protect me. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, for Thy glorious Cross, go before me to direct my steps. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, for Thy adorable Cross, come Thou after me to guard me. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, for Thy Cross, worthy of all praise, overshadow me to bless me. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, for Thy noble Cross, be Thou in me to lead me to Thy kingdom. Amen.


By the power and glory of Thy holy Cross, with which I bless ✠ myself, save me, O Lord Jesus; turn aside from me the poisonous darts of the enemy; destroy in me carnal lust; quicken me with the gifts of Thy grace; shelter me under the shadow of Thy wings. By this same sign of Thy holy Cross, deliver me, O Lord, from daily perils, disease, and death. Should sorrow or sickness overtake me for my sins, soothe my grief and allay my pain as Thou wiliest, and as Thou best knowest how. Grant that, protected in Thee and by Thee, I may never be delivered into the hands of my enemies, visible or invisible; but rather in mercy than in anger do Thou chastise me, good Jesus; and whenever I shall stray from Thee do Thou call me back again, and ever guard me in Thy loving kindness to Thy glory. May Thy name be blessed for ever.


The Passion

O Only-begotten Son of God, who art ever to me an impregnable protection, my guard that never sleeps, my defence that never fails: O Christ, who in Heaven art the stay of the Angels, be now and for ever my propitiator with the Father. O Mediator between God and man, I beseech Thee, through Thy Passion and the redemption of Thy life-giving Cross, that when Thou shalt please to call me from this world, Thou wilt send the Angel of Peace to guard my soul and conduct it to the place of rest, and enable it to pass unscathed through the ranks of the rulers and powers of darkness. And, O Jesus Christ my Lord, may all who in that hour pray and plead for me find the ears of Thy mercy open to their cries.

Our Lord's Ears have to listen to blasphemies

O King of Kings and Lord of Lords, for my sake, who am but a lowly sinner, Thou didst allow Thy ears, which never hearkened to aught against the inward will of the Father, to fail in death. Grant Thy merciful pardon to one whose ears have been so deeply polluted by a wilful listening to evil. O may it not be my lot in the hour of the coming judgment to hear that sentence I have truly deserved: " Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire." O Jesus Christ my Lord, by the intense ardour of Thy love, let me not be separated from Thee for ever. Amen.

Pilate's Condemnation

O most just Judge of all men, Jesus Christ my Lord, who Thyself placed before a human judge didst receive unjust condemnation, grant that I may never be compelled to hear from Thy loving lips the terrible sentence of everlasting doom.

The Crowning with Thorns

O God, my most merciful protector and guardian, who didst not refuse to wear a crown of thorns upon Thy sacred head, pardon me whatsoever sins I have committed by my senses. Without Thy protection, I am ever being pierced by the dense thorns of all my vicious habits. O Christ, on the throne of Thy might, Thou art crowned for all ages with glory, honour, and eternal majesty. O Jesus Christ my Lord, I confess that Thou art the only-begotten Son of the unbegotten Father, and, with the Holy Spirit, dost exist in the one substance of the triune Godhead.

Our Lord carrying His Cross

O Lord, who art exalted in Thy humility, and alone in Thy holy charity: O Lord, the unspotted Lamb, who didst not refuse, in carrying Thy cross, to take upon Thy shoulders the heavy burden of the sins of all men, reach forth Thy loving hand even to me, who am entangled in my many sins. Thou dost not will the death of the sinner, but that he should be converted and live, so do Thou break the bonds of my sins, and raise me up. I, indeed, have done nothing in Thy sight to deserve Thy mercy: still, Jesus Christ my Lord, I humbly beg Thy Majesty that Thou, who art my God, wouldst blot out my offences, which are without number. Amen.

Our Lord is stripped of His Garments

O Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, the Heavenly Way, the Truth, and the Life, by Thee the gates of the Kingdom are opened to us. Clothed in all virtue, Thou didst allow Thy holy and immaculate Body to be exposed to ignominy, and to be raised aloft upon the Cross by the polluted hands of wicked sinners. Do Thou remove from me the veil of my vicious habits, and clothe me with all virtue. O Jesus Christ my Lord, who didst not abandon the strayed sheep, but, when found, lifted it in Thy arms and carried it Thyself to the flock, do Thou raise me from earth to heaven.

Our Lord fastened to the Cross

O Author of Charity, Model of Chastity, and Lover of Men: O Christ, our most merciful God, who didst stretch forth Thy arms upon the Cross, that Thy hands might be pierced by the nails, do Thou reach out to me the hand of Thy mercy, pierce my heart with the sharp darts of fear and awe, of love and trust in Thee. O Jesus Christ my Lord, do Thou, who didst allow Thy innocent hands to be fastened to the wood of the Cross, heal my heart from every wound, and cleanse my hands from every stain of vice. Amen.

Our Lord is offered Vinegar and Gall

O Good Master, my God, God of armies, God of all the earth, who, tasting the bitterness of the offered vinegar and gall, didst refuse it, I honour Thee because Thou hast opened to all the way of life and truth, and offered to them the joys of eternal life. Grant that I, poor sinner though I be, may with the rest of men escape the bitterness of eternal death. Hear me, hearken to my prayers, listen to my supplications, O Eternal God. Jesus Christ my Lord, in Thy great mercy, and not for any merit of mine, pardon my offences against Thee when my lips have sinned by blasphemies, oaths, falsehoods, or idle talk.

Our Lord's Eyes close in Death

O Prince of Peace, teacher of patience, and model of true humility, who, bowing Thy head on the Cross, didst give up Thy most blessed spirit, pardon me for all my pride and vainglory. O Jesus Christ my Lord, who, as a proof of Thy entire obedience, when offering Thyself to the Father for the salvation of the world, didst close Thy eyes in death, by Thy most true love for me, I pray Thee that, in honour of those sacred eyes, Thou wouldst lovingly pardon whatever stain my soul has suffered by the wrong use of my sense of sight. Amen.

The Wound in our Lords Side

O Holy Saviour, health of the dying, most skilful physician, who dost furnish oil and wine for the wounds of travellers in this earthly life, O Christ, who didst permit Thy side to be pierced by the lance, open unto me the gate of life, that I, entering therein, may confess Thee as my Lord and my God. Through the healing virtue of Thy wounded side, in Thy mercy cure the wounds of my vices. Let me not on account of my sins incur the guilt of being an unworthy partaker of Thy Body and Blood. O Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, who hast said: " He who eats my Body and drinks My Blood, shall abide in Me and I in him," in Thy unspeakable mercy so help me that I may receive the fruit of this Thy promise.

Our Lord in the Tomb

True giver of everlasting life and bestower of perpetual light; buried in the tomb, Thou didst will to dispel the darkness of hell and of earth. By the memory of Thy sacred Body, which rested incorrupt in the grave, grant that after my death, my soul, though most unworthy, may not be found in the prison of hell. Against Thee alone, as the Innocent One, the brazen gates of hell have not prevailed; Thou hast broken the iron bars which fastened them, hast set at liberty the captives, and hast led captivity captive. Do Thou then, Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, save me from the hands of my enemies, and bring me into the holy place Thy hands have prepared for me.

Our Lord's Resurrection

O Christ, Thou art the life of the dying, the health of the sick, the only hope of those in misery, and the resurrection of all that are dead. O Jesus Christ my Lord, who on the third day didst break the bonds of death and rise free and glorious from the grave, do Thou grant to me, though I am unworthy, a portion in the first resurrection by remitting my sins, and in the second resurrection a place for ever with Thy saints. Amen.


O Lord Jesus Christ, hope of the sorrowful; health of the sick; life of the dying; resurrection of the dead! Rendering Thee my thanks, I beseech Thee, O most high God, that Thou who, breaking the bonds of death, didst rise from the grave in power and in joy, wouldst grant me, wretched mortal that I am, a share in the first resurrection by forgiving my sins, and in the second resurrection by bestowing on me a never-ending life with Thy saints in heaven. Amen.


O Almighty and holy Trinity, one God, whom I adore, whom I love, whom I confess, hear my humble prayer; enter into my heart and blot out my numberless sins.

And, because I have nothing good upon which I may rely, first and before all things do thou intercede for me, O Holy Mary, ever a Virgin, that I may deserve to be heard and find eternal salvation.

Come to my assistance also, O thou most honoured Prince of the Angels, Saint Michael, with all the host of heavenly powers.

And thou, Abraham, too. Patriarch beloved of God, who as a similitude of the Father didst offer thy son Isaac to Him, for which thing in thee all the nations of the earth are blessed, mayest thou and may all the other patriarchs pray that I may daily offer my soul to Christ

Be at my side also, O David, prophet, king, and psalmist, who even as a boy didst overthrow the giant Goliath with a stone. Do thou, with all the other holy prophets, drive far from me the everlasting foe.

O glorious Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles, by the memory of thy high glory, do thou with the other Apostles, those lights of this earth, who seated upon the twelve thrones will judge the world, do you help me, that in the judgment day my lot may not be found with the wicked.

May the choir of Holy Innocents, slain for the infant Jesus, intercede beneath the throne of the Lamb of God for me.

O thou glorious and illustrious through every age. Saint Stephen, and you, all ye crimsoned ranks of martyrs, by your intercession help to wash me from every stain of sin.


O Mary, holy and immaculate Virgin Mother of God! Thou art the most merciful and most loving mother of my Lord: Thou art most glorious and exalted above the stars of heaven, for thou alone, without any equal, hast found favour with Christ, and, coming to the aid of a fallen world, hast brought to it salvation. Unspotted and most worthy Virgin of Virgins; most powerful of all creatures; Lady exalted above all women; to you nothing is difficult to obtain from God: come to my aid, who am a wretched sinner, full of sins and a man of many iniquities. O thou, who didst bring forth the Lamb that taketh away the sins of the world, come, I beseech thee, to mine aid, unworthy and sinful though I am. I acknowledge my iniquity, I know my offences, I confess my sins, I proclaim my unworthiness, I see my soul stained with all pollution. But, O Virgin Mary, who art incomparable in thy love, do thou by thy holy prayers soften and turn aside the just wrath of the Lord my God.


O holy Mother of Christ, extend thy help to those who in sorrow fly to thee for aid; assist and cherish all who trust in thee; pray for thy clients in this world; plead in behalf of the clergy, intercede for monks, entreat for women, O Mary, Mother of God.


O holy and unspotted Virgin Mary, the solace and life of the faithful; from thee the Author of our salvation willed to take flesh; with deep-drawn sighs I beg thy help and plead for thy devoted intervention with thy own Son in my behalf. I am but a wretched and ungrateful sinner, but through thee, whatsoever is amiss in my life, or hurtful to my soul's health, may He blot out and correct; whatever is useful and profitable, may He plant and strengthen. Let not the cunning enemy of the human race rejoice at my ruin, but, driven away by thy help, let him bewail his lot. May thy perpetual intercession so obtain for me the grace of Christ, that I may keep my soul and my body unspotted, humble and gentle, and strengthened by the noble gifts of faith, hope, and charity; I may so obey all Christ's commands, that when my last day shall come, I may deserve to be admitted into the number of thy clients among the blessed spirits in heaven, if thou intercede for me, who art the sweet Queen of heaven and earth, and grace comes from thy Son, who, with the coeternal Father and Holy Spirit, lives and reigns one God Almighty for endless ages. Amen.


O Blessed Peter, head and chief of the Apostles, thou art the guardian of the keys of the heavenly kingdom, and against thee the powers of hell do not prevail; thou art the rock of the Church and the shepherd of Christ's flock; thou art great in power, wonderful in thy heavenly bliss; thou hast the right of binding and loosing in heaven and on earth. The sea supported thy footsteps, the sick upon whom even thy shadow fell were cured of their ills. By the memory of that right hand which supported thee on the waves of the sea, lift me from the ocean of my sins, and by those tears which thou didst shed for thy Lord, break the bonds of my offences and free me from the hand of all my adversaries. Help even me, O good shepherd, that I may in this life serve Christ Jesus and thee, that with thy help, after the close of a good life, I may deserve to attain to the reward of eternal happiness in heaven, where thou art unto endless ages the guardian of the gates, and the shepherd of the flock. Amen.


O Holy Saint Gregory, confessor and priest of the Lord, I pray thee that thou wouldst intercede with our Lord God for me, that, being purified from all vice, I may please Him in all things, and that He will grant me the peace possessed by all His servants. Amen.


Assist me, I pray, all ye Saints of God to whose protection I fly, assist me before death lays its hand on me; before the wrath of God strikes me, before the grave closes over me.

O holy Mary, Virgin Mother of Christ the Son of God, hear me, succour me, protect me: obtain for me true faith, perfect charity, humility, chastity, and self-control.

Do thou, O holy Michael, with all the army of Angels, pray for me. Snatch me from the power of my adversaries: help me to love my God, to possess purity of heart and a strong faith.

O holy Patriarchs and Prophets, do you too assist me to obtain the gifts of kindness to others, patience, constancy, and holy perseverance.

O ye blessed Apostles, free me from my bondage, defend me in peril, strengthen me in the hour of trial, and bring me at length into the kingdom of life.

May holy charity and true peace, may purity of soul and body, be granted to me through your intercession, O holy Martyrs.

O glorious Confessors of God, pray for me: through your merits and help may I obtain a yearning after heavenly things, may I possess a love for uprightness of life, may I ever strive to keep the commandments of God.

O all ye holy Virgins, to you do I turn, help me to have good will to all, obtain for me health of soul and body, brotherly love, prudence, and the spirit of justice, fortitude, and temperance.

Again and again, yea always, will I turn to you, O all ye holy Saints: come to my aid: take pity on me; raise me up when I fall; correct me when I err. Through your intercession may I be granted a pure conscience, a salutary sorrow, an upright life, and an ending precious in God's sight; that through you I may come to the company of the blessed through the mercy of Him who reigns, one God and three Persons, for ever and ever. Amen.

O all ye holy Saints, in God's name I pray and beseech you to remember me in your prayers, that my enemy and adversary may never be able to harm me.

O Lord, I have sinned before Thee and Thy angels. Shew me. Lord, Thy mercy.

Heal me and I shall be healed, for Thou, O Lord, art my Saviour; let my prayer come to Thy holy temple.

To Thee, O Lord, be honour and power unto endless ages. Amen.


I BELIEVE, O holy Angel, that thou art appointed by God Almighty to be my guardian. Wherefore, through Him who has set thee to this task, I, who am so miserable, so weak, and so unworthy, humbly ask that thou wilt ever and always in this life watch over me; that thou wilt guard me from all evils and ever shield me. And when God shall bid my spirit depart hence, let not the devils have power over it, but do thou gently receive my soul from my body and lovingly bear it into Abraham's bosom, at the bidding and by the help of my Creator, my Saviour, and my God, who is blessed for ever and ever. Amen.