Abbott's Guide to Ottawa and Vicinity/Observatory
Near the north gate of the Experimental Farm, and rearced by the Somerset street or Experimental Farm cars (Maltese cross and red and white light), is the Dominion Astronomical Observatory. This building was completed early in 1905. It is constructed of grey sandstone with red sandstone trimmings. A central octagonal tower is surmounted by a revolving hemispherical dome under which is the telescope. The building contains a fine astronomical library, reading room, photographic room, and a room with various astronomical and surveying instruments, also a lecture room, etc. In the basement are work shops, seismograph room, clock room, solar research and chemical laboratories. The transit and meridian circle house faces north and south. The coelastat, for solar observations, is contained in an outlying building to the north, which is connected by tunnel with the solar research laboratory. On the grounds nearby are a building containing apparatus for standardizing measures of length, various other auxiliary buildings, and the residence of the Director. The buildings are open every working day. Every Saturday evening a member of the staff is in attendance, and visitors are permitted to look through the telescope at interesting celestial objects. The Director of the Observatory and Chief Astronomer, who is also Superintendent of the Geodetic Survey of Canada, and His Majesty's International Boundary Commissioner, is Dr. W. F. King, C.M.G., F.R.S.C.