A profitable instruction of the perfect ordering of Bees/First Treatise/Chapter 30

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A profitable instruction of the perfect ordering of Bees (1579)
Thomas Hill
First Treatise, Chapter 30
2671063A profitable instruction of the perfect ordering of Bees — First Treatise, Chapter 301579Thomas Hill

Of the drinke Oenomel, which is made of pure wyne and Hony. Cap. xxx.

THe Oenomel, which is a ſweete wine made with Honny, Aegineta {{bl|teacheth the ſame, not only for the preſeruation of helth, but alſo to expel the tormēt of ſickeneſſes, through this moſt wholeſome drinke, as ye whiche giueth, not onely ſtrength of body and courage, but the long race of yeares. Alſo it expelleth an olde griefe of the Reines, being often drunke with Parcely ſeedes. But the beſte}} Oenomell is that which is made of olde and tarte wine, and the beſte purified hony, for the ſame doth leſſe ſwell. The ſame alſo harmeth drunke after meales, but before taken, doeth procure an appetite. Dioſcorides teacheth that maner of making the Oenomell in this order: firſt he willeth to take one gallon and a quarte of Wine, and mixing it with halfe a gallon, and a pinte of the beſte hony, to prepare the ſame orderly. But ſome prepare or make the drinke ſpeedilier to vſe after this manner, as the hony they boyle with Wine, and after poure foorth the ſame into other veſſelles.