Abbott's Guide to Ottawa and Vicinity/Rideau Hall
Under this more familiar name is known the residence of the Governor General of Canada. Earl Grey—whose tenure of office has just expired, followed the example of illustrious predecessors, and entered into the spirit of Canadian life, and the vice-regal family and entourage have made Government House and its social functions, events looked forward to, all the year round. Balls, dinners, receptions and skating and tobogganing parties make Rideau Hall the centre of the gay life of the capital. In October, 1911, H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, uncle of his Majesty, King George V., becomes Governor General and takes up his residence at Rideau Hall. The appointment of a Royal Duke is a distinction never previously accorded to one of the over-seas Dominions.
An approach through a winding avenue of trees brings us to the rambling old edifice, which is prettily situated in some 85 acres of ground. West of the building are two pretty little skating rinks, one in a veritable woodland bower. A toboggan slide rises aggressively in the background. The wings to the left and right respectively are the vice-regal ball room and dining room. Government House is not usually open to visitors. A book is kept in the main hall, in which the names of callers may be inscribed; from this book invitation lists are made out. Rideau Cottage, the residence of the Military Secretary, lies immediately to the east.