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Abbott's Guide to Ottawa and Vicinity/Cab Tariff

From Wikisource


Area A. Bounded by Bank st., Laurier ave., Nicholas and William sts., and Ottawa river.
Provided time does not exceed 20 minutes: 1 person, 25c; each additional person, 15c.
Area B. Anywhere outside Area A, up to 3 miles beyond city limits.
Provided time does not exceed 20 minutes: 1 or 2 persons, 50c; 3 or 4 persons, 75c. Each 20 minutes after first, 25c. But if time amounts to, or exceeds, 1 hour, then the rate is by the hour (see below).
By the Hour—Two horse vehicle: 1 to 4 persons, 1st hour, $1.25; each subsequent 1 hour, 25c.; each person in excess of 4, 25c.
By the Hour—One horse vehicle: 1 to 4 persons, 1st hour, $1.00; each subsequent 1 hour, 20c.; each person in excess of 4, 20c.
Night Rates—Midnight to 7 a.m., one-half more than above.
Baggage—Each person may take 1 trunk, and other reasonable baggage free. Driver must load and unload free.
Children—Under 12 are not charged as additional passengers.